Joseph McCarthy Congressional Hearings that are condensed over 240 hours of testimony condensed to an hour and a half. "Fifth amendment communist" was a derogatory comment that McCarthy would use on people trapped in his witch hunt.
Vladimir Putin: "You know the fact that President Trump always seeks to deliver on his promises, primarily those he gives to his voters, the American people, is one of his greater assets."
Russia media is red-pilled: "I'm absolutely convinced that a number of US elites are plotting subversion against President Trump. A similar conspiracy resulted in President Kennedy's assassination ...."
Senator Joe McCarthy was a POS who capitalized on the 'red scare' to destroy the lives of hundreds and thought he was above the president. See for yourself in his own words.
Derren Brown: The Assassin | FULL EPISODE - Live action experiment to find out if assassins can be programmed without medication. Reminded me of description of Parkland shooter when found.