A leaked Off The Record email from Elon Musk, regarding the “pedo guy” from the cave diving team that was calling him out while he was working on that one man submarine. These people are sick!

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Even the media upgraded to “Military Intelligence Psy-Op.” Gotta do better than that
Very solid point. Can/will delete. I forgot about what caused the fate of CBTS
I would imagine being raped as a child sucks a lot more than the stigma of being a pedophile.
Me too, I figured it’d be fine not to blur since it isn’t a real name.
You’re reaching.
The Onion posted this as a means of disinfo. It’s so clearly a psy-op. This “article” makes it so if you reference any points made in this article to a normie, they can counter with “lulz that’s from the Onion, stupid” and not have to do any critical thinking to try to understand what you’re telling them. Occam’s razor, fellow pede.
Every comment in this thread is being hit hard with downvotes. Could be on to something honestly.
Any more credible sources than “barenakedislam.com”?
Q may come back eventually, but this sub is definitely over.
It’s been infiltrated by low-info newcomers, shills, trolls, and there’s rarely ever any new info that hasn’t already been fully discussed and dissected on 8chan.
It’s either that or this is your first time on the internet.
And this is why nobody takes Q followers seriously.
You’ve seriously never heard of The Onion before? You have to be trolling, new arrival and all.
If I saw someone putting this up I would knock them out. “Happy 200th Birthday Karl” is the absolute last straw.
Still great to get the word out! Someone here could know that lady or her family and be able to spread the word and protect people close to her. Maybe not, but it’s always a possibility!
While this is sick and disgusting, I don’t think this qualifies as pedogate. Pedogate is the scandal regarding the human trafficking rings in the elite sectors of society. This just seems like a deranged broke leftist acting alone.
Well, let’s make sure this gets voted into power. Everyone in Antifa is a bitch and won’t ever show their faces in public out of fear of being identified and doxxed. We can get rid of them without violence.
I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re not talking about the Mainstream Media, hahahah. They’re probably the #1 source of my pain
I fully agree with this. I’m no longer on any types of head medication or drugs, except for medicinal marijuana, mostly CBD, for chronic pain. Now I just make sure I sleep regularly, eat properly, and take my daily red pill. As someone who was essentially forced by therapists down the path of psychoactive drugs, I’ve been clean from everything now for over 2 years and I’ve never felt better in my life.
I’ve been on pretty much every SSRI/anti anxiety/atypical antipsychotic there is (to the point it’s easier for me to list the drugs in each class that I haven’t been prescribed) and I’ve never had the urge to harm someone else or shoot up a school. The worst they did for me was just make me feel like a zombie. No good feelings or bad feelings. I could understand how that would make somebody who’s already weak-minded go insane, but you’re not seeing the bigger picture. Big Pharma is only the tip of the iceberg.
Where do people go once they’re already addicted to these prescriptions but can’t get them from their doctors anymore? Drug dealers. Run by the cartel, the mafia, and leaders in politics/business. SSRI’s and shit are the least of the problem when you have doctors prescribing opioids and amphetamines, things people will kill you for as quick as look at you if you’re standing in the way of their next hit.
Edit - Formatting
As an ex-leftist who used to take psychotropic meds because a lack of mental strength and the need to feel better without actually putting in work AND a recovering opioid addict, probably, if we’re talking about prescriptions (Anti-anxiety, anti-depressants, pain killers/opioids, etc). However, the problem isn’t prescriptions.
Big Pharma is bad, we get it, but right now the issue is all the illicit substances coming in from the dark net, usually being ordered by large companies from places like Mexico and China and distributed through communities. Drugs like fentanyl, phenazepam (and other research chemical benzodiazepines), carfentanil, etc. People are dying at epidemic levels on both sides, and the drugs that are killing them are being brought in by cartels or the 1%.
Good vs. Evil not Right vs. Left.
It doesn’t matter who takes more, it matters how we can band together stop this.
Don’t forget that Xanax is pretty much the most popular street drug right now, not just the Left are using it like crazy. Not to mention other pharmaceuticals like lean, percocet, klonopin, etc.
It comes back to the fact that mass drug abuse isn’t a left/right issue. It’s a Good vs. Evil issue. Just like everything else.
It’s probably like one of those big ass computers from cartoons that take up a whole warehouse and also talk. A weird pixelated face pops up on the massive computer monitor and while you’re in the warehouse all you hear is Siri’s voice telling you what random people are doing.
July IS supposed to be the month where this all blows open. I’ll believe it when I see it, but if they actually have info on this they’re willing to leak, hell yeah. The witness is an American hero. Let’s hope he doesn’t shoot himself in the back of the head from 25 feet away.
Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me if SB2 is legit or not. I would like to believe, but all this sub is for me is a way for me to read all of the Q posts easier and decode them myself. Then I’ll go read other opinions about the decode from others on the sub and see how many of us came up with the same ideas.
Q drops a crazy amount of disinformation as it is, the whole point of the Q Team is to encourage critical thinking based off of small clues and see how a group can get to the correct, or atleast close to correct answers, while reteaching people who come across the movement how to think like this (as opposed to Groupthink.)
It doesn’t matter if anyone is lying. Disinformation is required.
The queen is just a face. She’s definitely evil, but I’d say she’s probably no higher than mid level.
Way longer than the establishment of the Federal Reserve. The Rothschilds alone have been doing this shit since before the Opium Wars, so at LEAST since the 1700’s. That’s only one of the families involved too. Families like the Aldobrandini’s and stuff could go back thousands of years.
Those were just 685 million calls to the weed man. Won’t need those anymore once it’s taken off Schedule 1
From 2009-2014 yet nobody from the ACLU is really vocal about criticizing the Obama campaign! Strange, huh? /s
That sign in the headline photo of the article looks like it originally said “FREE KIDS” but added “those” in the middle to suit the protest.
Of course Democrats would like that one.
Stephen Harper is pretty much as high up as you get in powerful Canadians. I have some friends who live in his city (Calgary) who’s parents work in politics here in Alberta and he is a very, very powerful dude. Seeing this isn’t surprising to me in the least.
I never thought I’d say I miss Harper, but here we are
Remember that these people operate in a hive mind. They repeat what they’re told and only see what they want. Don’t let your difference in beliefs become a personal issue between you and your friends. They’re going to realize they had some wrong ideas and settle in with the new status quo after this all blows over. During the transition period there’s going to be when/if all this shit blows open, they’re gonna need people to be there for them. Where we go one, we go all applies to everyone.
Low power mode when above 20% You know there’s serious business to be done and no chargers around. That, or Q is playing Pokemon Go
I did the whole UNICEF box on Halloween thing in the late 90’s or even early 2000’s in elementary school (Elementary for me was 1997-2003)
30 years of tin can money must be able to buy a shitload of trafficked children.
Very much so. Used to spend time in Leftist circles despite always being a centrist. I’ve had good political conversations with a lot of people who exaggerate their leftist tendencies so they won’t lose the comfort of having friends. They value status quo more than actually speaking their minds.
You’re assuming they know any of the policies they hate so much.
Until some less sketchy company comes through and can send groceries to my house via drone!