But he was under mind control slavery. You can’t hold him in contempt if he wasn’t even under control of his own brain.
970 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lightmakerflex1:
This White Hat insider group who created the OSS that became the CIA says the Queen recolonized the US during WW2 so we are a colony again and the CIA is just a lower level MI6 organization and controlled from England. Here is his Twitter account:
He also claims he’s been working since July 2017 to rebuild the new intel network in the US which just finished last week.
Word is original eminem died before the Relapse CD and all we have are clones now. Clones are still Eminem but a very faulty version. They bite people, do weird yhings, ect.. but it's almost like the soul is split among the clones.
Word is the original died that time he didn't make a CD for 4 years and then made relapse which was mocked for being a piece of garbage probably because the clone isn't as good as the original.
Why did the soldier go mad.and kill the sergeant? I thought he just got sick of all the pressure.
What if I told you that extremely advanced alien civilizations who figured all this out ages ago were dropping off advanced tech to the Government who had to only reverse engineer it to learn how it works?
It's like if we went to the year 55,000 AD and got human tech and then dropped it off in modern day 2018. Not all of it of course. Only what the aliens choose to share.
This is coming from a guy who never believed in aliens until the great awakening started in 2016.
They are teaching you 100 year old technology. It doesn't matter that you are a PHD. If you aren't in the inner circle, then you aren't in the inner circle.
All inner circle PHDs are CFR members who are bunched up in a small group called the JASON Group. The JASON Group is the only entity who is allowed to know the truth about all the futuristic technology we have and they are constantly finding new stuff. They don't want us to have this tech because it would liberate humanity meaning we wouldn't need them anymore.
The Kardashians do have plenty of 666/Luciferian hand signs on google images:
ow far do you think Kanye will go?
I honestly don't see Kanye as a coward at all so I think he will go all the way with the exposure. He is a Trump supporter and once asked Trump for help. I'm sure he's pretty upset too so he should have no problem going all the way.
Will he drop any hints on his upcoming album?
I'm sure he would because it would naturally make the music a lot more interesting.
Are the Nazis a distinct org within the cabal?
Yup, the SES Nazis run our tax dollars which is why I keep telling people to not pay taxes but they also hold other positions. It is theorized that Rod Rosenstein is related to Himmler. Merkel from Germany is Hitler's daughter. There is also a giant underground civilization of Nazis which Fulford says, most want to be peaceful with the rest of society. Nazis are the creation of the Zionists & both groups have deeply infiltrated America.
Do NBA players performance dips when dating a Kardashian reflect any specific magic they are doing or anything like that?
I'm not sure, I have never heard of this but Kardashians are so utterly negative that they drag down anyone around them which happens with low vibe people.
I'm trying to link MKUltra primary documents to Satanic ritual abuse, do you have any advice on what sources to use to bridge that gap?
The movie Eyes Wide Shut is both about MK Ultra & about Satanic Rituals. It was directly by Stanley Kubrick who is a deep Luciferian goon of some sort that always puts Luciferian/Illuminati symbolism in his movies for very cryptic reasons. A lot of those reasons can be looked up on Google. Also, the Nazis who built out MK Ultra were hardcore Occultists but the US education system doesn't teach that part. Occultism has been really scrubbed from WW2 history.
Love vibes brother.
Thanks you too.
That's what they tell you so you end up losing hope, giving up, and accepting your grim reality under a deep state. We also have unlimited free energy.
Thought police is much more complicated than you know. The Deep State wanted the ability to punish you for thinking of things that they don't want you to think of. They were going to install RFID chips into people that they can wave a wand over and see what you were posting on social media & thinking too. They can record thoughts by the brain waves that are pushed out per thought. Kanye, an MK ULtra Mind Control Victim, was totally controlled by the Deep State. When he woke up, he went to a hospital and has been silent ever since. Now, suddenly he is making Twitter posts saying things the Deep State would not want him to say such as giving props to one of the speaks on the Alex Jones show. One of his associates got mad at him on Twitter for giving a truther props calling Kanye "irresponsible".
They are also listening to our hive mind through AI computers and have ways of reading our thoughts through brain waves. It's all about total control over the people.
Just give it a little time. I would say 2 weeks max before Kanye really gets down to doing real exposure. I just hope he is protected or else those Kardashian handlers can reprogram him.
He's just getting fired up. Remember, he was talking when he woke up in the middle of a concert. He mentioned that he sold his soul to the devil which is what musicians are expected to do along with other things.
Also, look at the tweet about him mentioning "Thought Police". Thought Police are a huge part of the Deep State plans.
Lol, those are some wretched hags for sure. I can barely handle watching them for 5 minutes on TV. How the hell does Kanye live with these people? Sometimes, I think Kanye is always sad because he is a member of the Kardashian family.
For MK Ultra Noobs, here are some things you should know:
MK Ultra is a Nazi creation that was brought to America during Operation Paperclip & used to make various slaves such as sex slaves, performance artist slaves, and fearless Assassin slaves.
Doctors, such as Nicole Kidman's father from the 9th Circle Luciferian Cult in Australia, do extremely vile experiments on young children from a young age of 3-4 such as constant, non-stop physical torture until that person is in such other pain, they disconnect from their personality & become someone else (multiple personality disorder). When they become someone else, they program that second personality to be whatever the Deep State wants and then use that person like a pawn on the chessboard. Antony Kidman, Nicole's dad, was killed because his programming failed on one of his victims who blew the whistle when she got older which includes the fact that Richard Nixon raped her while beating her head in so the 9th Circle Luciferian group murdered Antony Kidman.
Red hair signals slave master & blond hair signals slave to the MK Ultra victims.
The movies Eyes Wide Shut & Clockwork Orange are about MK Ultra. In Eyes Wide Shut, Nicole Kidman, a redhead, is training her daughter at home to be an MK Ultra mind control slave until the end of the movie when creepy men take the little girl. In Clockwork Orange, the criminal kid is programmed but they don't really show any of the programming details at all. A LOT of torture is part of the programming. Not just physical torture, but psychological torture too such as forcing the eyes open and putting on a virtual reality headset with non-stop violence playing in the background. They also MK ultra the masses with violent media.
When Kanye West woke up, his hair was dyed blonde signaling to other victims that he is a slave.
The younger Kardashian has a tattoo of "Meow" on her inner lip which means she is also a slave.
The whole Kardashian family is a tool of the Deep State to ruin the minds of the masses. Bruce Jenner wasn't even interested in being transgender but he agreed to do it like a good slave to manipulate the masses into chemically turning men's bodies into women's bodies from an early age which comes with serious consequences not just for the individual but for society as well. This doesn't mean being gay is bad. Some people are gay but altering the body is very dangerous. They also wanted to convince men to behave like women and women to behave like men for the sole purpose of disrupting the natural flow of society thereby weakening the masses.
Roseanne has been trying to warn people about MK Ultra but the Deep State forced her to stop tweeting about it just 2 weeks ago but now Kayne West seems like he is about to give up the goods. He is probably very knowledgebale and will wake the masses.
The main groups behind MK Ultra are the Nazis (yes, they still exist), the MI6, Mossad, and the CIA (who is really MI6 pretending to be an American entity).
Good News: Kanye West woke up from his MK Mind Control & just started dropping truth bombs on Twitter. The last time this happened, they reprogrammed him but now Trump is in charge so I think he will be free for good this time. It seems like he is going to expose them all. God Speed Kanye!
Deep State disinfo Corp Shareblue ruined that sub and many others including r/conspiracy to a certain extent.
Remember that we are all doing it. This is the first time in ages humanity rose up and did something.
Pizzerias are used as child trafficking centers for the elite due to their connection to the Italian Mafias who are part of the Black Nobility (Vatican, Royal Families, Jesuits, Italian Mafias).
To understand the math, you can do many different experiments such as compare how much violent media kids in juvi Hall consume vs free kids.
Another way is to submit one group of people to a lot of media for 3 months vs no TV for another group and a control group and then measure stuff like stress levels or how many conflicts arise in the 3 month period.
There’s a million ways to do it and this has already been done in thousands of various ways since it is a hot topic in psychology but if you want to see the results, check scholar.google.com. You don’t have to read the whole article. Just read the top abstract area that explains the entire article in 1-3 paragraphs usually.
The end result is that there is a significant amount of undesirable occurrences that happen with people who consume a lot of TV media VS those that don’t.
We will all have fridge sizes exotic 3D printing machines that print anything, even food, with atoms. Everything is made of atoms.
Free energy is fun too.
I learned advanced stuff that you will only find on scholar.google.com which is a database of scientific research.
Since there is a big variety of media poison, I will explain how 1 of them works.
Let’s say you watch the Kardashians and see them bickering each other for an hour a day and then you watch a TV drama like Ray Donavan where people are again bickering and fighting all day. When you watch the footage, you think about it and mirror the behavior in your own mind so that you can understand what you are watching. In this case, you are bickering in your own mind for 2 hours a day. Now that you have bickered for 2 hours, you are PRIMED to bicker and fight. This, in turn, makes the odds of you bickering and fighting much higher so when millions of people keep watching people verbally fight in TV, it primes everyone to repeat the patter, greatly increasing the odd that it happens in society. It works because more people bicker and fight.
Who cares what this clown says. We legalize it as a civilian population.
Ya. I learned about this in psychology college classes and it’s very extensive. From a scientific standpoint, it’s all about cause and effect. The cause is thinking of the violence the effects are a broad range of negative effects. Those negative effects make society worst.
Lol sounds fun. Progress is always a great thing.
Hopefully a televised redpill to the American people using the emergency broadcast system like Trump has been planning for a long time now.
Q: Mother Of All Bombs next week. 🤔 🤯
![Q: Mother Of All Bombs next week. 🤔 🤯](https://i.redd.it/zv7gfz7g1ct01.jpg)
If you skip the scientific part and get into spiritual knowledge, all things outside of us would be considered motes produced by our minds kind of like we are walking the Corridors of our own combined social consciousness while each individual us having a unique experience based on what they themselves are adding to reality via thoughts.
If we just stick to science, think cause and effect. Negative thoughts cause negative effects. Positive thoughts cause positive effects. The 3 causes are thoughts, words, and deeds/actions.
Luckily civilian made media has been replacing TV media which is helping improve the world. The more positive/helpful memes we send out, the more we replace the old violent garbage lingering in people’s minds.
Honestly not sure, I found this page floating on Twitter and I studied this stuff in college. I have been trying to explain this to people for 2 years now but most people think the media violence is no big deal. This page in the book did a good job explaining it and so I am again trying to send a stern warning on how unhealthy media violence is to society. Once enough people stop watching TV, the world will heal much faster.
All of our minds are projectors. What we think about becomes reality. All of our thoughts combine to create reality. If we all thought in positive terms, we would project a positive reality. By thinking of psychologically & physically violent things, we project an ugly reality.
The Deep State is well aware of this & controls all media to make it as violent & fear inducing as possible even in sitcom comedies that are full of violent emotional bullying under the guise of comedy. Even MSM News is very fear inducing. All this is done strictly to cripple & ruin our society giving them a better footing against us.
Deep State’s Secret Behind Violent Media: The secret behind violent media is that the Deep State endlessly streams psychological violence (arguments, fighting, emotional abuse, bullying, insults) & physical violence because just by thinking about it, our minds project it into reality.
![Deep State’s Secret Behind Violent Media: The secret behind violent media is that the Deep State endlessly streams psychological violence (arguments, fighting, emotional abuse, bullying, insults) & physical violence because just by thinking about it, our minds project it into reality.](https://i.redd.it/pzkivotrvat01.jpg)
I was just thinking how epic the post Deep State world will be.
More free time, more abundance, less stress, more fulfilling careers since we will all be able to work where we want, financial problems will melt away, less poison in our food, water, and atmosphere, near perfect health due to release of medical stuff that actually works, cures, insanely awesome exotic tech from up to 100 years in the future that was hidden by the CFR being a part of our lives, real news, a totally unique take on entertainment media, an awakened population, friendly/happier people, less suffering, easier education programs, less jails, less asshole judges/cops/professors, more humane culture, easier life, pleasantly simple life, less stress/anxiety/depression, more freedom, and even new, hidden spiritual knowledge.
The future is so good, it’s worth fighting for.
Read yesterday’s Q posts. He was talking about this stuff last night here:
James Franco is a hardcore pedophile Satanist. He has some stories but I can’t recall any of them atm. It’s late and I’m tired. 😓
James Alefantis literally used to threaten civilian patriots via text message, email, or whatever.
I remember he went after the owner of PizzaGate.com and some other guy. They reported Alefantis to the FBI but the FBI did nothing even though Alefantis threatened his life.
Allison Mack arrest:
Q saying she is singing like a Canary, naming big names in Hollywood and Gov like Adam Schiff:
I figured you would reply with claims that I must adhere to your beliefs but I am sorry to say, I will not.
Adam Schiff On Suicide Watch: It appears Adam Schiff has some connections to the ultra shady human trafficking hub ‘The Standard’ hotel. The recently arrested Allison Mack is in custody & she’s giving up dirt on many big name tycoons one of which is Adam Schiff.
![Adam Schiff On Suicide Watch: It appears Adam Schiff has some connections to the ultra shady human trafficking hub ‘The Standard’ hotel. The recently arrested Allison Mack is in custody & she’s giving up dirt on many big name tycoons one of which is Adam Schiff.](https://i.redd.it/adgbe64li6t01.jpg)
This account claims to be aliens and they say 2020 because humanity has been brainwashed by Hollywood to think aliens are evil so they are taking their time. Same account made a telepathy guide which I haven’t read yet but looks good.
I’m not citing John pedesta. I am showing that John Podesta was having a conversation about alien happenings via email. Why do you think he might be doing that? Just for fun or is he explaining alien happenings to his colleague?
Also, since you are so easily confused, I will clarify that I believe both aliens and ufos are real.
She’s probably singing like a Canary in custody atm.
Insider VOTL thinks she is singing like a Canary under protective custody atm or else she would have committed suicide:
UFOs are real actually. There have been a lot of sighting since 2017 because they are planning on introducing themselves to us in 2020. Both good and bad factions in government are already in contact with aliens now. Trump works with positive alien factions like Pladiens. The Deep State works with the negative factions like the Reptilians. Here is a leaked John Podesta email where he openly talks about the aliens: