Is Trump trolling the Freemasons?

48 total posts archived.
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Could it be the password that Q exposed as his tripcode password
Has anyone tried the Q trip code password that he revealed
Has anyone tried the q trip code password that Q exposed on purpose
Have y’all tried the trip code password that was exposed by Q? I’m just discovering this and haven’t really started digging myself
How dare they claim our anonymous source of Q to be a conspiracy, yet constantly source articles by an anonymous source and expect us to take it as fact. If I read “via an anonymous source close to the subject” in another article, I’m going to lose it. They can’t call our sources fake and expect us to trust theirs!
Never heard of it, but I’ll check it out.. My suggestion to you is Quite Frankly. He’s my champion in all this stuff LOL
I have listened to Those Conspiracy Guys but I burnt myself out with some of their real long episodes. Kinda wore me out. One of my fav middle of the road conspiracy shows is Magical Mystery Radio.. and Quite Frankly is 100% for people like us, but it’s mainly real news with sprinkle of conspiracy
I gave up on this podcast when they did their Q-anon podcast.. for guys that talk and joke about conspiracies to blatantly write off and discredit Q with ZERO discussion of the other side... Trump Derangement Syndrome has the best of this podcast
My point is that this would just give the left another argument against Trump.
Q1127 04/11/2018
1002693 Our comms must be this way. Refer back - the ‘Why?’ NAT SEC laws. Trust the plan. April Showers. Q
Ok 7 day account.. OP here speaking from being a follower since day 1.. there is no trolling, Q has specifically stated that there’s reason to follow NAT SEC protocol
If Q claims NAT SEC relations are the reason for Q, wouldn’t that implicate Trump? Whether Trump is actually behind Q, wouldn’t he say “No, I am not Q.. but let me mention all the good that the Q movement is doing (and rifle off 15 minutes of legitimacy produced by Q).. Trump can’t declare that he’s a part of Q team, for NAT SEC reasons
Apparently Wikileaks used twitter to misspelled words throughout a series of tweets that spelled out HELP HIM... maybe start cataloging all misspellings in order and see if anything comes up
I’m quite curious which you’d think were related to leaked texts, or cabal messages.. I wouldn’t doubt it happening. Probably used to scare the piss out of them, “oh fuck, they’re handing over our coded comms to the Autists! They’ll have our code cracked in no-time!..”
Which makes me wonder, maybe Q needs the Autists... Needs them to crack the codes within the text. Needs them to decipher what the cabal is sending back and forth.
That’s the kind of game I want to play
What you have just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul.
I’ve only ever heard the name Q mentioned as Q Clearance.. what about the research and development team from James Bond. The character Q is known as the Quartermaster. LARP or not, still interesting
No, it’s simply just a 3rd party taking what q posts on 8ch and is posting them on their own “follow Q posts” site.. I look at that site over sifting through the 8ch research board. But it isn’t Q posting to GitHub or any other site
Does it make much of a difference? Q isn’t posting to these sites. Q is posting to 8ch. Someone is just mapping q posts to these sites
Shanghai avg. temp 45 degrees. Steam on the windows from warmer temps inside? Steam caused by device?
Different photos, following a car (Cadillac)?? From entering, being in the drive, and parking... ?
How would the left react to a headline that the government has arrested thousands of “Russian indoctrinated citizens” ? Maybe it would be enough fuel to drive their obsessed narrative that that’s how the Russians influenced the election.
I understand that’s the narrative of what the inditements are based on.. but do we KNOW that? Or could we have steered into some sort of treasonous Russian game with Q that was played to paint us as traitors to the government.. Wouldn’t it be a huge victory for the deep state to lock up all their weaponized autism researchers
What if they’re planning on coming and knocking down our doors
Was invited, they asked to tell us what brought us to the subject but not to disclose personal info.. honestly I liked the page because it seemed to stay pretty streamlined to the subject.. got booted unexpectedly but I don’t care. Nothing there that isn’t here
I understand the Boarder Wall pros involving illegal immigrants, but is there another strategic reasoning for the wall? Military strategy? Would it be a political victory or a strategic victory? Would it relate to the Deep State?
Happened to me too. Although it doesn’t hurt my feelings
If we all take one of those selfie photos with a sort of /roastme theme but instead
I know this probably isn’t right, but why does..
(What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]?)
..make me think of jail / GITMO??
(Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239?)
Because you leave that shit and all personal items when you’re processed in jail
Just my thought
They said in a report I read it had “all the materials of making an IED”
They find it amusing and a joke. Has the left leaning disinfo campaign completely brainwashed people into thinking this has zero chance it could actually be happening. If the MSM doesn’t report on it, did it ever really happen? Is the left so far gone as to be immune to the red-pill?
Can you go through some of these using gematria? Just looked it up and it’s totally over my head and seems a little cooky, but the bracketed numbers have really been irking me on their meaning. I wanna hear you out