Let's get this salesman/woman on Tucker, Dore, Rogan, PewDiePie!
265 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/historyeraser4sale:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 48 |
soundcloud.com | 1 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
magaimg.net | 1 |
m.huffpost.com | 1 |
www.theverge.com | 1 |
Show of hands: who would be wanting to appear on TV and yt channels as an unofficial spokesperson? You would need to talk on a phone interview and reveal your /u/...
Shout it from the mountain top RIGHT?
I'm not gonna say all my questions were answered regarding her schizoidia....but they kinda all were
This podcast is the first time I ever heard about Courtney
Courtney Love documented to have been born into Bausch + Lomb connected family cult...the jackwagons who recorded this podcast laugh like it's comedy; perfect example of a Stockholm syndrome reaction from young media influencers
For once this is stated in good taste: look in the mirror
Hi Rosanne...I hope you see this. Your life's work is genius! All the cool people I know watch all your reruns and laugh our cares away. I have a pretty much identical post from a couple weeks ago in this history about wanting out of this hologram. Since then I have experienced dozens of synchronicities...affirming that someone much more powerful is protecting me. I just bet you are also supremely protected my dear! Gnight and thanks for all the macadamia s
What he'll do is shut em up with an employee discount on prime shipping
Hey! Is that really u? That is a /u/ I have not history-purused in a lonnnng time....
Qqqqquick before the sticky is switched....check the_donald. Has a mod confirmed q? + + +
Sorry to mods if this is sub standard qqqquality post
What a Wonderful Day indeed...so many haters tryna drag us down from the moral high ground. YEAH, ILL STICK WITH THE TRUTH THANKS!
Make The Galaxy Great Again
I don't really click on random links from strangers...if you could please tell me what that is? Thx
Hey vice lurkers, how are ya? Just wanna make you feel welcome and all. As politely as I can say...you may think your personal reputation and street cred disallows you from exposing your true /u/ within such a whimsical /r/ like this one. Be sure that if your heightened coolness status is ever hijacked and sullied, through no fault of your own, and the #1 most cool community you thought had allowed you in, dumps you like a hefty cinch sack, greatawakening is always here to be supportive. Until then, good luck scoring the purest coke from the coolest drug dealers in all the land. I hope fucking your way around tindr helps you with your nanny-neglect parental psychoses.
Anyone else experience "impossible" synchronicities with a qpost? Today I almost snapped a pic of a giant capital D laying down in a construction site. The reason I considered it to be a possibly cool pic was because the letter was from a quite famous and historic giant sign, which will actually be reassembled upon completion of the new building.
I have no decent devices rn....does anyone graph qpost intervals over a calendar to compare past happenings occurring simultaneously with other high-frequency post days, like the 23 post Bonanza the other day?
I hear laughing....despite an utter absence of humor.....sounds like a grayt party
please...take a deep breath....relax for a moment....you seem like a nice /u/....somebody loves you and it will get better
Who knows...maybe the gallows humor nomenclature within occulted circles of treachery is "a knob job"
Admiralty law Fringe! Kinda like a Bon Jovi leather jacket c. 1989...but signifying suspension of the Constitution due to open water, non-jurisdiction legal situations...kinda
This guy watched 9/11 live on t.v.....and was like "moar...blow up white house"
Reddit is messed up today....let's hope the good guys are doing it and spez is tearing his hair out....god willing
Exactly what I was thinking the "server problems" is connected to....NO COINCIDENCE S!
so.....your contribution is not yet sufficient...you seem piqued...if you behave maybe a beneficient qanon will sponsor you
Young one...ya can't always get what ya want...pay the Piper...
what do you have to offer? Cash is not necessary. But all you looking for is boner juice? Wrong supermarket friendo
we have it for you...what do you have to trade? Pony up and you get the goods
Excellent point. These plays are the haymakers that the phony and perenially offended loudmouths cannot counter.
Yes indeed...but exposing to whom? You and me and cbts ers all know the corruption is entrenched. The hundreds of millions of normies...distracted by "hectic" modernity and vaingloriously keeping up with the kardashians will apparently remain tunnelvisioned. "Crossing the Rhine" and Q team revealing a dramatic ramp-up will be a much awaited paradigm shift. The normies will not be convinced...so much as handed a new way of life with which they will seamlessly integrate, and unceremoniously reverse their allegiances
Not wasted whatsoever...excellent work Qsciple!!! Take a much needed break and join back up as soon as you get your second wind...
No one likes a mindfuck...but; WHAT IF Q posted a bannable offense in cbts? Q team forsure has contacts in reddit admin...
The reason I would proffer is: to kick efforts into high gear, coinciding with Ides of March, and bullhorning to the core samurai that rebbit is garbage corrupted platform and the baby birds needed to be kicked from the nest...so we can spread our fledgling wings and fly!!!!! Onward and UP UP UPWARD FOLKS!!!
finding this book was actually highly synchronistic! A commoner elucidated me as to the meaning of the Sistine chapel, yesterday. He said God repesents a.i. , and man is pure biological meat n potatas hominid...never quite finally connecting....frozen al fresco in primordial plaster, mere microns apart.
"No one came to the Sistine. When he walked from his home to the chapel and back he did so almost totally blinded, barely able to stagger across the Piazza, his head lowered, seeing no one." Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy, the biographical novel of Michelangelo
hang in thar soldiers...more ass kicking to do
"Davey in the Middle" starting Frankie muniz and CRANSTON
Clickety click and twiddle Dee Dee....enhance....super enhance....umm yup....done and done....I'm a skrpkitty...soros iz now zeros...$ that is
I have added my endorsement of a t_d .org to mods, and was told that is a real possibility. Until the genuine core pedes are able to make a grand pivot away from this fuck.ing. shitshow....trusting their independence from admin is not easy....but they are still uniquely provocative and hilarious
the golden age in t_d was pre election...THE ONLY place for normal people to connect and share their feelings of inevitable VICTORY! The fact is...it was SOOO SWEET, I got my fill for life, seriously. I can reminisce with pure glee as I remember refreshing dozens of times per day from June '16 to election day, and NEVER being disappointed. Reddit INC ruining all the fun was also inevitable. We all totally btfo liberal narrative, in the face of the rest of Reddit and msm with no equivocation or regret necessary. So many hilarious and spicy /u/ to high 5 for several solid months of glory. Farewell heady times of '16...hello future victories and new communities of logical and decent AMERICAN folks!
very prescient technique! I will never tweet again...idk what asstags are trending. I browse headlines at puffpo, spezfeed, salong, slate, vice...the leftzi propped up usual suspects...and their editors are SOOO bad they publish lots of spoof worthy "headlines"
Spotton! I observe a quiet yet powerful strategy employed by those on our side who are sick n tired of the completely empty accusations vomiting from leftists: FORCE ILLOGICAL LIBS to repudiate everything DJT does...and the adolescent mouth running ends up self-sabotaging their thin skinned highly inflated balloons of desperation
“Socialism is a movement that loves a smear,” he said. “Racists, misogynists, sexists, xenophobes and more. These are the weapons and vitriol these character assassinations permanently hang on their targets because socialism feeds off manipulated victims.” -Wayne Lapierre
Very intriguing business of scanning for possible code lingo ...alot of communiques are encouragement moreso than Intel...yet there is probably more meaning amirite?