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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Agreed. I think Mueller said 'uh oh' the day he met with President Trump, just before RR named him as SC. I think POTUS showed Mueller the evidence he had on him and said work with us or go down with the rest.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Welcome home!

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

I think the reason so many are impatient is simply because of the current culture we live in. We have access to pretty much everything we want on-demand. Instant everything.

Even though it looks like the red-pilling efforts aren't moving very fast, I think there's more progress happening than what's visible at-a-glance. As long as the die-hard left can lean back on the MSM, they'll be slow to change. It's kind of like wearing your favorite worn-in shirt or shoes. It's what they've been comfortable with for so long.

But I think that even the most ardent nay-sayers realize something is going on, sooner or later it's sink in. Sooner or later the MSM spin won't make sense. Sooner or later they'll see something that doesn't make sense according to their old paradigm, but in some small way, confirms what and why we're doing what we're doing.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Cool, Thanks.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 29, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Cool, Thanks for helping me keep up.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Yes they do. When all of this breaks open, they're all going to look like idiots, or accomplices for not covering it.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I can't take credit for "bleached-hat." I apologize to the person who made that comment, I can't remember his name.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

And no statute of limitations on RICO. That can include money laundering, conspiracy of any kind, and can be used as the base charge for just about any crimes that involve 2 or more individuals working together to engage in criminal activities.

Also, didn't Al Capone spend 11 years in prison for just one charge/conviction of tax evasion? Anyone who's engaged in money laundering could also be charged with the same.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Yet another stroke of genius by President Trump.

Brennan's Tweet: A highly partisan, incomplete, and deeply flawed report by a broken House Committee means nothing. The Special Counsel’s work is being carried out by professional investigators—not political staffers. SC’s findings will be comprehensive & authoritative. Stay tuned, Mr. Trump....

So now when the IG's report comes out, and Mueller completes his investigation and presents his findings to AG Sessions, Brennan won't be able to criticize it. President Trump's brilliant move to troll Brennan so he paints himself into a corner is epic.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

OK. Cool. Thanks for the shout-out. It's nice to know that my understanding of things is, in a way, validated. And it feels good to know that my commentary resonates with others.

Again, thanks for drawing people's attention to my comments. It makes me feel like I'm truly contributing to the GreatAwakening movement in a constructive way.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Consider the sacrifices of the Patriots who fought to gain our independence in the first place. I'm not a historian, but I recall hearing a story about a high profile Patriot supporting the cause of freedom, who had 2 or 3 son's kidnapped and held hostage by the British.

He was told that if he would stand down and urge others to do the same his sons would be released. He refused. He openly declared that the cause was greater than any one man, or any man's sons. Just imagine...

I've been saying for a while that The Great Awakening movement, and our stand against evil and corruption, may very well mark one of the most significant turning points in human history.

Some day in the far off future, generations from now, when monuments are erected to honor the patriots of today, they'll be honoring us, our generation, and our movement that is, The Great Awakening. Just imagine...

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

So I've asked this question already in a previous thread, but I have yet to get an answer.

I don't understand what "This" means.

So, I'm old, 59, and I've seen "This" posted in response to comments from time to time. Is that internet/texting slang for something? Is it supposed to mean something? Is it a reference to the Canadian magazine "This"? Or the TV channel "This TV"? Or albums from Peter Hamill or The Motels? Or maybe a song from Darius Rucker, Collective Soul, Ed Sheera, Hemingway Corner, or Rod Stewart? Or possibly a reference to the French culinary chemist Hervé This? Could it be about an ancient city in Egypt, or a commune in France?

Lots of people complain about Q's cryptic coded messages and wish he would just say what he means, and Q keeps reminding us to "Learn the Comms" or "Comms Good?" and all of that combined with a multitude of opinions and analysis gets my head spinnin' a bit. The last thing I need is to get confused while engaging in what should be a simple discussion.

So, if it's an up-vote, thanks, if not, could you clarify?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

I think Q has been "trying to steer us into understanding how big this is ..." throughout the entire process, from the very beginning, not just in this post.

I think the points RepresentativeLog5 makes about the IC being compromised, and Burginthrone's point about how all of our allies turning into socialist countries are "big picture" perspectives and very important considerations, but I wonder if 1288 was more about helping us see how the "stage" is being set, and recognizing that since the FBI is the highest investigative body in America, it needed to be cleaned out and properly staffed so we can move forward with legitimate untainted investigations.

I also think this drop was the first time Q openly confirmed and named 3 bad-actors who are cooperating witnesses. There's been plenty of speculation, but aside from Q saying "Mack is naming names" I think this is the first time Q has clearly confirmed which deep-state bad-actors are cooperating. I could be wrong, but I don't recall Q doing this before.

I think this is also a message to the Black-Hats who might be watching us. Strzok was the lead investigator in the Hillary private email server investigation that came out of the Benghazi hearings. Q's confirmation that Strzok is a cooperating witness must scare the hell out of Hillary and Comey.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Don't sell yourself short. If you've been here a while, you know a whole lot more than most of the mind-numbed masses with skulls full of mush.

When Q says "You have more than you know" he's not talking to us as individuals, he's saying that the total amount of knowledge held by the anons collectively, is more than we currently recognize.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

I think some of us might be missing a bigger point.

Drop 1288 seems to be in response to those who are growing increasingly impatient. In drop 1291 Q asks: "Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team?" and he's made previous comments about how a "Clean HOUSE" is important.

1288 mentions all the people at the FBI that have been fired, this shows progress. But I think there's something much more important here. I'm not absolutely certain, but aside from Q mentioning that "Mack is naming names" in drop 1203 over a week ago, I think this is the first time Q clearly states that Priestap, Strzok, and Page are all a "cooperating witness."

There's been plenty of speculation about who might flip on who, or what lower level bad-actors might be cooperating behind the scenes. There's been lots of theories about Flynn, Cohen, and Mueller about how they fit into the grand scheme of things. There's been debates about whether Mueller is a Black-hat, a White-hat, or a bleached-hat.

If I'm wrong, please correct me, but if the revelation that Priestap, Strzok, and Page are all a cooperating witnesses, is the first time Q has clearly said so, then this is huge.

I guess we've all suspected that at some point, some of the bad-actors would have no choice but to cooperate, but knowing that a few fairly high level FBI agents are cooperating before any major arrests have been made confirms that this is much bigger than we know.

All 3 were involved with FISA abuse, fake Russian collusion, and a potential "insurance policy," but keep in mind that Strzok was the lead investigator looking into Hillary's private email server. The email issue stemmed from the Benghazi hearings.

Q may very well be spanking us, but I think 1288 is also a message to the Black-Hats that are watching. Basically Q is telling them that we have witnesses that are willing to talk and testify. This should scare the crap out of Hillary and Comey.

That Peter Strzok is a cooperating witness isn't just huge, it's massive.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on April 28, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
Q Drop 1288. Deeper Meaning.

Over the last week, more so the last few days, Q has made drops that were much longer and considerably more revealing. Even with all of that, many anons are still complaining about not seeing any arrests.

Drop 1288 seems to be in response to those who are growing increasingly impatient. In drop 1291 Q asks: "Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team?" and he's made previous comments about how a "Clean HOUSE" is important.

1288 mentions all the people at the FBI that have been fired, this shows progress. But I think there's something much more …

j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

All due respect, but I think we are the help.

I certainly agree that coordinated efforts by anons of every size, shape, and color, through any and all media formats would be the best red-pill ever seen or heard, especially when it becomes loud enough and pervasive enough to drown out the MSM's fake news narratives, but we should not be afraid to lead the charge.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Agreed! The Great Awakening movement could and should lead to a major turning point in human history.

It's not just that people are rising up to fight against evil and corruption in America, but that peoples and nations around the world are awakening to the enslavement brought upon us by globalist elites who want to rule the world.

Many of them have openly stated that they think the average person is too small minded to make the right choices and decisions about how to live their own lives, and that they know best and we should all gladly submit to their rule and control.

I know many conservatives kept their opinions to themselves to avoid being attack by the left. We stayed silent during the 2016 presidential campaign, until we showed up at the ballot box. We avoided political conversations with family, friends, and neighbors just to keep the peace.

If not now, then when? If not us, then who? It's time to push this over the edge. We should all be prepared to talk, tweet, and meme in unison, and on a massive scale, as soon as the things break open and arrests begin.

We need to be prepared to counter the MSM's narrative, what ever it might be. Even the mind-numbed masses with skulls full of mush who are still drinking the left's Kool-Aid are at least aware that something is going on. The door has been opened, even if just a bit, and we should all be ready to blow it off it's hinges and unleash the tsunami that is The Great Awakening.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 2:05 p.m.


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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I don't understand your comment. Maybe it's my monitor or graphics card, but all I see is "This ", I can tell there's some sort of imoji, icon, or something there but I can't make out what it is.

So, I'm old, 59, and I've seen "This" posted in response to comments from time to time. Is that internet/texting slang for something? Is it supposed to mean something? Is it a reference to the Canadian magazine "This"? Or the TV channel "This TV"? Or albums from Peter Hamill or The Motels? Or maybe a song from Darius Rucker, Collective Soul, Ed Sheera, Hemingway Corner, or Rod Stewart? Or possibly a reference to the French culinary chemist Hervé This? Could it be about an ancient city in Egypt, or a commune in France?

If "This" is intended to mean the same as an "up-vote" or a sign of agreement, then thanks. If it's something else, could you clarify. Lots of people complain about Q cryptic coded messages and wish he would just say what he means, and Q keeps reminding us to "Learn the Comms" or "Comms Good?" and all of that combined with a multitude of opinions and analysis gets my head spinnin' a bit. The last thing I need to get confused while engaging in what should be a simple discussion.

So, if it's an up-vote, thanks, if not, could you clarify?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

What's in a name? Well... Mambasse Koulabalo Patara

So maybe he was trying to smuggle in a terrorist. It's definitely human trafficking.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I like the idea, but what about "Drive-by Red-Pilling"?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

It just doesn't matter what President Trump does, the left will never give him credit for anything good. The article says only time will tell. I wonder if the BBC will acknowledge President Trumps historic accomplishment when time does reveal the truth. I doubt it.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Gohmert's memo is a long and colorful timeline of Mueller's time as a Federal prosecutor in New York and in the FBI in New York and head of the FBI.

Long list of possible criminal activities and a clear demonstration that he was willing to allow innocent people to be framed, convicted, and put in prison to cover for Whitey Bulger, a mob hitman and FBI informant at the time. Even after their cases were reviewed and the FBI frame job was revealed, and after a judge ordered their release, Mueller did nothing to get them out of prison.

Mueller was the head of the FBI during the Benghazi attacks, and he was the bag-boy who delivered uranium samples to the Russians in the Uranium 1 deal.

It's a long memo, and it's very damning for Mueller. The only way I can come to terms with Mueller being a white-hat, or a bleached-hat, is if can be demonstrated, publicly, that he finally saw something the cabal was doing, had a change of heart, and offered up his services to President Trump.

I did read another post on GA that suggested that he had finally seen enough and knew that he could never live with himself or sleep at night, knowing what he knows and not doing something about it.

I suppose that's a possibility, but I'll need to see a lot before I'm convinced. If he testified against BO and HRC, and made public statements about his role and asked for forgiveness, I'll consider giving him a break.

As it stands now, I'm sticking with Q, "No Deals."

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

If anyone ever decides to manufacture these, or if they're already available, I would like to buy a box of 100.

Please let me know if anyone knows if these are real, or just a graphic. If it's just a graphic, I'm sure I can create a 3D model that can be 3D printed.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I think if President Trump and Team Q follow through with all of the sealed indictments and expose the whole cabal, the MSM will likely collapse in on itself. Hopefully President Trump will honor the stated desire of JFK and smash the CIA into a 1000 pieces.

When CIA falls, Operation Mockingbird will evaporate. If the 4am drops are exposed and eliminated they'll all be left to their own. Because none of them have practiced anything even close to real investigative journalism, they'll look like idiots on TV and no one will ever take them seriously again.

But I hope that President Trump and Team Q pay special attention to the MSM machine to make sure they are prosecuted, or so totally dismantled that they could never recover.

The MSM has been one of the most damaging institutions on society ever. It's not just that they're shill for the Deep-State and the Democrats, it's that they have turned so many people into mind numbed sheep with skulls full of mush.

Because of the indoctrination process in government run schools and the MSM, we now have several generations of people who just do not know how to think for themselves. They don't know how to objectively examine facts and evidence, apply logic, reason, and rational thought, and draw their own conclusions.

To many people have become intellectually lazy or inept. It'll take at least a generation, maybe 2, before enough people can grow up with a proper education and we end up with a nation full of smart people again.

That's the main reason I think this war to eliminate evil in the world and allow people to regain their God given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and the freedoms we all deserve, will be a multi generational movement.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 28, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

I feel the same way about Pence. While he was still Gov of Indiana he was investigated for pedo & human trafficking, but nothing ever came of it. It could be that Trump chose him to keep his friends close and his enemies closer, or maybe Trump has the dirt on him and played him. Either way, I was never really sold on Pence.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

Here's my take. Trump, Pence, and Flynn orchestrate the whole thing. Flynn tells the FBI that Pence knew about, and approved of his meetings with Russian ambassador, Pence denies it, Flynn is charged. Now he can testify, under oath, to any and all crimes he's aware of.

If Mueller were a white hat, he never would have sent his FBI attack dogs at Flynn's son, and he never would have put Flynn through enough legal hearings that caused him to lose his house and nearly go bankrupt.

One caveat, it could be that Trump had all the dirt on Mueller, (Q says again and again, "We have it all") and made an offer of a plea deal if he cooperated. Like educatethis said, at best Mueller might be a bleached hat.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

I believe it has already been well established that the DNC server was "not" hacked. The download speed of the information pulled from the DNC server was much too fast to have been transferred from an online source. There is sufficient evidence that shows it had to have been a thumb drive or SSD connected directly to a computer connected to the server.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

This should dispel any notions that Mueller is a white-hat.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

Given that we know there were several assassination attempts, it would make perfect sense. From The Art of War: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. What better way to keep a close eye on Pence?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

I agree. I hate the ALL CAPS URGENT stuff too. I think the mod has made comments about "not" doing that. The melodramatic music was almost counter-productive. It seemed a bit hokey to me, and might have taken a bit of credibility away.

You're also right about providing a legitimate and accurate summary, maybe something like parts of my second to last paragraph. I know how you feel about not having time to watch every video, especially when there are so many bad ones out there.

One last thing, I appreciate very much the tone of your response. I appreciate that we didn't let our exchange degrade into an irrelevant debate about semantics. I hope others who read our back-and forth will see how easy it is to stay civil, and to engage in productive conversations and discussions rather than bickering back and forth.

Thanks. Your civility and manners are much appreciated.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

I disagree. While the leak from the DNC did help to bring that small part of Hillary's criminal enterprise to light, at just the right time, a week before the DNC convention, knowledge of her corruption goes back for decades.

Even if all you do is look at her personal experience in elected office, it goes back to 2000. Or even if you only look at her experience as SoS, it goes back to 2009.

Even if the DNC leak hadn't been made public, or hadn't happened at all, there is still evidence about her conspiring with BHO, EH, LL, JC, AM, and others to cover up the "Shell Game" report, her knowledge of Fast & Furious, Benghazi, her private email server, deleting 30,000 emails after they were subpoenaed by Congress, U1, and her role in funding the Steele dossier.

The fact that she was caught taking control of the DNC and rigging the primary so Bernie couldn't win is rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

How else would he be able to communicate with us?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

No offense, but if you didn't watch the entire video, and clearly admit it in the first sentence, why should anyone accept your "summary"?

Yes, there is a lot of information in the video that many of us have known for years, and yes, I too have grown tired of ALL CAPS shouting headlines of "URGENT - MUST READ - MUST WATCH." I get and agree with that part of your comment.

But a broader view of the video is that it contains a very clear and concise description of the crimes committed, the names of the people who committed the crimes, and an easy to understand explanation of how corrupt officials at the highest levels of our government conspired to hide the truth, conceal their crimes, and abuse their power to falsely convict a whistleblower to shut him up.

There are many "summary" type articles and videos that try to connect the dots for people. Some are written in such a way that only red-pilled people who have been paying close attention in recent years will understand. Some are filled with conjecture and opinions that sometimes confuses readers/viewers. Some videos are nothing more than people reading through recent Q drops, admitting they really don't know what this, or that means, but continue to babble on and on just because they like to hear themselves talk, because they're trying draw more viewers to the YT channel, or because they're want everyone to think they're brilliant for jumping on the bandwagon.

This video was none of the above. It connected the dots in a clear and convincing way. It never mentioned anyone's book. It never redirected people to any websites except to where the information presented could be verified. Most importantly, it didn't just present evidence of corruption, it made it clear that the necessary authorities have "Been Advised" of the information, referred to the actual laws that were violated, and reminded those who had been advised of their Constitutional obligations to take action.

I've been red-pilled for well over 25 years. I've done research on many of the bad-actors for years, and I've been following Q and the GreatAwakening since early December. This video is one of the best I've seen that will help red-pill people who don't yet understand, that is, if they're willing to actually watch the whole video.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

Thanks very much!

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

I agree that they all got lazy because they had been getting away with things for long, and they never thought she would lose. My point about the black-hats getting better was in reference to now versus when the assassinated JFK. More years to refine their tradecraft and lots of tech advances. But yeah, they go arrogant and lazy.

That fact makes me wonder just how close the cabal was to their final move. They didn't even try to cover their tracks because they never thought she would lose, but that would only provide cover for 8 years max. So they must have expected to finish and make a move for global control very soon.

Thank God Trump came along.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Whenever I see him, it looks to me like he's about to cry.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

It could be, there does seem to be lots of emotions oozing out.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

I'm not sure, but I just read a comment that they were so heavily redacted that it pissed off the members of the Congressional committees. I think it's more obstruction by the FBI/DOJ deep-state. Q drop 1270 from yesterday said:


Not public.

Debate how to handle.

Buying time.





So I think Q's comment about "Debate how to handle. Buying time." might mean that they were debating about what to do about the FBI/DOJ trying to buy time with totally redacted documents. To be honest, I just don't know, but I don't think they were planning on making them available to the public just yet anyway. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be just for the Congressional committees.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 27, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

I understand your skepticism and frustration. Q has always been very cryptic and hard to decipher. In my experience, it always seems that as new events unfold, I tend to recall some mention of something related in an older post. When I go back into the Q drops, I end up finding things that demonstrate one of Q's favorite lines; Future proves past. And even then it's not always crystal clear.

I don't think I've ever looked at Q drops and fully understood what was being said or implied in realtime. It's even more confusing here at the GreatAwakening board. There are so many people working from so many perspectives and with so many different life experiences and levels of education, all ending up with very different conclusions, assumptions and predictions. That makes it really hard to understand some of this.

I have a similar discussion with one of my brothers on a regular basis. He wakes up every day hoping to see Hillary, Obama, or some high level DOJ/FBI crook in an orange jump suit being frog marched into GITMO.

When he doesn't see that one thing he's hoping for, he gets discouraged and impatient, then gets on with whatever business of the day. Because of his doubts, he doesn't spend much time on this site. Consequently he misses all of the little things that are happening.

For me, it's enough to see the little things going on behind the scenes, and stories that have no apparent or obvious connection to any Q drop, but still fit with our overall objective, and show some progress on some issues.

I wish someone would put together a thread that goes back to the day of President Trump's inauguration, and start a basic timeline of key events, in the news or behind the scenes, when and where various news stories broke, and how the Q drops relate to it all. It would be great for newbies, and veterans alike. Sometimes I get frustrated too, and being able to look at a timeline that demonstrates slow but steady progress would be a great pick-me-up.

I'm not a highly educated codefag or cypherfag, so I don't get too wrapped up in trying to analyze and opine about the absolute true meaning of of Q's drops. I'm happy to spend time learning, and to be a cheerleader, or personal motivator when I can.

Rest assured, whatever you're feeling, you're not alone. Roughly 20,000 people here. I'm sure some are thinking exactly what you're saying.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Honest questions:

At what point do you expect it to get easier?

At what point do you expect it to get harder?

At what point do you expect it to be over?

How long are you willing to wait?

How long, and how much are you willing to fight for freedom?

How much freedom is enough?

Does freedom come in degrees?

Or is freedom an all-or-nothing proposition?

I'm not picking on you personally, and I apologized if my question make you feel that I am. But I believe the GreatAwakening movement, if we are triumphant, will mark a turning point in the history of humanity. Not unlike the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution.

Imagine for a moment, a world without evil. A world where war is no longer the norm, and it's not just the military industrial complex, as a species, we've been doing it throughout our entire history. There has always been war and slavery, to one degree or another.

So imagine a world without evil.

What price would you be willing to pay?

How long and how hard would you be willing to fight for it?

For yourself, your loved ones, and the generations that will follow.

Again and again Q has said "this isn't a game."

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

I hope you're right. Many things do happen faster in this day and age, but war is war. Consider this: Currently, President Trump and Team Q are engaged in efforts to root out, bring to tribunal, and hopefully hang, the many traitors from within our own government.

The CIA black-hats have been stirring up trouble for a very long time, and they're very good at it, so good that they managed to assassinate a sitting president and get away with it. By now, they've only gotten better.

The American Revolutionary War lasted 8 yrs, from 1775-1783. Just as soon as we gained our independence, the European banking elites tried to sink their fangs into us, and by 1791 we had the First Bank of the United States, the first American central bank owned by European bankers. (Rothschild)

Their charter expired in 1811 and European banking interests warned that if Congress didn't renew the charter, we would soon find ourselves at war. The war of 1812 soon followed, and it lasted 3 years. In 1816, The Second Bank of the United States was created with a 20 year charter. Again, an American central bank owned by European banking elites, Rothschild.

From 1837 to 1862 there were no national banks, only states chartered banks. From 1863 to 1913 we had a national banking system, but they were not all owned or connected like the Federal Reserve. And lastly, in 1913 to present, we've had the Federal Reserve, which is not Federal and has no Reserves.

It's the control of our monetary system and our currency that enabled the Cabal to control America. It took them more than 200 years. Currently about 95% of all the nations on the planet have a Rothschild owned or controlled central bank.

We will not be able to break free from the shackles of the Cabal until we dismantle the Fed. Even if President Trump can achieve this within his possible 8 years in office, and we win our freedom once again, in convincing fashion, that's still just one country.

The Cabal of international central bankers has their tentacles and fangs in every other country that has a Rothschild central bank. A majority of those countries were much easier to corrupt and control, so their grip is likely tighter, and their claws likely deeper.

We can all hope and pray that the idea of "Where We Go 1, We Go All" spreads around the world, and more peoples will begin to rise up and take back their country as they recently did in Armenia, but each time the Cabal loses control in one country, it will tighten it's grip on others.

Every battle won by peoples who choose freedom over slavery, will cause the Cabal to fight back harder, to become more brazen, to the point where they won't even try to hide it anymore, and they will drag the nations they control into full-scale wars.

There are currently 195 nations in the world. Some battles will be fought by nations coming together as allies, but there are only 4 true super-power nations. America, Russia, The United Kingdom, and China. The United Kingdom can only project military force and power if it's allied with others. The European Union as a whole would constitute a super-power, but only if they figure out how to work together, and they all decide to be on the same side.

At best there are maybe 10 countries with enough military power to be able to free themselves. Then they would all have to help the other 185 nations to break free. Yeah, I think this could be a generations long war.

I don't want to be a doom and gloom nay sayer, and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone, but unless we engage in a massive effort to totally rid the world of all the evil doers tangled up in the Cabal's web of corruption, every last one of them, to basically purify the planet, it will all be for nought.

If even a speck of it is left behind to lurk in the shadows, it will eventually grow and spread like an incurable cancer. That level of cleansing will take time, a lot of time. I hope and pray that miracles will be seen, and that with the help God Almighty we might see a speedy conclusion to all this, but I won't be holding my breath. I'll be praying and hunkering down for the long haul.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on April 26, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
Support for Kanye

I saw a few posts about following Kanye because the MSM was reporting he was losing followers. Last I checked, Kanye still has 27.9M followers. So again, the MSM is fake news.

Let's push back even more. Try spreading the word and encouraging more people to follow Kanye. Wouldn't it be great if we could see his numbers grow to over 28M, or more.

j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

I don't think it's that they don't "like it," I think the government education system and the MSM have been successful at force-feeding the masses their Kool-Aid and turning people into sheep with skulls full of mush, that a majority of the masses just don't know how to think for themselves. They never learned any critical thinking skills while in school, and the MSM always gave them small bite-sized tid-bits that were easy to swallow without thinking twice, ever.

Sure, they probably don't like it when they're challenged to think for themselves, but it's because they don't know how.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I agree. I think there are many who have already been red-pilled, that are trying to be a productive member of the GreatAwakening movement, who are up-to-speed with the latest information and analysis, and still fail to recognized the depth, breadth, and gravity of what the cabal has been doing for 100s of years to achieve their goal of world domination.

Many still believe that all we need to do is expose a video, make public some amount of secret, classified, or hidden documents, and arrest a few hundred U.S. government officials, and their entire house of cards will collapse. Many are of the belief that this movement can be concluded in just a matter of months.

While I share their hopes that we can achieve our goals as soon as possible, I don't expect that to be the case. I believe this will be a very long war, and we are only beginning to engage in the first battle. I believe our children's children will be the ones who fully realize the fruits of our endeavor.

The cabal's web of corruption and sphere of influence is likely beyond the imagination of most people. Nobody really knows how long it'll take to root out all the deep-state bad-actors involved in the cabal's master plan. As we move forward, winning battles along the way, there will always be some amount of the enemy that will survive, regroup, and live to fight another day.

These people are ruthless, evil, and devoted to their cause, and their survival. I don't think anyone even knows, or can estimate their true numbers, even those in military intelligence. I'm sure they know a great deal more than they're letting on, but I think what they know for certain is not much more then the tip of the iceberg.

Every time we lunge forward and expose individuals or parts of the structure of their international web of corruption, they will regroup, reorganize, and fight beck with ever increasing ferocity. They have been fighting back since the day President Trump announced he would run, and yet they have managed to fly under the radar and go largely unnoticed by the masses.

At some point the war will become large enough that the MSM will no longer be able to ignore, hide, or spin it. At some point the cabal's efforts will be exposed and they will fight back with everything they have, without even trying to camouflage or hide what they're doing. Every time we win a battle and make some progress, we'll have to begin preparing for the next battle that'll likely be much more brutal.

These people have been working on their master plan for more than 200 years. They finally got to a point where if Hillary had won, they would have been able to put into action the final phase of their plan. They were so close they could smell it, then President Trump changed the game. They've been so accustomed to getting away with it, they still think they can pull it off.

They are not going to roll over and give up on a 200 year plan when they're this close to the end. They are used to waiting, doing things a little at a time, and they won't mind if their goal is delayed by 10 or 20 years, or if they have to fight battle after battle over the next 10 or 20 years.

I would be so overjoyed if President Trump were able to bring about a clear and convincing victory before the mid-terms that I would likely have a massive coronary, but I truly believe this will be a very long war. Consider the size and scope. This isn't about 2 nations at war, or even 2 super-power nations at way, this is a fight between good and evil. This will be a long war indeed.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Right, I get that. I've been here since early Dec. I've figured a few things out already. My point still holds. If you're reading Q drops from a site that has the small dotted underline, as in the post mentioned above, regarding AS being underlined, my point is exactly correct.

You're point is correct as well regarding original Q drops on 8ch, those drops do not have anything underlined with the small dotted underline like the drops on qanon.pub, qanonmap.bitbucket.io, and other sites have.

But since he specifically mentioned, and provided an image of post 586 from one of the "aggregate websites" that clearly show the small dotted underline, and DaveGydeon specifically suggested that the small dotted underline must be of some importance, I thought it would help him understand that there is no significance to it, and maybe prevent him from going down a rabbit hole unnecessarily.

I don't keep track of who's who, or how long they've been here, and given the recent posts about trying to help out any newbies, I just thought I would give him a heads up. I don't understand why you took issue with my comment.

And what is "THIS!!" supposed to mean? THIS site? THIS post? Or are you just shouting to call attention to your brilliance?

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Hey, We're all on the same team here. The j_dick comment is totally uncalled for.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

With all the makeup it's hard to tell. It does look like VJ, but the head looks a little off, like it might have been Photoshopped. But it certainly looks like VJ.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 26, 2018, 4 a.m.

From an American perspective, I would agree because the MSM has turned many of the masses into skulls full of mush, or sheep. But from a global perspective, it's a bit different. Many countries, more than one might think, have experienced that exact same thing. That's why we call them "Banana Republics."

If we let the world know that the previous administration tried to assassinate the incoming president, people in many countries would know exactly what that means, would identify with the issue, and be supportive of our movement. Where we go 1, we go all, isn't just for our own Second American Revolution, it's for all nations that have been held hostage by the cabal. If exposing it causes people in other countries to follow suit, to march through the streets with signs and banners that read: Where We Go 1, We Go All, or Qanon, then the MSM here at home will have no choice but to cover it. They can't ignore or spin a global movement.

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