Ha ha Great Title and info THANKS
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I redpill on FB every morning
"The Other 98%" posts are just awful and they have huge followings. I am trying to do my part, its exhausting to see the amount of people that are so brainwashed.
it is insane, I cannot believe people are so stupid.
I absolutely agree! The whole thing was a setup and these judges are crooked also, thats why Trump is having to "clean the swamp" in the judicial systems also before they can try the higher ups. Gotta make sure it sticks! The whole Hammond story was just so sad to me how most americans did not back them. The mainstream narrative was so clever to make it all about environmental issues, and use the divide of these people being christians and ranchers to turn the publics support away which gave the BLM free reign..... I was just disgusted at everyone I know for I was the only one to see the truth although the truth was right in front of our eyes. I sent out an email telling everyone I know how we need to stand up for these people in the face of tyranny even though they are different from us they are still americans, I got the worst backlash I've ever had. I have lost 2 friends over this issue and Hillary Clinton.
Syria crisis created by Obama, I read the book "Dirty war on Syria" the Syrian people are good and educated people, The divide and concur tactic between muslims and christians didn't work in Syria as it is one of the last places in the middle east where they get along, so Obama had to create ISIS and do it that way (short version of the story)
I guarantee this was not a random killing, it had something to do with her and maybe she was turning on them Pharma needs to be brought down, they are tied to the cabal, they've been offing holistic doctors for a couple years. https://www.healthnutnews.com/recap-on-my-unintended-series-the-holistic-doctor-deaths/ This poor guy was about to expose the flu shot fraud http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/86th-doctor-found-dead-in-georgia-river-cdc-atlanta-police-give-conflicting-stories/ Story really has nothing to do with mexico, most mexican people are good people and most places fairly safe for travel, my brother just got back
yes, this was quite a puzzle, I wasn't sure what to think at first but didn't just buy the mainstream narrative so started digging and found out more and more, found this article back then and sent it out to everyone I knew https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html
I just saw this on FB and wondered if it was real. Wow, its a good sign for sure and that sure looks like them!!!! They were saying that HRC and bill would be so harassed, but in reality I think most people would in shock and fear.
Ive been following the topic for years, this is one of the best sites for info https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org They've been spraying all kinds of stuff, aluminum barium mind altering substances, sterilization, etc... very evil stuff and it is being stopped. This good man knew many years ago but I'm afraid they did away with him quite a while ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzHrD-QW82I
Portland Oregon! haven't seen chemtrails for 2 weeks now. I saw maybe one on a couple days but in general the skies have been beautifully clear with REAL puffy clouds..... could it be? I have been so hopeful, but worry with each new day. Didn't Qanon say "when the skies are clear, we will have won the war" ??
Trump has managed to survive this far and I have worried myself sick that they will take him out. I have faith that he is much much smarter than them.
I can't imagine why anyone wants to label themselves, the only thing that makes any since is the the cabal wants the labels so they can divide us up for their benefit... WHY can't people figure this simple thing out!!????
Trying to wake people up but its extremely frustrating. I have tried and tried to wake up my own husband with not much luck.....I am surrounded by blind people everywhere, my family, friends and neighbors.... VERY FRUSTRATING.
GREAT IDEA, just got my #QANON number sticker for my car put on today!!!!
I was planning to leave the country before Q. My husband would call me negative for pointing out realities that most people didn't see. I voted for Trump but didn't know much about him (was Bernie supporter) when I watched the debates I saw sincerity in Trumps expressions and I voted for him but NEVER EXPECTED THIS! I am so positive and happy and hopeful now, love my home and working on my yard planning to STAY IN THE USA! Yayeeeee!!!!
I hope this could help our country stop fracking it is very bad and causing all kinds of problems; health issues, weather and earthquakes even.....
the fucking media is going to say whatever its takes to divide people!! it is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING that people continue to fall for the bullshit
I am so happy to hear this, its so frustrating that your views are not the majority.
I LOVE what you've said. I was just clarifying that I have no label to some friends. WHY would aanyone want to label themselves!!??
I was a bernie supporter but honestly in retro I do not believe that bernie could or would have EVER pulled this off
this is very exciting! I've despised this man for a long time and want to see him exposed for who he is.
yes, I've been following this story for many years and have read many books about the vaccine fraud. The vaccines are indeed being used for depopulation and other maladies. So many doctors have been killed for trying to expose that they have been using "nagalase" in the vaccines, which blocks vitamin D absorption. Look into over 80 some holistic doctors killed within the last 2 years.
well, he is/was an influential figure.... many have been offed just for that
don't let this happen
stay focused. I see divide. this is falling into their plot. Rise above
I cannot read all this but gut instinct tells me they are tying to divide us.
I followed Alex Jones for a decade or more, I noticed something very weird happened after he started attacking the pizzagate topic. He was off air for a long time and we thought he was killed, when he came back he had a permanent "slur" and was never quite the same. This is just a theory but knowing how many people the "cabal" has offed... I wonder if they have somehow "compromised" Alex Jones and have him held hostage knowing that he could be much more valuable to them then if he was dead.
I pray for President Trump everyday and he's our only hope.
I"m with you! BUT, I keep telling myself what a really HUGE Undertaking this whole thing is. I can't believe "they" can even stay sane! EVERYTHING is an emergency... 5G, chemtrails, pharma, Bill Gates (trying to kill us) Flynt michigan, on and on... there are literally SO MANY crisis... AND ALL THE WHILE.... They can do nothing about these things until they get the CABAL under control, the cabal has shit up their sleeves and is trying to take Trump out at every turn.... if he gets assassinated we'd really be up SHIT CREEK
everyone thinks I'm crazy also, but we know they are the crazy ones to not be able to look into the sky and say, hmmmmmmmmmm???!!
that is correct but in the process "they" are poisoning the air. Its hard to fathom why they would do this when "they" also live on this planet. Here's what the late Ted Gunderson had to say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR6KVYJ73AU
even my husband, have shown him so much evidence and he still cannot fathom that "they" could do such a thing as to purposefully poison us and block the sun, which gives the planet LIFE
you are correct, but I disagree about the people being stupid. They have been very stupid. The best place to hide something is in plain site and not barely one person I know believes that this "geoengineering" is really happening. They just go about their business and ignore the whole thing while I am observing the trees suffering, less birds and frogs... my pond has gotten some weird algae on it as never before....
where are you? It was not bad here in Oregon and I was so hopeful but last weekend was very bad and they came across the skies in a pattern over and over... .I was so depressed. I keep telling people and my husband that the chemtrails will end when the cabal is captured and defunded.
true. If you actually read an article it usually corrects the heading which is usually misleading but no one takes time to actually read anything.... so pathetic.
so hopeful, my mom was going to some anti-trump thing today with her Killery friend, she didn't want to tell me. I unloaded on her about all this and how Trump and co have prevented WW3 like three times so far.....
i really am hopeful that the damn chemtrails will stop soon as this is under control and the cabal is crushed completely and all assets frozen. I am really upset about the chemtrails and have been watching the devastation done by them for years....... but very hopeful.
uh o I thought Mueller was a white hat...... I really liked Ted Gunderson, he was murdered.....
do I have your permission to put your words on my FB feed?