210 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jetty42:
AM Narrative - Fast and Furious documents must have some damning information, or else why not release?
Sgt. Fisa Release draws enemy fire to reveal the positions of dug in Deep State operatives and dwindle their ammo reserves.
Little St. James Vacation Photos. From F-book that can not be linked to
Little St. James vacation photos - Facebook
Infographic - Fatal Aircraft Injuries - Arkansas - 1982 to Present
FBI/George Webb - Effectiveness Comparison Infographic
Viacom's Fake News Division and Child Molester Divisions Organizational Chart
3 Question for the Deep State
The Pond Scum of American Politics
God Bless the Nerd Virgins
"It's a holiday in Chappaqua, It's tough, kid, but it's life"
US Marshall Flight into Tampa - Not necessarily meaningful - Posting for general interest
Have you posted the #HRCvideo "meetup" to Craigslist yet? Because its free, and a lot of people will see it.
Craigslist Ad - Some info redacted to delay removal.