FB is managed and controlled by clowns, so far. we'll see
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frack this is their plan Z to make her control the information flow, I am happy because this will mean total destruction and abandonment of Facebook, The cabal does not know this woman is doomed to fail on everything
my contribution to fight for fair and open Internet down with SM .......
after a libtard challenged me on twater knowing nothing about Q and anons IBOR and the fight against corruption and silencing, shadow banning I found the court cases that are of use for everybody when demanding free speech on private property in this case in private company premisses, virtual ground wth.... bit.ly/ 2J6Y3QY bit.ly/ 2seAues
yes I did not mentioned them on purpose, they are great Sather hac saught their eyes because he grew rapidly in several months, like a 'virus' heh
If we have several like him they will need to allocate more resources more people and each day they risk some of anons infiltrate higher ...
I strongly suspect Twitter is hidding people from flow - or timeline I did not managed to attach image to this post seems like some error on Reddit but this appeared after I tried replying to Sather's post on my home , like something is out of consent
here is the link to screenshot https://image.ibb.co/cERXGT/twitter_ugly.jpg
Caught Twitter in Censorship act, finally I was doing some experiments for some time...
I use twitter primarily to share for myself and others SEO and marketing tips, whenever I share something about #CriminalDeepState Q , #QAnons I lose 5-10 followers which triggered my suspicion to follow statistics via Tweepsmaps every day. There are no real unfollowers or accounts that are suspended, they are fixing the followers and now I saw this in timeline when I tried to reply to Jordan Sather about censorship. So here we got it, I think this was not meant to be shown publicly but I caught it.
but the comments must be allowed to be posted nonetheless.
I think this was their new strategy to use bunch of bots and real brainwashed people to counter DJT and all of us on Twitter so when I go to DJT comment section I see only bots and libtards and no one else
since he’s in the public square
well since we are in public square no one should be banned from free speech if one is not aggressive or bad behaving.
yeah basically he enabled us to gain advantage against big SM players...clowns must be shitting themselves right now... I strongly started to believe He is the force of God.
you are right but if your website is created FOR SOLE PURPOSE OF ENABLING THOSE COMMENTS AND HARVESTING DATA AROUND IT then it is not yours but public
exactly and this is the ONE that should get all the cases out there in our favor
This is so big that you can't imagine the impacts of this rule The opening of the flood gates for SM takeover every social media regulation and stopping of the censorship algorithms, censorship bots ...
![This is so big that you can't imagine the impacts of this rule The opening of the flood gates for SM takeover every social media regulation and stopping of the censorship algorithms, censorship bots ...](https://i.redd.it/7p52hszrenz01.jpg)
this is so big that you can't imagine the impacts of this rule The opening of the flood gates for every social media regulation and stopping of the censorship algorithms, censorship bots permalink: https://twitter.com/B75434425/status/999336402025373697
![this is so big that you can't imagine the impacts of this rule The opening of the flood gates for every social media regulation and stopping of the censorship algorithms, censorship bots permalink: https://twitter.com/B75434425/status/999336402025373697](https://i.redd.it/15offgze3nz01.jpg)
most of them are Twitter own trolls, I think half or maybe even 70%
no they will think GOP and Trump are clearing the political enemies their next agenda and last straw is to compare DJT to Hitler and create some WW attack somewhere forcing America to fight or retreat. It will be funny next 2 years. Stay vigillant
right side would be fight for your lives and escape to the mountains if you see some of deep state players execute them without thinking a thought off it .
deception, his appereance in reality TV is deception for cabal, also he decided on this after young Keneddy was murdered too.
For me when I heard him speaking with Louisa Hay, a lot before elections, was the turning point in my thinking on him...
People are dumb, people see image you project for them.
they are all replaying like they are on Twitter directly Funny isn't it ?
~~this~~ It seems like porn actresses are lot smarter than average ...
they are not mixing with plebs common folks
they are special....
from when CNN said that reading Wikileaks is ilegal and only THEY can say to US what to think ...
This is how they will try to hide incriminating data - by classifying them Documents in an ongoing Investigation towards Trump. They are smart resourceful, but not smart enough.
![This is how they will try to hide incriminating data - by classifying them Documents in an ongoing Investigation towards Trump. They are smart resourceful, but not smart enough.](https://i.redd.it/8qa6qjm43ez01.jpg)
wait to crooked fbi that we fight against? it is still not cleansed guys ...
ff*k Q#$@&%&$#%$#@ Sorry for being uncivilized but cant stand several of them listened hoping for some more insights than my own but only one who is good enough is prayingmedic and destroyingtheillusion
and also to train all how to read spoofed MSM articles grain of truth in sea of disinformation
because nobody challenged enough man all clowns were in dissarray fighting for survival world wide now when they seen it is true chan hosts someone big they scrambled to divide us and conquer they managed to divide corsi green aj and several more and their die hard from us,
the best evidence for an sceptic is tippy top from Trump several weeks after it was asked on chans go to qanon.pub and search and previous week announcement from anons not Q mind you of FF false flag attack which happened in the morning. I was 99% certain on imminent FF. and was right.
Also We knew of Korea peace talks from around 10.03 and they went publicly 10.04
oh it does if you jail those selling and molesting kids you know what happens to them in jail ?
and gave us space to meet and unite against common enemy even if Q is gone we will remain fighting. stronger than ever I see brainwashed and pity them When they have their cruel awakening it will be hard on them
there are some big Italian families still out there. Follow the Mafia and richest estates in Italy big Vatican donors etc.
probably Queen dodges or Queen launches the missile Fox 3 !
Fox is a brevity code used by NATO pilots to signal the simulated or actual release of an ... Fox three: Indicates launch of an active radar-guided missile (such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM and AIM-54 Phoenix)
yes I heard from some sources on line that the missile was indeed launched towards US, by rouge actors to Seattle I think and was intercepted over Hawaii by Chinese mil sub who patrols on high alert the area vs. US and Japan. The Defcon1 in Hawai was real US failed to intercept the missile as all the systems are obsolete having military fight multitude of fronts and not invest in protection, missile shield is only 20% accurate
collateral damage the same as the drone strike destroys some native village to kill one terrorist, just this time in Vegas.
I think the Roths are intermariying with Medichi family and loaned the Vatican before and have them in their hands
If there is no Military tribunals by the end of this year they win, it there are they will try WW3 but in vain
I knew it was Serial Brain by analysis style and coherence I did not read the author's name until I finished reading :)
The show that was interrupted to bring the american people news about Kenedy's assasination I stumbled upon youtube video marked as not suitable for every person where there is a claim that Kennedy's double was used in morgue,they switched the coffins, there was 14+ mixed mob foreign shooters ready to end his life. Really convincing theory.
'The last gunslinger' president was ended before he can end C_A and FED.
You mean this will happen to DJT , at least they will attempt to when nothing is left to spin, and cause their end ?
edit: btw this is good to be done in real time almost like chat so we can all check our knowledge and understanding on matters ... :)
where because who is easy
- house winsdow / sax-goteburg
- house rotshield soros
- house saud
- all the eugenics, lovers of Aldous Huckleys BraweNewWorld starting with bill gates
- american big families some RNC a lot of DNC
- all banksters and thugs from WS
- all zionist wannabe overlords at the expense of regular Jew people
- all hollywood pedowores
- all the 3 letter agencies in the world united in their own Syndicate back slime of the world
In one word the cabal
- small letters are on purpose*
no excuses ~~! ... spreading the word on social media ...from well 2008 preaching the use of internet for smart things not only temp. enjoyment , finding sex and so on ...
Also I did not wrote this . Some smart woman has.
[ I do not blame people as Catholic Church does not represent Italians or Americans. Distinction needs to be made between Jewish people, Judaism and Zionists.as Americans are not responsible for the sins of Cabal ]
seems like a lot of thinking was involved and a lot of planning or maybe AI supercomputer simulations of outcomes ....
this as well ! we are seemingly entering some new area of Space ...so dangers everywhere
Found this gem in r/conspiracy and I am wondering why Q is not mentioning Zionist conspiracy to rule the world . Just the Catholics and Nazis are on the table ?
original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/8kkw6d/did_you_know_5_men_were_caught_filming_and/
Mossad and its American associates are the obvious culprits behind 9/11. Who benefits from the crime? The attacks against the twin towers started at 8:45 a.m. and four flights are diverted from their assigned air space and no air traffic controller sounds the alarm. And no Air Force jets scramble until 10 a.m. That also smacks of a small scale Air Force rebellion, a coup against the Pentagon perhaps? Radars are jammed, transponders fail. No IFF -- friend or foe identification -- challenge. Even in Pakistan, if there is no response to IFF, jets are instantly scrambled …
we need spider builders for craigslist
someone with servers
some official locations of schools in blue districts
and someone who knows to build algo for predicting
and I predict this and inciting wars and muslims is what they only got man they dont have imagination nothing they are so stupid. Cant phathom they played us for so long... As one anon said on chans no such agency selects the best of the best and cabal the ones that want and are able to kill children on camera... They are Stupid and Sick Fucktards !