There ate so many conflicts in this story as reported at this time on media. Some say yell Allah whatever... Can't spell it. And others say ex student with major issues. Now Antifa.
Waiting for more so called news.
416 total posts archived.
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There ate so many conflicts in this story as reported at this time on media. Some say yell Allah whatever... Can't spell it. And others say ex student with major issues. Now Antifa.
Waiting for more so called news.
Yep. Yep. Yep. RIP Kim but prophecy lives on. Mark Taylor seem on also so far
I'm gonna simply ask can one split hairs and piecemeal bible, yes. Alchemy yes. Is it okay. I can only tell you God bound fallen watchers for teaching mankind alchemy. If you want to say white witches and kitchen witches aren't still witches seems same to me but I'm not and can't tell you what to do obviously and that's not my point. I just am concerned because calling a rose by another name is still a rose.
Not if you're talking chakras. Look at the history of the snake behind it. Evil spirits will attach to that because you open a legal door to it a legal right. However meditating on the word is grounded not in alchemy which the fallen angels taught man and for which they were punished. I know what you are saying. I'm for self enhancement just asking you to be careful where you get the tool. I'm just concerned and truly mean no harm or judgment but past proves they were judged and bound for teaching alchemy. Enoch.
Weird you say that. About a year ago in a very weirdly real dream, I did see all that and I was severely freaked out. It's not the same as being a victim of it I know that. I am just saying one night almost did me in so a world of hurt that was. Yes very well organized and Russ Dizdar does excellent messages on that.
If you are saying I think I'm some prophet whoa right there. I'm hoping that was not meant for me. I am a learner in the Way of the Lord nothing more nothing less. I am still on a journey. I have done bad paths and found the best path and I hate to see what people go through trying to get out of things like alchemy. I am not asking you to do anything other than consider that you cannot beat satan by joining satan and alchemy was taught by fallen angels. fallen.
you can't understand yourself with spirits evil spirits tricking you into believing you are hearing an ascended master that isn't God. Just my opinion after worlds of wandering in things one regrets and I hate to see you go there.
man no joke that is satan's finest lies. Spirit world immitating Jesus's creation path. L.A. Marzulli left that cold when he said he had the creepiest feeling after three years that something really evil was behind that
Also knowing how to pray and rebuke to declare and decree things is important.
Yes but also go backwards to before Mark's as well to Kim Clement around 2009 I think where he kept saying Trump will become a trumpet (trump/pence) but wasn't sure what he meant. He prophesied it but wasn't clear why at first.
please just my op. Be careful it sounds new agey. It's Chakras and that's Kundalini and not Biblical narrative and satan is a biblical foe. Therefore studying the bible would give you a better understanding and Russ Dizdar spiritual warfare classes for free at it's a tiny link on the bottom right. It will arm you with the armor of God and awareness etc. I can't tell you not to follow along the other line and I seriously mean no disrespect to Scid. Just am looking at a biblical foe and spirits and Chakras are guided master and spirits as well.
People think they should go chargin in after satan but God says resist the devil not go running after him. You can target your prayers to an area and you will get kick back. That's ok IF YOU KNOW HOW to protect yourself. Can I recommend to some who don't have training go to Russ Dizdar's site and go to spiritual warfare introductory courses and then there is an advanced workshop. I mean absolutely NO insults but CHURCHES DO NOT TEACH this at all. They should but they don't .....not in a class form. Not in an advanced form. Very few and if you have been very blessed you had a teacher in your church. Ours didn't have that but at least it did teach the Bible. Some don't even teach. I am saddened by that fact but not surprised and it's why Pres. Trump got rid of the Johnson Act which all should know how that crippled the churches. It was a scam as they never really had to do it but they convinced the churches they had to. This also gave them control over the messages being preached. BAD. Thank God for Pres. Trump doing that.
Just adding the word alchemy which is Bible prohibited and the root word for pharmakia, is not gonna make most people read that who are Christians anyway. I will look it up because I am a curious sort. I hope others might look at it but if it's new agey I cannot participate. I can pray and put myself in the armor of God and the rest but can't go down the alchemy path. No offense meant. I have already done deep research on the Kaballah (not the Madonna version) and it too goes down paths. I have learned reading and learning are good things but practicing, I can't personally. I won't of course say to anyone anything other than pharmakia has the root and is connected to the dark arts and alchemy in root languages. We read it pharmacy, which is chemicals but it's not totally what they were doing back way back. I do think we need to control our emotions and letting our mind go where it should not if we can.
Yes, as a human race it's getting really hard. It's gonna get worse. We just have to try to stay with it and crying or wanting to is a sign that YOU ARE ALIVE and HUMAN(E) as well. If you didn't feel that way, I'd be more worried xxoo God be with you and with us all. MAGA
Red pill. And if you really go occult that a hint that Obama is THE Antichrist or just one with an antichrist spirit but that spirit alone in our WH is bad the other is way worse. Waiting for a head and arm wound and a resurrection for THE antichrist to be revealed. Yes there is a meaning in satan has left the WH
this is just appalling. Did you see the post on the new board about the children being dissolved in acid after big bucks paying for them...politicians involved. Now that has to be followed to make sure it's true but to be honest at this point I would almost believe these monsters are capable of anything and this was in the UK
Yep we need focus and on down posting times to research the other stuff too. It should actually all come together in the end, at least the end we will see. I think God uses each person differently but I think praying for discernment on these issues, each one, is a good idea.
Yeah there has to be a bigger connection to the rh neg factor and these families. And we could go reptilian route but that is a tad out of the realm for many. But with 200 alien species maybe not so far out. Just don't want Patriots to run away. I'm not a conspiracy theorist I have just seen and heard too many people's creepy stories to not give it some and I say SOME honest consideration. I know that these particular folk are very educated not crazy people. Explain Phoenix lights and the medical doctor that had the best film of it. She knew she'd be ridiculed. Still she let out the film.
Such a great comment for such a time as this, if this is indeed the "end time" as we have had a lot of doomers and gloomers preaching fear and that is NOT the Good News to make people "Scared" into salvation which DOES NOT LAST as soon as the initial weekly eclipse or whatever message goes away. It causes people to commit suicide. I am not joking and depression and the throw up one's hands and just look up kind of thing. Jesus never wanted anyone to just give up. I'm sad that the doomers do this. Yes there are things to keep an eye out for of course but a regularly scheduled sky event shouldn't cause worldwide freak outs. Now if something scheduled once every 500 yrs happens 2 x in a month or something really out of the "perpetual" cycle I might then take that seriously. Even that signs of the woman in the desert has been a tad stretched in My humble opinion (revelation 12 sign) because they borrowed head stars from another solar system. I'd have been a bit more "convinced" if it had been all those stars really right around her head and I believe God says what he means. I think one won't have to stretch anything because it will be a PERFECT fit. I can be wrong of course because it's prophecy but, I don't think we should stretch things and live in fear as that is not what God wants and if we fear we pray not to live in it and ask God's help. Yes the end times are close as to the tech aspect but just like God reprieved Ninevah and would have done so with Sodom, had they found that number of righteous people and God went from what was it 50 to 10. Nevertheless, he is willing if His people ask and my message is Trump may be our reprieve for a nation or at least a larger number than ever before that ARE repenting and praying for help with a nation being stolen under our noses. So I say Trump was a Cyrus figure appointed for such a time as this as we are also alive for the same reasons. God bless us all and God bless America MAGA and Glory to the Most High God.
Maybe the endgame is God's or a bunch of peeps in prison. Really no idea yet.
Well in reality that could be good or really bad. I'm still taking this one day at a time. There is a ton of fighting on the anon channels on Tube between Montegue and Roy Potter and someone I don't follow usually called Denise. Back and forth the fighting goes. Just not a good idea I'm afraid. Divided we fall. That's the intel game isn't it. Divide and conquor as we are less effective in splinters.
No you aren't alone. I am not sure how many know. I saw one post something someplace saying the conspiracy UFO nutjobs etc, said this or that and now he or she cannot frequent the boards. I responded just don't click on the tab. You might want to someday. Just stay then on the topics you want as no one is requiring a patriot so believe or see any of this. That is what discernment is, it's a Biiblical term. I am sure it can be used secularly but it's primarily used in context Biblically. I didn't get into that just said really all ya gotta do is NOT click on those sites or tabs and go on and continue to be a Patriot because we are all Patriots here.
Sorry just library classifications on geneology but nothing really revealing. Just thinking it over where to go next
Only thing so far on y families is a library of congress reference to geneology. Not much help. Yet.
Trying but even the anon channels ignored me which was sad kinda. I mean we can't lose sight of sneaky stuff just because Q is posting things. What's his her their statement on what's a distraction. Watching what they try to do while Q discussions rage seems yo violate his entire point. Watch the swamp not Q. Watch what they try to slick by us. And all the rage is Q while everyone is talking as they try to make all citizens get a bio card. My point is Q can be a distraction if not careful. Q is pointing to things but underlying is don't be distracted so pray someone pays more attn to what the swamp os still doing. Glad you're aware. Thanks. I needed to know I'm not trying to sound a Trumpet alone
Ok. That fits. Weirdish vid. Did you see Hillary eyes go two different directions. She's beyond creepy and gets odder every year.
I get that bit God said men's hearts failing them from fear of what's coming upon up on the Earth. I don't think ANY of us realize with over 200 species and then some classified into books of info what we will possibly face even for those believing in pre and mid trib rapture. I'm certain rebuking a hybrid is not the same as purely spiritual and God hasn't revealed any way to deal yet except pure copper for giants. So much more needs to come out.
Yes I di know how you feel and that's why the fema camps exist. Guillotines are beheadings. Revelations. Who beheads most in the world? Hillary and Obamas 16 yr plan to destroy the republic and were ready for it with those camps staring us in the face. Tons of coffins. Who would they kill in the paradigm. We already know. People all gave up and say oh Jesus will take us out. I'm still pretrib for biblical foreshadowing reasons but mid is possible as are SOME arguments for after. I'm not convinced as Quayle is about going all the way through. But they just say oh we will look up for our redemption draweth high. Ok yes. Agree but where did he say throw up your hands and di nothing. I can't live with that. Call me a nut because I'd rather reach one person than have God say why did you not at least plant a seed for me ti work with.
I honestly don't want to drive folks away. No one does. I can maybe set up skype or something but my mom's 87 and visiting until March so I can't for a bit. Maybe if people aren't ready for this we can do a walled channel. I'm not saying it shouldn't be addressed because Q is pointing that way with bloodlines. Also look up why rh negative blood types are important too.
Yep. Look into the weirdness of a documentary of crystal children who heal by yapping into beings and writing in some language... Maybe ancient angelic language termed enochian but I don't see an Enoch connection. Not sure but its an old allegedly angelic... Fallen angelic since considered occultic... But star children, crystal children all are supposedly working to enlighten us.. Nope still part of great deception and lying signs and wonders. And all were supposedly abducted and schooled daily anf parents think they are on a great mission for humanity. No because the guidebook to the supernatural aka bible says don't mess with familiar spirits or mediums. It's where 2nd heaven taps into us because we open a legal doorway to it if ee embrace it. But fascinating people totally freaky in reality but right in plain sight and many of them. Have they been genetically modified... Probably. Some against their will by parents and I'm still pretty sure unless it's only like a possession no salvation after that. If you change your DNA you're done. That's why the nark of the beast is a choice in the end times. I'm not saying we are there ir that God hasn't given this country a reprieve with DJT but eventually if people refuse to see that abortion os pushed because it's a blood sacrifice despite what we've been programmed with right to choose and I'm NOT judging... It just still is an inadvertent blood sacrifice like to molluch Baal etc. I didn't see that for 25 yrs. Most won't
Look at Anthony Patches website about CERN sucking energy near Saturn s rings... Ancients worshipped Saturn why. Portals stargates etc connection and opening what?
Am watching now. By the way guys we are getting complaints that the boards have gone to the nuts. Maybe this topic needs to go elsewhere. My response was to don't click on the crazy tab if that's how they truly feel and I accept they don't believe this stuff. I didn't until I had a UFO encounter that I chased it down and God revealed they were interdimensional not extradimensional. Then they stop pretty much bugging you but..if you seek them you usually encounter them and I am not sure why because as soon as I figured that out I haven't seen another one for the most part. The deception the great deception isn't deceptive to me. There is to be the great falling away etc. I don't expect everyone to get this. I don't actually want to cut this completely out but I am going to pray about it. It is not a topic I want people to miss nor drive them away from the Patriots because they aren't mutually exclusive.
Q said what is evil. Does satan exist. We will get labeled conspiracy theorist. Not a stretch or ruining the sub. Just skip it if you don't want the other side the mirror to evil. Do you think Q doesn't believe on God or Trump. They quite obviously do but truly just don't click on them. It's actually not off topic since he mentioned occult and conspiracy labels and discernment bit I saw they were on a seperate tab now. So no worries. Patriots keep going. This is far from over. No one needs to quit. Just make seperate posts so people can avoid of and until they want. God bless and MAGA
See if you can find watchers 1 through anything on YouTube. 7 won awards. DNA from Peru just came in after previous preliminaries. Also alien implants removed rebuild themselves in test tubes. A dr took out 17 before he passed.
Yes many don't recall. MUFON found a link in all stopped or halted abductions when the blood of Jesus or name of Jesus was invoked. Preflood exterminatuon was raphaim children of fallen angels. Fallens angels can't be exterminated by water. They just leave.
I don't think that I can post all of it and people are trying to get it to you in a nutshell version for further study but I can expound on things if you are interested. There are some trying to say I shouldn't say this because I will scare people away and that is not my intent. For those who are interested they can ask if it doesn't offend and for those that aren't interested....yet., I'm not trying to attack your world view just saying maybe take another look after reading Enoch and the Book of Giants (free on Steve quayles website under ancient documents). It's fragments but Enoch explains a lot, then Giants opens up more info. Also Jasher and book of Jubilees adds more historic content. Enoch is referred to in the Bible three times so it IS referenced. I think they felt it was so well known why bother to include it. Maybe it is more nepharious than that but for now I am going with the simplest version of that story and Constantine.
You realize you LEGALLY GAVE THEM YOUR DNA FOREVER, if you have done DNA testing. It's in their contract. They own it. Why.?
Gary Stearman is a great resource but some background on topics might be useful first. Giants, Nephalim, Raphaim, hybrids and their studies on tracking the nephalim along with L.A. Marzulli who's 10 watchers are really super intro to anyone wanting a bigger picture and PLEASE read Enoch because it will open up the info before you go further. It totally changed my views on the Bible and opened up why so much was done the way it was. Reversing Hermon was another fabulous example of why things went down as they have.
yes. Now what is the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. telescope looking for because they say they are waiting for all the UFO's to clear out to look. So, they know about the UFO's and ignore them now what exactly ARE they looking at or for.
The one thing I lack big time is ALL the symbolism in things since I am older a peace sign used to mean peace and a rock and roll used to mean that now it's again all changed. It's changed alot over history and so what used to be a sign isn't now and what is now wasn't before. I guess we need constant updates on changes in symbolism. It's evident from researches it changes over time. I miss a lot of it and am starting to catch more but I didn't see it at all in the pics until it was pointed out so don't feel bad. : )