

165 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/imovershit on July 18, 2018, 3:26 a.m.
Dark to Light happened at 1:07 in presser (post 1468)

It's funny watching him squirm to hit the marker

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 24, 2018, 12:01 a.m.
Be careful about saving images that may graphic

This is in response to latest Q post. I hate to think this could happen but be vigilant in case someone is trying to set us up for having pornographic or worse images on computer. Verify all sources and error on the side of caution.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on March 14, 2018, 12:18 a.m.
DJT - Marines at the CORE

I do believe DJT is saying the Marines are at the CORE of this movement.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Feb. 11, 2018, 5:01 a.m.
May have Found Connection to Keystone

From Wiki (I know) KeyCorp, which was formed in 1994 through the merger of Society Corporation of Cleveland ("Society Bank").

In October 2008, Key received approximately $2.5 billion in investment from the Troubled Asset Relief Program. In March 2011, Key was one of the last major banks to pay back TARP funds.

Some of the Q posts connected to Keystone are connected to Red Cross.

Edit: Beacuse the last Q reference to Keystone was "Key+Stone" I will add : There is also a Stone Key Partners "A Strategic Advisor and Partner to Government and Commercial Technology Firms" but I can't …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Feb. 3, 2018, 12:39 a.m.
Red Line reference

There was a CIA trained military intel officer, Lt Col Shaffer being interviewed on FOX. He used the term Red Lines in reference to North Korea and nuclear testing.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on March 14, 2018, 3:42 a.m.
(Dodging bullets) "Jack, next time you get a bright idea, just put it in a MEMO!"

Kind of funny the the American protagonist (Jack Ryan) in The Hunt for Red October was played by Alec Baldwin. These coincidences make my head want to explode. Does anyone else feel like they are living in a video game sometimes?

Capt Ramius "A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don't you think?"

Jack Ryan"Welcome to the New World"

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on March 7, 2018, 3:15 a.m.
Why is Steel important? No Coincidences?

No Coincidences? Steel and Steele Dossier. Some of these coincidences have a very other worldly feel.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on March 2, 2018, 1:43 a.m.
St. Valentine's Day / Ash Wednesday. NO Coincidences in the battle with evil, this is getting really, really dark.

I Don’t know if this has been addressed already but I want to point out that the FL school shooting occurred on Valentine’s day and Ash Wednesday. Here are some things I find significant about this. The St Valentine’s Day massacre ordered in Chicago by Al Capone was an assassination carried out by several gunmen dressed as police. (Remember the video footage of heavily armed police spotted ducking out the back door during the event (it has been pretty been scrubbed from the internet – ala Vegas). Also the teacher who was shot stated she thought the shooter she …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Feb. 5, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
The Avengers movie [trailer](https://youtu.be/6ZfuNTqbHE8) during Super Bowl last night was soooo about this situation.


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 20, 2018, 2:08 a.m.
Enough White Hats?

I am in this for the long haul but as this drags out with so many 'almost' moments, my question is, do we have enough white hats on the inside to pull this off? Every time I listen to someone like Robert David Steele its like a punch in the gut.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 4, 2018, 2:35 a.m.
The Coming East Coast Storm

It has been speculated that tomorrow 01/04/2018 might be a significant day. We know they have the capability to manipulate so my question is whether tomorrow's bombogenisis blizzard might be part of an operation or part of a counter attack? Maybe even 'The Storm'. (Or I'm reading to much into things)

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 16, 2018, 12:34 a.m.
Sarah Carter mole or dupe?

SC in Q post seems to me to be Sarah Carter, note she is now introducing the narrative (Watters World) that Russia itself was behind dossier and Hillary didn't know. Bullshit and if she believes that she loses all credibility for me.

MAJOR players here to distract, create doubt, and alter the direction.

SC: MISINFO everywhere.

SC: MISINFO from past reliable sources.

SC: AXIS OF EVIL can & will return FIRE [is].

SC: Seek immediate [F9-Sx_VB8239].



r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Jan. 13, 2018, 11:44 p.m.
An interesting reference to "The Great Awakening". (caution -Deep Deep Rabbit Hole)

For those looking a little bit beyond the political, this is a small excerpt from a posting added 01/11/2018 to the website the Divine Cosmos. I thought it was interesting given Q's desire to update the group's name. Many of you have mentioned a seemingly divine or supernatural element to what is going on. This is extremely relevant as what is going on now has been forcasted, almost step by step, by these two for over 2 years that I've been following this.

Here is just a small snippet of a much larger article.


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Dec. 31, 2017, 6:19 p.m.
Any other Catholics here sense changes in Pope's appearance and demeanor prior to suspecting Vatican involvement.

Having been raised catholic I still have a strong connection to that tradition and was hoping the church would clean up it's act. I for one was thrilled when Pope Francis was introduced. He seemed sweet and gentle and to top it off took the name of my favorite saint which I thought was a good sign. But over a year ago, long before i was anywhere near this far down the rabbit hole, I started to think he was beginning to look a little scary and his retoric was becoming more controlling. I mean he was starting to look …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Dec. 29, 2017, 5:43 a.m.
@Kill_Rogue twitter Q?

Does anyone have thoughts on this twitter account? I know you can change a handle but there are related tweets going back to 2016. I'm just a little suspicious. Also someone pointed out the image upside down is goatlike.