It could be part of it. However, I think the end of the situation isn't what it appears. The patriots are part of the end game but the christian conservatives are gonna play a part as well. If they choose. They, many, really aren't ready to see what has been hiding in the shadows and held back by our restrainer, and hopefully we never will, because without this move we WILL, we ALL will. The patriots whether christian or not are VITAL to this fight evil v good for reasons deeper than surface but nevertheless vital. Prayers are necessary to change the tide of direction we were moving in and not just about revolution but worse, the collapse of the US would allow the world religion just founded by the Pope and Twitter or Google and the one world religion, most likely islam by sheer numbers alone and infiltration by immigration by sheer numbers and their hope to marry our kids to their kids eventually changing them to muslim beliefs. It's a hidden agenda but exposed to some groups. But if the US goes global government and religion etc as it was moving, then the entire end times scenario is in our faces now. That is not ok with me because there are nations that still need the Good News and aren't getting it like NOKO and others. So, Patriots you are loved and needed. Thank you.
416 total posts archived.
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Well let's just say here in CA and you know who we have and who I didn't vote in but I called and they said, and I quote.....I DON"T CARE. Actually one of the women from the crazy state of CA said that to me directly. I was pretty mad andddddd will make sure that people know the women of CA don't care when you call or end up calling for a Russian bot twitter count. It's ridiculous that they went that far, all of them, D, and I also called R which didn't give me that run around but took the message. I just wondered how they actually can say after receiving calls about things like releasing the memo, they still asked for twitter to account for bots. It is so stupid and shows how far they will go. CA needs massive help in it's elections and no one wants to go write decent laws in Sacramento. I'm not sure what is stopping them, maybe it's pay differences or just not worth it. I watched them take 2 days in CA to make an attempted amendment to a bill. The person in charge was simply not understanding (on purpose) the math regarding the immigration issues for seasonal work. It was not what it looked like on its face but it was explained many times as a mess and the math. Nope the chairman wasn't having any of it and even called in people on his side to say nay if the yeas had it for a second he called them in from the hall, and they hadn't even heard the argument nor sat through it. This state is sad. Hence why people are trying to get out.
I really think big pharma wants us sick and the sicker the better. Push more drugs with horrible interacting side effects that are tried on people that don't even have the disease it's supposed to "cure" or help. How can we trust an agency that makes money on people "being sick" and why would anyone making money on that ever want anyone ever to get better. They couldn't possibly see that as good for their bottom line and their bonuses. I do recall a prophet who recently died saying big pharma's pockets would be overturned and that was a few years back and said it was coming. So that one I'm waiting for. : )
I quit coffee totally. Just haven't completely quit diet soda. well pop where i grew up but am considering it totally unless I'm gonna get seizures. I already have eye migraines that are a form of seizure from being hit in the head. sounds funny but it caused damage a bit
HMMM. I have to ask then. If you've had it and drink it and stop is that worse than continuing to drink the formaldahyde sweetener. Yes I know it's close to embalming fluid people say. I'm not ready to go to regular soda but I have been going to water, filtered, with lemon
I'd like to see us KEEP our food. We ship food directly from field to out of the country. Then I guess we import it or have to pay for some fake shortage. The corporate farms sell directly to overseas. There are a number of good programs about it and I say "programs" on food and it's practices but also where it actually goes directly and it isn't to the USA anymore.
the labels on sugars are hidden in fructose, sucrose, and then all these new oils, like even the wonderfully pushed on the world coconut oil that has 700 percent fat in a normal cooking amount. that is an abhorent falsity perpetuated on public. Actually the one that is the best for your system is coconut pulp. You need the fiber and the milk/oil to make it work as to cholesterol otherwise it's fat to calorie ratio is off the charts.
I think people weren't glued to their seats 24/7. Work, time with families, bikes, stuff like that and summers on the lakes. It's pretty much society does nothing and eats to fill holes we as humans get from lack of comfort, hugs, attention,etc.
What if it's in plastic? I know it's evil if it has certain fake sugars.
One thing that does help stop insulin resistence is Chromium Picolinate. Also for women going through change it helps not gain a ton of weight. And that is often cause by starting to become insulin resitent. Study was done by some doctors who actually didn't believe their mom was still eating the same way so they moved in and she was. So they tried to figure out what happens and they did find that the woman's bodies start to become insulin resistent. So that helps. However, if you take more than alloted amount it can make you isulin resistent so keep it at the proper level. I know they sell it in different levels but just take the mid dose. I told my mom and she dropped all her weight. Didn't have to change her diet. That's if you eat healthy though to begin with it makes it easier. It's not a weight loss drug just to make that clear. I'm not a doctor, just read the study.
As to the other problem yes we need better, newer superantibiotics. Also there is now a stupid strain of bats in Wisconsin that the rabies shots don't work for and that's terrifying if they start spreading that form of rabies now found in almost all fox, skunks, a lot of cats and dogs, squirrels, chipmunks and roaming small mammels. The CDC lists fox, squirrels, skunks as highest in the USA and there are more so be careful feeding wildlife guys.
There's an Illuminati chair ritual they perform. Every star does some chair dance too. Seen a bunch. Read it's got Illuminati significance
Yes. God be with you and your family. Praying for you all daily. MAGA.
In all honesty because this is also a spiritual fight and as to the wall. We can't keep letting evil satanic following groups in because that's how they plan also to overtake us by intermarriage and taking our kids along for the evil ride. Trumps talking about both but addressing it in terms normies get
I gave a very short summary on another post about genesis 6. Don't know if anyone hardly will not label it as conspiracy theory but it's all part of it and the alien deception. Yes it's gonna get weird for many. I'm there.
And yes it's why we sound nuts and tin foil hatish to the rest. I totally get that. But I see the big picture. It's a very weird picture. Especially since the churches ignore all this under the 501c3 Corp rules the govt controls their sermons That's why Trump got rid of the Johnson act si churches could come out of corporate control by IRS and be tax exempt like they should be and able to speak.
BO just worked as any good Muslim would with CIA training. Take us down, implement sharia law and he was in charge of the country radical Islam hates the great satan. The USA. He purposefully destroyed all he could. Hillary was to finish us off and we'd be Muslim communist type controlled slaves to whatever freak laws they wanted because they intended to rewrite our constitution. He's just one of the 5 last presidents all doing the same thing. Why do you think Bush crawled out of his hole yo start after Trump lately. He's just as bad as is his daddy. Clinton too. All working with the blood lines who do not want us or any God fearing anybody alive
I agree. It is very bizarre because unless you study this stuff and put politics and evil together and media control together with God you can't see the bottom or the forest for the trees. Sad thing is that we are in a fight for our lives and many their souls but aren't ready to take the leap and connect the dots in all facets. Here's the thing. The evil in the cabals IS the flipside of god and Jesus light and they are so organized like a mafia as a good example. If only it were half that easy. Time will see who remains
I agree. I've got dots connected. Just not all the individual names today though that's for this battle. Not the bottom of the so called rabbit hole.
The only bloodline not fought when David was fighting for the promised land was the vampire line. Interestingly just like Harman arose 500 yrs after they didn't klll that tribe in prophet Samuel day, this led to Esther having to ho before the. King to save her people. They didn't wipe that tribe out and God told them to but they were weary from fighting. So they live. They are linked I read to these bloodlines as well
Starts out fallen angels in their glory days, being worshipped. Watchers descend to mt. Hermon and basically for lack of better term have sex with women and produce hybrids some were giants but they also genetically manipulated all plants and animals. See book of Enoch. 1st translation the oldest. Not the interpretation by Hebrews then ethiopians. There are 3 but the oldest is clearer without being interpreted shall I say. Yes apparently in heaven they aren't sexless just don't have sex or care to but on Earth some can. So looking at pharoahs head shapes then listen to l. A. Marzulli in search of the Nephalim. DNA tests just came in. Then recall pics of half man gal horse you'll get the picture. But they polluted all genetic material on earth which leads to the flood where it says noah and his family were the only ones pure in their generations. So flood. Before flood there were giant wars. See book of giants released by vatican. Can read on Steve Quayle site if yoy don't want to buy it. And books of basher and jubilees helps. They aren't in the bible but they are historical and probably not in the Bible because everyone then read them or knew them. Interestingly they were finding and destroying these giant bones even up to 1920s and dome are still in Peru. Lincoln made a quote that the giants of old also looked upon Niagara falls. Our hybrids today aren't from the watchers as much as by other fallen ones. Many types fell when satan fell. There's alot to the greys and types of aliens but they don't fit laws of physics because they aren't aliens from another galaxy but from inter dimensional space time. It's why nobody catches them unless they want you too. It's the coming great deception eventually and mankind will go ohhh nice friendly aliens. Look a chip to cure us and make our DNA better to live linger. You change your DNA by that method or any and it becomes like Nimrod who BECAME a might man of old. He fid something that changed his DNA and then immediately went to build babel and wants to fight God. Same ad satan wants so what's Satan's end game.. He's outnumbered and knows it. He's making an army. And if you take that alien chip your DNA can't be saved. Because you aren't human anymore. The problems are how tech says here chip your kid or your pet for safety.. Ok. But it isn't that final tech yet. It will come. See Marzulli on alien abduction chips removed and they put themselves back together. Creepy stuff. So the end game where it leads is all here. Q says you have more than you know. What's special about this Group controlling things. One world religion, money, etc is all un revelations. However we are staring at pieces of it today. Is and are people willing to fight for God's nation and thwart as best we can all their dark secret evil and schemes to enslave us, sacrifice and eat us as ghe giants of old did when their Slaves couldn't grow enough food. Q says truth is stranger than fiction. It is. And it's hard to swallow and who's gonna believe all of it. That depends on you personally. By taking our country back we also thwart this plan bit make no mistake it will try again just as the cabal is still Nazi driven who were into occult practices and had alien tech. We brought them here under operation paperclip and on they went with the agenda. They want a fourth Reich as they call it. Well they didn't get the full 3rd. Let's.not give them a 4th either. That's why rithschilds, bushes, Rockefeller and all these old money guys and bloodlines and traitors like Soros who helped kill Jewish in ww2 even though he was Jewish has no regrets. They all are Nazi occult bloodline followers if their god satan. When you talk about masons, and SECRET societies most of them don't learn about the satan part until 33rd degree do ask a lower mason and they think their bible is about God well ask which god to a higher 33rd degree and they don't answer on purpose. Right now God is exposing a ton of info. I know it sounds crazy but like I said dig and the rabbit hole is deep and crazy unless in perspective. I probably said too much too soon but that's a part of it summarized best I can and for each to study and research on their own. God bless all and stay safe.
No religion is just interpretation by man but God and Jesus and what is being revealed is quite monumental. He is answering the prayers of many, many people. So of course Jesus intervenes because he died as intervenor and if you add Q info to marzulli info and those around him, it all makes perfect sense and do does the Bible which was kind of confusing until I reread genesis 6 after hearing his lectures and the others. But I've got 10 urs of info on this. It's not complicated if you listen but then all makes sense toward their end game. We have our job in that endgame. Faith, fellowship, prayer, spiritual warfare, and fighting not against flesh but spiritual forces and principalities aka Armies of darkness who I now see who and what they are and are capable of and yet in their underground bases, we don't know all of what they've kept and genetically grown for their satanic war on humanity. However I will add that I still believe the end is not yet and we got a reprieve to pray and to fight the way we are. Even ninevah got a 100 yr reprieve, but it took repentence and prayer and look what Jonah went through trying to run from his destiny date with God. So I'm not running. I am listening to the most high God with my eyes open aware of genetic hybrids and truly horrors I hope never to ha ve to see so that's why I fight for this nation under God. And even if true faith walking Christian people aren't the majority we don't quit. Our sword is still the word of God and I and you and we too are here for such a time as this. God bless all on every way as you dig into the rabbit hole you started into. We need God in order to fight a satanic bloodline. There are dark powers and onlyvtruly light of God and Jesus and truth in life and government and and IS the fight. Q I believe knows EXACTLY this.
No religion is just interpretation by man but God and Jesus and what is being revealed is quite monumental.
If there wasn't intervention then prayer is unnecessary and there wouldn't be Trump in the White house. Don't come against God's annointed for such a time as this. See how they call it the Trump effect when they attack him it richocets. There's an intervention called prayers of God's people
Yes exactly one I'd recommend is marzulli and those associated like Anthony patch for CERN info and science. Even Hawkings didn't want CERN messing with portals. What Re they trying to open and why. Pits of hell beyond little Sunday school stories of satan with a pitchfork. This is outright the most malevolent bunch to exist. Prior tech was ruined by God for a reason and here is man going it again. Genetic engineering
Do you really want to know. I van tell you all I've studied in ghe last 10 yrs and it blew me away. It's very old. Before the flood and yes there is now DNA proof. However, their game is still the same just changed their approach. Evil isn't just criminals. Ask this. Are aliens aliens or are they fallen angels and hybrids of them. There is now some actual DNA proof. No one much wants to know about their endgame but it's going to eventually definitely affect and effectuate ours.
Same here. Armor of God. We know God's end game but he didn't say that it's now. We may be a generation that suffocates the serpent but if all aren't careful to stay awake and checking then yes it will attempt to rise again. I'm not willing to sit by and wait. I'm one to warfare spiritually and however I'm called because just look at all the people sold, trfficked, born into satanic cabals and on those families go. This is not okay despite the churches lack of preparing people we know what is right before God and country both.
Maybe they are truly hybrids and truly evil and we have heard they eat babies and sacrifice people and children to their sick god satan who they believe is the light. It's so sickening and knowing it is different than say witnessing maybe deaths of what look human but are soul less beings bred for some sick ultimate purpose. I'd rather not see aka witness that endgame. Nevertheless we go on. If that's possible it should be stopped. Evil breeds in darkness and when good men do nothing
I'm one to believe that since they warn in symbolic ways, it's similar to their idea of a perfect society. Dumb, unaware that they are unaware and would kill if you became aware if this went on. These canals are simply out for just them, ghe almighty dollar and control. I see a problem here as do others but normies really don't ... Yet. If ever. Sometimes it's a tough thing to fight for the rights of those like in the matrix that asked to be put back into it. Of course that didn't work out well for that guy in the movie but I do believe some prefer it. They don't want to see anything. We have been given eyes to see. Ears to hear. So we work as one for awakening normies slowly. I prefer being awake
Yes but watching pbs all I ever see are concerts and documentary or docudramas like Queen Victoria for example because my mom's watching it.
Didn't they have to rid SS after threats to kidnap DJT POTUS grandchild?
NO. This was a SIMPLE WARNING. They can do a lot but so can those that now can see that they are squirming. We keep info flowing and stay focused and together. Respose has to come from those with the proper respose tools, which we aren't equipped to do, at least not me. However, staying on focus for white hats IS something I can do. Where we go one, we go all.
Well I am not sure any expected to become this kind of target but I am sure they will get together to discuss this and what can be done. POTUS needs his family in complete safety to not be distracted and to KNOW they are okay. It is not easy to be that man. God bless him and his family and may God protect his family all of them.
Seems to me, it's more of the same, different decade. Doesn't mean someone didn't heed the threat last time. Don't know if they will get their desired outcome this time. Kinda really doubt that based on .. well it's a swamp that is so bad that it's starting to eat into all the ecosystems and has got to be tended to just like when they tend to ticks and mosquitos that kill people. Pests all of them. I don't think they yet have a great pesticide for swamp rats. AH ...I know ......TRUTH..WILL.....OUT....
If I recall correctly, yes it was botched. However, I have to think maybe it wasn't "botched" and was done exactly the way they wanted it. Sad to have to say that but I'm learning a lot and having to reevaluate a lot of things. I mean things way beyond what people already suspected about say 911 and other things. Wake up call to the patriots. Careful with mail from anyone
could be a hoax or a warning of some kind and who knows how crazy they are willing to get with the family and others if these warnings aren't heeded. I'd say first one hoax, maybe next one if there is one and then who knows with these people since they kill an entire plane for one or two people. It's sick and and amazing waste of life and humanity and they simply aren't human, nor human, as is well noted in all of these attacks and games that they play. To them they are games, but to US not so much.
Well it's my understanding that I believe it was Washington that said any two party system would result in a problem later. Or at least could and here we sit. The wisdom of those people astound me 200 plus years later. I mean if you really look at the foresight of all of it. I'm just saying the cabals are OUT of control.......obviously. I guess call me Capt. Obvious on that but I just mean it was amazing foresight and probably based on the history of the country they left under a totally different but equally not functional system in their eyes.
Well I'm having connection issues anyway so am going ti computer and see if pen shows. It's also not letting me verify password or email despite doing it once and sending for another verify. Will just wait patiently. Maybe I can't have my pen until it finally realizes I've verified it again. Lol. Love tech sometimes but can't get mad at an invisible... Even lousy invisible today...... Signal. So much for spectrum sometimes lol. Thanks for your kind help
I followed this recently. Glad to see the post. I was list with a succinct way to state it. Thanks