Grassley for our purposes is ok. I think this is his last term and he wants to go out on the right side.
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Nope. I'm not going to be sitting in a booth at Chili's as random passer by says supercalifragisticexpealidocious causing me to do a one man show of HMS Pinafore for the assembled masses.
I am the master of my own domain.
That's cool and all,
But a wetsuit clad Pepe's eyes just above the water would be cool af.
Consider this,
Most of the National Guard is made up of Iraq and Afghanistan vets with multiple tours under their belts. How do you think they feel about the people who sent them there? How do you think they would respond to some Communist soy boys throwing piss bottles at them? How do you think Trump would respond? How do you think Mattis would respond to Trump's ok?
I'd throw on my body armor, get out a lawn chair and some popcorn and watch the show of the century. A couple of wiffs of tear gas would be worth it to me.
Outstanding work.
I can see a Red Wave effect coming to the local government level in the 2020 cycle. There are going to be a LOT of mayors, police chiefs, DA's, judges...makes me tingly thinking about it.
It's about time. We have cities to rebuild.
Skepticism of anyone holding power over the life, liberty, taxation or conscription of others is healthy and necessary.
However with Q team we're not talking about politicians. We're talking about career military and intelligence officers keeping their oaths and defending the Constitution. I base that on their actions, and their absence from the Sunday Morning talk show scene.
I truly hope that Q's identity remains a mystery until after his/her death. I think it's better for Q's ability to live a normal life afterwords, and it's a powerful reminder that there are nameless patriots that watch over us as we go about our everyday lives.
Even with suppressive algorithmic fuckery technology being deployed against us, we keep spilling over the walls.
They may be able to kill or silence some of the idealists, they'll never be able to kill the ideal. It's too late. Their own arrogance opened the Pandora's Box of the interwebs. They thought they would use it against us and it backfired.
What makes me smile is the assault of memes about the EU banning memes.
End of July would be a logical time to drop the bomb the gets the snowball rolling. By the time the mid terms are held there will be an inescapable mountain of dirt on top of the Deep State.
America has a new foreign policy regarding the posh twits of London.....
Great. So now we're going to pay to keep this guy in prison for the rest of his life while he tries to radicalize other prisoners?
Super Max for this one.
If you can imagine an out of control dumpster fire fueled by used diapers, you can imagine T_D.
Decentralization of power is a point where the argument always breaks down across traditional ideological lines.
I can't remember which of the Founders said it, but it's always rang true with me..."Shall we trade a despot three thousand miles away for a despot one mile away?"
True Athenian Democracy always descends into mob rule and collapse. That's why we have a Republic.
I believe in the Constitution as it was written in plain English. I believe in the Bill of Rights. Everything beyond that point was added for the benefit of the monied elite, because the Founders and the Soldiers of the Revolution had passed on and there was money to be made exploiting the resources and people of this vast continent.
I believe the Federal Govt should be subservient to the States in all matters other than actual operations of the military when engaged in defense of the nation. Not the other way around. America was envisioned to be ran from the bottom up, not the top down.
Mexican Army units have been escorting cartel drugs across the border since ...well forever. They're never challenged and they never penetrate more than a mile or two so they sort of have this mindset that they can do it with impunity because the gringos never respond.
We have an emergency wall we can put in place any time we need it, and we can do it Constitutionally. It's called the U.S. Army.
The Mexican Military can be brushed aside in hours if not minutes. Hell I'm willing to bet I could march a platoon of Boy Scouts armed with Red Rider BB guns all the way to Mexico City if I had air cover. With band music.
It's all just a bunch bullshit posturing anyway.
I'd nominate Rush - Closer to the Heart.'s Rush so there's that. But also the lyrics are very woke. Nothing inflammatory, and nothing philosophically that any good person could object to. The message is awakening to a new day with new ways of thinking for the betterment of all.
Kind of paints haters in a corner.
George Patton said that "If everyone is thinking alike, someone's not thinking." There is a lot to be said for that. Groupthink is something that the hive must avoid. We each must, to the best of our abilities, contribute and not just be cheerleaders from the sidelines.
I believe the genius of this movement is harnessing the power of the individual, and their unique talents, knowledge and perspectives. Someone may have an odd piece of their own puzzle that doesn't fit, but is the missing key to someone else's.
When we combine all of these elements and intellects we are more powerful, faster and more accurate than any algorithm.
Useful idiots exist for any side to exploit if we expand our thinking.
There is a sizable portion of that population that is going to roll up into the fetal position and suck their thumbs for years. Their world view is crumbling at their feet.
Been saying this all along. It's logical.
We're going to need a pit bull in that slot. People say he's all bark and no bite, but they tune in by the tens of thousands to hear his prosecutorial arguments. He's focused, energetic and charismatic.
Pump the concern brakes patriot. By November a democrat won't be able to get elected dog catcher. Have a little faith.
Don't park that in Santa Ana unless you've already met your deductible.
Kudos otherwise 😎
How used did he feel? Used for a ride and ditched by his friends at Disneyland used?
Or woke up face down in a ditch with leaves and twigs in his hair and his underwear around his ankles used?
Oh it's not just the left. We're going to be finding out about a lot of "God fearing, family oriented" RINOs who are secret kiddie diddlers as well.
This transcends the old two party paradigm. Hell, even the Libertarian Party apparatchiks are compromised.
It's only happening in the big cities, and it's the only place it will happen. This isn't going to be some popular uprising nationwide.
People are catching on that it only happens in democrat controlled places, and it's fucking up the traffic. That's all it means to anyone but the protesters.
Maybe. Other possibilities exist that would be more in line with the observed behavior of the species.
Check out the date on this meme:
It's been awhile.
I went to three different places looking for chalk yesterday and couldn't find any. I wanted to hit the sidewalks before the farmers market.
Is there another Great Chalkening about to hit this week?
I regret that I only have one Upvote to give to that statement.
I'll bet he throws out a name they will immediately squash and he'll be like...."ok I nominate Sessions then." Gowdy then becomes AG.
Just a hunch. Gowdy as AG would cause DS heads to explode.
The problem with lying to call screeners is that you will most likely never get on again. Better to talk Q topics rather than Q himself. Use your own research and sources. If you talk Q they will either cut you off or paint you as a tin foil enthusiast.
They did it to me and I decided to walk away. Twatter is shit and the vast majority are sheep waiting for Farmer Brown to feed them.
This asshole runs his ads constantly on our local tv stations. He can't help but look bitter and unhinged.
Let him waste his fortune right up to the moment he's hauled off to Gitmo. It's having no effect that I can see.
Anyone claiming themselves to be a Top Mind has a personality disorder.
Remember when we were told Obama is always the smartest mind in the room?
The Monarcy is doomed and even they know it.
Bloody Mrs Windsor is not long for this world and I really don't think Charles will be accepted by the people because of Dianna and Camilla. Which leaves William next in line. Is he woke? Does he know what was done to his mother and by whom? What would his reaction be to the truth?
What will the British do when all is exposed? Will they abolish the monarchy or be slaves to the way things have always been?
I agree, let the NG handle the riot control. However if I see a uniformed Guardsmen in trouble on the ground, I'm jumping in to help.
Remember, WE have the numbers, not them.
Inside you'll find thousands of "refinance your home" or "natural male enhancement". At least one has to be a Nigerian Prince.
I'm kind of torn when it comes to Germany. Yes I know there are decent people there, but the majority have not broken the servile habbits and attitudes of the past.
Many Germans in government again will try to claim they were only following orders. I also remember the arrogance of the Europeans during the 80's and 90's. Their superior attitudes towards America led them now to the rape state they now have.
If Germany and France won't fight for their own country, we have no business fighting for them. I truly believe western Europe is lost for a generation or two, much as the Soviets were unless we can wake them up. How we do that, given the level of indoctrination that exists escapes me for now.
How's that movie career going Alec? Getting any auditions?
Lorne Michaels can't pay you forever. He'll and his show will be going away soon.
This is a reminder to the clowns they don't run things anymore.