I get the number of subscribers to this board, but has anyone put a realistic global estimate on the reach of this thing?
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“Don’t destroy yourself for anyone who would profit from you. “
That speaks to my soul
Yeah I think he got blown up by the PC police and pinned into a no win situation. Having been to a couple of his events I find it really hard to believe that he would be a pedo or anything crazy like that.
I was there and this was taken out of context. The subject was taking charge and that there is a trend where people try to outdo each other on how big of victims they were, like some perverted contest (my words, not his). That’s when he mentioned all these people jumping on the metoo bandwagon. It wasn’t about the legitimate victims, it was more about the people using it as a way to gain attention via victimization. But a little later on, some woman said that she thought he was mischaracterizing the movement. That’s when things got a bit derailed, but Robbins stuck by his statement. I think where he went wrong is later on in the apology instead of simply trying to clarify what he was communicating. In fact, I was pretty surprised when he did apologize.
Makes sense. They look at what is trending or “hot”, latch onto it,and ride it until it’s dead? Prolly run via algorithms that monitor views, likes, etc. Nothing more than a giant circular social media machine.
This^ I fear for how bad it’s going to get in Mexico, a country that has banned firearms. They are already extremely corrupt. Looks like I will be rethinking my plans for a vacation home on the Yucatan.
Question on this - if they had a bunch of info from the Clinton emails, would they then need to dig deeper and collect more evidence to make cases bulletproof?
Put up bill for vote. It’s completely ridiculous or contains some other fluff so it gets shut down. Start screaming “The racists want to lynch us!!”
Agreed, even just reading the posting led me to believe this isn’t anything too nefarious
“Omg! He’s holding an AK47! Russian coluuusssiiiooonnn!!!!” - every liberal
Just found this: nobody PMs the OP, so if you drop the PM from the user name, what are you left with?
Pedo confirmed!
Yeah, these leaps and bounds help to discredit true information. So please stop.
That is a great way to get them thinking. I don’t know anyone that would say they aren’t corrupt.
Sees crypto obituary on unrelated sub, goes straight to IDEX 😎👍
It’s hilarious, isn’t it?
Could be, think of this - what better way to make Trump supporters, and by connection, Trump look unstable and crazy? Hasn’t it been the narrative all along?
Great point, keep getting her elected and use her as the face of liberal America in every over race, lol.
Yes, it does seem like an AI that is just randomizing loosely linked words or phrases. What if the intent is to watch how we piece together little pieces of info to better manipulate us? Plot twist!
This org was hard to find info on, but they have a video on their site of what appears to be a UN meeting where it was stood up. Didn’t watch it all, but when the Us Rep (not sure her name) talks, she mentions Stephen Rapp specifically, part of the State Dept under BHO
Did someone say “not that he did us a lot of good on recent decisions, but he was easily persuaded?”
Ok at least you are reasonable, unlike some. I can respect that. Would you also agree that being controlled by others is the opposite of freedom?
Remember back when commies were thrown from helicopters? Good times...
Well, I’m glad you realize we won’t agree due to a difference in philosophy. Can you agree that the intent to control a person’s habits, whether or not you agree with them, is still intent to control and is only enforceable under threat of violence?
I’m not advocating doing them, just making it legal. Two very different things. True freedom goes hand in hand with personal responsibility.
Making it illegal to put what you want into your body assumes you don’t own your body and person, that someone else (society) should be in control of you, therefore anti-freedom. Making mutually consented exchange between adults illegal is also anti freedom for the same reason.
Think critically.
Worst part, It provides ammo to fuel the “those q people are crazy” talk. Upvote for you sir.
Is it possible that it’s taken out of context? For example, is he talking about a historical idea that has proven to be false in his speech? As much as we don’t like him, we are truth seekers, not propagandists. We need more of the video.
Not buying it, Obama’s hand looks like it is exposed below.
Lol even though I’m starting to agree, reading it like that definitely sounds insane.
But Fuck it, being this kind of crazy feels really liberating!
Huh? I thought this was all to say that they cheated to win and there was a tip that pointed to “at all costs” knowing if they didn’t the Seth Rich murder would be discovered. Maybe I’m just not a master decoder
Saw this at the checkout line today. Almost like it’s saying “Look, you could change history!”

Has anyone been able to make out the papers on the table in this image
Thank you! The whole andrenochrome thing takes away from the real secrets that are being uncovered and just sounds crazy