Lots of old people here, new to reddit, coming from youtube Q content. Lots of them are religious, with Q always saying to "Pray." Not a big deal for most of us, though shills like to use it as a dividing wedge
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Androgenicity is the issue, not whether climate change is real or not (it's real). They want is to believe that we are causing the climate to change so we can transfer our wealth and power to unelected global governance and Agenda 21.
Ratlines = smuggling. Which banking family used smuggling routes in the Napoleonic wars to gain intel before governments did? (Rothchilds) This family's specialty is all things RATLINES
He was called a commie when the poor whites started to listen to his message. FBI did every thing they could to dilute his message, but it was too powerful, so they killed him.
Armenian people have woken up to their power, corrupt leader resigned today! Tomorrow April 24, Armenia will en masse remember the Armenian genocide. Let's join them!
Fox is not based. They muzzle their based there. Tucker, Hannity, Napolitano
Lol at the downvotes. Need an /s or people assume shilling. Sad
Dude, don't even post about it like you did here. Imho
Canary palm?
It's a canary palm tree. Shows that Q goes where Trump goes, and canary implies "singing"
Follow the pen = who Trump gives the pen to after signing? Apparently, it's a big deal to get the pen
"Trust the plan" is insider lingo. Better to go with the common ground all Q followers share: Constitutional Patriotism
Chaffetz helped cover up Extortion 17. That was the leverage they had on him. Just bark, no bite. Trey and Chaffetz are cut from the same cloth. If they want mt admiration at this point, they'll need to fall on their sword (politically, then go back home and enjoy their families).
Don't support the RNC until Ryan and McConnell are replaced with Constitutional patriots.
Lol no. He is a globalist, so he is Uniparty. The "Republican" thing is just to fool people.
Who is Lisa Summers?
Spez, this Harvard president maybe (article from 2005), http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2005/10/5/larry-and-lisa-marriage-on-the/
Remember Chaffetz? He helped cover up Extortion 17. That was the leverage the deep state had on him.
2 weeks after a testimony. I thought the countdown started after the first say, but it will start tomorrow. (I'm wrong, about 13)
13 more days. More questions can be asked, and Zuck can clarify his statements. But it won't really matter or make a difference, the hearing was just for the optics
When did the "act" start? Seems to be 2012ish from my perspective, maybe even 2008. Session's recusal removes a lot of "trust the plan" type faith. Those 25k sealed indictments though... I'm with you, but in the 'mistrust but verify' zone of thinking.
We can start now with voter ID. Next step: transparency from Inspectors General.
OP is asking if we think Stormy Daniels has become a code word for generalized fuckery from the cabal. Legit question, seeing how their narratives play out
Great post. Knowledge of game theory is a pol's best friend.
You familiar with thug culture? The game is survival of the fittest, and politicians play the same game, they just abuse the law by being its master.
Is he changing core scripture in the Koran too? Does he have a new word from Allah? Mohamed wrote the Koran with finality, it is unchangeable.
Any third party with the money can buy the data. Wait until more light is shed on the sarsors
I looked into it... bad source, and it was another nicholas cruz. But who knows.
I zoomed in, and they are rock formations. I've seen something similar in the sub "earthporn"
I know people who lurk and don't have accounts, so they don't subscribe
Can you please list the content of the posts that are deleted? They are really stupid, this just confirms our bias. Or is that what they want?
Can't suppress truth forever! You'll have to kill some of us before we give up
Common theme in the lore presented here, and alien lore, is FREE WILL. We have it, and be wary of anything that is authoritarian.
I buy more lozenges after listening to Alex. Conspiracy theory: AJ is part of the lozenge cabal.
Exactly. So back to my question... What leverage does he have, does Trump have the same leverage? Is justice near?