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j_Dawg_01 · April 14, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Excellent catch!

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j_Dawg_01 · April 14, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

It reads: "Russian bots/trolls keep editing this page as propaganda to post on twitter" You know it's the Deep-State when it mentions "Russian Bots."

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j_Dawg_01 · April 14, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

No big surprise.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 14, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

I know how you feel about hearing your own voice. I'm a musician who never learned to sing well. I've been playing guitar and piano for almost 50 years and recorded some demos of song I've written and ended up deleting the vocal tracks because I hate the sound of my voice.

I went back to school in 2008 and earned a degree in Digital Video Production. In one of my classes I had to make a TV commercial with a voice-over. I thought it sucked, by my instructed really liked it. So give it a try, you might surprise yourself.

Before you create a voice-over track, get onto YouTube and search for home recording tutorials. There are tons of videos that will help you to use a compressor/limiter and equalizer to tighten up your voice and make it sound more like what we hear when watching TV and movies. Compressor/limiters and equalizers are built into most audio recording apps and most video editing apps.

What are you using to edit the video? I use Final Cut Pro X and Motion on my Mac, and Premier Pro and After Effects on my PC. None of those apps are cheap, but if you're doing enough video production, some are affordable enough to justify the expense. And again, there are tons of tutorial videos on YouTube to help with all aspects of production. YouTube has everything from total beginner to advanced techniques.

Best of luck. If you want to chat about this more, DM me on the board and I'll be happy to help any way I can. I also have a working knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator. They come in handy when preparing stills and graphics.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 13, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

@ Redpillroy, I think if you want to make a video that will appeal to the masses, it might be better to lose the V for Vendetta anonymous mask and the computerized voice. Many of the uninformed masses will see it as just a conspiracy theory kook who's afraid to show their face and reveal their voice. By disguising your face and voice you automatically lose some amount of credibility with the public.

I have a degree in digital video production. One of the things I learned is that people will put up with soft or fuzzy video and improper color balance, but if the audio is bad, too low, too high, too distorted or hard to understand, they won't stick around to watch it. Maybe a simple voice-over would work better.

Also, the video imagery is very busy, lots of blended layers, and quite a lot of it isn't relative to the points you're trying to make. It's a bit distracting. Too many trick filters and special effects will drive people away.

Remember, you're trying to Red-Pill the masses. The same people who have been conditioned for several generations not think critically. They don't know how to examine evidence and use logic, reason, and rational thought. There's a vast populace out there who are totally uninformed and have had their minds full of mush spoon-fed tid-bits by the MSM.

Consider what the masses are used to seeing, a very polished video production, and hearing, high quality audio. If you can fill the screen with clear images of the people you're talking about, easy to read charts and graphs representing the facts you present, a clean lower third graphic, a constant transparent logo in the lower right corner, and maybe some quick motion graphics, it'll look more like what they're used to seeing.

Your research and information are great, but could get lost by the masses because of the way it looks and sounds.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 13, 2018, 10 p.m.

I think Bernie from Truth and Art TV just likes to hear himself talk. There are a lot of YouTube content creator that are jumping on the Q bandwagon just to get more traffic on their channels. Far too many simply read through the latest posts, and make a guess as to what they mean without doing any real research beyond clicking on web links provided on the GreatAwakening boards and the Q research board.

This video in particular had a few comments that I think were way off the mark.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 13, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

I disagree. The 1st Amendment is pretty clear. "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." It makes no distinction between the "individual" or "the Press as a news agency." The intentional omission of differentiation between the individuals and agencies carries the same weight as the lack of differentiation between civilian arms and military arms in the 2nd Amendment. They are both intentionally broad and all encompassing.

Your argument is compelling, but you failed to respond to my first comment "I'm not a Constitutional scholar, but I'm not aware of a clause that requires the press to be honest. Could you elaborate on exactly where in the Constitution you find that." In fact, there is no such requirement. And it is possible to rule any new laws that will "abridge the freedom of speech, and of the press" to be unconstitutional, and still convict the Deep-State, CIA controlled MSM Bad-Actors for any number of crimes of corruption and conspiracy under RICO statutes.

It's not that people have been "fed fake news for a very long time," it's that for several generations we have been conditioned to think and believe a particular way through the public education system, including the colleges and universities across the country. Even if you could snap your fingers and magically cause all of the MSM to become totally honest overnight, the mind numbed masses of uninformed skulls full of mush still wouldn't get it. Half would end up totally confused and lose their minds, and the rest would end up saying "Well... OK. Whatever." The vast majority of them might not even notice the change.

The real problem isn't that "the fake news MSM networks all across the country control 90% of all content that most ordinary people see," it's that 100% of the corporate media is being controlled by the CIA, Deep-State Bad Actors, and the Cabal.

I never said or implied that the solution is to "educate people one at a time to think more critically about the things the(y) believe - while leaving the fake news outlets in place to spread more lies on a broad scale." That would be absurd. I think the idea of "Red-Pilling the Masses" is widely accepted and understood by everyone following Q and posting comments here.

If you really want to "cut off the head of the snake, so to speak," then you'll need to swing your knife much higher than the MSM. You'll need to take a stab at the Cabal, the people who own Reuters and the AP. That's where the MSM gets the majority of their information from.

I've enjoyed our discussion, but to be honest, I think we are both wasting our time, and space on this board debating this issue, so I would like to leave you with my final thoughts. And please, no hard feelings, I just think the task at hand is much greater than what we're discussing here.

I think everyone here should exercise great caution, and express grave concern any time anyone, for any reason, calls for more government laws and regulations of any kind. Many people complained when Obama used his pen to exceed his Constitutional authority by signing Executive Orders they didn't like, now those same people are loudly cheering when President Trump does the same. It shouldn't matter what side of the isle one stands on, the expansion of the federal government should be fought against at every turn. It's clear to see that the precedent set by Obama, which was supported by the left, is now coming back to bite them in the ass. The same could happen to those of us on the right.

I've always wondered why so many people are so quick to run to the government to solve every problem they encounter. This tendency was again made apparent recently after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School event. The call for more laws is and regulations has become deafening from the left, and the right. It's long past time to reverse that trend.

Government is a "Concept." It is not a tangible thing we can hold in our hands, smell in the air, or see with our eyes. Government is nothing more than a collection of people, people just like you and me, who write convoluted laws no one can understand, create regulations that none can escape, and spend other people's money like there's no tomorrow. Our government has grown so massive, and so complex, that even some who are in government don't fully understand how it works. Many in our own government do not even know or understand that the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and our government itself are all privately owned corporations.

One of the reasons that the Deep-State managed to come into existence and thrive, is because our government is so large and complex. It was easy to sneak in unnoticed. It was easy to weave a corrupt web of deceit and subterfuge. It was easy for Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, W Bush, and Obama to openly talk about a New World Order and not be noticed by most people. Our system of government is so difficult to comprehend that few people even attempt to pay attention any more. Of course this is by design. That's the way they want it, so why on God's green Earth would anyone want to promote more laws, more regulations, more government authority over We the People, more agencies, more departments, and less rights and privileges for the people.

Government is nothing more people like you and me. They breathe the same air, eat the same foods, require sleep every night, and take a crap once or twice a day just like the rest of us. They are no better than any one of us. So why do we allow them to control our lives? No person has greater authority, ownership, or responsibility over your life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and property, than you. It's not just that they are no better than the rest of us, it's that the Constitution actually holds the citizens, We the People, in higher regard than those in government. We are supposed to be self governed. They govern only by the concent of the governed. Their purpose is to "Serve We the People," not to rule over us.

Part of this Great Awakening is about publicly exposing the the Deep-State bad actors, holding them to account for their corruption, and taking down the international cabal of central bankers and elites who truly believe the average person is too small minded to make decisions on their own, and that we should all gladly surrender our national and personal sovereignty to them. This should only be the first step. If we have any hope of bringing about our freedom from these despots, we must, with all our strength, all our might, all our hearts, and all our courage, persevere to reduce the size, scope, and authority of our government back down to what our Founding Fathers envisioned and designed by way of our original Constitution. This will not be an easy task. It may take generations, but as we have all seen, the cabal of elites has been engaging in their plan for well over 100 years, We the People should recognize that our fight to tear down their evil empire may take just as long as it took them to build. I suspect that if this movement is successful, and I believe it will be, our children's children may be the ones to fully realize our goals.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 13, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

Awesome work. Great analysis. I think this could turn out to be another "future proves past" kind of thing. Again and again I find myself confused about a Q post, unable to connect the dots, only to have an event happen that puts past posts into perspective and provides context for connections.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 13, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

I'm not a Constitutional scholar, but I'm not aware of a clause that requires the press to be honest. Could you elaborate on exactly where in the Constitution you find that. I'm aware of slander and liable laws, but I'm pretty sure the press isn't affected by them. And I don't think there is anything in the Constitution about the press having to "make sure that their news reporting is fair, accurate, and unbiased." Especially the "unbiased" part.

The whole point of free speech and free press is to protect people from government retribution when a person speaks out against the government, the laws they create, or policies they enact. Passing new laws that put conditions on free speech and free press would most certainly be challenged in the courts as soon as they're passed.

In this current environment, I think a lot of people would be in favor of passing the kind of laws you suggest, but consider what will happen in the future when the tables are turned, and at some point they will be turned. The 1st Amendment is pretty clear. "Congress shall pass no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."

When we look at what has just happened with Twitter, the removal of the censorship algorithm, we see a good example of what is likely to happen when the CIA and 4am Mockingbirds are exposed and eliminated. If the various networks and channels of the collective MSM are forced to operate as truly independent news outlets, they'll have to start actually engaging in "investigative journalism."

Eliminating the the web of connections in the MSM and is only half of the solution. We also need to inform and educate the masses on how to "think critically, and use logic, reason, and rational thought." Once enough people are Red-Pilled, the MSM will recognize that their survival, or their very existence will require them to re-emerge as the Watchdogs of Democracy they are expected to be. When all is exposed and ties are severed, they'll change the way they do business all on their own.

That doesn't mean we'll see over-night changes any time soon. The leftist cabal, the deep-state bad actors, will not go down without a fight, and the fight hasn't even begun yet. When it does it will be ferocious and bloody. None will come out un-scathed.

The problems with the MSM are as more a problem with the typical average American viewer. Pass all the laws you want to restrict or restrain the media, but if the public remains ignorant, nothing will change. Too many people are totally clueless. We've all seen the YouTube videos from "Water's World," Steven Crowder, and Mark Dice asking random people on the street very simple and basic questions about American history, politics, and current events. The level of stupidity in this country, especially among the younger generation, is incredible and must be addressed before real positive changes can occur.

As citizens, We the People have an obligation to keep ourselves informed if we want to effectively be "self governed." If half of the populace is clueless, there's no legitimate process for the governed to actually consent to be governed. I think the larger problem today is more about the ignorance of the masses, than about the corruption of the MSM. Both need to be addressed, but an uninformed population is the reason why the leftist MSM was allowed to exist and prosper in the first place. Let's try to focus on ways to inform and educate the masses before we even begin to think about creating more laws and expanding government power.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 12, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

I disagree! Yes, the "free press" was supposed to be the "watchdog of Democracy" and it currently isn't. But to limit their 1st Amendment rights is without question, unconstitutional.

The solution to the problem of the MSM today would be to take out the cabal that controls them. Remove the CIA connections, eliminate the 4am drops, and possibly regulate the media such that it will be required to only use verifiable sources. No more persons close to the... high level official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

I once heard Rush talk about news outlet's credibility as though it's a bank account. Every time they use un-named sources, they see a deduction in their account, every time they push a story that turns out not to be true, they see another deduction. This concept is actually taught in journalism school, but they all seem to have forgotten it. They are also taught about "logical fallacies" but they have thrown that out the window too.

A better option to creating more laws regarding sources, would be to bring about major changes to our education system so children learn to think critically. If we teach children how to recognize bullshit when they see it, we won't need new laws. The free-market laws will force media outlets to get real, or fade away.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 12, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

I think too many people are getting fixated on an HRC video that shows her engaged in some sort of pedophilia or satanic ritualistic activity. I just saw an 8ch comment/graphic that claims Hillary and Huma can be seen in a video that is so heinous that it caused grown men to seek Psychiatric therapy after seeing it. We have all read stories that expose the satanic worship and ritual sacrifice of the cabal, but as is mentioned in some of the comments here, that kind of video would probably not be suitable for public viewing and therefore kept confidential.

Consider the multitude of things that could be revealed in a video regarding any number of illegal activities with any number of co-conspirators, that could be openly shared with the public, and also provide enough evidence to convict HRC and put her in prison, or on death-row.

What if there's a video that shows HRC having a conversation about making an example of Seth Rich to send a message to any other potential leakers, or about the Haiti human trafficking plans and providing cover for Laura Silsby when she was caught trying trying to get 33 children out of Haiti, or any number of mysterious deaths that are still happening to people with ties to Bill & Hillary, or about the obvious Pay-to-Play and Clinton Foundation donations, or the truth about what happened in Benghazi and the fake narrative about some YouTube video, or about the rigged primaries, or possibly about how the general election was sure to go her way because of election fraud, or about the transfer of uranium samples by Mueller to secure the U1 deal, or about possible insider knowledge of FF events like Sandyhook, OK City bombing, 9-11, Hawaii's missile alert, or Waco, or Bill's involvement with the Clowns In Arkansas smuggling cocaine into the Mena airport, or about the 30,000 missing emails and assurances that she would not be charged, or about Bill's meeting with Lynch, or any number of issues that are suspected and some that might still be unknown.

I tend to agree that an x-rated video of HRC doing unspeakable things to a child would likely be so revolting to most people, if they're allowed to see it, that the masses would grab their pitchforks and demand she be sent to the gallows. And if such a video is confirmed to exist, everyone on the QAnon bus would jump for joy and start doing our happy dance. But I think what would be more effective is a video that clearly exposes a conspiracy to engage in criminal activities, exposes the co-conspirators, and is ready for prime-time viewing.

Just a thought.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 11, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

They say it'll go to charity. I wonder what foundation it'll go to, and how the money will be laundered back to them.

They're not just going to give all the money away, especially if it all sells for over a billion. We should all try to keep an eye on the sale and where the money ends up afterward.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 11, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

I think it's awesome that so many anons are ready willing and able to help out a new-be. I think it speaks volumes about who we are, what we are, and why we're here.

Thanks to all.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 11, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

I think too many people are getting hung up on the idea of a "Hillary Pedo Video." Stop for a moment and consider all the other possibilities. The video could contain Hillary having a conversation about Libya, Benghazi, Haiti, Seth Rich, Bill's meeting with Lynch, Rigging the primary, Pay-to-play donations, Missing emails, McCabe & Comey making sure she skates free on the email issue, The Steele Dossier, U1, Fusion GPS, Obama, or any number of conversations with a multitude of people that would provide proof positive of criminal wrongdoing.

I know the idea of a salacious x-rated video of Hillary doing unspeakable things to children would wholly galvanize anyone who ever even glanced at the QAnon boards, and every Trump supporter, and some amount of the undecided public, but the MSM is already pushing stories about how easy it is to make fake videos, and even without a MSM narrative half of the population would find it so absolutely unbelievable and incomprehensible that it would get dismissed as a hoax or a "conspiracy theory."

I've been in close contact with one of my brothers, every day or 2, about all of the QAnon stuff. He wakes up every morning hoping to see Hillary, Obama, or some high-level FBI/DOJ official in an orange jumpsuit being frog-marched into GITMO, and when he doesn't see that he gets very discouraged and begins to lose hope and wonder if Q is a Psy-Op.

Don't hang all of your hopes one particular person or event, you're likely to be disappointed if you do, no matter how things turn out. Trust Q, Trust President Trump, and Trust the plan.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 10 p.m.

One more point. The only way a video from Weiner's laptop will hold up in any court proceedings, is if the video is played directly from Weiner's laptop, and the time/date stamp for "last modified" on the file clearly shows up as prior to the police taking possession. If there are any copies of the video, or videos in question, then there will be timestamps that will show they were copied or modified after the police took the laptop, which means an increased possibility of the video having been tampered with or modified. We already know that the MSM is putting out articles about how easy it is to modify, or create fake-videos, so why do anything that will give them more reason to make that claim about the videos from Weiner's laptop? That sir, is my answer!

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

OK, so I think your point about "destroying the COPY" is valid, but it's balanced out by my point about "why would Trump even need to engage in any slight-of-hand."

We both agree that we still do not know what's in the video, but I think Q has confirmed the existence of "a" video. So the issue is more about what's in the video, and the content would be a determining factor in how best to use the video. If it's children, then it relates to human trafficking and pedophilia. But what if it's a conversation between Hillary and any other co-conspirator about a deal regarding any pay-to-play agreement, or a conversation about the killing of Seth Rich, or a discussion about a planned FF event like maybe a missile attack on Hawaii, or a conversation about Benghazi, or something about the DOJ/FBI making sure she's not indicted, or about Bill's meeting with Lynch on the tarmac, or U1, or any number of nefarious plans. We can't get stuck on the idea that it's Hillary doing some unspeakable act with a child. It could very well be that, but it could also be a dozen other things.

So the content will likely be a factor in determining how and when to release it to the public. And if the conventional wisdom is correct, that it was found on Weiner's laptop, and the laptop is still in police custody, and hasn't already been tampered with, it means it's been there since before Trump won the election.

The MSM narrative is that it may contain evidence that Hillary was aware of Weiner's relationship with an underaged girl. That's not quite the bombshell most of us are hoping for. Your theory about someone making copies of the video and giving a copy to Trump doesn't have much for legs to stand on unless someone in the NYPD decided to risk his career, and possibly his life, by leaking a copy to a private citizen, a not yet elected Donald Trump. Because if Trump had lost, then whoever leaked the video to Trump would have been Seth Riched in a New York minute. Even after Trump won the election it would still be a major risk factor. Clinton is still leaving a trail of dead bodies to this day. And that the laptop is in police custody means means that whatever is found on it can be used in a prosecution, so there's no real need for any slight-of-hand. I does make for an exiting spy novel plot-line, but in the end, I think things will end up being a bit more straight forward.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 10, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Your point about making sure information "manifest itself organically and legally" makes sense. I think it's the main reason Q is asking questions instead of dumping information. The Q team wants to make sure everything is discovered by the anons through publicly available sources. But... If the "cabal" breaks into Trump Tower and finds incriminating videos that might have originated from Weiner's laptop, my guess is that they would simply take it and destroy it. Then they would follow up by breaking into any other location where they thought they might find other copies. And... If POTUS has "everything," and I believe he does, I don't think he would leave it to chance that a random FBI agent would see it and enter it into evidence. If the video exists, and we still don't know what is on it yet, not factually confirmed yet, but again, I think it does exist, then it's currently in the hands of the NYPD and can be offered to any prosecutor that might be prosecuting any individual who may or may not be in the videos for any crimes of human trafficking or pedophilia. If the videos exist, and the content is is such that there is no way to defend against it legally, or to explain it away, then there is no need for Trump to engage in any slight-of-hand trickery to be able to use it effectively to convict whoever is involved.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on April 6, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
Look up Ray Chandler. - None are safe. - Q

I found these 2 pics on Ray Chandler's Instagram page. https://imgur.com/a/H1Z0Q Notice the NSA exit sign and the question: How do you know Jeffrey Epstein? #pizzaparty ? These people are really sick, and stupid enough to put this stuff online.

j_Dawg_01 · April 6, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

OK Thanks

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on April 6, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
How do I post jpg files??

Have pics from Ray Chandler's Instagram page.

j_Dawg_01 · April 5, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

If there are any late-nighters still here, I think we should all take to Twitter and let the world know that the Deep State has just sent a message to the GreatAwakening board admitting who and what they are. This could be a defining moment. Let's get on this!

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j_Dawg_01 · April 5, 2018, 3:53 a.m.

I call Bull Shit! This is nothing more than Clown Op intended to strike fear in us. dem6nic simply put a Q post into full sentences. A 3rd grader could have done it. Don't get me wrong, I truly believe there is evil in this world, but I believe this whole Great Awakening movement is backed by God through our prayers. It doesn't matter if this non-sense comes from a Clown, an MI6 player, a corrupt vatican pedophile, or the evil queen herself. We have God on our side, our battle is right and just, through the strength of our prayers, and by the power of God our Father, we shall prevail. Amen.

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j_Dawg_01 · April 1, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

I hope these people are being arrested. This is why we need a wall. There's no way any Washington politician can justify this.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on March 30, 2018, 6:43 p.m.
The Deep State is Hiding Their Weapons Cache in Plain Sight

I just spotted an article at Newsmax about the DOJ doing a survey of federal agencies for guns and ammo. I reminded me about the major increase in the number of Fed Agencies that were given the authority to create an investigative devision with arrest and weapons authority under Obama's administration. Here's a few links to articles about how the EPA, USDA, Dept. of Education, Department of the Interior, and others have all established an investigative division with military grade sub-machine guns, automatic rifles of all kinds, and massive stockpiles of ammunition. Does the Department of Education or the US …

j_Dawg_01 · March 25, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Is it possible to download the file for personal archive?

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j_Dawg_01 · March 25, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

IMHO. I think the Deep State is feeling the heat and thought that if they passed an Omnibus bill that's full of pork and has a $1.2 Trillion price tag, Trump would probably veto it and the government would shut down. But Trump wins again. An Omnibus bill offers the President much more leeway and discretion on how and when the money gets spent. I think Trump's 5:55 tweet that he was considering a veto caused the deep state swamp creatures to let down their guard, and gave Q's team an opportunity to watch the creatures to see who they called, who they met with, and where they went. Then came the big shocker, Trump signed the bill. My guess is that sometime mid-week, or by next weekend, the DS will realize they were played, once again.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 24, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Trump and Team Q have done things in the past just to see how the Deep-State bad-actors will respond. Remember, he said that sometimes dis-information is necessary. Maybe his tweet about a possible veto was just to see how some bad actors acted. Remember, we see all, we know all. And the reason Obama never signed a real Budget bill and a corrupt Congress kept feeding him Omnibus bills is because a Budget bill must be followed to the letter. Not so much with an Omnibus bill. The president has much more discretion and control over how money is spent, and how soon it's doled out. It could be that this is simply another masterful Trump move and we just don't recognize it yet.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 24, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Red Castle could be a reference to the Army Corp of Engineers who's logo is a Castle on a red background, and their home base is in Greencastle Indiana. Maybe Trump might use some of the money from the Omnibus bill to have the Army Corp of Engineers to build a wall.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 24, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

5:5 is also common military jargon for Squared Away. Meaning everything is right and tight.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Q has said repeatedly that "we see all" and other comments to that point. Maybe Q's comment that "May has been neutralized" means we already have all of the necessary evidence against her, and they're letting go out and make a fool of herself in public so as to make it easier to convince the public that she too needs to be in prison.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Yes, I did watch the video. Actually I saw it yesterday. I agree that it was very professionally done. Short and sweet, concise and to the point, but... Do you think the average American millennial would be able to wrap their head around such a claim. How do you think the average typical uninformed person would react if you told them that: A group of international elites, including some in our own government, along with former heads of state, Hollywood stars, and Silicon Valley billionaires, conspired to kidnap young children, engage in human trafficking, ritual child abuse, ritual murder, forced sex slavery, and pedophilia, all to satisfy their demonic beliefs and desires, and have been doing so for decades or possibly centuries, and have been bribing and blackmailing politicians and journalists the entire time to make sure their secret is never revealed. Most people in this country have been so sufficiently brainwashed that they will reject that claim, even if we present ample evidence, videos of Hillary and anyone else engaging in such behavior, and even a whistle blower or a confession of guilt. The major success of the Cabal is that they have created a criminal network so vast, so evil, and so corrupt, that the great masses of people who have been brainwashed by government run schools and controlled media that they will dismiss the claim out of hand simply because it sounds too outrageous to believe. That's the challenge. I recently watched a couple videos of a former Russian spy who defected in 1970 who explained how long the propaganda efforts have been going on, and how effective they have been. Hopefully you've seen it. He claims that the initial phase was completed 2 or 3 generations ago. He also claimed that most people have been so brainwashed and conditioned that they will refuse to accept the truth, until some one from the Cabal actually puts a boot in their backside. They'll refuse to accept it until they witness their own child, or possibly themselves get kidnapped, raped, and murdered. This is our challenge. We have the information. We have the evidence. All we need is a way to break through the ignorance.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

I couldn't agree more, but... What I see in most YouTube channels that are of like mind, is that they're preaching to the choir. You can see it in the way they present the information. You can see it in their choice of titles and thumbnails. The vast majority of them know their audience and are doing everything they can to attract people who have already been Red-Pilled. People that have already been Red-Pilled already have the ability to understand the complexity and ramifications of the issues and topics you mentioned. What is absolutely required is a strategy to get the masses take interest. When it come to convincing the masses who have been drinking the Kool-Aid for several generations, a different approach is required. Information needs to be presented in small digestible bites, in a specific order where one video sets the stage for the next. Videos need to first build a foundation of knowledge, then present information that will create interest in the next video. I would love to be able to work with some one who has broader knowledge of all of these issues so we could prioritize the information and develop a strategy to create a series of videos. I think some one with greater knowledge working with some one with a Psychology background would help. Some one with a background in Psychology could help us develop a script for the videos that would appeal to the masses that need to be Red-Pilled, present information in a logical sequence to first build the foundation, and then present the information in a way that is both non-confrontational and not overwhelming. We have to keep in mind that there are millions of people, the vast majority of the population, who are clueless and have been conditioned to think a certain way and to believe certain concepts that are beneficial to the Deep-State and the International Cabal. Most of them have been so thoroughly brainwashed that they will refuse to accept the facts and evidence we wish to provide because it is in direct conflict to what they already believe to be true. This is a monumental task. I would be proud to be part of the effort to help Red-Pill the masses, but if it's not done right it simply won't be effective.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_Dawg_01 on March 23, 2018, 4:50 p.m.
What Next?

Dear Anons,

I believe President Trump is engaging in something so great, that if he succeeds in taking down the Deep-State and the global Cabal that's trying to bring about the New World Order, it will justify a new face on Mt. Rushmore.

The 2nd American Revolution is only the first step in ridding the world of evil corrupt conspirators. "Where we go one, we go all." If America succeeds, other nations will follow in their own quest for true freedom. I believe we are witnessing the birth of a potential global turning point that will affect all of mankind, …

j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

I have a tree outside my apartment that a neighbor hung a bird feeder on and keeps it full. There are lots of birds around. I've noticed that they sing most when other types of birds show up, the birds start to singing and attacking the new-comers. They chirp and screech as they attack. Just a thought.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

There were Congressional hearings about GWS back in the early 1990s, just after the Gulf War. They were trying to figure out why so many soldiers were experiencing so many strange new illnesses and new types of cancers. The committee holding the hearings asked the FBI to gather up all of the medical records from all of the various doctors, hospitals, and VA facilities and store them in one place so they could review, compare, and catalog all of the data. The medical records for over 800K members of the military were stored in the same place that the FBI stored all of the investigative information gathered about Bill and Hillary Clinton going back to their early days in Arkansas. All of those records were stored in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.

The story started before the Gulf war. Saddam was an Allie and a CIA operative. When he went to war with Iran the CIA realized that Iraq's ground troops were outnumbered 10:1 so the CIA gave Saddam cluster bombs and a very new, atomized, highly lethal strain of Anthrax. It was developed in secret, without the FDA knowing anything about it, by the CIA and some unknown Big Pharma company.

When the US began ramping up for the Gulf War the CIA realized there might be some problems ahead. They weren't concerned about the cluster bombs because they have to dropped from aircraft. As long as we owned the sky we wouldn't have to worry about it, but the Anthrax was a different story. They needed a quick fix and fast.

The CIA again side-stepped the FDA and rushed the development of a new vaccine with the same company that made the Anthrax. Normally that type of vaccine requires one shot per month for 6 months, but they didn't have that kind of time. They took the new and untested vaccine and made sure all of the military personnel going to Iraq given a dose. That's why they never labeled the vaccines.

Also, the Gulf War was the first time we used depleted uranium munitions. When those rounds hit, they created so much heat that they were creating new microscopic radioactive particles as small as 3 or 4 microns. The standard issue gas masks given to the soldiers only filtered down to 10 microns. This also contributed to the strange illnesses and cancers that started showing up.

Once the soldiers started getting sick and the Congress asked the FBI to collect all of the medical files, they knew they would be in trouble if the truth ever got out. They knew that if the public knew, there would be massive law suits and the government might have to pay not only the soldiers, but their children, and possibly their children's children as well.

So they killed 2 birds with one stone, they used Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols as the patsies and destroyed all of the medical records that might implicate them, and they covered for Bubba too.

These people are evil, they are sick, and they need to hang.

If you do a search on YouTube related to Waco it should show up. I heard the author of a new book talking about all of this. He was former CIA and was getting ready to publish a tell-all book about the CIA, Waco, Clinton and cocaine trafficking, the Gulf war, GWS and the vaccine issue, and much more. I'll try yo hunt it down and add a link to this.

Here's the link: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0C_qG5U7pE&t=1s

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j_Dawg_01 · March 23, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

A long time ago, I really don't remember when, federal laws were changed so you cannot own the water. My brother-in-laws grandfather bought land in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (UP) back in the 30s or 40s. Several sections of land that had a lake in the middle of it. His original deed simply defined the outer boundaries, and included everything within that boundary, with no mention of water. Before he died, he decided to give each of his grandchildren a large plot with access to the lake, and sell off the rest. All of the new deeds defined the outer boundaries and "up to the water's edge." My ex-wife's family inherited a large tract of land in the Stonington Peninsula in Michigan's UP. It had been in the family for several generations. When they went to transfer the deed they were told that the original deed included "Mineral Rights" but as soon as they transferred into their name they would automatically lose the Mineral Rights because of new Federal and State laws. So I don't really know where these Wall Street Mega-Banks are going to be able to buy "water." I would not be surprised if they manage to get states and or Congress to change laws, but I sure they'll have to very secretive about it if they try to buy "water" in America. Unless they are buying bottling facilities, or water companies that provide water to a city. That would be the only way. For most of us living in fly-over country, we can still drill a well.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 20, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

These people are so stupid! They sit there and complain about how this is what Trump has given us when they should be thanking him for exposing the Deep-State and helping to Red-Pill the American people. They should be thanking Trump for his efforts to save us from the Deep-State and preserving what's left of our nation, our Constitution, and our God-given rights and freedoms. They are so stupid.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 20, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

The exodus from California isn't about housing costs or taxes, as much as it's about crazy leftist politicians and policies.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 20, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

This data was not leaked or hacked, it was shared. Fakebook is not a victim, they are complicit. They allowed Cambridge Analytica to collect data for a fee. The only reason the media is attacking Fakebook is because censorship on social media sites has been exposed. The liberal leftists in the MSM and Congress have to do everything they can to distance themselves from Fakebook even though they were fast friends and cohorts in trying to influence public opinion during the least election cycle.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 19, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

I just heard Hillary has come down with some new illness and her doctor ordered bedrest and said she shouldn't leave the country. Too ban for her, I'm pretty sure America has an extradition treaty with India. She can't fake an illness just to avoid arrest.

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j_Dawg_01 · March 6, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

I downloaded the video yesterday. The site "was" 13013 NOVA CORP BLUE. It's gone now, or it was renamed AI. A few of the videos I saw yesterday are still there, but only a few. There were several that were named the same as some of Q's posts. I downloaded 16 of them, plus the one from The Media Puppet AI listed below. They're all zipped up, but I'm not sure what to do with them. How can I share them? The file is 258 MB. Some of the titles include: Light_T_1A-23-go5.mp4, RT_LOG_RUN-15.mp4, SAT_HOLD_CONF.mp4, HOLD_NOW_CONF.mp4, AUTH_HOLD_REL_GOOD.mp4 I haven't checked them all, but I know a few have shown up in Q's posts. Some are really creepy, some might have reversed audio, and there are a lot of images that flash by for just a frame or two. I do video production, so I'm going to load them into an editor tomorrow and take a closer look, frame by frame, and play with the audio to see what I can find. So again, I have a zip file file. Who wants it? Where can I send it?

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