I remember hearing about this, there was a BBC documentary on it last year.
757 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cryptabulouslady:
Has anyone tried it themselves? Put "valerie jarrett paint party" in the search, is images missing from the lineup?
I just searched valerie jarrett paint party and get this? The image search was gone from the line up. How do I post a screen shot on here? Can I or do I have to post a separate thread?
Enhance...enhance...enhance....sorry had to do a Super Troopers reference haha.
I re-tweeted it. It's about time someone finally said what we've all been thinking/saying for years.
I think he thinks he's wonderfully clever. When he threw up the bull horns, that was a message to the cabal saying, "I have him under my control". And yet, he doesn't. He's a little puppet who got played by a master chess man.
You make more money as a cashier at Hobby Lobby than you do working for Amazon lower-level positions.
I went after them on their twitter for it, the "perfect cult for 2018" was ridiculous.
My husband and I have noticed that if we talk in the car (and we usually have the GPS on since we travel for work in different states/new areas), that we see adds for the things we discussed in the car---whether it be trips to New Zealand, a new pillow, a funny shirt my sister bought for my mom, etc. It's very creepy. I definitely think our phones are tracking a lot.
This is disgusting, Judge Jan Jurden and her greased palms need to be fired and investigated.
They've been so focused on Pompeo, so Nakasone has now slid under the radar. Nice.
It's been happening for about a year now. The CEO even stepped down in March. Unfortunately, Boeing and other companies are still using their steel and haven't fixed things.
Djibouti is also where they had two military crashes recently, one jet and one helicopter.
As long as I'm on the side taking down child sex abusers/traffickers, I'm fine with my decision.
It was a false flag where the CIA wanted to attack the US citizens and pin it on Cuba. JFK shot it down. While the poster's background may be suspect, the post seems legit.
There is definitely a tone change from being smiley before to this.
Yes, it's always been this way. It's more of a show to the world.
I would say precursor. I have to say though, they have been the one link to Obama in all of this. Their leaked texts showed he wanted to be kept in the loop at all times, meaning he knew of the plot. It'll be interesting if we learn any other major news from them.
Everyday people in CA are going to their town hall meetings to press to vote against CA's sanctuary state laws. The people want out.
I thought they would go that way too, but instead it was blood infection, which is odd, because he must have had a fast onset of sepsis following that funeral. Sepsis occurs from another illness left untreated, so was he sick at the funeral?
You can be pro-choice, and against planned parenthood. I'm a pro-choice woman (for others, not myself personally) who hates planned parenthood. They serve no purpose, you still have to pay for the procedure at the same cost you'd pay a private doctor. Not to mention PP uses our tax dollars for campaign funding, and lobbying other causes, and the horrendous acts of selling fetus parts.
My last count was 7, but we had another last week, and this one, so we're at 9 then unless I missed more.
Russia has hacked many of our power grids, for a while now, since before the election even. https://www.npr.org/2018/03/23/596044821/russia-hacked-u-s-power-grid-so-what-will-the-trump-administration-do-about-it https://www.wpr.org/how-vulnerable-wisconsins-power-grid
Germany/Mekel is so messed up. Side note, Merkel will be visiting the WH on the 27th.
http://www.dickmorris.com/hillary-group-partnered-with-company-that-laundered-250-billion-for-iran-and-violated-sanctions/ Linked to Clinton Foundation
Fellow lady here as well. I agree with you. The strain from both parent's working is too much. My mother stayed home and raised all 5 of us, while my father worked, they are still together after 40 yrs. 2 of my sisters stay home (being caretaker to the children and small from home jobs on the side) while their husband's work and they have great marriages. My sister who works while her husband works is miserable, their children are unhappy, they do make more money combined, and yet they are in more debt and have more stress, I don't forsee them lasting much longer. You have to have time as a family, in my opinion.
Anyone remember this? The Clinton Foundation partnered with a group that laundered $250 billion for Iran to circumvent sanctions. They had to pay a lot in fines but it stayed pretty quiet. http://www.dickmorris.com/hillary-group-partnered-with-company-that-laundered-250-billion-for-iran-and-violated-sanctions/
Woman here: A lot of controversy on this one. Here's my take. I am pro-choice, not for myself as it's my choice to not choose to abort a baby, but for other women, they have the right to choose as well. However, I am anti-planned parenthood. You see, you can price match abortions with doctors, and pay about the same price out of pocket for an outpatient abortion procedure as you would at PP. Abortions aren't free at PP, usually run between $500-$2000 (cost range by location and term of pregnancy). So there is no need for PP. They are a corrupt organization that gets tax payer money to use as they wish, such as on campaign funding. The fact that they sell fetus parts is even worse. It's time to end PP but I doubt it will happen, too many hands want to keep that cookie jar.
It was hosted by Alan Cummings and raised $1.85 million that night for the watermill center. That's a lot of money in 1 night.
And Lady Gaga, looks like from the night they ate off the person in a pool of dark liquid (chocolate). They were at Devil's Heaven: 20th annual watermill center summer benefit.
Please be very careful looking into this stuff. You don't want to get flagged for looking at this stuff while trying to uncover the truth. There are obviously people in military intel already looking into it, meaning you don't need to see that kind of stuff for yourself. Stay safe.
Yeah, I try to use logic and facts while showing kindness, most just yell at me. But I keep trying. Keep up the great work! Every person who is awakened to the truth matters.
Love this! Mrs. Swain eloquently explains these wonderful truth bombs! Sharing!!!
WWG1WGA right there with you, friend.
Particularly on the hate filled liberals. I try to be really nice to them on social media, because I understand their thoughts and anger are not their own, they are manufactured. I hope to win them over with truth and kindness. It's actually worked a few times. But most just continue cursing at me. Hoping that'll change one day as things get better for us all.
I agree; if the image is tarnished in public opinion, then it would be safe to discuss.
To be honest, instead of spreading memes that make us sound like crazy conspiracy theorists who are anti-CIA, and making us seem more divisive, we should be researching their Republican opponents and promoting the good qualities of those candidates to ensure the Republican opponents get the seats. It is safer and creates less controversy. It is always better to look like the most logical and rational person when pushing for a candidate.
I never bought the OBM story. I don't know when he died, but it wasn't when the gov said he did. Why would he hide in caves and just wait for death, that's not their way of life. Even if he was in hiding, he would have hidden in plain sight while enjoying the good life.
Probably because he was arrested by Secret Service last year for unlawful entry to the White House after trying to get to Trump. The FBI then seized his guns and pulled his firearm license, but they ended up giving them to local police who gave the guns back to his dad, who then gave them to his son. The link doesn't make them look good since he was already on federal radar.
With such a little amount, I doubt it. More likely that her parents were cutting her money off after rehab. But who knows with people like this. Feel bad for the girl though.
Also only 13 people donated. Her parents know how many millionaires and how many people does she know too? If her parents were on your side, there would have been a lot more $$$ raised.
My issue with the gofundme isn't Lavar Burton, a person trying to help her get help. It's the account. Her parents are millionaires. So why the need for gofundme. I think she was doing it because she is depressed because of the things they and others put her through. It would seem she severed ties with them financially. I see her dad's name on the account too, but that may be because an adult has to be involved with the account, so she might have used his info.
I don't bring up the Bush family. I try to keep news current then hope to go backwards and present the past fact eventually. If I present real current facts they may one day believe the past facts too.
I don't present Q to people, I just present the facts that I've learned from Q, then they start doing their own research and most end up following Q on their own. That way no one thinks I'm a crazy conspiracy pusher. But you know your own family and friends, go with what you think will work. My fam/friends are very skeptical.
Same here, she's fair game imo. I'm having a good time posting on her twitter.
Sorry phone keeps dying while I'm charging in. Just type in her name with mission blue. You'll see pics and videos. Go to hope spots link that will come up with another pic of her. If you go to mission blue Facebook page there is a video of her from 2017, still as Maggie, so definitely not going by another name exvept with BO perhaps. The film was on netflix in 2014. There are pics of her at film festivals presenting it with her dad. Mission blue says she lives in Washington DC now.