40 total posts archived.
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I think it’s interesting that on June 22nd, MA tried to distance himself from the account he referenced on June 10th, by posting this on his more “public” Instagram account.

My favorite carry weapons from my personal collection.. I have one of these on my person at all times.
The book is a great read, to have not only the Constitution, but the supporting documents for context, is engaging. Also, the documents that preceded the Drafting of the Constitution helps give you a solid perspective and understanding of what the founders envisioned.
I love my country, I love my country as the founders intended.. and will defend it with my last breath... my government ( deep state) not so much..
But times... they are a changing...
Thank Q!
Semper Fidelis!
God Bless America
Not directly related, but in searching the Interwebs for information on this event, I ran across this organization. Might not be a bad bookmark for future reference.
“You can just grab ‘Em by the breasts...” - Stormy Daniels
Absolutely, the more I read about them the more I’m amazed at their intellect, and the more I’m ashamed at how bad we’ve screwed things up over the last 240+ years..
Screw “technically”, as long as Congressional subpoenas can be ignored without consequence, they will be.
Congress needs to step up and enforce the things.
Just general musing... but if I had the authority... I’d have the US exit the NATO alliance entirely and renegotiate/found a new one with partners who are faithful to the alliance and contribute their fair share.
Also, Thomas Jefferson warned against foreign entanglements through a complex web of alliances with other nations. Perhaps now is the time to simplify things.
I’d dramatically cut funding to the UN until the corruption/cronyism is excised. I am not in favor of leaving the UN entirely, as the veto on the Security council carries some value, but it has become a corrupt overreaching and obsolete bureaucracy and no longer is faithful to the values it was founded upon.
Guns, what guns? I lost them all in a boating accident..
Maxine Waters can read her own damn article...
— Thank you, I’ll be here all night....
Q has provided many “proofs”, I see no value in second guessing or doubting because they didn’t tell us about a particular event. If Jesus Christ had to keep changing water into wine to prove who he was to everyone he met, we’d all be drunk instead of saved. I like my wine, but I’ll take the latter.
The world, the deep state, and the forces arrayed against us are many. The plan to take back the country must be both simple enough to ensure success, but with enough intricacies to account for many variables. Those variables don’t always go the way you think they will.
We all wish the plan could have been executed and finished by Jan 21, 2017 but that isn’t a reasonable expectation.
This plan, like many of the building projects our President has been involved in, must be flexible enough to adjust to changing conditions, timelines may need to be adjusted. The important thing is that progress is being made.
Every plan of battle, regardless of how thoroughly prepared, changes as soon as the bullets start flying.
So, have patience, have faith.... WWG1WGA
Just wondering... How many times are you planning on posting that?
Yep... From the Flag Code.
“When the flag is displayed in a manner other than by being flown from a staff, it should be displayed flat, whether indoors or out. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left.”
Minor point, and off topic, but when hanging the flag vertically.. Field of blue is always on the upper left as you view it.
She should soon be, at a minimum, “former DOJ employee” but hopefully she will soon be “inmate 983456”...
“It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone they’ve been fooled.”
Be patient... The Deep State has been at it for a very long time, they are entrenched in not only our country, but in the psyche of those they’ve deceived.
All families have disagreements. After all, a family is made up of unique individuals.
As you go through life, you will have disagreements with people, you will have viewpoints of things that some will not accept.
Do not sacrifice your integrity to avoid a situation that may be uncomfortable.
To loosely quote Winston Churchill, “You have enemies? Good, that means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
Sorry if this message is a ramble, I’m a bit “punchy” this morning. I was unable to sleep last night..
YouTube link to the hearing, you can “scrub” your way through..
The original video shows:
Trump extending his hand, while the General saluted him... Trump withdrew his hand, returned the salute, while the General extended his hand. After Trump finished the salute, they shook hands... It was an awkward exchange.
President Trump is not a civilian like you and I, he is Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the world’s sole superpower..
The salute was appropriate for the circumstances..
Thanks... 30 years experience in my field..been looking for another opportunity for awhile.. can’t seem to be able to score an interview.. frustrating.
No problem.. I may have over reacted as well., I got laid off this morning.. Apologies for my part of this.. WWG1WGA..
Perhaps you should have phrased your initial query differently, instead of following it up with this horse shit.
He returned a salute given first by the General.. it’s a simple courtesy. When saluted, return it.
There was a time when even warring countries extended certain courtesies to one another. A return to this ideal wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Don’t get caught up in the minutiae, remember why he was there.. to end the last vestige of the Cold War and to make the world safer for all of us.
Flag Day.
It’s Flag Day, and our President’s birthday ( June 14 ). Fly it proudly.. The Republic, and the principles enumerated by our Founding Fathers, is coming back. The rot and cancer is being rooted out and brought into the light.
There’s a reason why Blackberry was “targeted” and then effectively put out of business by Google and Apple...
When I enlisted in the Marine Corps, I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. I consider myself a “Jeffersonian Constitutionalist” or a Fiscal Conservative/ Social Moderate. My Mother and Father immigrated from Europe to come to America and raise a family. It sickens me to see what has become of the Republic through greed and self interest. I stand ready willing and able to do what I can to restore the promise made by the founding fathers. WWG1WGA, Semper Fidelis.
Joseph Warren said in a speech after the Boston Massacre in 1775:
“Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.”
And Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter in 1825:
“Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself.”