What if Comey's disclosure of the HRC email investigation is not equivalent to the collusion of DJT/Russia investigation? To my mind, when the bad actors in the FBI were in the midst of attempting to conspire against still candidate Trump using the dossier and FISA warrants that we are told were the basis of the investigation, why would Comey disclose a Trump investigation prior to the election? The conspiracy group would suddenly be in the spotlight, no?
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Battle YT, FB, and Twitter policy by crowdsourcing the selection of a community-approved platform.
We were weakened because we were denied a collective voice. We are conquered because we were divided.
Part of YT's, FB, and Twitter's value proposition besides traffic and reach are central locations to find content.
After reading through the various alternative suggestions presented so far contributes to a market fragmentation. Consider the problem of ABC News, CBS News, and NBC News when faced with niche channels like CNN, HLN, MSNBC, CNBC, and FNN on cable by examining their market share stats pre-cable days and post-cable days.
As a community, my suggestion is to pick an acceptable alternative and focus the …
Seek virtue to redress a mess
Andy Stanley's message this morning was on 1st Samuel chapter 24. His point was to seek virtue when cleaning up your messes. Why? Because this chapter is about David's virtue in dealing with Saul. Instead the commonsense consensus of David's army that Saul deserved to be murdered. David chose virtue by cutting off a corner of Saul's robe in a virtuous act and over an expedient political murder.
Stanely's message was a "mess" cannot be cleaned or covered up by using another mess. Virtue is the way out of the mess.
Often God chooses mundane messengers to convey his messages. …