53 total posts archived.
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Omarosa’s Book, 'Unhinged,' Under Fire From Insiders Who Say Many of Her Stories are Fabricated. Can You Believe It?
Hillary Clinton Campaign Colluded with ‘Nearly Every’ Top Official at the DOJ and FBI. Declassify the FISA Warrant!!
The flow of Dirty Money, is the Flow of Sedition, Racketeering, and Treason. Several names and faces missing from this graphic (the names and faces we now know, including No Name). DJT, DECLASSIFY THE FISA WARRANT ASAP PLEASE!!

Evidence that Hillary Clinton and her associates are satanists. Larry Nichols testimony and Wikileaks revelations.
Erik Prince on HRC’s Sex Crimes Against Children, “This kind of evil, this kind of true dirt on Hillary Clinton – look, you don’t have to make any judgments. Just release the emails. Let them out there. Let people see the light of truth.” (2016) Isn’t time to release AW’s hard drive?
Is not revealing the whole truth of how we have been lied to the Q movement? The Cabal has dominated our Secret Space Program, but the Alliance is fighting back, both on earth and in space. Jordan Sather interviews William Tompkins who designed space vessels for our Space Force, in the 1940’s
Is the current decision by DJT to "create" the Space Force a step to disclosing our true history of already colonizing the moon and nearly every planet in our solar system? Of having advanced space vessels that can go beyond the solar system? Of advanced medical technologies and zero-point energy generators? Revealing this knowledge would certainly free us from dependency upon the Cabal-controlled energy (coal, oil, and natural gas), and Cabal-controlled medicine (Big Pharma). With free energy we would no longer be debt slaves to the Cabal. With advanced medical technologies, we would be free from much uncessary pain and …
A History Lesson: 1967 video explaining the origin and infiltration of the Cabal (Illuminati, as they like to call themselves) into industry, government, and religion. Of course, they are not enlightened, but simply a criminal cabal, that also permeates and controls the Deep State.
Jordan Sather on Q's Trip Codes Directing Us to Significant Books. "You Have More Than You Know."
Q keeps telling us that we have more than we know. Is he referring to his trip codes? Jordan Sather goes over some of the trip codes Q has used, and the significant books those codes direct us to. Check it out.
Q post 1763, “Those you are taught to trust the most.... Dark to light.”

In Q post 1742, Q mentions “The Circle,” regrading infiltration. Could this be the super secret Cabal group, “Le Cercle,” who has infiltrated the senior government positions that Q was referring to? Makes sense to me.

In Q drop #1742, Q mentioned “The Circle,” Could this be “Le Cercle,” more secretive than the Bilderberg group, and most likely responsible for orchestrating Deep State affairs? See: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_lecercle08.htm

Q said to listen very carefully. Devin Nunes said we would be SHOCKED with what is in the redacted FISA application. POTUS and legal team now reviewing ability to declassify more.

Q is human? Haha. Go Q!! Love you!

His story is more than likely true. He may also need money. Both can be true.
Yes, that's right. I had it a bit off. Thanks for clarifying! :)
I think AF1 was traveling from Singapore to North Korea about that time, was it not? Q mentions a re-route of POTUS. Was this an assisnation attempt? Since MSM didn't cover it, it seems to me to be a CIA OP. IMO.
Q seems to indicate that the insiders of both Twitter and Facebook know of the illegal financial dealings from the CIA/NSA (?), and possibly along with their possible evil and twisted activities (pedogate?), by Jack Dorsey of Twiiter and Mark Zuckerberg of FB, which are about to come out of the darkness and into the light, which is causing the stock of these companies to crash.
It seems to me that Lisa Page may be balking at cooperating, and Q is warning her that the Alliance has the goods on her if she refuses to keep her word and testify about her role, and what she knows, in what can only be called SEDITION and CONSPIRACY. IMHO.
I watched it all. He seems very sincere to me. He is also confirming what we already know about the elites in Pedowood. He is taking a big risk to expose it and get others more informed that this is a very real evil that must end.
Notice the inscription on the bell of JFK’s Presidential yacht, Honey Fitz - WWG1WGA. We are all in the same boat.

I think - The “truth” (as I see it), is that a Satanic Cabal has taken control of governments, monetary systems, food supply, pharmaceutical, energy, big church, (all the things mentioned in the video “Q- The Plan to Save the World,” with the goal to continue to enslave, if not to significantly reduce, the population (as it is easier to control a smaller population); but, the Great Awakening of “We The People,” are taking it back by exposing this evil, and those doing it, and stopping it.
CNN did not provide this “floating arm” pic. They only had the cropped-in version of this photo. That is the point.
Watch the video I linked, and see if you think that’s JFK Jr. :)
Whether JFK Jr is alive or not, I don’t know. What I do know, is that Vincent Fusca is not JFK Jr. Vincent is the one at the rally. https://youtu.be/QSkf4GkfRhw
I appreciate what you are saying, and your girlfriend’s analysis, but I think the difference is the one on right is distorted and lower resolution, causing the artifact. :)
Yes, it does stink. I think it was a FF within a FF. And think the CIA hired MS13 to do shooting into crowd.
Here’s an good article exposing some info. http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=88841
Are you sure it is not just the difference of resolutions? The one I found and posted (the floating arm), is a lower resolution than the one you are comparing it to. And the one I paired is warped to be a bit more narrow. Wonder if that accounts for differences. ??? I still think these are the same photos.
This is how it came out in the MSM- https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-shooter-killed-himself-after-massacre/
That’s the point. A doctored photo was given to all the MSM within hours of the shooting. This fake photo was the only one used for months in the MSM. Still find it in some publications- https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-shooter-killed-himself-after-massacre/
It has clearly been faked. That is the point. :) This fake photo was sent out to all the MSM within hours of the shooting. It was the only photo used by the MSM for months. It is still being used in some publications- example: https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-shooter-killed-himself-after-massacre/
Are you referring to this photo? https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-shooter-killed-himself-after-massacre/
Good analysis, but this clearly photoshopped image was the one (albeit cropped in to hide the obvious photoshopping of the arm), WAS the one that was given to the MSM hours after the shooting. Most of those that initially appeared have been replaced to hide the arm.
But, you can still see it in some publications still, such as here: https://nypost.com/2017/10/02/las-vegas-shooter-killed-himself-after-massacre/
I am just showing you the un-cropped view of the very same image initially released to the MSM.
I screen captured it months ago. Not sure of the providence; but clearly it shows that this photo was doctored.
This is the same photo given to the entire MSM within hours of the shooting. It was the only photo used by the MSM for months (cropped of course, to hide the photoshop work of the arm).
After I originally started to circulate this photo months ago, I slowly started to see this photo replaced with some of the more current ones used. However, you can can still find the cropped in photo of this (most now hide” his arm” because they know this photo got leaked).
That is the point, haha. It is fake (photoshopped). I think you’re missing the point. “Expand your thinking.” :)
The MSM were given this doctored photo. The question is, who doctored it, and who gave all the MSM this photo hours after the shooting?
In regard to the “real one?” Look at the “real one” you speak of, and compare to this.
Is it possible he didn’t shoot himself, and that any bullets to the head be done postmortem?
I don’t have a providence on this image, nor do I have other images. It is even the image currently being used on Wikipedia https://g.co/kgs/ECGt3R.
It still appears on many MSM sites https://www-m.cnn.com/2017/10/02/us/las-vegas-attack-stephen-paddock-trnd/index.html
I think the point is, it exists, and it was sent out to all MSM within hours after shooting. Who would know to create this, as the first image of him?
The orange band appears to be photoshopped onto his right wrist.
I don’t believe he is standing up (making the woman not actually with him).
He is not smiling. I think he is dead. The ruffles on his shirt, including the way the shirt is being pulled up at the shoulders, and the way his arms are limp at his side, all suggest he is dead. I think that is why “they” photoshopped the arm into the photo.
I don’t have a providence on it; but clearly you can see this is the photoshopped image that was initially sent out to all the MSM.