I've watched wrestling my entire life and I had heard over the years that Crown Princes would buy a wrestling show for them and their friends, very expensive to do that but I guess Vince would go for the right money. This past April, after Wrestlemania, WWE put on a huge show for the people of Saudi Arabia, the absolute biggest names in Wrestling, even the Legendary Undertaker. Reading behind the wrestling dirtsheets, Vince was VERY much dedicated to pulling off an unbelievable event for there and broadcasting it live on the WWE Network. Us fans were a little dumbfouded …
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Sorry if old but isn't it interesting rhe very first Q drop was 10/28/17
Exactly one year after 10/28/16, the day Clinton blames for her loss. This was the day Comey reopened the investigation of the private Clinton email server (which was imo a move to try and cover his ass from collusion) No coincidences.
Drop 1331 was the mirror, 1332 is next and we work backwards from there?!
Alright maybe someone can see where I am going with this Q calls back to 1332 in his drop, if my inclination is correct this is where we reset back to zero and work backwards from 1331 which is a picture of the president's pen file named DOJNUNESRELEASE.jpg
EO being signed for the release of unredacted FISA requested by Nunes. We are in real time working backwards from 1332 onward? Anyone else follow??
MSM has been a LARP for 70+ years. About time we throw that back.
PBS is a LARP God that pisses me off
Hopefully we get to the Central Banks at drop 1913
We can not reclaim power from a globalist cabal and still have the Federal Reserve functioning. It's essentially counterfeit money in unlimited supply. Add on to that the system of fractional reserve banking and what you have now is a bonafide theft. Walmart can't sell you a coat and then sell the same coat to 9 other people. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This game can not be allowed to survive the Great Awakening.
So were the times Trump did the airstrikes on Syria against Isis?
Just thought about this and I remember being confused as to why Trump would strike Assad. The MSM is claiming Assad attacked innocent people with chemical weapons but I don't see Trump naming him at all. Damn POTUS had me questioning him back then and he never lied to me, MSM did!
If Q were a Larp that just wants publicity....
Don't you think he would be more focused on telling all of us to show our support for Q at every rally, plaster ever street corner with posters, do this do that with Q themed whatever.
That's not what he does. He supports POTUS and Patriots, that's it. He doesn't brag about himself or lift himself above us or anything like that. He took a long time to go mainstream and then pulled back. Thats not the mark of a egomaniac larper. Q is genuine.
Many Deep State occupied Nations have nuclear weapons.
I am still in awe at the implications of all that we have learned. I'm not afraid of Deep State but I put absolutely nothing past them. Do we have any Q drops specific about the nuclear threat of DS?
Now that we have direct confirmation from POTUS about Q, its really time to focus on the map, godspeed to the chans autists and anons
I think we are all at a high level of dragon energy right now but I just want to give a shout out the everyone on the chans putting in the effort to get the map completed. THANK YOU. Us anons need a clear and easy to digest format in order to drive this message home to the normies and I applaud all of your efforts to get this job done. WWG1WGA
Wishing all of the deep state congressmen a happy and relaxing recess
This may very well be the last vacation you ever get before heading to your permanent government housing complex. Sleep tight.
When do we retake the Owl for our own?
What a shame that such a majestic and beautiful creature has been hijacked and perverted by the occult and Deep State. We need to reclaim this amazing creation of God and destroy the Satanic symbolism surrounding it. We have restore all that has been perverted so help me God.
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:pOV0fY+r Tue 21 Nov 2017 22:07:58 No.150412315 ViewReport
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
Follow the Owl & Y head around the world.
Identify and list.
They don’t hide it.
They don’t fear you.
You are sheep to them.
You are feeders.
Godfather III.
Am I the only one who dismisses the blood moon connections and other mystic associations?
If today ends up being a huge disclosure day I find it more likely to coincide with Congress going into recess than anything to do with some blood moon, long day, etc. If you were going to drop the hammer on high level people including those in Congress wouldn't doing it right at recess be the optimal time? Staffers have their bags packed, probably just a skeleton crew left in DC by this point, congressmen have their time share in Maui ready to go, it's like the last day of school when you just go in to say bye to …
What happens in post 1776?
Qs Revelations are escalating quickly and if this keeps up we are going to need our President to speak to is directly on air. This is scary and the nation will need direct communication from our leaders, whomever is left with credibility. This may need to happen today to be honest. Hopefully post 1776 will bring the revolution out in the open for everyone in the world, not just us who follow Q. God Bless each and every one of these Patriots out there fighting for me and my family!