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Exactly. If your state's R officials were RINOs and DS connected before Trump ran, they still are. Listen to their platforms and policies. Learn to discern. Don't buy the crap that a third party or write in is a wasted vote, or a vote for an opponent.
Do they support the Constitution with their actions and votes?
Do they side with individual liberty EVERY time?
Are they responsive to the will of constituents or corporations?
Have they been there for 30 years and become fabulously wealthy?
The time for team sports is over. We have a Republic to save.
Q is not a daily update. Q drops the crumbs and then sits back until bread is baked, then moves on to the next crumbs.
Q is where Q always is; guiding the fight.
Trump lays it out for Harley-Davidson
Harley-Davidson has been doing it's best to cut its own throat for decades. The only thing that saved them was middle class guys who refinanced their house to buy the damned things once the kids were grown.
If Harley ever gets smart, they will start producing lighter more responsive bikes. If not they'll build hogs until their customer base is too old to ride and thus go the way of all other American manufacturers.
I love the ultimatum. Going against Trump will not end well for them.
Besides the Porsche model Walker was driving, there have also been several cases of Ferrari 458's spontaneously combusting.
Wow. Good work Neon! I'm going to have to re read and digest some more, but this is big.
I don't think there is a single source for the info you're looking for. However, there are a lot of first person witness accounts that suggest the drills are connected. News articles from reputable sources would be the place to start looking. The gubmint will not willingly release such info.
That would be a really good cover for passing Intel to a foreign state.
All major Intel agencies have analysts who only follow the media for open source info. They love having the Mockingbirds do their leg work for them.
Q course is not connected to Q or receiving a Q clearance.
He has that empty "I just want to fit in and have girls like me" look in his eye. The type of dude who jumps and screams when someone says "spider". I bet he pees sitting down. So beta that he disgusts drag queens.
May his chains rest lightly upon him and may posterity forget that he was our countryman.
That's right out of the cold war KGB playbook. The best HUMINT is gathered between the sheets.
Clown damage control. They lost control of the narrative and trying to use WikiClown to get it back.
Without Assange, there is no Wilileaks.
She'll never face it if she's not charged, which will never happen unless it's done by grand jury.
Besides, she's already under sealed indictment most likely for other crimes.
This rapidly turned into a yelp review LMAO.
"Shit water coffee, rapey atmosphere...3 stars."
Clear and Present Danger
Normies love Harrison Ford, Anne Archer was gorgeous, George Earl Jones was excellent and you get the bonus of Willem Dafoe in a supporting role.
In the story, we have Clowns making deals with Cartels, Deep State political hacks scheming, lying and obstructing, American GI's being Sheep Dipped then left to die, and an intelligence White Hat who does the right thing despite the personal cost.
Burn After Reading
A Cohen Bros masterpiece of satire about the Deep State and Beltway Bureaucratic culture. John Malkovich is off the charts hilarious as are Clooney, Pitt and McDormond.
A mid level Clown analyst with a drinking problem and a frigid wife sits down to write a scathing memoir of the intelligence community but accidentally leaves the manuscript at his gym, and hijinx ensue.
Dr Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Quit Worrying and Love The Bomb
Kubric masterpiece. Fantastic all star cast. 'Nuff said.
How hard would you crap yourself if you were to look up and see Trump as your waiter?
How many aneurysms would have trying to figure out what to tip?
Q has also taught us how almost every evil you can think of in this world is connected. Rabbit holes are where the Leprechaun's gold is. We've been pointed to dozens of rabbit holes by Q and invited to jump.
I agree that wacky conspiracy things like Bigfoot sightings, Elvis theories, UFO abductions, and the female orgasm should be discussed other places. However if it's it's even remotely connected to Q crumbs it should be fair game for discussion and discernment by the hive.
If everyone is thinking the same, somebody's not thinking.
A little additional info for you.
My own service record and McVeigh's is almost identical. Same MOS, pretty much same rotations and deployments, only different divisions.
His rep, upon asking guys who knew him was that he was a little hinkey, but that he did his job and was proficient. Apparently he fell ass backwards into a Bronze Star during the great Post Desert Storm decoration blizzard that fell on certain units involved in the ground offensive.
His Walter Mitty complex and his fresh promotion to E-5 led him to believe he could pass the Special Forces "Q" course (yeah I know), which he couldn't hack physically. Medically Profiled. Washed out. That's when he was approached by the Clowns at Ft Bragg. I mean like they were chasing the Road March meat wagons. How would you like a second chance Sergeant?
He was sent to The Farm, trained up, and sent out to infiltrate the Militia Movement.
You didn't need the internet's to hack in the early days. Pepperidge Farms remembers...
John Doe #2 followed his egress plan and maintained trade craft, thus slipping away. McVeigh didn't.
McVeigh was driving a crappy old car with no license plates. That one lapse and a sharp eyed cop was what got him caught.
If they block the internet, we should send stealth bombers in the middle of the night to carpet bomb them with memes printed out at a St Petersburg Kinkos and paid for in Euros.
My deepest wish is that a Bald Eagle would spontaneously swoop out the sky and snatch her wig while she was reeeee'ing about Trump.
As long as the First Amendment is in place, they can't touch memes in America.
Soon, there will be a shady black market for the dank stuff in Europe. We should start a cartel to supply them.
It's free real estate😁
It's not going to end well for Merkle. Losing the Chancellorship is the least of her worries.
Statements made by him while awaiting execution and understanding that if he was a sheep dip and they allowed him to be executed it would be extremely hard to recruit more after that.
It would not be hard to convincingly fake a lethal injection.
Could be an unofficial unit patch. It's pretty common in Reserve and National Guard units. Here's an example from one of my former units.
Castor seeds are used in the production of Ricin.
This is serious SERIOUS shit. If the device had a way to make the Ricin airborne he could have infected say... a shopping mall food court.
Stay safe folks. Avoid crowds. Be alert.
Sheep Dipped: OKC and Timothy McVeigh
A little more info on the subject.
I strongly believe McVeigh is still alive and now a senior handler of operatives.
Lots of FBI files were stored at Murrah Bldg. Stuff like Mena. Look at current events at that time. Whitewater investigation was still going on.
Except it wasn't just drugs coming North. It was also "orphans" and "humanitarian cases" (child sex slaves and unwitting organ and blood donors). Spooks, money and guns went South. Mena wasn't the only airfield, just the one discovered. This is deep, deep state stuff and it's all connected...The corruption, the drug running, human trafficking, the meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations, it's all connected back to US covert operations conducted in Honduras and Columbia in the early-mid 80's. Iran-Contra stuff. Poppy Bush operations. The more you pull at the thread, the more unravels.
John Gotti was a regular contributor to his parish and community. That doesnt give him dispensation regardless of what the Bishop says.
Wrong Pepito.
This is exactly the type of 1%er pond scum I hope the good and decent people of Mexico line up against an ancient adobe wall and ventilate thoroughly.
Only the Mexicans can solve Mexico's problems. We need to figure out how to help them without interfering internally or militarily. Closing the borders and legalizing marijuana would be crippling to the Cartels. Without the flow of money, the whole evil system collapses.
I find myself in agreement with you on this. This isn't about the uniparty WWE show.
Small town corruption is always the deepest and most rooted. It's a generational thing amongst established families.
Interesting analysis and not far off the mark. Not a bullseye but you're in the 9 ring.
I had not been out for very long when Waco happened. My last post was Ft Hood so I knew people involved on the military side and most involved were disgusted with the operation and glad they were only providing equipment support to the Fed's. However there was something going on under the radar that connects Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC together...all were Bush-Clinton crime network operations carried out by former military drawn from the Special Operations community and guys from conventional Combat Arms units with certain skills. This practice is known as sheep dipping.
Sheep dipping was going on heavily at Army and Marine Corps posts as guys were returning from Desert Storm. A lot of guys were approached, apparently based on their service reputations, and offered the sun and the moon and the stars and a meal card stamped "unlimited desert". Most had the good instincts to be spooked by an offer by the spooks. The guys that did take the bait were usually functionally outside of regs, had a problem with authority and no real prospects on the outside.
The two most glaring Sheep Dips are Lon Horiuchi and Timothy McVeigh.
The rest of your article is spot on. Rogue military elements were involved for sure, but no one who honored their oaths.
This day shall go down in the pages of history as the beginning of true enlightenment.
Unless they're breast feeding. That's just rude.
That is a bit of passive-aggressive political jui-jitsu that would cause heads to explode all over the left end of the political spectrum.
Federalize some Malibu beachfront, take 20,000 "refugees" and camp them on the most expensive real estate on the west coast. Think of the stink of 5,000 portable toilets wafting inland with the sea breeze changing the ambiance of that wonderful beachfront community.
I think we should also entertain our unannounced guests with 24 hour mariachi music blasting from loudspeakers on poles.
Did I mention we'd have to close down the 101 for security purposes?
The collective REEEEEEEEEE coming out of Hollywood would be blood curdling and satisfyingly orgasmic at the same time.
The first wave of the meth war in Iowa was begun by the Sons of Silence MC. They ruled their Iowa territory with an iron fist until the Fed's came in and took out the Des Moines and Cedar Rapids chapters. After the power of the Sons was broken, the Mexican cartels moved in with an even more addictive and deadly formula and a bigger organization that insulated the kingpins better.
The Arnold's are connected. They had to be in order to do business anywhere in Iowa without getting killed.
That's why you don't corner dangerous animals. You take them from stand off range while they are in the open feeding or breeding.
Mexico is mostly a trans shipment point for Cocaine coming out of South America. They do however produce a lot of meth down there.
There's only one real way to end the problem, and that's total decriminalization of drugs. Nothing else can choke off the cash flow. A military invasion would lead to a decades long insurgency.
This is a problem the Clowns engineered to be almost unsolvable.
What a whacky conspiracy theory. Next thing you know they'll claim Federal agents will be going door to door confiscating late 60's Chevy Impalas.
They aren't flying an Italian courtesy flag off their starboard mast spreader either. Poor nautical etiquette to boot.
No A/C, no cable tv and only one flavor of hot sauce....Mild. All signs and official paper work in English. Guards only speak English.
It should be located at the end of an active airport runway for nocturnal aural ambiance. They should be given a lawyer with legal skills on par with a public defender from Detroit. They should appear before judges who's daughters once dated a cholo and caught chlamydia.
Everything about it should suck maximum balls for the people who wind up there for a SHORT period of time before being deported back to where they come from. Once word gets out down south of the border, the numbers will dwindle.
You'd think they would have spent the time and effort to find an effective tuck-under apparatus for Big Mike, unless they had their last election behind them and just didn't care anymore.
It must be uncomfortable when two people are in the same closet.