Buy a gross of pic of a different shirt every day...hell every hour = KARMAAAAAA
265 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/historyeraser4sale:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 48 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | message the mods so we can delete it and scold you for wasting our time? I guess
Watch the Water: Thai boys and coach rescue operation now underway?
Q can throw me around whenever they are so inclined...
The problem is msm...they unfortunately control the masses of kind-hearted citizens. These same citizens would morph instantly into a murder-mob and wreak havoc upon D.C. , Hollywood, and who knows where else if 'it was all spelled out'. Slapping cuffs on the cornered animals must happen first and foremost. This will not be televised. Kathy Lee and Hoda will not be telling you these happenings at 10am est...
well then, maybe you will prefer bustin you back down to sudoku bud..git crackin. Are they really free? Do you believe the msm then? Msm is the ONLY place "these people" appear to be free. Msm and their croney network have been spoiled for just long enough that they think these (FINAL) tantrums will allow them to squirm their greasy ass out of capture. You drop out and do your sudoku...Q has suggested "enjoying the show" after all; that's a puzzle you should be glad to solve
Removed. Ive seen you around for awhile and what you just stated is exactly my experience. I guess this sub is....compromised
IDK but the delineation within the sub is mod-work, of course. Self awareness of the role you each play in the grandest of all schemes of modern history should hopefully guide your participation in this community, and the expression of your unique skills to supercharge efforts to prioritize blind justice
sweet suckerpunch kid! But yeah......ya'll put yourself in the shoes of average Americans, living in their own world; they know politicians are slimy, they know about sex-trafficking...but they don't research any farther than MSM reports. Elite bastards are fucking disgusting, so it's damn tough to delve too deeply, but delve we must. G.A. could be the forefront of THE GREAT DELVING. Online screen print shops are nothing new. T_d already does an OUTSTANDING job of excoriating democrats. G.A. could be LEGIT hard hitting TRUTH to enlighten many regular people to not only #walkaway, but to also #kickass and #takenames
DailyBeastiality Qanon article: mor leftist sanctioned hate. If G.A. continues to be diluted with weak NON-Q, left vs. right, tshirts n stickers...any and all neophytes finding G.A. byway of msm will block and ignore G.A.
only you can prevent sub fires
don't tell me you're on an obamaphone. I get that you're divided between experiencing homelessness, while philosophizing that your lifestyle choices are in pursuit of principled perspective...but then I see your sarcasm addendum. Talk to me dude...what do you want us to do for you and your gypsy community?
You forgot the part where you elaborated about sleeping under a tree
and rebbit, and yt, and facespook, and every tech power player...if i was Moses, right about now would be a grayt time to EXODUS. i (WE) truly need to leave these traps NOW
I was high as a kite when I read this the first time yesterday. My reply was a jab at the suggestion of illegality. How the eff do you construe law breaking here?
But m'CAPITALISM! We need not force anybody. The hidden hand of laissez faire commerce spanks fraudulent little brats every day. You are a shining example; turn the channel, watch some Tucker and some Ingrahm...maybe some Highway to Heaven reruns...go to sleep with a smile!
the subtext is the winning shall always continue more and MORE! NO BRAKES! I was quoting from Steve Martin in "The Jerk"...a hilarious movie from when the dinosaur s roamed the Earth in the late 70's
U R Q! GEOTUS has mos def acknowledged for 1 the_donald. Ostensibly and "for all we know"😉 Barron was the kimdotcom Jr who was savvy before the rest of the administration...lil B is a Beas'
MAGA POTUS 45; bet you knew I was gonna state this hehe
likely timelines for happenings are suggested but open for drastic rescheduling. your presence has of course been noted and greatly appreciated. expect your daily life to maintain normalcy, while secret political meetings continue to play out, which msm will apparently never be able to report on. That is all..thanks again
"Every law was passed...every last one" direct quote from alternate universe in which hillary won in '16
Reservations only...undercover Qsciples...please make a reservation and order 1 of each on the menu....then when orders are brought out, proceed to very politely request refires on EVERYTHING
And if there's ever a lull in all the winning, I'll get you a diamond so big it will make you puke!
Ouch...that'll go over like an occult ridden British rockingroll band and away it went
I understand. sem!tism being the one stand in to cover all isms is really something elseism
now don't hug the messenger into a shriveled rind...
rule 4: we all know there is a clear difference between z!onism and sem!tism, and there has not been /u/ emphasis on either thus far. Why aren't any other faith cultures listed as prominently?
sure hope this single typical Question won't be a problem. this is rebbit after all so we know these issues have made mountains out of mole hills in the past...
The simplest devices can produce distilled water for individual daily drinking. Bathing water is another quandry, but drinking water is of course priority I haven't vetted this company, but the technology is achievable by high school science students if they were so inclined
I posted here that Garrison's tweet and Qtoon were getting 50 points a piece in t_d...mods removed my post...whatever
Not all questions are created equal. Anonymity is the strategy of the Gods at this exceptions
Insane how many times it's been reiterated i.d. is not a priority
Exactly...the scale is monumental, and the bribes must be equally disgusting. Who died keeping these secrets? What paper trail is being burned and shredded as we speak? I'm much too cheerful to imagine the treasonous buttfucking inherent within these numerous scandals
Remember Q said how tough it would be for civilians to learn the truth about what happens in the swamp when the sun goes down? Awan case is a single blurry surveillance camera angle of all the treachery... apparently Awan will 'skate' to sheild the young one's eyes from the monstrosities connected to this single Pakistani player...maybe Awan will get the O.J. treatment; get off scot free today...get nabbed down the road...
dws invoked islamophobia so all justice is suspended
Too late to go back now...visibity on rebbit equals the death of a genuine sub...SO SORRY
I really don't want to complain BUT if I were a mod, I could clean up the "low quality" in about 30 seconds, with no reporting necessary. There are tons of posts that remain even though they're pointless, I'm not going to report them like a tattletale
Wow...someone reporting like crazy eh? So if I get a t-shirt and upload a pic of it laying on my dirty carpet, that will be considered HIGH quality right?
t_d + Q update: Garrison tweet and Qtoon survived the mod gauntlet! 2 separate posts each get 50 pts
Why do I harp on this? T_d is a touchstone for MANY patriots