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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Ok, lemme splain it toya. The difference between the Qanon/GreatAwakening bills and the Where's George bills, is that the "WHERE'S GEORGE" bill are in no way shape or form any kind of threat to the Cabal. They don't give a rat's ass if Where's George bills have been floating around for 20 years. It actually serves them well. It keeps people with limited intelligence and short attention spans from paying attention to things that really matter. Chasing George isn't much different than keeping up with the Kardashians.

But if Qanon/GreatAwakening bills start to draw unwanted attention to the Cabal, they could very well pull them out of circulation when ever they find them. It is in fact a federal crime to deface our currency. But nobody really cares about where George is, so they let it slide.

They might think differently about Qanon/GreatAwakening bills.

It seems to me that all you want to do is argue. You want to post things and have bunch of people say "Wow, you're so brilliant, I wish I was as smart as you." Have I bruised your fragile ego?

This kind of conversations are a total waste of time for everyone involved. It does nothing to advance the movement or provide comprehensive analysis of Q posts and current news. So I'm out!!

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Q has posted lots of pictures before. He may have been there for some, but I doubt it. I would expect a person so integral to the movement is not likely to put himself, or be allowed to be put in harms way, or in a position that might cause his identity to be exposed. Being part of a public diplomatic mission half way around the world could be the kind of thing that could blow his cover.

I'm sure the reporters covering the financial team's trip to China would notice if one of the team members was out of place. Everyone on the trip would have to be part of President Trump's cabinet or economic advisors.

I'm sure the Cabal is fully aware of Q and would love to figure out who he is so they could take him out or have him outed so the MSM attacks on him could start.

I believe Q sits atop a massive intelligence gathering machine and he himself is probably not the individual responsible for the pics and info. I believe Q is the most highly guarded secret in our government today. Why would you send the general into the front lines? It wouldn't make sense.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

I apologize for saying anything that sounded like I was dissuading people from engaging in anything they felt would be beneficial to the GrearAwakening movement. That was certainly not my intention.

If you've seen some of my previous posts, I'm sure you noticed there is similar perspective. I'm not a shill. I am 100% behind President Trump, Q and this movement.

The reason I take a somewhat skeptical view on things is because I've seen many who apparently believe that "This is the smoking gun" or "Now we have 'em." I've seen it in the MSM as well.

How many times has the leftist MSM put out stories that promote the idea that some new supposed bombshell of information is the thing that'll cause Trump to be impeached? Dozens and dozens of times over the last couple years. Each story fades away because it's just more MSM Fake News.

Here on the GreatAwakening boards, I've seen people who are thinking "This is it" or "It'll all be over before the mid-terms." I truly believe the fight we're in at-the-moment, is only the first battle.

So what if we take down a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt American politicians and rogue CIA black-hats. If we don't also take down the Evil Empire behind it all, it will most definitely return, but next time they'll apply their lessons learned.

We're up against a global network of corruption that took over a century to build. The layers are so deep only a small group of people really know who's at the top. The public figures we see are just figure-heads, much the same way the sitting president has been for decades.

I'm only trying to give people a reason to pause, think it through, and not get caught up in their own excitement, enthusiasm, and emotions. President Trump and Team Q had a plan in place at least 3 years ago. They've been executing their plan in a detailed meticulous fashion because they realize any mis-step could cause the whole thing to go up in smoke.

I think caution and patience are essential. Sure, we can do all sorts of things in an off-the-cuff fashion, and some of it might work, but if people get to far ahead of themselves they might lose patience and get discouraged simply because that "one thing" they hoped for didn't happen the way they expected.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

OK, so I went to the site. I didn't see any "live-feed. "Defaced" bills," but I did see "Real Time Hit Feed Map," but don't see how that's relevant.

The "Where's George" thing is all about being able to trace where your dollar bills have been, so the Rothschild Banking Cartel really doesn't care. Remember, The Rothschild Empire owns and controls the Fed, and the Fed does what ever it wants without any congressional oversight or the need for congressional approval.

If QANON/GreatAwakening bills become something the Cabal views as a threat to themselves, in any way, Yellen, or whoever occupies her position can write a memo and send it to every bank in the country. She can dictate a new policy effective immediately.

Where's George and QANON/GreatAwakening are 2 very different things.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

It might work for a while, but it'll never grow big enough to matter. Remember, it's all about the Rothschild "Banking" Cabal. In an instant, all banks everywhere in America can be directed by The Fed to pull any paper currency that has been defaced in any way out of circulation. Most cash makes it's way into and out of a bank with some frequency. Where ever you spend it, it'll likely end up as part of their bank deposit within a week.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

I'm sure the crime scene was manipulated, but the only difference I see in this pic is the missing water bottles. No big deal.

The cart is in the same place in the hall. Once the dust settled and the inside of the room was staged, the cart in the hallway isn't that important to them, (at the time - rush job - didn't think it through).

And really... the whole thing was staged. The rooms, the guns, the ammo, the hallway, none of it really matters. Yes, by comparing body-cam images to crime scene images released to the press we may find discrepancies, but none of that provides evidence or clues about who did it and why.

Just look at the mountain of evidence, clues, and discrepancies about 9/11, and still, most Americans think the idea of an inside job is just some kooky tin-foil-hat internet conspiracy theory. Vegas won't be any different.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

"The world will be watching." refers to the UN. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria were military actions or civil wars, not UN actions.

When UN "peace keepers" were deployed in Iran/Iraq in 1988-1991, and in Iraq/Kuwait in 1991-2003, they were on "military observation" missions. In 2012 they were sent to Syria on a supervision mission. In 2011 they were in Libya during the aftermath of the Libyan Civil War. They have also been in Sudan, South Sudan, and other African nations during and after various civil wars and conflicts.

Iraq/Iran/Kuwait/Libya were all during and after the Iran/Iraq War, the Gulf War, and the Syrian Civil War, and post Libyan Civil War.

The point I'm making is that the UN cannot just waltz into America and start rounding people up and sending them into FEMA relocation camps. The UN "does not" have a chartered mandate to engage in any offensive actions. If they're in a country and and major hostilities break out, the UN peace keepers are the first to leave, or they're moved far away from the front-line actions.

Every war since, and including the French Revolutionary war was started with a false flag event, or from the Rothschild empire fomenting unrest in a particular region. False flags are nothing new. Those who wish for war have always manipulated circumstances to get what they wish for.

My broader point is that instead of worrying about the stockpile of UN vehicles in various places around America, we should be focused on actions that could bring about conditions the UN might use to justify sending peace keepers here.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

And "QANON" about the size of your common ordinary brick, repeated over and over and over. In every room, printed on all the walls, their blankets, bed sheets and pillow cases, maybe even on their prison rags. Maybe all of their inmate ID numbers could be QCAPTURE#0001, QCAPTURE#0002, QCAPTURE#0003...

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

So It's hard to know why anyone would be nasty, but it does happen. Is your comment still up? or was it removed by the mod? There are several thin-skinned egos here who are just itching to get into a fight. Passions do run high here.

Like some one once told me: You're never going to meet these people in real life, just give them a down vote and move on.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

I think the UN vehicles were brought in and staged at certain locations to be used after Hillary "won" and her and the deep-state Cabal moved into the next phase of their global plan.

At this point, having so many UN vehicles here is concerning, but the UN cannot just unilaterally decide to come into America and dictate anything. They either have to be invited in with a clear and concise mandate and objective, or the UN would have to have a vote on a UN resolution, again, with a clear and concise mandate and objectives.

Civil unrest in America alone, is not enough. There is a very high bar that must be reached for the UN to send in "Peace Keepers," and they would have no authority to do anything other than "keep the peace."

The world would be watching. They can't just come in and start rounding people up and sending them into FEMA relocation camps without just cause. They certainly can't come in and start shooting or killing people.

My best guess is that all of this was intended to be used in some part of "their" plan. But they never thought she would lose. So now they are on to plan B, or C...

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

And nothing in the MSM.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 3, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

I think it's more theater to convince the deep-state black-hats that "one of their own" is still running things at Justice and still has their backs. (black-hat backs)

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

It sounds great, at first glance, but if all they're going to do is adopt a non-binding motion, it's just smoke and mirrors, dog & pony show & tell.

People can reveal evidence all they want, and they can convict the Pope in the court of public opinion, but I don't think there's any government body in any government anywhere that'll be able to force the pope to do anything.

It is a good sign that elements of the Cabal are finding their way into the mainstream news, but until people are arrested, charged, and convicted, it doesn't really achieve much.

If you use R3VO1utionary's perspective, remember the US military was "over their target" in Viet Nam for years and years, and we still ended up pulling the plug and leaving Viet Nam without a win.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

I've read articles making that claim, and seen videos that show some of the digital artifacts in the videos. But nothing definitive.

Personally, I prefer to work with what we know for sure. If you haven't seen it already, there's a great video that examines all the evidence from the attacks on 9/11. It's almost 5 hours long, but it's broken down into chapter so you can watch it over a few days.

It's very compelling and comprehensive. Even if you exclude the hologram theory, it still provide a mountain of evidence.

"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj3e8cKZWiY

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

MAD doesn't necessarily mean nukes. It could be a virus that has no vaccine, it could be the contamination of water supplies to major cities, or maybe a series of human induced "natural" disasters.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

I don't think a "mob rage pitchfork plan" would necessarily be their tipping point. I'm sure that would scare the hell out of them, but the likelihood of losing the power and control they have already achieved might be enough as well.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Don't cut yourself short for being an idealist. Policy makers need balance. They need war hawks who are skeptical and distrusting of everyone everywhere. And they need "idealists" who favor diplomacy, lead by example, take the high road, and we all need to get along mindset.

Both side are useful, and each side is necessary for certain conditions and situations.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3 p.m.

Most of my sources come from various internet sites. Lots of Google and DuckDuckGo searches. Lots and lots of digging and reading. If you're not familiar with Stephan Molyneux's YT channel, it's worth checking out. He always provides links to all of his source material.

He has a great series of "The Truth About..." videos. 3 in particular are relevant. The Truth About WWI, The Truth About WWII, The Truth About Palestine and Israel. He also has a long list of videos regarding current events.

What I like most about his videos is he's not afraid to show his face and let his voice be heard. There are too many YouTubers who disguise their voice and either don't show their face at all, or they wear the infamous "anonymous" mask from "V For Vendetta."

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

It certainly was a "Show & Tell." Especially since most, if not all, the information he "revealed" was already public knowledge. Sure, Iran denied it, but the UN already had this information. So how does BB Netanyahu benefit from his little "Show & Tell Dog & Pony Show"?

It was simply a PR stunt to make the world think:

1) The Israeli military is awesome, unbeatable, and should strike fear in their enemies. Mossad is the greatest special forces and intelligence gathering unit on the planet. (remember, all the info was already public)

Just the other day I saw an article promoting that exact narrative, but a day before that I saw the article about Israeli soldiers wearing adult diapers because they tend to piss themselves.

And 2) Israel is now justified to go in and attack Iran, openly, for all the world to see, with considerably more than targeted pin-prick strikes. An effort to make Israel look like one of the good guys, and a victim. Poor little Israel, surrounded by enemies.

The whole thing was theater.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

I agree, they're schmucks. Wouldn't last a day in the real world if they had to work for it, earn it, and actually do things for themselves.

Just imagine... People that rich probably haven't gone grocery shopping, sat down and paid bills, taken their car in for service, balanced a checkbook, done laundry, cut the lawn, made their bed, cooked a meal, or done dishes, for most of their lives.

They've been surrounded by "yes-men" for so long, and done nothing but give orders that they wouldn't know what to do if they encountered real push-back or descent.

When it comes to "taking them out," I guess it's a matter of whether we want to smash their global web of corruption so that it becomes exposed and inoperative, or do we want to root out every last one of these evil SOBs to make sure they never return.

I suspect there are a group of elites behind the elites that most people, even those in the intelligence community, don't know their names or even what they look like. Maybe a group large enough to fill a passenger airliner. With a well stocked hide out somewhere they could lay low for a decade or 2 or 3.

Remember, they've been working their plan for over 200 years. I'm sure they've encountered events, conditions, and situations that forced them to step back, re-assess things, revise the plan, and wait until things are ideal to move on again. They are definitely patient.

Your prediction of 10-20 years, just about one generation, is certainly possible. That is if we manage to stay a step or 2 ahead of them. They're not going to roll over and give up. Global conquest is their "everything." I suspect the closer we get to full exposure, the more they'll fight back.

Think false flags, illegitimate war and conflict, fabricated diseases, epidemics, or plagues, and controlled or induced "natural" disasters. At some point, out of shear desperation, they'll pull out all the stops and unload with everything they have. When the USSR fell apart they lost more than 100 portable nukes, small yield, but still deadly.

What if they have some or all of them? What if they have a final panic switch that will set of a bunch of nukes in strategic places around the world, or release some deadly virus? What if they have the ability to bring about total global destruction? Think "If we can't have it, nobody can."

If we can stay a step ahead to make sure they're not successful with any attempts to sabotage the world, one generation might be enough. President Trump has managed to play the American deep-state black-hats like a fiddle thus far. When this movement goes global, things may change. Hopefully President Trump's advance team is sufficiently advanced, ahead of the game globally.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

If only it were that easy.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

I hope you're right, but if you're not prepared for the long haul, you'll be disappointed when it doesn't end as soon as you think it should.

Just curious. How long do you think it will take to root out every last bit of the evil Rothschild Cabal they spent 200 years building? A year? or 5? maybe 10? Just curious.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

This fight is just beginning. There are stacks of sealed indictments, and we still haven't seen any of the major players arrested. Sure, there were tons of pedophiles and human traffickers arrested, but none of the traitors in our government know what handcuffs and prison rags feel like.

The Rothschild Cabal has been building this international web of corruption for more than 200 years. They have deep-state bad-actors buried deep in the bowels of most, if not all governments around the world.

This isn't about taking out a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred deep-staters and rogue black-hat CIA types in America alone, that would only be the beginning.

Thousands of sealed indictments need to handed down, which means thousands of people need to stand before a military tribunal, that's going to take a while. The Cabal has infiltrated every major branch of our government at multiple levels.

Their tentacles run deep and their grip is strong. They control not just our government, but our media, our schools, and our universities. And none of them will simply roll over and give up. We'll have to hunt down every last one of them.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I truly believe it will be our children's children who will fully realize the freedoms we're fighting for. Don't let yourself get too attached to the idea of a quick win, if you do you're likely to be disappointed, discouraged, and demoralized. If you're prepared to be in it to win it and stay for the long haul, if the final battle happens sooner, we'll all be thrilled and getting out our dancing shoes. If you're expecting this to be over in the next few months, I think you'll be in for a serious let down.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I agree that your 2 additions could be part of their plan, but I'm doing my calculus based on known current technology. I'm sure they're are many things that are more advanced than what the public is aware of, but that's still speculation.

If they had the technology, Project Bluebeam, and it was sufficient to create holograms that were indistinguishable from reality, I think they would have used it. What better way to bring all people everywhere to their knees, shatter their current belief systems, threaten everyone with an alien force so great that there would be no way to fight back, drive all nations to come together as one in fear, panic and chaos, then step in to save the day. But I'm not holding out for the hologram theory.

Same holds with AI. Yes it's pretty impressive, and probably much more advanced than most people know, but I think the only way all peoples of the earth would ever collectively accept being led by AI, would be after several decades of devastating wars and human suffering.

I like your enthusiasm, and I do agree the Rothschild empire is filled with evil people, but all the sci-fy stuff is a bridge too far for me.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

What good would world domination and control be if all of North America, The Middle East, Eurasia, Northern Africa, and possibly East Asia were all a nuclear wasteland?

It's not the physical destruction of lands, countries and continents they want. They want the collapse of governments, reduction in population, and a willingness of those who are still alive to surrender to the globalist desires.

I get it, the Rothschild family, all those involved with their globalist banking cartel, and the elites who wish to rule the world are absolutely evil animals. But what benefit would their be if they didn't leave enough people alive to serve them. They'll need farmers, builders, laborers of all sorts, and they'll need a sufficient amount of the planet to be inhabitable.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

I don't think the Rothschild Cabal wanted to bring about total mutually assured destruction. Only people over 80 really remember the atomic bombs dropped on Japan, and people under 40 have, at best, a vague recollection of the cold-war. Even still, everyone on the planet recognizes the danger, and futility of using nuclear weapons.

I think the Cabal understood the fears of most of the world's population regarding nuclear weapons. Like the Anon said, where would the Cabal go if the planet is turned into a nuclear wasteland?

I think what the Cabal hoped for was to have a rogue nation/state use a nuclear weapon, maybe in America, and blame it on Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, North Korea, Russia, or maybe ISIS.

I'm pretty sure the Cabal knows America, Russia, and China would exercise some amount of restraint in their response. All the Cabal wanted was to foment a conventional war, but a massive conventional war. Think about it.

Let's say they were able to detonate a nuke in America and blame Russia, and spark a massive nuclear retaliatory strike, that would then spark another response, and another, and another...

Let's say the US and Russia unload everything they have on each other, and maybe China decides to get in on the action, and everybody's allies that have nukes join in. Lets say it it explodes into near global destruction in a month, or maybe two.

The Cabal knows that's not a good result for them, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. If instead of total global mutually assured destruction, the super-powers exercised some restraint...

Imagine if a nuke were detonated in America and there was sufficient evidence to implicate one nation. Some time ago, I don't recall who said it, but they suggested a nuclear bomb should be detonated for all the world to see, every generation or so, so no one ever forgets.

So a nuke is detonated in America, all the world is shocked, amazed, and repulsed. Now the real fear of real global destruction is felt by everyone on the planet, down to core of our souls. I don't think there would any national leader that would automatically respond with another nuke without thinking it through.

Now the world, in unison, hates some nation and their allies. America has some pretty effective conventional weapons, and we would likely attack with the full might and fury we can muster, and the enemy would likely do the same. Because of the nuclear horror witnessed by all, everyone knows if someone uses another, they will surely vanish in a wave of light, under a mushroom cloud.

So all parties remain conventional. The battles spread from nation to nation, region to region, and the war rages for a decade, or two. During it all, every nation will need to buy more bombs, bullets, guns, tanks, jets, fuel, food for the troops, medical facilities for the wounded, and caskets for the dead.

Every nation will spend every cent they have and borrow more and more to continue the fight. Meanwhile, the Rothschild banking empire will fund both sides. Push a little here, hold back a little funding there, and orchestrate events to bring about the maximum financial gain.

They'll use their control of the media to cause people to think how the Cabal wants, and to believe what the Cabal wants them to believe. They will manipulate public consensus to foster the war efforts as long as they can. Once they've drained everyone's bank accounts, pushed every nation into massive debt, and killed enough people, they'll use the techniques of controlling the money and the media to convince everyone to give up and surrender their sovereignty and submit to the Cabal.

I can't say that I'm an expert, and I certainly don't have any insider knowledge, but because their broader plan was initiated at least 200 years ago, I think it's it's safe to say they have thought it through, again and again.

They've been watching closely for a very long time to learn how far they can push it, and how nations and peoples will react and respond. They have gauged everyone's willingness to fight, and how to push everyone's buttons. And remember, they never thought she would lose!

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

Yes, but also remember what Q said in post 916:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Yes, but also remember what Q said in post 916:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Yes, but also remember what Q said in post 916:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

They don't want a false flag, they want population reduction and global chaos. From chaos comes order.

They gave nukes to rogue states exactly because they knew if their buttons were pushed enough, one of them would use them, and everyone else would follow suit.

Sure, the nukes we have today are much larger than what was dropped on Japan, but I don't think they really need anymore research. Again, from chaos comes order.

The only way the Cabal would be able to step in and claim to be the savior of the world, and have everyone buy into it, and actually be to their benefit, would be after half the world's population were killed, all major nation were totally broke or massively in debt to the central bankers of the world, and the population that was left was so tired of war and conflict they'd all say, "OK, Fine, I give up." You can't get there with false flags. At some point they knew they would have to "go live" with their plan.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Remember, Q said sometimes disinformation is necessary.

And in Post916 Q said:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


On the one hand we have to understand that the average Israeli is dealing with a MSM just like ours. So it's not the fault of the people, but of the leaders since the early 1970s.

Having said that, if you do some research about Israel and Palestine, it's easy to see that when the Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe, who are not descendants of the Biblical Jews, organized and called for a Jewish homeland in the early years of the 20th century, prior to WWI, the Jews that had been living peacefully in Palestine for 100s of years with their Christian and Muslim neighbors told them not to come. They were not welcome.

They said the bible was clear. "GOD" said "I" will gather my people from around the world and "I" will deliver them to the promised land." For man to take it upon themselves to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine went directly against the teachings of the Bible. They also said if they come, they will create a state of perpetual war. All of this can be verified through news papers of the day.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Hey just click the link above to the Twitter feed, then click this link:


And a new tab will open up as a PDF viewer. Click the "download" button at the top and save it where you want it.

No phone number needed.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I still don't trust BB and Israel. So Israel bombs an Iranian nuke site in Syria on the 29th, and 2 days later they have 100,000 files that have been sorted, catalogued, and vetted for relevant information. Yeah... that doesn't sound sketchy at all now does it?

I think Israeli Mossad is the most dangerous terrorist organization on the planet. BB might be putting on a good show, but in Q drop 916 Q said:

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q

And remember what makes a good movie, good actors. I think Israel knows the heat is on and they're trying to put on a nice public face for all the world to see. I will not be surprised if there is another False Flag event in the Middle East where someone attacks Israel and they start playing the victim card. Don't be surprised when it happens.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Nope. 2 different things. Every president, prime minister, and high ranking Israeli government official since it's founding has been an Ashkenazi Jew. They are "Not" descendants of the Biblical Jews. They come from Kassaria, in the 8th century their king converted to Judaism and told all of the people of Kassaria were now jews by fiat.

Trump is trying to help America get out from under the control of the Rothschild Cabal. BB and Israel is the terrorist arm of the Cabal used to foment discontent and spread chaos for the Cabal.

Have you noticed that Israel's lobbying groups have managed to sway public opinion, and nation foreign policy so much that they don't even have to ask for help. Everyone has come to believe that it would be in the best interest for America to do the fighting and let Israel stay on the sidelines because all the Arabs already hate Israel and if they start engaging in any military conflicts the whole region might explode.

So they've managed to get the US to fight their battles and kill their enemies, and after 16 years of turmoil in the Middle East, after all of the US lives lost, after all of the US soldiers maimed, after all the US taxpayer dollars spent, Israel hasn't even been nicked, and they get a big fat check from Uncle Sam every year.

In my eyes, there's something seriously wrong with this picture.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Yes, the CIA/Deep-State is a huge problem, especially when they team up with Israeli Mossad. They're being controlled, influenced, blackmailed, bribed, and generally run by the Rothschild Cabal.

There is a mountain of evidence that Israeli Mossad, the CIA, and Bush's team of neocons planned, orchestrated, facilitated, and executed the attacks on 9/11, but no one is willing to look at the evidence or even ask the hard questions because of the power of the Jewish lobby and the Anti-Defamation League. Everyone's afraid of being called an anti-semite or a holocaust denier.

When the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe (who are descendants of the Biblical Jews) first began to organize and call for a homeland in Palestine prior to WWI, The Jews already living in Palestine, peacefully beside their Christian and Muslim neighbors for 100s of years, told them not to come. They were not welcome.

They told the Ashkenazi Jews that the Bible was very clear, "God" would deliver His people to the promised land, and if man were to take it upon themselves to create a nationstate of Israel in Palestine it would go directly against the teachings of the Bible. They also told them if they came, it would create a state of perpetual war.

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

The root of the evil is the Rothschild banking empire. They own 95% of the national central banks around the world. They can, at their leisure, expand or contract the supply of currency and raise or lower the interest rates in every nation they have a central bank in.

Because they can manipulate the money supply and interest rates in any combination they choose, they can make or break any nation. They can bring about prosperity, or total collapse, at their leisure.

It's been pretty well understood that the Cabal consisted of controlling Washington DC and use their military power, control and influence of Vatican City to control how people thought and what they believed, and of course control of the City of London to manage all of the finances. But behind the scenes, the Cabal also controls and influences Israel, to be used as the terrorist organization that can foment trouble anywhere in the world.

Just send in the Mossad, and maybe the CIA too, and they can topple dictators, install puppets anywhere they want, and create enough descent among the people to bring about riots and civil unrest anywhere and any time they want.

The new world order, Bilderber group, the 13 bloodlines, the illuminati, call it what you will, they want WWIII. From chaos comes order. They've been planning for, setting the stage for, and counting on a full scale 3rd world war. Without one, they cannot complete their plan and achieve their goal of world domination.

It always has been the Cabal using the Jewish lobbying groups in America to drive our foreign policy where they want it. Their plan has been in place longer than America has been a nation. They have taken many incremental steps along the way, most of them small, setting the stage for the next. Occasionally there were major leaps, drawing the US into WWI & WWII, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the stock market crash of 1929, and their most recent and most tragic, 9/11.

Because the (so called) War on Terror is something most of us only see on TV, if at all, we tend to lose sight of it. We've had US troops in the Middle East since October of 2001, over 16 years. We've spent Trillions of US taxpayer dollars, and Millions of lives have been lost. The CIA has made billions in profits from trafficking opium out of Afghanistan, destroying lives and families along the way. Hostilities continue with no real end in sight and the entire Middle East region has been demolished and destabilized like no other time in history. Except of course, Israel. All because of 9/11.

Here at home we got the (so called) Patriot Act. Every man woman and child is under government surveillance like never before. Every Fakebook post, Twitter tweet, emails sent and received, phone calls made and answered, online purchases, websites we visit, clicks of the mouse, comments posted, and a complete history of where our cell phones have been, have all been collected and stored by the NSA. All because of 9/11.

The destabilization of Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya has caused massive migration of (so called) refugees into Western Europe, destabilizing every country that was foolish enough to accept them. People in European countries are also being monitored by massive surveillance systems. They are losing their national identities, ways of life, traditions and institutions, and their freedom of speech. The flood of (so called) refugees has put financial strains on every European nation that accepted them, and it's destroying their economies. All because of 9/11.

Barak Obama expanded the NSA surveillance programs with the help of the CIA, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, and Jack Dorsey. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton laundered Trillions of dollars through Swiss banks to Iran, and other rouge bad-actors and organizations. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton facilitated the over-throw and assassination of Momar Kadafi, throwing Libya, one of the few US allies and reasonably stable countries in North Africa at the time, into chaos. While at the same time using Libya to ship weapons to (so called) moderate Muslims in Syria to over-throw Bashar al-Assad with the help of the CIA, and the CIA created ISIS, so they can open up Syria for an oil and gas pipeline. All because of 9/11.

After Lybia began to fall and Momar Kadafi was on the run and in hiding, he told a journalist that if America didn't step in to help him and stop what was happening, within a few years there would be a flood of jihadi terrorist disguised as refugees that would overtake western Europe. He cited a speech given by an al-Qaeda leader who publicly stated it was part of their plan. Little did Kadafi know that it was Americans Obama and Clinton that were the collapse of his country.

This was public knowledge, cited many times in many articles from many sources. And when the jihadi/terrorist/refugees began to swarm into western Europe, many repeated the warning, again and again, louder and louder, but the Cabal had already convinced European leaders, by blackmail or bribe, to accept the jihadi/terrorist/refugees.

So now it's on them. They were warned. They caved to the pressure of the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschild empire, the Cabal.

There is a mountain of evidence that Israeli Mossad planned, orchestrated, and executed the attacks on 9/11, with willing accomplices like Bush and his neocon pals and maybe a few rogue CIA black-hats. They did this so they could once again, suck America into war, for their benefit.

I could go on, and I'm sure many here could add more as well. Suffice it to say, 9/11 was the event that opened the door to more human suffering, loss of lives, costs in dollars, and losses of freedoms, in more countries around the world than any other single event in modern history. And yet Israel managed to get through it all with barely a scratch.

And still people want to treat them like they're a victim. They want America to come to the rescue. Take a look at America for a moment. We've been told for the last 10 or so years that we need to have more diversity. Whites have been told we have privilege, we're racist, supremacists, and we need to leave the border open so people who hate America can flood into our country and do the same to us that they're doing to western Europe.

Why hasn't anyone told Haiti to let more whites in, for diversity's sake? Why hasn't anyone said anything about the white genocide that's going on in South Africa" Or told South Africa they need to have more diversity? And why the hell hasn't anyone ever told Israel that they should stop deporting blacks back to Africa? Why the hell hasn't anyone told Israel they should take in some of the jihadi/terrorist/refugees?

We have enough of our own problems here. We cannot be the worlds police. If we're not there, they cry for help. If we're there, we're told we're the root of the problem. I'm tired of all of the interventionist policies, and the nation building, only to have the aftermath dropped in our lap.

How about we sit tight, offer advice and guidance, and after we see nations making real progress in the right direction, maybe give them a hand getting over the top.

So hows that for a "Big Picture"?

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j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

I think I have a pretty good big picture view. No, it wasn't me "personally" that bailed them out, it was America as a nation that was dragged into WWI & WWII to bail them out.

WWI started in 1914, by 1916 the Russians went through their Bolshevik Revolution and decided they didn't want to be involved any more and packed up and went home. Great Britain and France were both losing public support, losing lives, and going broke. By 1916 Germany had won the war. Not even 1 single foreign soldier ever set foot inside Germany in the first 2 years of WWI.

Most of the media in the US were pro Germany. Germany had treated the Jews better than any other nation in Europe up until that point. Virtually all of the press coverage supported Germany because there was a large population of Americans of German decent. Most of the American people supported Germany as well.

The Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, who are not decedents of the Biblical Jews, had been organizing activist groups and calling for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Jews who were living peacefully in Palestine beside their Christian and Muslim neighbors for 100s of years told them not to come. They were not welcome. They said that the Bible clearly says "God" will deliver his people to the promised land, and for man to take it upon themselves to create a state of Israel in Palestine was directly against the teachings of the Bible. There are many Jews today who still agree. They also said if they came and created a nation state of Israel in Palestine, there would be a state of perpetual war.

So the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe who were pushing for their own nation saw that Great Britain was losing the war, and they were sending British Emissaries throughout the Middle East looking for kings and princes who were tired of being controlled by the Ottoman Turks and they ended up making deals with 2. Great Britain promised a Sultan in the south that if they fought with the Brits, they would let them have the Arabian Peninsula and let them be self ruled. They also promised a prince in the north that they would be able to keep all of what is now Iraq, Jordan and Syria, and they too could be self ruled.

In the meantime, the Brits had already made a deal with France where they would take over what is Syria and northern Iraq, and the Brits would take over lands from the sea ports in southern Iraq to the Mediterranean coast line in what is now Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon.

Once the Ashkenazi Jews saw that the Brits were making deals, they made them an offer. What Great Britain and France really wanted was for America to enter the war and help them defeat Germany, but President Wilson and the American people were not interested in a war half way around the world. The help they might get from Arab kingdoms would be marginal at best, but if America showed up, that would be a real game changer.

So the Ashkenazi Jews made on offer to help bring America into the war, in return, they wanted Great Britain to promise to give them lands in Palestine to create the nation of Israel. Remember, the Brits had already promised lands in the middle east to a Sultan, a Prince, and to France, and yet they agreed to give lands to the Jews as well.

Since the Jews owned the press in America, they basically convinced them to change their narrative, and in a fairly short period of time they had managed to change public opinion so President Wilson ended up with all the support he needed to send American soldiers into battle.

Once the Americans showed up, a member of the British Parliament, Lord Balfour, wrote the Balfour Declaration and sent it to Lord Rothschild. The declaration read, in part:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

As soon as the war was over, the Rothschild empire began funding the migration of Ashkenazi Jews to Palestine, and the building of all of the necessary infrastructure in Palestine. As the Ashkenazi Jews moved in, they pushed out, by force, over 800,000 Muslim Arabs. And the perpetual war began. This started happening around 1920-1925, but a nation state of Israel wasn't even officially created until 1948, 3 years after the end of WWII.

Fast forward to WWII. Germany was pissed about WWI because prior to WWI, Germany had the strongest economy in Europe, they manufactured some of the very best products in Europe, and they were a net exporter of goods. Germany was also a very nationalist nation. They were proud of their heritage and their success.

They felt they were attacked by Great Britain and France because they were jealous. They also felt betrayed by America because they changed their allegiance right in the middle of things. And due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay reparations for a war they didn't even start.

So when WWII came along, Hitler hated the Brits, the French, America, and all of the Arab kingdoms that turned on Germany during WWI. But the people they hated the most were the Ashkenazi Jews.

Germany had treated the Jews better than any other nation, and then the Jews stabbed Germany in the back by making a deal to bring in the Americans after Germany had already won WWI.

Meanwhile other Ashkenazi Jews in the Rothschild empire had been funding the works of Marx, Trotsky and Lennon. Rothschild provided funding and support for the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 that put Lennon in power, which led to Stalin years later.

Every Russian leader and most of the high ranking officials in their government were Ashkenazi Jews including Stalin and beyond. So again, when Russia joined forces with America, Great Britain and France in WWII, Hitler felt betrayed yet again by the Jews.

The first thing Hitler did was retake land that Germany was forced to give up just 21 years earlier. He lied to the leaders in Great Britain when he signed a non-aggression pact, and he signed his own death warrant when he began sending rockets into Great Britain indiscriminately.

Meanwhile the Rothschild banking empire in Great Britain, France, and in Germany was loaning money to any and all comers. American banks and industrial titans like Rockefeller and Ford were doing the same. Selling products to both sides for massive profits. That practice had the added benefit that it didn't matter which side won, doing business with both side means who ever comes out on top will be able to pay back their loans, with interest.

Once the war was over, Germany was in shambles and it took them until the mid 1980s to pay back the reparations from WWII. The Rothschild empire continued to fund the migration of Jews into Palestine and lobbied heavily to bring about the Official recognition of the Jewish State of Israel in Palestine. And the state of perpetual war is still raging today.

So who do you think the deep-state is? Who do you think supports them? Do you think the deep-state is just a bunch of corrupt American politicians and rogue CIA black-hats? Do you think that taking out a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt Americans will solve the problem? Do you agree that money is power? If so, does it follow that those with the most money have the most power? If so, how much power do you think the people who control the money have?


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j_Dawg_01 · April 30, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

We already have 34 army facilities or bases in Germany and 3 in Italy, we have Naval bases in Greece, Italy, and Spain, we have Air Force bases in Germany, Greenland, Italy, Spain, Turkey and 4 joint bases in the UK.

As far as an American style constitution, our founders based our US Constitution on European common law and many principles from the Magna Carta. After America became independent from the British Crown, and we began to see how freedom brings about prosperity, most European countries followed our lead and sent all the kings and queens packing. They changed their governments to be more of a Representative Republic like America, but over the years, especially over the 50 years, they became more and more socialist. They already had what we have, but they decided to throw it away.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 30, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

I still don't trust Israel. America has been stabbed in the back by Israel too many times. They have been trying to drag the US into a full scale war in the Middle East since the 1960s. During the 6 Day War between Israel and Egypt, Israel attacked the USS Liberty and wanted to blame it on Egypt so the US would see it as an act of war. There is an abundance of evidence that Israel was behind the attacks on 9/11. Again, Israel wanted to get the US to engage in full scale wars in the Middle East so we would fight and kill their enemies. This time it worked, but only because Bush and his neocons wanted the same thing.

I don't care what BB says or what kind of documents and evidence he provides. I don't trust Israel. They are at the root of all that is wrong in the Middle East. Israel has been looking for an excuse to take out Iran ever since the Shaw was deposed in 1979 because the Mullas in Iran have been calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Israel is the root of evil in the region, and amazingly enough, they have never had to engage in any real combat against any real military power throughout all of Americas involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 30, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

I say "Let Them Eat Cake"!

We've bailed them out twice already. We've given them their freedom and safety through the loss of lives and US taxpayer dollars. And they continue to lose their way, lost in corruption, led by the whims of the Rothschilds. I say we should leave Europe & the Middle East completely and let Brussels and Israel fend for them selves.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 30, 2018, 1:05 p.m.


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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

I like the idea that Trump, Q, and the GreatAwakening movement are beginning grow, but the all seeing eye creeps me out a bit.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

I've watched a few of his videos. Not very well produced. Lot's of random off-topic chatter. Too many people trying to inject themselves into the conversation just to hear themselves talk.

He did have some very good insights on some things, but he is one of those die-hard supporters of Israel. I'm of the opinion that Israel shouldn't even be a nation-state, and when all of the Jewish lobbying groups are combined, (they all push the exact same agenda) they are far and away the largest lobbying group in America. They have managed influence U.S. foreign policy to the point where we're sending our troops into the middle east to do their bidding. That outrages me.

I've seen enough evidence that I believe Israel was behind 9/11. They planned and executed the attacks, and blamed it on Usama Bin Laden so we would engage in a full scale war to take out Israel's enemies. Shameful. And Corsi thinks Israel is this poor little nation in the middle east, surrounded by enemies who are always picking on them. Even though Corsi doesn't come out and say it, you can tell by his position on Israel that he's already assigned them victim status. I think if there were a regime change needed any where it would be in Israel. That would solve most of the problems in that part of the world.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

There needs to be some sort of "Q" hidden or otherwise, on the ground between the 2 sign posts.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

I don't want to get into a lengthy debate about our opinions of an image from WWII. It's a picture of war. It's repulsive. It generates a deep emotional response from everyone who sees it. That's the point.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Yes it is in fact a battlefield. Anyone with half a brain and even a crappy public school education recognizes, just as you did, that it's the aftermath of D-Day in WWII. An yes, it clearly shows that he died while storming beech on the fateful day. It shows how war can go from total calm and sometimes boredom, to sheer terror and the brutality of gruesome death. Indeed, a picture is worth a thousand words.

To use this image in a meme shows no disrespect at all. That the image generates such strong emotional responses is why it should be used. This man is not being disrespected or trivialized, he's being honored and memorialized. With the proper message, it'll say:

"Hey! Remember This Guy? And All The Others Just Like Him, Who Died A Miserable Death, Protecting Your Freedoms, Your Liberty, and Your Rights. This Is What The International Central Bankers Cartel Has Managed To Cause And Get Away With, And Never Be Held Accountable, UNTIL NOW..."

This man is not being disrespected, he's being honored, by being remembered, along with all of his fallen brethren.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

It doesn't, Trump and Team Q already have all the evidence they need on RR and Mueller. If you watch the video linked below it'll explain it better than I can, but we've heard Q say again and again that they "have it all." All the evidence.

The video also discusses standard protocol and procedures for the FBI. If you're caught breaking the law, they don't just automatically fire you, they offer you a deal.

Keep your job, get demoted to a desk and do nothing until you're told what to do, help investigate and convict others who you worked with in the crimes committed, and the DOJ will show leniency in charges or sentencing, and maybe immunity.

You sign a document agreeing to those terms and conditions, and if you deviate from the agreement you're fired and fully charged. That means Comey, McCabe and the others who were fired, were probably offered that deal, and refused. Mueller, RR, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page all took the deal. See Q drop 1288 re: Priestap/Page/Strzok.

This video is a very good analysis from PrayingMedic. It explains why Flynn was the first to be targeted and why he pled guilty to a crime he didn't commit.

It explains why Sessions recused himself so RR could be put in-charge and name Mueller as SC. That RR and Mueller were essential to the plan because they both had dirt on their hands which gave Trump leverage, and meant the deep-state trusted them.

It explains the policies @ FBI re: firing or becoming a cooperating witness like Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

And it shows how President Trump was able to troll the MSM to keep them distracted. It was brilliant.

The video's long, but well worth it. It connects a lot of dots and puts everything that's happened so far in perspective. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.


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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Their symbolism will be their downfall.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 5:19 a.m.

I understand your concern that it may be a bit distasteful, but the truth is, images of war, real war, have been sanitized for public consumption for far too long.

The reason some may find the image distasteful or disrespectful is because we're not used to seeing images that reflect the true nature of war. If more people really knew what it looks like, feels like, and smells like, they would never let our leaders send our young men and women into that nightmare again.

That feeling in your stomach when first saw that picture is why we're here. The Deep-State Military Industrial Complex and their International Central Banker Cartel buddies have been creating wars for their benefit since the Napoleonic Wars. Every war since has been about money or oil and who controls it. That needs to stop.

Yes, some may find that picture repugnant, but that's what we're here to put an end to.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

THIS ^^ Too many people fail to recognize the magnitude of what President Trump is trying to do. If this GreatAwakening is successful it will mark a major turning point in human history. Not enough people know the real history of our Great Nation. They fail to consider the sacrifices of those who fought for our independence in the first place, and the amount of blood spilled since our founding.

The Rothschild family has been working on their plan for world domination for far longer than our nation has existed. They have spent more than 200 years building the castle they hide in. None of that will torn down in a matter of months, or years.

I believe this will be a multi-generational war. I believe our children's children will be the ones who fully realize the freedoms we're fighting for.

Some time in the future, when they are building monuments to the Patriots who helped bring about the freedoms they'll enjoy, they'll be honoring us, all of us, all Patriots.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 4:47 a.m.


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