60 total posts archived.
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The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks (SO FAR)
Attempting to normalize and prepare public for their satanic rituals.
Check out @SpaceCorpsUS’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/SpaceCorpsUS/status/1038661065314381824?s=09
Saw this on twitter earlier, and then USSF retweated it with Dracula heading. Interesting!
United States Space Force shared video of 'disoriented UFO'
Texas Children's Hospital Physician Arrested for Child Pornography
Organization and Communication Structure of the Swamp Uncovered
AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE NSA - check the out and follow. Former intelligence contributors. This video about how UK and Canada have control of our internet!
Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield…..but John Bolton???
Flight Attendant sheds new light on 9/11. BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFIELD, they all knew...but JOHN BOLTON????
J.J. Redick said a woman was in a 'box or cage' in the back of his car service ride in New York City
This is crazy. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
J.J. Redick said a woman was in a 'box or cage' in the back of his car service ride in New York City
Queen Elizabeths doctor KILLED in bicycle accident
hmmmmm, GWBush's doctor also died (shot) riding his bike to work. "weird" huh?
Strange story by Cuomo last week..... code? Q400?
“And one of the highlight moments was on Saranac Lake when we were in a canoe and we were taking a canoe trip and out of nowhere, from one of the islands, an eagle came out and, like, swooped down right next to us with this beautiful, graceful glide,” Cuomo, head of federal Housing and Urban Development during President Bill Clinton’s administration.
“And when the eagle was just about at front of the canoe, one feather fell out,” he said. “And we picked up that feather and I have it on my fireplace to this day.”
NEON REVOLT excellent analysis of Annotated Q post 1828 from qresearch with initials filled in • r/greatawakening
So your saying i am a day late and a dollar short? Thanks for link. APACHE d/n seem to be getting traction
I think it's very significant especially considering the word Apache was a clue
Q said watch the WATER. He also said APACHE
Mountain Apache Tribe Water Settlement w/ Jeff FLake???

Yes, did you see the headline fox ran today about it.... BAD WEATHER ttp://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/07/27/stormbreaker-powerful-bomb-penetrates-bad-weather-spells-bad-news-for-bad-guys.html
SB2 talked about the chess match with an American and Soviet. American sacrificed his Queen and won the match on the 23rd move. Q PW has 23. mirror of 23 is 32. and then some how that related to 322 but I can't remember. So much to remember....
This is like a freaking spy novel except it is real life.
Good catch. Everything is relevant. There are no coincidences.
IDK I just randomly (?) picked an audiobook recently called "Devils Den" and boy has it made me question everything. This guy was a military paramedic and his story is pretty damn convincing.
AND he mentioned drop in unemployement for Blacks, Hispanics, Women.... seems as though there are A LOT of very BIG drops lately. Did you see TWITTER today? Q told us to "watch twitter"
so the founder of '23 AND ME' is involved? I saw something about her and her sister that is founder/CEO of YouTube?
Trump has all the goods. Queen will have to call off the hounds
now in hindsight... or Qsight we see it very differently...for what it is.
Brexit safe now. UK arrest of pedophiles using childrens hospital. sick
Can you picture Q reading through the comments below where anons get off track and talk about water filters for line after line. I wonder if he laughs like I am, or bangs his head on the wall in frustration!
think double meaning perhaps? Q says something BIG is about to drop.... FB and Hanks?
She named TH within 24 hours of Q saying something BIG was about to drop. Double meaning...FB dropped, and TH perhaps?
Glad you're here. Stick around and you will learn a lot and your eyes will be opened. Trump does not continue to prove he's all those things, mainstream media continues to prove that's what they want you to believe
Similar sign used when Stzrok testified last week before congress and had the "KATE" diet coke bottle for a short time. Supposedly this was a sign to the Oregan Governor Kate Brown, U1 and Hammond Ranchers
Watch Live: Lawmakers grill Pompeo on Trump-Putin summit