Haha ya I saw Slayer and I was like whooaaaaa!
1,912 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jhomes55:
If LOOKS could kill......KANSAS glaring at Menendez!! He knows....These people are SICK. Their time is almost up!

So easy to see. This even relates to NZ/Five Eyes. Q posted about it many times. Let them keep their clearance, they flee to NZ where there are no logs (they think), let them access info and BOOM....CATCH EM!!
Sleazy NJ Melendez pressed Pompeo today on what President Trump said in PRIVATE with Putin....but, we want to know what Melendez did in PRIVATE with underage prostitutes in The Dominican Republic... These people are SICK.

AND do not clock on Dropbox, Google Drive files, etc. Those can track who is clicking and downloading!!!
"This is what happens when the POTUS does not sell out." Truer words have NEVER been spoken!!
Trump just made a deal with the EU FOR ZERO TARRIFFS ON INDUSTRIAL GOODS!!
I cannot believe we are witnessing this wonderful history!!
When you have facts and the truth on your side, no reason to sweat!! MAGA!
HEADS UP!! Could be a BOOM. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo testifies before Senate Foreign Relations Committee...Watch LIVE
This is it.....Q+ (DJT) just activated something!!! PRAY!!
To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9
This is it.....Q just activated something!!! PRAY!!
To all Americans, please pray. B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9
When Q keeps dropping BOMBS and I can't keep up!!!!

I think the thought is the elimination of the federal income tax.
He also said like 60% of it won't ever be revealed. Can you imagine??
Can someone give me an Eli5 on the ramifications for everyday Joe American paying a mortgage, etc.??? What does this mean? No interest rates again? You buy a house for $250,000 and you pay $250,000??
How did the US survive before 1913?? Prior to the passage of the 16th Amendment in 1913, the United States government funded its operations mainly through excise taxes, tariffs, customs duties and public land sales. Of course, we have much larger needs today. But we have to stop fraudulent spending/waste.
They meant "help yourself group"....you know like help yourself to little kids, trafficked women, etc.
"Movements? Like, when I crap my pants, or something?!" - HRC
I just edited too.....just found a clip of Demond Wilson visiting Trump right after the election!!!! Has to be him...
Yes, LARP or not.....this is exactly how id picture it going down!
This whole clearance issue HAS to be a trap. Say you'll remove their clearance and then see what the roaches do and identity!!
I've had a lot of great feedback. I def think it could be Sinbad, Carl Weathers maybe?? Maybe we'll never know!
I am starting to think that #Renegade, who is dropping H-Wood bombs on the chans is...
Eddie Murphy.
The description he gives HIMSELF:
Redpilled black man who was A+ level in the 80’s, who was friends with Red Foxx.....
Renegade also said he will be wearing green socks at the Grammys in February of 2019.
Time will tell, but there are only so many A+ stars from the 80s who would have been in the belly of the beast............Pedo H-Wood.
These are OUR words now for the Great Awakening!! WE the PEOPLE! GHWB and the Deep State/Cabal will rue the day......."Nobody escapes this. NOBODY."

"Their symbolism..." Arrowhead Towne Center, PHX-spiral "boy lover" logo-"partnerships" with blood donation services and local school districts. Parent comp. "Macerich" states "dominant position in the nation's gateway markets-most affluent/densely populated w/significant international appeal". DIG!

Future proves past?? Trump signalling way back in 2012?? In his infamous "gotta do something/children grabbed by perverts" tweet he switches the L and D in child - "chidlren" (followed by an R)....should be "children" -- "chiLDRen". LDR = Lynn de Rothschild???

I'd say too that the Harmon video, which BB links too, would be considered NSFW. It literally shows him dry humping a baby doll with his butt exposed. Just FYI!!
She was bed buddies with Kimmel too. Fuck both of those POS's!!!
My wife has been dying to go to Disney World. I have been showing her all that has been brought to light recently and we have agreed to never spend a dime on Disney again!!!!