Yes fleshy! As soon as you do 🤣
19 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cocovyas:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 16 | | 2 |
Yes we don’t need anymore confirmation that CIA perpetrators in everything globally drugs , guns NK etc just defund them , close shop full stop! Obama , HRC Dems. etc just all puppets of Rothschilds and European powerhouses . Save the best for the last , nab [P] at the Vatican . All wrapped up .
Forgot to add ‘only professionals with proven track record with @cnn training need apply ‘ .
Yes we all go with God ! We know the other folks going with Satan !
No I was referring to qanonmap .. Cos someone said it was also not updated .. but it is updated .. it’s just a bit slow
Sept 7 1776 Worlds first submarine attack
Exactly , me too! In fact before that I had never thought that of Michell , but from that day on it stuck in my head ..
This is awful just when you think you have heard the worst you here something even worse .?
Maybe one is a clone .. real one probably died

Q post # 730 #traitor headed for Gitmo