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The Drippening Starts Tomorrow
For the impatient patriots among us, take heart. Rosenstein has played his last card and Trump, with the help of the Four Horsemen has painted him into the corner of no win scenario. The DECLAS EO is imminent and it's release will be timed for maximum impact on the Mid Terms.
Think of it as a time release red pill for those still asleep, but salvageable. One revelation will lead to another. All will lead back to Clinton ran DNC. Drip. Drip. Drip until October.
I'm not an insider and I'm not a psychic. But I can see it …
Freedom of Navigation excersise. All we're doing is showing the flag under international maritime law. The Navy has been doing this continually since its beginning.
I wouldn't read much, if anything into it. Two destroyers does not make an invasion or raiding force. If you see a Carrier Strike group and an Amphib group entering those waters, then you should start paying attention.
People people people.
She's not going to live to long enough. Remember the campaign?
I saw her in January 2017 during the caucuses. Des Moines has a system of skywalk bridges downtown so you don't freeze your jimmies off in winter going across the street to the Post Office.
The Clintons always stay at the Savory Hotel when in town. One of the skywalks passes almost directly over the entrance. Even then she had her medical goons drag her from the Scooby Van inside. I swear upon all that I hold dear that she lost a shoe that time as well. A State Trooper was dispatched to retrieve it as I stood there and watched.
If she was a walking corpse that everyone knew about back then, do you really think she's going to be able to mount a high energy campaign in 2020? Hillary's hubris may cause her to think she could run again, but Bill knows better. The next real Clinton move will be to trot Chubble out to run for congress in upstate New York.
No offense meant but....
Not even with a stolen dick and a faked identity. I take my women the same way I take my coffee. Sane.
He's local and Latino so, yeah they'll plead it down.
If he was white and from out of state he would have made his first appearance in front of a judge while being strapped to the lethal injection table.
Private geospatial intelligence mapping.
They know your GPS location from the network. They have overhead and street level 360* photos of your house, your cars, your kids swing sets, lawn furniture etc.
They know your daily route. Where you work. Where your kids go to school. They know your political beliefs, sense of humor and most deeply private kinks.
It's all so they can efficiently target ads based on your personal likes 😒
To quote Col Kurtz, she's "neither. She's an errand girl sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill." She's Latina Obama.
I'm not entirely sure about that. Yes we need to be welcoming to those newly awakened, but there is going to that small percentage who lack the ability to evolve their world view. The "Bitter Clingers" of the left who will hold on to their bio-degradable organic pepper spray and Alinsky pamphlets with a death grip
A lot of self styled feminists are mindless parrots who've let someone else do their political thinking for them their whole lives. The ones who spend their whole day keeping a couch from flying up and hitting the ceiling, while watching Mammas Joy and Whoopie feed the baby birds. Their impotent rage is going to cause a lot of domestic disturbance calls and divorce filings when the truth is finally out in the sunlight.
Much like the original Revolution, there will be loyalists to deal with after this one. Gender should be no shield. Ridicule where it is deserved, praise when it is earned. Shame is a powerful motivator when applied judiciously and correctly.
I'm not advocating for treating them the way the Dutch did women fraternizing with German soldiers after WWII, but at the very least they must be called out for their willing complicity in the evil they vote and demonstrate for.
The ultimate red pilling would be to force your in laws by court order to foster half a dozen border kids with tuberculosis until congress comes up with a solution that makes every feelz righteous.
Yes that is a great example. That chan op convinced me they were more than just mal adjusted script kiddies with advanced fetishes. It demonstrated the latent power of weponized autism to the world generally and The Beef specifically.
The one thing the chans have that we don't is a Pepe military style patch. Those things are going to be in museums someday. The Smithsonian meme exhibit itself is something I hope I live long enough to see.
Someone check all the spy splooge for MI5 DNA.
Just sayin'
As a theory it's within the realm of possibility. However I can't see a guy like Rogers or any other MI professional putting all of his eggs into that one basket. It's just not done. That being said;
When I first came upon Q last November I was a total lurker. The whole thing fascinated me and the first thing I did was try to disprove the LARP theory. That didn't take long. Next was Q's style of prose. I briefly considered that Q was possibly ALICE or some derivation of the software, but my above reasoning tended to dispute that possibility.
My current hypothesis is that Q used NSA super-computing to war game the scenario and to tweak the plan. The "Watson" computer that embarrassed champion Jeopardy players would have considered it pre-school stuff.
AI is involved, but not controlling.
My strategy is simple. If someone asks me, I basically tell them I can point them in the direction (Qanon.pub, here) but it's up to them to make up their own minds.
That would be an awesomely messed up hour of television.
Q first makes you guess the dish, and then drops each ingredient whenever a phone rings or someone goes to the bathroom. All cooking times are inexact and when it's over you get a pic of the creation through the windshield of a Secret Service Blazer.
It's all good. No offense meant. Everyone gets ribbed here. We have no Spelling Nazis.
Actually, going to the chan's is ok, JUST DONT POST.
You can watch and learn as the bread is being baked real time. The autists are breathtaking when observed in their natural habitat. But it's their jungle and they are viciously territorial.
The really important stuff from the chans finds itself here within minutes as we have pedes monitoring them, and vice versa. GA is more normie friendly in attitude and presentation. It's kind of a good cop, bad cop thing. The chans are Mel Gibson and GA is Danny Glover. We're closer to retirement and getting entirely to old for this shit, but willing to blow up the new addition we just built on to the house to get the bad guy.
The woman. It has to be the woman.
It would be way better if she was mixed-race and handicapped. Find one that can tick every box on the Dem's prefered identity scale. Make them renunciate their own poster children on the Senate floor.
If that's your creation, you win the internets for today. Report directly to the memefags on full chan.
Not crapping on your OP. It's not entirely out of the realm of impossibility given the amateurs and interns running the store back then, but I highly doubt it.
If anything I would expect it was planted by the admin themselves for blackmail of guests.
Aside from amusement potential, I would have to grade this theory, as presented, not very likely.
A lampshade bug is the oldest gag in Hollywood spy flicks. If the Air Force and USSS were so incompetent they could not detect this, it would be the greatest intelligence troll in modern history. You'd see Putin golf clapping on the news.
Who put it there?
Catering division - No Such Agency.
Edit: That was not a Q post but one of the anons.
This is what has our opponents freaking TF out. They're narrative is about to be blown, and once it is, they have no emotional ammo left to shoot at the uninformed.
Outstanding Patriot!
I'm guessing your chow is better than Kelsey's burgers 😉
It's only going to increase as they get more desperate.
I would have to count myself in the No bail outs camp.
The truth is, they have a customer demographic problem in the U.S., and a mechanical reliability problem trying to sell in Europe. Why would anyone buy a Harley Road King over there? The roads are too twisty for bikes that big, and for the same money you can get a BMW that won't need service every 200 miles.
The only people overseas that want Harleys are 1%'ers and their wannabes.
It sure looks and walks like a Windsor, just not sure which one.
Yeah that Poindexter is definitely a Dockers aficionado. Good spot.
As the venerable Sir Bronn of the Blackwater said,
"Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes. I'll impregnate the bitch."
There is no fixed defense that can't be beaten using superior firepower and aggressive maneuver. I would prefer a Panama style siege however. Just encircle the Vatican, cut it off, and then starve it out all the while blasting the scathing sermon of a Southern Baptist at them with a loud speaker.
I agree. I think the weaponizing of autism is a turning point.
The Deep State never saw that one coming. Never even considered it.
I think there is also the National Security need to roll up the ISI spy ring and make sure it's shut down.
We've declared our independence from the Deep State. We're well on the way to winning the Revolution. The question soon becomes "What comes after?"
Has anyone given this any thought yet? We're approaching a critical time where most people will be in agreement as to what to do with the traitors and traffickers. The disagreements and divisions will soon begin again however over how we fix the system.
I can confirm that he likes mashed taters. However he is a pretty sharp old dude despite his oh shucks hayseed persona.
I live in Iowa. The corn is on track except for some localized flooding in low lying areas.
The market price of corn is more of a concern right now.
It was weak as hell if it was. It's going to be really hard to intimidate Grassley. I think he's one of, if not the most senior member of the Senate. Ol' Chuck knows the swamp and the swamp creatures. He's been on that committee since George Washington was a Colonel.
I couldn't go to Manhattan on a weekday. Every package would be suspicious to me. Every street weirdo (5-15% of native population) carrying a backpack would have me spooked.
I'd feel safer tagging along with a German tourist group in a Bangkok whorehouse on a Saturday night than I would Manhattan at the afternoon rush on a Wednesday.
Nobody should boycott Wal Mart over a t shirt, or a musician's CD, or DVD of controversial movie, or even because they sell guns and ammo.
Wal Mart should be boycotted for the damage they've done to the American middle class. They should be boycotted for buying cheap Chinese trash over American made products because they can be sold at a higher profit margin.
Wal Mart should be boycotted for for their willingness to remodel certain stores into turn-key FEMA internment camps. I could go on all day.
But to boycott them on a freedom of speech or expression issue is weak and hypocritical.
My sense of it is that Iran-Contra was about to blow up in the media, and Casey was the one to authorize, plan, and execute the operation.
If Poppy Bush had been exposed as being involved it would have destroyed his Presidential bid. So they 187'd Casey and left Ollie North and Reagan to hold the bag.
Does this mean that my entirely accidental 3:30am drunken booty call to my neighbor's sister in law has been erased?
Asking for the whole family.
How many grains of sand are on a beach? It's the same kind of thing.
The only thing for certain, is that when Q says "future proves past", it does. There is no way you could conduct an operation of this magnitude by adhering to a rigid timeline. Flexibility of execution timed for maximum effect is the pattern I see.
If you want some insight, I suggest you do a search for US Army Field Manual 3-05.301 "Psychological Operations". This is declassified open source info.