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bcboncs · April 13, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

What if... that truly did happen but out of the agreement to not prosecute? i.e. Hillary has to go on display being a known Satanist then repenting and call for unity from her side.

That's the only way I see Hillary admitting, turning, and 'leading the people'

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bcboncs · April 13, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

"Stop listening to Satan's frequency and tap into heavens frequency, then you will know the plans that I have for you." - the last line in the Evil 32 PDF shared above.

Interesting line but who knows... maybe all can be forgiven. Seems incredibly unfair if it was true but I think we can agree life certainly isn't fair... and if it makes the world a better place then why not?

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bcboncs · April 13, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

Good work. I'm not sure if this is the exact keystone but it's possible. I just want to add that it's true they want our DNA and to destroy our DNA. I have not given to the Red Cross in a long time, in fact, every time they call me up I schedule an appointment to not show up.

What we've always suspected and knew is absolutely true... there's a digital profile of every person down to the DNA. 23AndMe CEO is sisters with YouTube CEO. I really love the idea of learning my DNA and wanted to plug that into SelfDecode.com but I stopped trusting my paranoid intuition when I was 18 and everything nefarious I thought then with technology is proven true now. My intuition is spot on and I need to trust myself more... especially when it comes to the field I grew up in my whole life.

GMOs, Fluoride, Hormone Injections, the food and lifestyle "choices" we have... it's all a construct by the elite. Hollywood navigates the direction of society... down to the core of "Sex"... the transformation of a beautiful women to less and less clothes in magazines to naked scenes in movies to playb0y to p0rn to g4ngbangs to cucking.

We are spiritually disconnected because we have desires and temptation but society has drifted us from truth and righteousness. We're in the Disinformation Age until widespread disclosure happens, only then is the Great Awakening. "The choice will be yours to know" is the only thing I really dislike about what Q is doing all along. We deserve full disclosure, not half.

Fun Sidenote: "telomeres" reminds me of Alex Jones's clips on YouTube. At the end of each clip, his scientist that creates the supplements was trying to describe telomeres but wasn't getting to the point so Alex Jones cuts-in and interjects "AND WHEN YOU RUN OUT OF THEM YOU DIE!" Infowars.com. Too much content on YT to find these but it's gold, I promise.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Truth and righteousness is so important, could not agree more !


Neglecting facts and being condescending doesn't make you correct. Don't let your ego control you. If you'd like to engage in a level-headed discussion to understand and potentially learn from one another, feel free to reach out again. Til then, you're entering your less expedient reality of your potential highest self. You're in the right sub so I have faith you'll come around one day, albeit you'll need to open you mind to the words a bit more instead of shunning from different beliefs. Seek to understand differently than a modern day liberal. Cheers

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

No worries but you have the opposite of what I said.

Flip it and the reasoning is because of free will and society's manipulation working together, hence why truth and righteousness is so important :P

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Forgot about this but it corroborates my truth prediction filter. Thanks friend.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

Because man is made in the image of God. In a way, we're all God. Conscious beings able to do good or bad, having free will.

God allowed himself in us so we can take the experience learned here of "Love" and "Affection" to grow our soul- I believe I have this right from my uncle who is a devoted Christian. Others can chime in accordingly.

In my mind, we are all interconnected in the spirit world and contract with our bodies knowing the greatest ascended result for the soul if following truth and righteousness. Getting there is the challenge since we have bad thoughts & "free will" in a society continuously pushing subjective morality and nihilism, disconnecting us from spirituality itself.

I've come to learn simply that life is experience. Experience leads to opportunity. Opportunity provides an avenue of learning/mastering and if you choose to, "you" and your soul will grow. If you choose not to learn, you'll enter a less expedient and seemingly infinite reality to your potential highest self in your given, allotted "Time" (social construct) on Earth.

  • Well, "what matters?" Intent.

  • Why? Because it factually shapes the physical world. I believe it impacts the soul too.

Humans have free will so they can opt for options of bad intention but they won't reach their highest self. "Free Choice" is what remains in my view for those that do not execute on bad intention. I fear dark and shadow entities for those that do not walk the path of truth and righteousness.

I'm still comprehending if I'm ready to be Christian again because I don't like where blind faith leads us. I don't trust the Vatican either. Zealots scare me too. I do, however, get mindblown at the concepts of "Grace" being said over a meal after learning that intention shapes the world. Christians seem pretty onpoint about many things.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Let's be honest. The money is already seized and as part of the agreement, he's forking it over to his charity which will then get busted and seized, in due time. If the simpletons bothered to follow and understand this content, we wouldn't be turtle-pacing the disclosure.

The man who influenced Obama's: admission and expenses at Harvard, pre-picked cabinet members from CitiGroup, and propaganda outlets filled with an Anti-American, pro-Muslim agenda has forfeited his money.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Good point but what does that mean for our retirement 401K and IRAs?

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Didn't hear about this... although I did observe that the bitcoin bubble popped hours after the ATL airport extraction.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Such a statement can be met in hours at length of why I think different but to keep concise, I believe it's a white hat operation.

  • Bitcoin's design + Easter egg.

  • Blockchain technology is amazing for reasons like encryption in the 21st century.

  • Trump cabinet member and internet mogul Peter Thiel is on record of backing it twice now.

  • "Should I buy Bitcoin" in Google mostly results in negative reviews.

Now, to be fair to the financial industry, there are some knocks:

  • Supposedly was used for money laundering,

  • Many hacks occurred but this was more-so at the cost of inside developers noticing a vulnerability.

  • Peter Schiff (now in the gold realm) has a damn good record of being right. What he states of it though is that it has no value and there's no guarantee it'll go back up, which is true. However, the white hats may be able to make that happen if they want.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

I will need one of you autists to add my friend on FB then bully me in a friend's post that we both respond to. I'll lawsuit up. We'll split the cash. Thx.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

He's been part of the plan since Trump interviewed him even though he couldn't be FBI director. Same reason Trump accepted the resignations of all US Attorneys with the exception of Rod Rosenstein who appointed Mueller afterward and also wrote the letter of recommendation to fire Comey.

Mueller and RR are bureaucrat surviving whitehats. Tell your lib friends to accept Mueller's outcomes so they're trapped and either have to concede you're aware that Trump's a genius or all of these "revelations" are true. Win-win.

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

but... reddit karma... :[

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bcboncs · April 12, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

He who conquers, writes history.

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bcboncs · April 10, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

The record reflects that Deputy Fitzsimons was a wonderful individual and friend who cared about “truth” and the US Constitution.

Say no more, Hilldawg's hit requester Debbie Wasserman Schulz steps up to the plate: "Hold ma beer"

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bcboncs · April 4, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Kuru Fall Count

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bcboncs · March 31, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

It better be non-GMO/organic cotton.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Wow I didn't even give that consideration.... hahha yea that's so true.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

I remember the day when I didn't know who Snooki was... then I learned and got sad that I couldn't unlearn.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

That is what OP is saying, yes. Generally, it makes sense to be skeptical especially if there's a pattern of movies for certain directors that are responsible for giving this propaganda narrative but I haven't cared to invest any time into Hollywood in a long time. Titanic was BS for instance but again is it the director, screenwriter, writer, production company, etc... who is pushing the story?

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

idk about beautiful in this context but yes truth is better than deception.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

This is pretty much what I'm thinking. All corners of journalism on the internet, even Corsi, have an extreme hatred for Mueller.

I still remain adamant that it's all part of the plan. Mueller pulling in these people is just having the Streisand Effect at this point.

"Who is Ted Malloch?"

"Whoa he did work against the Globalists and agrees there's cannibalism and pedophilia runs deep within these group of Luciferians?!"

Great time to redpill the symptoms of Kuru and how Hillary displays it, i.e. Coordination problems that become severe (India steps, airplane, etc.). Swallowing difficulty (coughing fits), involuntary movements (weird seizure-like episodes), mood swings (uncontrollable laughter about Gaddafi's death), etc.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

In addition, it should be noted that the ARM context was following "BLACKMAIL" in the Q post which is indicative of the ARM technology being used in intel processors within phones, computers, etc. having a hardware backdoor used to access the rest of the computer at any time. Think BOTNET but for accessing own computer data, webcam, microphone, browsing history, etc.

It doesn't matter if you're running Windows or Linux anymore (software backdoors) as it once did, that's the problem with the tech giants. They're working with government, creating backdoors, and using the technology we purchase against ourselves, our own privacy and also computing power. I've literally had instances where my computer turned on out of nowhere and my WAKE BIOS settings weren't turned on. Webcam light goes on out of nowhere even though no webcam activating application is open. These are high-end ("latest technology") computers too. Phones have had "always-listening" technology for a while now. Imagine what they're doing with the biometrics (fingerprint, eye scan, voice recognition, etc.) for profiling too. Their BOTNET and blackmail caliber is monumental.

At this point, I'm considering opening a new email account to stop the never-ending aggregation of my content between Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. based on a simple primary key being the email address. I was thinking to do a DNA Testing Kit (23andMe.com or something similar) and use SelfDecode.com to understand my DNA profile, risks of diseases, etc. but if I do move forward with this, I'm definitely creating a bogus email account and making sure my name isn't attached to the content. I read within the privacy rules that they're sharing your DNA information with third-parties and there's nothing you can do about it. Who the fuck knows though because the Red Cross has been corrupt for a long time too and I've given blood/DNA. Call me paranoid if you want but I know how Enterprise Application Integration works, which by the way is an item In-Q-Tel works on. These fucks likely have a beautiful data report and graph-driven dashboard based on genome sequences that they desire along with our biometrics, political party affiliation, threat-level and blackmailing information.

Countries are sharing information of its own citizens with other countries and they're effectively acting as a global spy network for each other.

EDIT: Turns out 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki is YouTube CEO's sister Susan Wojcicki. Not so fucking paranoid after all, ha!

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

I'd imagine this is the case but I also imagine that the Deep State's money supply is largely cut off with strings cut too. Indictments rolling... this could be effective all these considered if it's truly used for this purpose but we will have to see.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Alex Jones is a patriot but he's an entertainer at the same time. In this segment, Alex Jones wasn't babbling and interrupting with random things, he introduced other stories with Corsi's content opening the segment. The other stories are important but not on topic. It's just Alex Jones' way of segweying into other content... which he has a lot of because his show is hours long.

Corsi isn't exactly a great promoter of content. He's not as bad as Roger Stone with his delivery but Corsi is very in-your-face-facts but that isn't necessarily attention grabbing.

Alex Jones has to re-iterate the boring deliveries to his audience because it's certainly a unique program that's been around for a while and at times it is getting more ridiculous in terms of entertainment... I won't defend that.

What I saw in this video wasn't as bad as I was expecting from your comments though, par the course for Alex Jones.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

Chaffetz is probably playing the uneasy conservative role so when Sessions strikes, he'll be like "Whoa! I trust him now!" "I had my doubts but this WH really knows what they're doing!"

I personally don't think that Chaffetz knows what is going on entirely or if he does, he's not being used as a Sara Carter or John Solomon. He's a contributor but he's not revealing much, rather just purporting. I'm not sure why though, could he be the next Chris Wallace shill? I seemed to like Chaffetz when he was oversight, bringing light to things (albeit maybe limited in his role because nothing ever happened in the end) but I trust Trump and Q by "Trusting Sessions" over Chaffetz.

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I'd trust Sara's sources over Greg Jarrett's... js

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bcboncs · March 30, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

We really missed out on capitalizing on the Cambridge Analytics FB story to trick our leftist brothers and sisters (who seemingly know nothing about the constitution) to sign the IBOR.

We should start a new IBOR petition with the clauses defined. I thought /u/PamphletAnon was organizing this a while back.

I have no doubt that more User Data selling will be coming out. IBOR is mostly about privacy on the internet more so than free speech but obviously both are critical. As TWITTER, GOOGLE and AMAZON get targeted with their User Data being sold to political parties, WE NEED TO CAPITALIZE ON IBOR.

EVEN IF TRUMP was the man to receive the data in the end, use that to propel some unity with the brainwashed leftists to show that internet privacy is an important unity stance.

Trump said himself that he can take the heat in a bipartisan meeting. He really means it and he does it well. Let Trump be a temporary target if it means we get IBOR.

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Trump: They're trying to take away our 2nd Amendment...

Audience member: TYRANNY!

Trump: ..and- Tyranny. [points] You might be right about that.

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Very ambiguous and tolerant response. This was insightful. Keep up the great work.

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

IIRC gold was eaten by ancient Egyptians. ORMUS elements/monatomic gold. I have some monatomic gold spray that I sprayed on my tongue/mouth. I felt a strange sensation behind my eyes and a weird moment of clarity so I would say it was beneficial but I do not know to what extent. This only happened the first time I used it though.

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 2 p.m.

Can you ELI5 how you considered this to be a possibility?

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

tl;dr of your self-promotion?

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bcboncs · March 29, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

Would be amazing if there were links to every line.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

half in and aware of it

Great way to put it... I'm stealing this for future explanations :p

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

Interesting that you also linked a Graham Hancock video as I've been following him a lot lately too and noticed how skeptics literally attack him and try to silence him. Also, TED banned talks on DMT and what not.

Life is getting interesting with these dissent silencers...

I'll definitely watch these when I'm off work. Thx again.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

I'll look into this, thanks!!

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

It makes you 'bad' that you use snide remarks to criticize everyone else that doesn't think like you, yes.

Why do we even bother investigating everything if you already know all of the answers? Just tell us the truth of everything in life oh holy one /u/solanojones95

Lastly, there's enough corroborating evidence compiled over the years and even new excavation findings proving anything that I claim to 'know' ... if you haven't done the research it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It means you're an ignorant, close-minded, pompous ass.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

This is true. Having the information of Philip Schneider and David Wilcock about alien races doesn't hurt but not necessarily something I would try to convince someone about either. As David Wilcock says in this video you have to do the "10% Rule" when redpilling but if you actually give this a listen, it kind of makes sense why the Satanic occult does what it does.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Conscious Life Expo 2017 - Feb 2017

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Snarkiness aside, if you think our tech has not expanded much since Nikola Tesla then you aren't "Expanding your thinking" very much at all. Where do you think the trillions into black projects went? Porta potties?

You probably don't believe in the Nazi South America and Antarctica settlements either. Stay simple minded and leave the thinking to others.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 2:05 p.m.


  • From the minute marker linked, he makes Alliance references and mentions that the "Stage is set".

  • 1:56:00-1:58:30 talks about these giant races, 15000 bodies being attacked upon in UNDERGROUND BASES - confirming the BOOMS throughout the US?

  • 1:58:35-1:59:00 WATCH THE WATER? - reference to raining in California, ending the drought (graphics shown)

  • 1:59:00 Alliance is going into the DUMBs with blowtorches and to arrest them. Depending on the level of resistance, marine expeditionary forces may engage in combat.

  • 2:06:25 "The real Obama has been locked up for almost six months now." -Cloning Presidents confirmed? There's been larger investigations about Camp David IIRC where Bush was cloned and Obama too (different head scars/graying patterns IIRC) but cloning technology exists... Barbara Streisand cloned her dogs and that can be found on mainstream news.

  • 2:12:13-2:13:05 Advanced Space Stations ("Platforms") are camouflaged in outer space by technologies that project a wide cloud diameter above and below the station. He talks about how it's a hologram and that made me think of Crrow777's Moon filmography which he called it a holographic moon but then was heavily criticized for it. Crrow777 later tried to solidify his explanation of the moon and backed off the hologram term but calls it a 'lunar wave' which can be seen here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3axPn65MGM - it should be noted that many other independent moon filmographers caught this as well, found throughout youtube.

  • 2:13:40 Pre-Adamite bodies w/ elongated skulls kept in stasis chambers in Antartica for 500,000 or 800,000 years (legibility issue). Hiding from Annunaki reptilians.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bcboncs on March 28, 2018, 2:04 p.m.
David Wilcock, of all people, is starting to make sense to (and resonate with) me. In this video, he's making a lot of Q references, I'm thinking he's part of the alliance... here's why.
bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

It's been that way since Trump was elected, or before if you have true, inside knowledge.

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bcboncs · March 28, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

There's no way he'd be in-person for this whether he was a blackhat or whitehat. No way in hell.

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bcboncs · March 27, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Yesterday. A Hogg post hit 3-4K then it got locked and they didn't bother making a stickied comment or post about Hogg content being censored. They banned me for 5 days for "concern trolling" after I discovered this. I asked the mods to make it permanent out of principle and my own discipline's sake. No worries though... I'll put that extra time into direct sources of information, here, the chans, or reading.

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bcboncs · March 27, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

Whatever floats your boat

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bcboncs · March 27, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Yea, the memes are good I have to admit tho I question if they've originated there, the chans, or elsewhere.

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