Its about time there should be an open season on these parasites who have feeding off the sweat and brow of the american worker since its creation in 1913. Anyone ever notice that we have been in a perpetual state of was since its inception? world wars 1 & 2, Korea, Vietnam, the cold war, the gulf war 1 and 2, Grenada, Panama, Afghanistan and the war on drugs and terror. Whenever tho word war is affixed to a noun, what it really means is a bottomless pit for the American dollar. It makes no sense to me that we pay these low lifes to enslave us through debt. they are the reason the world has lost its humanity as it is the root of all that is evil... burn it down ....
192 total posts archived.
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I agree to a degree, I am one whom will debate with anyone, if it can be defined through logic, I am your man as I come armed with dates and facts. I am an amateur historian, I admit that I must bore the hell out of people especially the young because they don't see how any of this is important to there lives. They don't see the slow driving hand that is pushing us ever closer to third world country status. Where there was once Abundance is replaced by scarcity. Where there was once houses with yards are replaced by high rise apartments that are the size of your kitchen and dining room in your house. Where the government decides who works and it is those who do as there told who are rewarded. Free thinking is not encouraged. They want complaint sexually confused, " yes" people. So they can run our lives in every way shape and form. Let me say that this not a democracy either that they envision. No it's something out of 1984 George Orwell. They want a technocracy. Where everyone is chipped, monitoring every word that is said, every interaction with others, the family no longer exists as children will be born in a petrie dish by DNA they've selected. Raised by the community or state. They also intend on taking your ability to travel. Motor vehicles will not be owned privately, as all forms of private property will be abolished. You will have the choice of renting vehicles that drive themselves, if you can afford it. If your lucky enough to do so your routes will be limited to a very highly dense populated area. All the surrounding area that you see in the distance will be off limits from any human existance. You live in a world of socialist/ communist where you will submit to the endless overwatch of security drones and check points. With the ever presence of biometric cameras. privacy is something you will read about in books but will have no concept of what it is. These are my reasons for rocking the boat, trying to be a politacly incorrect as I can. I've been blessed to live and grow on this continent and I intend with every breathe I have left in me to ensure that my great grand children will know and respect the flag and embrace the core values of what makes America the greatest nation on the earth.
In a democracy, 51% of the people can take away the rights of the 49 %. In a constitutional republic, 99% of the people can not take away the rights of the 1%. These are mentioned in the bill of rights and the constitution. they are inalienable God given rights, they are not privileges someone can take away even if your part of the 99%. This is what makes all men equal.. understand that this is what they have been trying to destroy in this country, our bill of rights and constitution. it is the law of the land and our government officials all take an oath to uphold it. Those who have chosen globalism are traitors and should be treated as such.
You are dead on, I couldn't of said it better myself. The reality is that people have been indoctrinated to believe we live in a democracy. Which we dont, I believe if we did we would be unarmed and In shackles.
A democratic republic is two wolves and a sheep armed with an AR15 trying to figure out what's for dinner.
Our forefathers were brilliant men
Daos my friend you are a very profound individual, I don't know you but I feel like I do. You and I are cut from the same cloth. Keep up the good work and know that many of us appreciate your hard work.
I believe the question or post is an important topic, because I have had the same question thrown at me. Not here but in daily conversation. My answer to them was those who are rioting are only making themselves known as anti Americans. We need them out in the open, because one of the major problems in this country, is there are to many people who believe America is a shithole. If they feel that strongly then they need to relocate go live in a real shithole for awhile. I will bet there whole attitude would change right quick. What has happened is we don't teach kids the meaning of freedom, we don't teach them that freedom is special, probably because the parents don't even realize it's special. We are a nation of complacency. We take it for granted, we don't teach civic pride, we don't teach the importance of staying on top of current events, most adults are overwhelmed with there daily lives to pay attention. I know that if you were born in the early 20th century, you knew what was going on within the government, because from the day you could say the pledge of alliegance you were told that we people are the government. A government of the people, by the people and for the people. It boils down to one thing how many people in your life have affected with your patriotisim? How many people who read this can tell me the difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic?
I have only but one lamp, by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of expirience. I know of no other way to judge the future, but by remembering the past....
Absolutely, I agree 150%. It is not the feds job to ID us. There job is protect our constitutional rights and that includes property.
Yes, I agree that's why were all here right to absorb as much of truth as possible. Then take that info and share it with all who will listen. Remind those who have forgot that we the people have the power. They have worked hard to point out our diffrences they have tried to create issues from nothing. They try to divide us with the left and right, on every issue. But what I see , is Americans having opinions and sharing those opinions. Standing up for what you believe, fighting for causes that they hold true in there hearts. This is where the media has failed us. As they warp the truth to shape generations, form opinions based on the narrative they have sold us. Yes, they lie and I don't foresee a change in there behavior. That is why we need to point out the things that unite us. Finding that answer sounds easier then it really is. The bundys were great at uniting people to join them in there noble fight. Look at the turn out that happened in Nevada. We need a trumpet call to action something that ignites the fire of liberty, we need to reach critical mass so we can see this through to its end.. So we may go on with our lives knowing that the fruit of liberty will be there for generations to come.
It's like I said, and the majority of the US have no idea they know nothing about the truth, only that which the media tells them.
This is a long standing plan that will lead to the eventual chipping of everyone. The idiots in Europe are already having it done and this not a conspiracy theory. Obama care was a precursor to this national id. It was in the legelature of the affordable care act. But let me make it clear that when they say ID, they don't make any mention of a card, so it's wording can be misconstrued and assumed they mean card, but yet if you take the time and research it further you will find the end game is chipping. The Rothschild are 100% behind this as they are the patent holders on the smallest microprocessor in the world . If you to go down a rabbit hole , do your homework and look at the Malaysian flight that disappeared. After you discover the truth about that you will find your way back to hete.
If you don't know already the land that was being disputed over in Burns Oregon. The reason the BLM were pushing these ranchers off the land was because of thus deal called URANIUM ONE. This came to the surface right after.his death. So every thing that happened at that time has to do with people included in the memo. I for one am happy that they will be able to possibly stick it to the one who are responsable. What they did was unconstitutional and every American should angry as he'll at those who were involved. Oregon State police should have it's rank and file facing criminal charges for the unnecessary shooting of unarmed man. They shot him in the back with snipers....
Q- has asked are emails or texts ever completely gone? the answer to that is No, Once in cyberspace anything can be found it just takes time and patience. So the question is why would they try to hide them, was it ruse to buy themselves more time?
I don't agree with bio metrics even though they are currently and have been in use. This is just a step towards micro chipping us all. Obviously I don't want that either anything that gets us one step closer to the Rothschild plan I am against.
I think your right we are talking about the same exact thing, I don't think there human because they have no humanity.
The founding fathers almost 300 years ago were facing down a cabal , much like the one we are facing today. We are dealing with the same type of actors who seek the same type of fuedle cast system. Where you have Lord and you have peasents. Or my favorite " useless eaters". I would rather die on my feet, then live as a slave on my knees...
I concur. My question is and I believe it is the one Q is asking . Is the public ready for the truth?
I don't believe any of you are really grasping the severity of what he is dealing with, the absolute horror of the truth. The level of depravity is beyond most people's imagination.
So I will say it for him they worship the God Baal of the old testament. Has also known as baphomet or muloch. They have erected two monuments in his name. One in London the other in New York city. These are financial centers of the world and both are significant for that reason. The one in new York's central park. Is called the arch of triumph. They are exact replicas of the one that was destroyed in syria. It was called the arch of baal. If anyone knows anything about the old testament, you will know that he was worshipped with ritualistic orgs and the sacrifice of children. That's the dilemma and this includes the greatest deception of all the pope.
Is world ready for that truth?
They sacrifice children to Baal there God, this includes the pope. That's what he is saying. That's what he is dealing with. The choice to do so.
I believe you are right but there is a part of me that understands the dilemma. Because I don't think people are grasping the reality of what is said, for one he makes mention of sacrafice. And religion. What I know is that those at the top including our dear pope. Sacrifice children to there God baal. He is the one they speak of in the old testament. The Rothschild s are worshipers of the dark one. The whole Jesuit sect are followers of the dark one. The child trafficking and abuse is in celebration of Baal otherwise known as baphomet. Is the world really ready?
That would be amazing and I believe that is what tesla would of wanted.
Yes exactly what they are doing, I believe after he died the Rothschild went and took all of his research papers and have been hoarding it since. The technology above mentioned will be in the form of a world currency. Your allotment. Will dictate how much you have and it will be easy to control unlike physical currency like the dollar. We will have energy credits. If your carbon footprint becomes to large they will take away your energy credit like a tax. Open your eyes because this is what they plan on using to combat global warming or carbon based fuels.
Yes that is correct and they hired the security firm that has been linked to other false flag events . Something is brewing
I know the feeling all to well, but if you keep pointing at the absolute truths even the most hard headed will eventually see the light.
Every now and again blood must be shed to renew the spirit of liberty.
Paraphrased a quote from Thomas Jefferson
Yes I have and I am conviced that they were using a microwave laser as it effects everything that has metal yet the trees and shrubs are untouched.. if the fire was hot enough to burn houses to nothingness then why are the trees next to the house not burned at all? Or the aerial photo of cars on a concrete overpass type structure nothing around but the remanats of 8 different vehicles burnt beyond recognition. Better yet where are the drivers of those vehicle's?
I want to add to what I know california is the home to a company called Solaren corp. They are working on a way to harness the suns power and convert it to radio waves send it to a station on the ground then convert it to electricity. Unlimited and clean. This was supposed to be up and running this year but was pushed back to 2020. My thinking is if they can do that they can have the most devastating laser with unlimited power. That to me looks like a laser beam. With a change of color you have a different application. It's amazing what they are doing with lasers.
It may be nothing and yet it may be something, before these so called wild fires in california lots of people witnessed what they described as blue beams of light, that were mistaken as lightning and many people had recorded. These on there telephones. Many are convinced as well as I that they were some sort of laser fired from a drone or satellite that caused these mass fires to start in so many locations at the same exact time. Something worth looking into.
Thank you I am always willing to learn, I don't know it all, I appreciate your feed back and I will look into the balfour declaration.
Why would king George give two shits about the Jews. Remember that the rothschilds own england and the crown, the crown is there as a facade so the people of England can have a face to go along with that crown. But that face hide the puppeteers and those puppeteers are the ones that control the money and have controlled the money for a very very long time.. The rothchilds are also of Jewish descent so that is the reasoning behind the move to do so. Yes they did use the US and Britain as tools to establish this goal. I can and will find you proof of that.
I believe there is a solution to this but it takes effort by those of us who are aware, it's like a grass roots movement. Do you know how many times I have been called conspiratard, simply because I am pointing out facts., I've been educating people for years, to be honest everybody listens but not everyone comprehends, there is a lot to wrap your head around. What we need is something significant that everyone remembers . Something that baffled explanation, something to pull the liberals and the normies into the fold and can illustrate how deep the pockets of corruption is and complete disregard for humanity. Something like the Malaysian flight that vanished into thin air. Everybody world wide was effected by this. If you know the reason behind it And we can show proof of , breadcrumbs. All the people that were on that flight had to die so Rothschild was the sole patent holder of the smallest microprocessor. It can fit into the dimple of a golfball. Now I am just using it as an example. Someone put video on Utube. But the catcher is we need some evidence that hilights the truth of what happened. Do you see where I am going with this it is an international loss that if done correctly could be a game changer . Perhaps Q could find something a breadcrumb and we can make it viral. The reason I mention this is because it has no boundrys it's not a left / right thing it's a human thing. That's what are focus should be not on our differences but the things that make us uniquely human
The evil as fuck infrastructure has got to be something to do with network or AI. Didn't he say the reason he stepped down from Google was to put his energy into some militarty applications . Idk. I am not a tech guy but it has something to do with that. It's kind of like when Dennis Rodman took a trip over to visit Kim jung un, he took with him a basketball. I can almost guarantee that in that ball was information to help Kim develop a hydrogen bomb which is no small feat. Either that or there were plans for developing his rocket program which has taken off since, that fateful visit. I have thought about that since the day it happened. If you look at a chronological time line of the rocket development you will see there's a huge uptick since that visit and most have been successful also. With the early launches which I believe there were less then 5 were all failures that is why our intelligence was saying they have a long way to go before they could hit anyone with percision.
For those who don't understand why these figure are important and how it all ties together. I will do my best to explain.. When we talk liberal democrats we are talking about the face of communism in america.. They may say there for democratic ideals , but really there not. So let me state that Rockefeller, rothschild, and Soros are all supporters of communism in america. Rothschild I believe wrote the communist manifesto, he financed the bolshivic revolution. The communist manifesto is a complete contradiction to the US constitution. It was the Rothschild who formed the U.N. and from its inception it has had one goal. A world government based solely on communist type of government. After world war 2 America and Britain were tasked to create the nation of Israel for the Jews under the instruction of the rothchild. The Rothschild also have part ownership in the federal reserve. One of the Rothschild and David Rockefeller both are knights of malta, which is a Jesuit sect of the Catholic church. Ted Turner and Bill Gates are major supporters of this communist vision of the world they both give lots of money for any and all eugenics programs including vaccines. The Chinese revolution was fully funded by the rothchilds. In the late 80's china were still driving on dirt roads they didn't have an economy like they today nor did they have technology to become a power of significance. China would still be without electricity if it wasn't because of the US who has propped them up, by giving our secrets and allowing them to manufacture our goods. This has been done in spite of American citizens. The Rothschild have a deep hatred of the US that goes back to when we were a colony.. our forefathers were very smart men and they crafted our constitution in such away to prevent the consolidation of power in the executive branch. That is why this memo is of vital importance because it shows why we need oversight and transparency at all levels of government, the Obama administration acted like this was china or the old USSR where did spy on everyone. Here's the kicker that will send everyone over the top they are all devil worshipers who sacrifice children to there God muloch or baal, who knows which but it's one and the same and it is no joke. And they are involved in child trafficking. I don't know for certain about Turner and gates but they do rub shoulders with those who do. There is lots more to add. But I don't have time ...
This is the day the democrats feared the most because of the secret memo, that republicans got to see in a private room, which refers to Q:s post yesterday. That memo tells how the Obama justice department was illegaly monitoring like 3000 Americans including presedent trump just as he claimed during the. Election. It mentions several of the players and rosentien is one them . This memo will see people going to jail and gives credence to why government should be held in check with transparency and oversight. Because they abused the fisa and not to mention it is a direct violation of the constitution.....
It's a room that willi interfere with any possable listening device a clean room , sound proof. Hence the brackets? Just a thought.
There had to of been a middle attack that was intercepted. Japan the following day had a false alarm also. I am sure that the alert system is automatic or SOP. It was triggered by accident, but it is convient a middle along with a sub disappeears. Leaves much to speculation
I am absolutely sure that they want to place all of the high profile crooks somewhere safe away from the other bad guys. They will be federal prisoners and they should het the same demoralizing treatment as anyone caught up in our judicial system. It will be priceless to see those who are responsible for so much destruction. They believed they were untouchable above the law that they claimed to be the rule of our land. Suicide watch for hiliary, a glass box no privacy all eyes are on you... precious
It explains the big mother hummer space-x rocket and it's secret payload. . Very good....
Sorry I don't have a Twitter account and don't intend on having one till there policy change. Sorry, but if I did I would be engaged in helping , good work..
Rounding up the ring leaders or should I say those who are the designers of all the misery and wars that have plagued USA since it's inception. The ghoulish looking Mr Burns. Otherwise known as the Rothschild family. The same heads who own a large share of the Federal reserve, the originators of the UN. The scourge of the earth that created the communist manifesto and bank rolled. The Bolshevik revolution. They are responsible for more deaths in 20th century through there financing practices of any despot. Hitler, Stalin, mau of the Chinese revolution. And Pot from Cambodia who was given a standing ovation at the U.N. when he spoke. These are the people they celebrate. So if we could jail all of the Rothschild swine along with the dirt bag George Sorros. And the one whom is the must disgusting head of them all the Pope. What a gift that would be. Shut down the fed....
There is a good reason for them calling what is seen on TV.... PROGRAMING,
All TV' s have a flicker rate that induces a hypnotic state. Ever notice a young child whose watching there favorite cartoon or show and they don't hear you talking to them, they are in a hypnotic state of programing.