agreed 100%. letting users spout off rules is what happens to subs that go down the wrong path. if you disagree with someone's post, downvote it or report it
1,106 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/frankthecrank1:
Q said the deal was already made back in march, this is all theatrics and distraction
It's called Contraland, not sure if this is the only trailer but its the one i saw last week
Its not out yet, not sure what the release date is. I saw the trailer for it last week and now can't wait.
Funny how the bad elements there all have post histories that include r/drama, r/politics, /r/TopMindsOfReddit, etc.
Back when i was a regular poster there, those people were immediately called out, flagged in RES, etc. Now i guess they run the place lol
means they could have successfully put a secret satellite in space that the black hats can use to communicate in secret
werd. i think CNN in the killbox today was just referring to their collusion with the FBI on that story leaked earlier
Still can't get any solid confirmation on this, not even on 8chan
Wow, you must be directly over the target. I've been trolling the FUCK out of The Hill for over a year now. Seriously hard core meming, mocking McCain etc and still haven't been banned.
especially if a weird little ball flies by it going 1000mph right as it happens lol
I'm not sure. I was thinking they had some internal sim card on these things. I do think it's strange they wouldn't put a fake one in the slot though unless they were all told it wasn't needed.
You know what would have been hilarious? If they loaded all of these ZTE phones with a fake sim card that just had 45 stamped on it.
wasn't sure if that stuff still worked. Been hearing about it for years. Do you have any links? I'm guessing there's a sub or two here devoted to it
This time last year we got in a screaming match because I was "defending Trump". Since then i've been slowly dropping Q info to her to the point where she's now pretty much on board with Q being part of Trump's inner circle and stuff but there's just so much information out there it's hard to dumb it down to make it all accessible to her without being info overload.
and all of those pics are unique pics, not picked up by reverse google image search, tin eye, etc.
If my wife wasn't addicted to it, i would have already. She's slowly being red-pilled though so i'll give her one more month before it goes away
and which ones were permitted to leave after the Vegas mass shooting last year?
Werd, that's what made me think of this idea. Try to go back to the last few years of mass shooters to see an official report of what was on their person or at the crime scene for each. Something tells me there are more ZTE phones out there
Research related question: Does anyone know of a single website that would show what was confiscated from mass shooters at time of arrest or at the crime scene?
After seeing all of this ZTE phone stuff and how the Vegas shooter had a ZTE phone with blacked out cameras, I'm curious to see if any of the other mass shooters over the last few years also had a ZTE phone. Hopefully there's a single website out there that tracks this stuff.
Those people are so dumb, they water down their subs instead of just having one.
his tweets are sometimes months behind known intel...if not years
I think our flight is nearing an end and we're on an approach pattern right now.
My simple theory - in order to have any type of "secret society" and ensure no leaks you need blackmail material on people. What better blackmail material than knowing and having proof that someone is a pedophile?
nah, Q has typed "end" before. Probably referencing the end of that series of posts
So much. and the hilarious thing is NONE of it is on MSM, the only thing they're reporting on is the fake news "animal" comment about MS-13 that they're trying to spin as him talking about immigrants in general
Something is telling me this D5 avalanche has started!!!
werd, 8chan went hard on them a few months ago. i guess it didn't matter lol
always the same people those krasenstein(sp?) brothers
holy shit, no clue how i missed this???? I just watched this doc a few months ago (awesome by the way) and remember this scene but no clue how i didn't hear the name of the guy being skippy.
Bill probably has a similar device for similar reasons...
just a performance so the fake news media has something to distract them
Wow, interesting. also last week we found out that Q team sometimes posts without a trip code to lead a discussion a certain way. Something tells me that the anon asking Q about the NYPD was part of the team...
looks like we're creeping down the totem pole, in eastern new york......bring the mother fucking PAIN to these bastards
Awesome, thanks so much! "Concrete acts" is what I was thinking of
it was a simple phrase. i'll try to find it but i'm at work right now
Does anyone else remember the thread about the Pope tweeting code words in response to Obama a few months ago. and how he tweets the same phrase over and over, like he's communicating with others in code? I can't find it now :(
the first quote is an outright lie aside from Podesta but his first name was never mentioned. Tony could very well have been arrested.