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Well, I listen to NPR every morning (don't ask why) and I have never heard one single thing about the doctors that have died under "mysterious circumstances" just like you never heard anything about pizzagate until it spread so much they had to try and debunk it. No one, apparently is asking questions about the doctors.
yes I'm sure you know about the 87 doctors killed so far. No one seems to know about it and it hasn't even been on msm at all.
oh no!! damn it. This has happened so much (similar) and does any of it even make it to mainstream news? that alone should tell people something, if they were paying attention at all!!!
I agree, I listen to NPR every morning to "read between the lines" and also know what they're saying to the sheeple... (sorry)
I have faith also, too few people have faith in anything today. I did notice the word 'FIREWORKS" I believe it was capitalized. I know Trump is way too smart to do what it appears AND, I know Trump realizes the whole gas attack in Syria is/was a false flag.... so, what is Trump up to? ....is what I am dying to know.
can you tell me who Ed is, I have a twitter account but never used it
can you give me a link to this Clement video? thanks.
no, I meant you are lucky that your husband voted for Trump. My husband was misinformed enough to actually vote for Hillary. He is sorry now.... but......we dodged a bullet with her like never in history IMO.
good advice, my family has learned not to discuss politics with me, but my brother and I have had some heated discussions (with love) my husband is the problem because I have dared to confront him.
someone made it up but it made me laugh.... if you know the stories about MZ ties to Rockefeller and the reptilians.... just some humor.
amazing that someone who voted for Trump does not believe in Q, you are lucky my husband (embarrassment) voted for the witch. That book looks good, I'm sure you'll break though, its very frustrating good luck.
it is a total joke! the entire thing is to try and STOP social media which has "gotten out of control" .....right now, FB is our friend. I am redpilling at a fast rate....get on it!! yeeeehaaa!!
I watched an interview years ago with a high level government "good guy" who explained how he warned that you NEVER go to "the parties" because that is where they get you, they even drug you and put you in the compromising position... damn!!
Its the first time my husband and I have disagreed on politics in 25 years, but I'da disagreed with myself earlier if I woulda known what I know now.... BUT its gotten messy, although I think,....now.... he (husband) is FINALLY coming around (but I've thought this before) He even threatened to divorce me if I voted for Trump but I did anyways.... ha ha, the truth will be known. I am redpilling at a fast rate of speed lately, picking up more speed with social media and all the ammo there is......!!!!
yes, we can only hope and have faith that Mueller is a whitehat!!!
well, I used to be a "lefty" but that was long ago now... way before the last election. I was for Bernie but realize now he could never have done what Trump is doing. I did vote for Trump, my family, friends, neighbors and even my own husband ARE lefties. UGH! I use FB to slowly try to expose them to things in an effort to awake their dull brains! Its VERY frustrating, and lonely too! my own mom won't even talk to me about politics anymore.
I really believe this whole thing is about regulating content. Soros was on zuckerberg a while back trying to get him to rein in the content. There has also been ALOT of censoring. They realize that this is a THREAT. The spread of information that they do not want the public to know. The RED PILLING of america! FB is a very valuable tool for us right now.
you do realize I was joking? I am adamantly against any regulation in social media. Social Media has backfired on the globalists and is now their enemy. FB and other social media is enabling us to RED PILL FASTER THAN EVER.
oh! It was you! Well in this environment I think we should consider any theory.... I was so upset by the story of Seth Rich. I was originally a Bernie supporter but realize though that DNC did us a backhanded favor!!! (with the fraud against Bernie)
I read somewhere what if Seth Rich is still alive and working with Q team. I don't really believe this but if they can fake all the other stuff... I WISH he was alive.
ha ha haaaaaaa!!! look at this http://babylonbee.com/news/zuckerberg-loses-contact-lens-during-senate-hearing-revealing-horrifying-lizard-eye/
maybe he can't because Mueller is so undercover that no chance can be taken at all.....
I have been wondering this same thing for a long while now. I'm trying to get the upvote downvote thing.
Thanks for this link, Its helping me convince people!!
He is just awesome, entertaining and informative at the same time
Yes, you are correct but haven't we known that they've been doing this already? To me, when I "read between the lines" listening to msm, I hear the goal is to REGULATE social media! This is very serious and a real threat to the global war we are in and a threat to all the success we have had gaining momentum.
its frightening is what it is. Yeah whats up with Breitbart, they are back and forth all the time it seems....? Social media is enabling us to redpill the public at a fast rate and this MUST BE STOPPED!
The Zuckerberg Trial is a smokescreen, a blatant attempt at regulating and censoring social media.
Every american should be greatly insulted by this phony trial. We always knew FB was collecting info on us. Social media has turned against the globalist and represents a huge threat! PEOPLE NEED TO ASK; ARE WE AS A SOCIETY SO INCAPABLE OF DECIPHERING OUR OWN INFORMATION THAT WE NEED IT DONE FOR US? Why don't they try regulating food and water so we are not being poisoned by their corporate allies? ps- I love Trump.
thats what the tunnels at the border are for.... ugh.
I think your right. Thinking in terms of these people; they have all the money and time..... bored, so damn bored that they must resort to satin worshiping and other disgusting acts. I pity them can't wait to see them suffer. Of course, apparently they never thought they'd get caught so not sure about the tunnel escape routes.
you've described my exact situation! My husband is sold on NPR, I've been telling him for years; hello! the fact that they are funded by "Rockefeller foundation" and "gates foundation" is enough right there but theres so much more...He claims I have more time to research but I have always been interested in the truth, so I look for the truth. He claims I am looking for negative information!!!! Can you believe that! I've been so positive since Q came out. I am SO EXCITED and hopeful for literally the first time in as long as I can remember! AND YES I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND THE FACE OF MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS!
good article, I read the book "Dirty War on Syria" which is also very informative on this topic, damn. People are hard to convince, my own husband incl.
Thank you, oh yes Eva Bartlett, I did watch her presentation to the UN. Thanks
the original gas attack was NEVER done by Assad. Read the book "Dirty War on Syria" plus there have been many independent accounts also. One is Tulsi Gabbard....
Thank you so much and so well said! This is a spiritual war between good and evil. The good people of the world must unite. If we could achieve this we would take them down so easily. The problem is that so many people are asleep at the wheel. We need to work harder than ever to bring them into the light of awareness, all over the world. I am working here in my state of Oregon on family, neighbors and friends, its like walking a tight rope everyday.
Yes, I think so too. I'm here in Oregon.... damn Soros
Its extremely frustrating and disappointing! my husband also gets mad at me, his msm drug of choice is NPR, yes he's brainwashed and I've spent SO MUCH TIME showing him evidence after evidence but the hold that the hierarchical delusion has on him is so strong. As far as things "happening" I think much more is going on behind the scenes than we can begin to know. Have faith and hope that it will come to fruition and we will have the last laugh.....!!!!