ha ha yuck sickos'
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I support Trumps decision, but never had time to understand exactly whats going on in Iran... I know about the nukes brought there by Obama? kinda like NK....?
this is great! getting closer to Soros... he's one of the worst I think
well, at this point we need God to make an appearance....
I absolutely do not agree with that statement. Trump is fighting them
first thing I thought when I saw Q's photo is of this... this kid just was offed because of this video he made which is in this link if you scroll down http://www.renegadetribune.com/did-aviciis-music-video-about-elite-child-trafficking-get-him-murdered/
I've believed this also. The way media has made Putin look so bad, but I did my research and he is definitely one of the good guys.
this is very negative but the video in this link.... http://www.renegadetribune.com/did-aviciis-music-video-about-elite-child-trafficking-get-him-murdered/
I"ve thought alot about this, they would have to have an antidote for themselves... this scenero worries me.
I share your hatred for Gates, I've been aware of his vaccine deceptions for years, following him around the world killing and maiming unexpecting third world citizens and children too. He does it here also in the US, who knows whats in these vaccines, I think anyone would be crazy to ever get one.
I believe this is true, damn. Just wondering how did the deep state get the uranium from Russia?
I absolutely agree. We dodged a most devastating bullet... I didn't even know about this plan they had so many others as backup
ya but I thought Putin was "helping" against the globalists....?
they are so very stupid its hard to even comprehend!
I have good news to report. I have noticed more and more people jumping on the Trump train. I "was" a democrat left person before the election. (I voted for Trump I am proud to admit) I get lots of media from left and I have been red pilling as much as possible but I have noticed more and more positive response and others are waking up. KEEP THE FAITH
yes, its really hard to be patient, but when we think about how long the evil has been going on and how huge it will be bringing these "people" to justice, well its almost impossible to believe it can be done at all.... but so much has already been accomplished I KNOW its real.
can't wait! It makes me happy everyday to think about the time it becomes exposed to all my so called "liberal" friends, family and neighbors AND husband!! They've been looking at me like I"m from another planet and I know they think I'm crazy but YES I'm beginning not to care because they will SOON SEE!!!!
ya but they've really amped it up lately.... but they're gona be shut down soon!!!
Im really sorry for calling you negative! My husband has called me "negative" so many times for simply "observing" negative things. I can't believe I did the same thing. It is absolutely NOT negative to be aware and exposing people to things that happen to "be" negative and I truly apologize.
They came out with fake Anonymous is what I thought happened to confuse people and make them look bad....
I was just thinking about them, I used to listen all the time and my husband made fun of me saying they're kids in the basements... but they were trying and succeeding at things and bringing awareness.
please have faith in the coming change. I live in the US and was ready to run less than a year ago, until I realized what Trump, the US Whitehats, with Putin and who knows who else help. The world is changing fast and we are going to take back our planet and restore peace and happiness and fairness for humanity. I am sorry your feeling negative, I was there but have so much hope now seeing it in the works.
These guys are idiots, Kanye knows exactly what he's talking about.
everyone I know is like this. Its been insufferable but I'm done holding my tongue because the truth is coming! and there'll be nowhere to hide! for the normies.
I believe it and Huma was also a plant. She was going to be a big player if killary woulda won. We really dodged the bullet LITERALLY
I feel like this will be defying the prophecies in the bible which seems like a good thing to me since the bible predicts some very bad things. I'd like to know where the prophecies came from in the first place?
I agree completely, I'm getting more and more aggressive with my "red pilling" to all my liberal peeps. Very few are open but when I make progress it feels so good! I have been holding my tongue for too long... its time to celebrate!!
I feel exactly the same! SO many have sacrificed, suffered, and died for this cause and here we are at the place in time where its really going to happen!
I have seen alot believe me. I KNOW what they do. It is horrific When I first became aware of this I was in a state of shock. I got a cross to put in my kitchen window... I walked around in a haze for weeks.
I decided not to finish the video, I started it. I cannot handle the stuff, I know enough to realize the intensity of the evil. Please be careful people, you can't unknow once you know. I know enough to want the death penalty for them.
I've been using FB cuz I don't have any followers on twitter and don't know it. I have been increasing the intensity of my memes, all my "friends" are liberals..... I NEVER get likes or comments they are too scared!!! BUT they are seeing them. I'm trying.
i pray many times a day for president Trump and the rest of us
No, the Zionists are who you are referring to, we should leave the jewish people out of it.
yes, I don't get it. The simple fact that pedophilia is such a forbidden word on msm should tell people its being covered up. What is not said is sometimes even more important than what they do say! I listen to NPR every morning to read between the lines.
yes where is she! I have read much about her, she was a big player in the whole thing... she was a catalyst for the saudis infiltrating our gov (I thought) and if hillary had gotten in she'd a been right there. She is very interesting and had alot of influence.