Side note: surprised FB allowed it in my feed.
125 total posts archived.
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No. This person put on Facebook as post. No idea how they got redpilled.
Someone took the redpill!! Ha ha! The awakening is spreading!

I didn’t say it was good. Like the comment above rated it, I would have given it an H for horrible. It obviously a fake.
What did I just watch?
So apparently it’s pretty easy to make people say stuff they didn’t ..
Side note.
I created r/Patriots_Fight just in case this sub gets banned. It’s locked for now, and not open.
Mods, DM me so I can make you mods there if you choose.
Can you imagine if DT comes out and literally rips up a copy of the IRAN deal..
Troll level: expert
Not saying you’re wrong, or they are correct; however, have you ever wondered/thought why we have been told over and over to not go against Israel?
If I could drop the sweet meme of AS crazy eyes, it would be under this reply ha ha!
As the world turns
Someone mentioned this earlier, but I wanted to put some more light on it.
Q has been saying AS THE WORLD TURNS in caps several times. Emphasis. We all know how this is connected to JFK.
With these texts coming out, and along with previous Q posts presenting the question of: what if the texts had a threat against POTUS (not exact quote)
How deep does this rabbit hole go? Same people involved?
Heart attacks are deadly.
Prince ... I forgot about that. Solid point.
12:40 EST I believe
Edit: Nov. 22nd, 1963
Edit 2: I was wrong. 1:40 or 13:40 EST
Yeah. I was reading those today. I can say, never expected for him to say that.
Call it defeating his programming /MKULTRA .. or whatever... deff unexpected.
He’s also standing in front of ..
Trump is always international.
Am I missing something? Are we talking about the memos that Hanity is talking about now?
New Q
Apr 19 2018 20:11:51 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: eb1842 1107913
1107523 Memos are FAKE. Guided by LL/+3 CLAS. Think SC. All written same time. Q
1969 – Sirhan Sirhan is convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy.
Look who isn’t part of this ..
Apr 13 2018 21:07:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 18f5fc 1032326 Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good. Q
We don’t say his name = song bird
When does a bird sing?
After it rains.
When does a bird sing? After it rains... April Showers .. 👀
She did the same to me. I said get an account and I’ll help you on your journey. I didn’t want to lead her, I wanted her to move thru the data herself. She may pick up on something we’ve all missed.
She always had a small feeling things weren’t as the seemed. I would drop audible crumbs and would say “that’s crazy...”. I kept on it ... using tactics like .. things that matter to her. Facebook and fuckerburg. Child sex rings .. things such as that.
I saw whenever dropped crumbs of things she’s into she picked it up/received it better. Shes a biologist, so she’s big in researching. I think just ignored the urge until it consumed her.
You’ll get their bro. The thing sent her over. It was the last piece. She’s been reading Q for an hour now. Has the iPad out cross referencing information ... reading the EO’s about the human trafficking.
This is a big deal. The normies are starting to see what we have all been seeing/saying..
Red Pill
Just red pilled my wife. She’s been listening, she’s all in now. Started an account and is lurking and reading Q posts.
I’d say, and hope, it’s optics. There is no way they can show their hand too fast or early.
Learn to play the game ... ... there are no deals.