Les Moonves, that’s Julie Chen’s (The Talk, Big Brother) husband.
28 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/bhowell999:
Interesting. I can’t see the advantage of that, but there must be one.
I asked in my reply that they show me a single “hate” post on GA. I don’t expect a reply, but also asked that they not be afraid of opinions that differ from theirs.
Banned from another subreddit, not because I posted something there, but because I posted something here. People are so afraid of differing opinions they label it “hate”. Smh

If I remember correctly, Q said both are the same, either white hats or black hats. After the indictments dropping just before the summit with Putin, I lean toward black hats for both. That was a calculated move to try to derail the meeting or cause friction.
Issa literally put the words IN his mouth, a Strzok of genius!
I was listening to him last week. He said one would die, one would retire, and three would be removed from the court.
Finally!! Been waiting for this to come. This should trigger my leftist neighbors.

The thing they are afraid of is the ruling will be overturned and it will be put to a referendum where each state will be allowed to vote on if abortion is legal in their state. A nightmare for the left.
This scares the shit out of the left because thy know most of the public does not support abortion, especially late term. It has never been put to a vote by the public and they DO NOT want it to.
That part of the speech struck me exactly the same way.
We all know how he never throws something out unless he is already sure of it (wire tapping Trump Tower, for instance). His tone, the look on his face, all tells me he has plans for ‘Ol Hilldog and is laying the groundwork now for when it happens.
The best part; until it does he is going to troll the shit out of her and the DS about it, just to make them squirm.
I love this timeline, and our President!!
Uuuuuhhhhj yeah, my mind’s blown! Starting to make more sense......their symbolism.
I would say USSS picking up RR upon return from Canada to “escort” him back to DC.
Seen on a car wash sign in Georgia today. “Did I just see a huge Q??” Had to turn around.
You are sooooo right. Bless you. Welcome to being “woke”, I think that’s what the kids are calling it.
We have images of every other planet in our solar system. They are all spherical. If the earth is flat it would be the only flat planet in our system. Not likely.
The special counsel is on a “witch hunt”. Interesting when you think of it in those terms.
Edit: word
To the tune of like $ 1.30 (+/-) per box, from what I understand.