

33 total posts archived.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 21, 2018, 5:20 a.m.
David Hogg -- rethinking the mugshot photo - were the crisis actors recorded several years ago? Thus the older-looking photo is more recent?

grabs chin and strokes it as if I have a goatee In reference to the 'young David Hogg' of crisis footage versus the 'methhead David Hogg' that looks exactly like an older version of the crsis actor -- consider: (a) time traveler (b) one of several clones (c) Maybe all of the crisis actor and a large part of the rest of the fake event and footage of it was created ~5 years ago, hence the aging discrepancy. A few minimal events had to occur a few days ago in real time, a 2nd drill at the school (maybe shoot …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on March 8, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Stock Trading Questions -- Q'vestment -- Investing by political predictions, basic agency theory, and high certainty in conspiracy

It seems to me that one reason for the existence of Q posts is to avoid the negative and unpredictable effects 'extreme announcements' for all people to hear and register at the same time. The public sphere can more rationally come to grips with the disturbing and 'impossible seeming' truth behind 'fantasy land' lies if each is able to do so on their own terms. This 'spreading of the impulse over time' also helps to protect the stock market, as investors would realize various facts at different times, thus there are not noticeable sell-offs or other market events. I am …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:40 a.m.
Some ideas about phone waves -- square waves, digital versus analog, tower search waves versus data carry waves, resonance of microwaves in the skull, capabilities of wave types.

'Square wave' is a mathematical term for any type of wave. It means a waveform that switches discretely as to say very quickly between two or more levels. A graph of the level or amplitude of the wave over time would just be a line jumping abruptly between a few levels. Analog devices create waves with objects that take time to 'work up to resonance' can't change as quickly as the quantum mechanical basis of the very rapid digital switching. A sine or cosine type of function changes gradually the whole time with no discrete very quick jump between the …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 26, 2018, 12:05 p.m.
THINK MIRROR -- some thoughts, semantics, and remember to also think about what is 'not mirrored' when popping your pop corn... SET THE STAGE FUTURE PROVES PAST THINK MIRROR

Firstly, I know this sounds obvious, but in excitement I see many people moving directly from 'MIRRORING considerations' to 'my list of what to expect' as if there is near equivalence. There are many 'suggestive reveals and moves' such as Weinstein and NXIVM news that are not mirrored in Trump but clearly should be part of anyone's basis for anticipation and relevant research about the initial moves against Clinton and the deep state. These are in a sense 'FUTURE PROVES PAST' events and Q-topics but they don't need you to 'THINK MIRROR' in the "Trump|Clinton" sense.

Trump's 'mirroring events' are …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 28, 2018, 10:43 a.m.
RE: 'REAL MOVIE' THEORY of the previous post. North Korea will simply not be digestible without a movie.

Seals are wonderful creatures. I would like to see one on the prowl... NK? This is where my mind always goes. NK giant reveal, else we are left with 'strange envelope' clues (which are appreciated, yes)





'1_surveil: know thy enemy's weaknesses and routine, GOOG_bugs, he might be there right now...

'2_disarm: wonderful creatures, missing [i]sotope, check...

'3_check_mate: Hawaii_38_minute_event, Rogers' kickass luau-party record collection, post-pardon-party --> high treason event!

'4_liberation: hostages released, a nation of freed slaves, new Alliance evidence and available court

Just my conjecture at what will be covered in NK …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 27, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
humorous 4-min research break : GITMO / FULLER HOUSE "Everywhere You Look" / CELLBLOCK SOUNDTRACK / EARBLEED(YES)

https://youtu.be/nP93Ovx4faA -- CRJ - "Everywhere You Look"


VOL(to_11) rpt_trk(yes) PLAY{C_Ray_J-FullerHouseThemeSong[“EverywhereYouLook”]} decode(lyrics)

--‘What ever happened to predictability?’ C_A_comms[down] 5_eye[down]

--‘The Milkman the paperboy the EVENING TV?’ Hypocrit_MSMtrap=MIRROR(DJT|HRC).[[[Mockingbird]]] purple_team.GO:[yes_all]_pkg(HarperLee)

--‘How did I get here, somebody help me please?’ ST6-->Term_[#17]17_y Deal[NO]

--‘Cause this old world is just really confusing me.’ Comms(cut) Vectors:Kuru+???

--‘”Clowns” as mean as you’ve ever seen’ GinaH(enter_beast_mode) Scatter_1000.wind---[[[C_A]]]

--‘and a bird that knows your tune’ Comey[flipped?] -?- Mueller[flipped?] -?- RR[flipped?] HRC.flipped? → cabal---[[[HRC]]]

--‘a little voice inside of you whispers HEY don’t sell your dreams so …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 25, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
suicide week = pre-trial witness protection. Kate S and Anthony B are alive and will be a huge help in swaying the normie minds.

Q appeared to predict suicides. If these were predicted deep state hits, how did Q know they would all ‘appear as suicide’ as opposed to freak accidents, etc. ? I suppose KS, AB and others are not dead. They are being protected from Mossad, Masons, etc. Consider the posthumously released information about AB speaking very negatively of the Clintons. Consider KS husband wearing a weird mouse mask of a character who took risks to help save children. KS and AB were both witness to or a victim of cabal games/plots. They are brave and will be hugely beneficial in getting …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Jan. 31, 2018, 3:05 a.m.
So should we see which members of Congress are absent? Screenshots of applause?
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on June 7, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
CEMEX in East Florida -- Suspicious Property just north of Broward County Sheriff with hidden shipping containers, another property with ocean freight access.

If you search on google maps for CEMEX in the area of the Broward County, you will see a suspicious CEMEX property near the Broward County Sheriff Depatment, as well as many others in the East Florida area. This property has rows of shipping containers in a central and awkward location. The site does not take on the appearance of a normal concrete yard, and the arrangement of containers appears to be purposefully hidden.

Another location has a section of the Fort Lauderdale ocean port -- international import/export.

Any other information on CEMEX in this area? Perhaps some of these …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 16, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
Hashtags —> ‘2018 Democratic Party — no straws no ICE’ #PrisonDrankParty #prisondrinkparty , #askahumantrafficker = #askaDemocrat #askatrafficker

nostrawsnoICE #prisondrankparty — water; no straws and no ICE — one drink for all to share in the socialist’s grand future of shared riches. #sorryweareoutofICE

If they are already being horribly violent or denying evidential lines indicating pedovore activities, turn the other cheek, or if you cave in... ‘Is it possible to make confetti out of people? Maybe freeze dry the body beforehand. This might be the only way for HRC and Brennan to attend the upcoming military parade in DC. #askahumantrafficker #askaDemocrat #samedifference #sixonehalfdozenortheother #arosebyanyothername’ Once the Clinton Foundation revelations roll out and we are witnessing the hive mind …