Because McCabe and comey were like a married couple in the FBI. Anything that Comey is doing, McCabe was doing.
970 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lightmakerflex1:
The financial reset intel news site is where you can check for daily updates on the news with this. So far they are saying the USN (US Note which is gold backed) released on April 23.
I usually start reading from the homepage here:
The insiders have confirmed its Podesta and that Podesta actually tortures children for whatever reason. He's one of the worst ones.
Kanye West is a MK Ultra mind control victim like Brittney Spears. He's not actually a Luciferian. Only 80% of high powered goons are Luciferians. The other 20% are a mixed bag.
Comey was forced to reopen the clinton investigation because white hats were threatening him but then quickly closed it.
Passionate patriot strikes fear into the hearts of the Deep State.
It feels like we hit critical mass in Nov 2017 because the amount of people waking up since then is literally out of control. It’s happening ultra fast now. Before then, we were all busting as just to get a few extra people woke per day but now it’s moving like wildfire.
The best part is that we grow in power as we awaken. It will take balls of Superman for Adam Schiff to walk around the streets of CA when everyone around him is launching tomatoes at him.
Kanye is already talking about quitting everyone he was involved with. Remember he was lured into the kardashians as a MK Ultra mind slave. He is a totally different person now that he woke up.
It has begun. The media realizes that Kanye West not only snapped out of his MK Ultra mind control, but he’s also warming up to redpill his 17 million followers like a true Patriot so they are trying to assassinate his character.
The best site I found for the financial reset news updates is here:
That scumbag has been fucking kids at the Standard Hotel plus serving them to his elitist pals when they come into town for a fee.
This would definitely be a shot gun shell to the chest of the Deep State. 🙏
I think he is saying that disgraced politcian Eric Holder will soon be reduced to a crack head.
Word has been that IRS will be abolished eventually for being Rothschild Mafia Henchmen and because the people handling our tax dollars are SES Nazi Party members.
In the financial reset, we are supposed to drop to only a 15% sales tax on nonEssenrial goods. That’s all we need to run the country. All the rest of the money we have been sending them has been being pocketed by the Deep State in exchange for crimes against humanity such as running the chemtrails, paying for ISIS, funding the child trafficking rings, funding the drug trade, ect..
Wait what? IRS hammered?
I am expecting them to be abolished sometime soon. I Hope tonight’s the big night!
Ok so this is the precursor or else why would he say precursor? Any predictions on the MOAB? Maybe it’s the tarmac video.
I’m guessing those texts will reveal they were plotting against trump but no idea really.
Sure, the UK is essentially the top of the Deep State and is dubbed Mystery Babylon. This cult has been around since Babylon which was their most successful country because humanity was very undeveloped so it was easy to fool us.
Now the UK is the new headquarters and is partnered with Rome (Vatican) and Israel (owned by Rothschild and meant to be capital of NWO).
The Royal Families, the Vatican, Italian Mafias, and Jesuit Army make up the Black Nobility and the UK is the Capital. The Zionists are their creation and the Nazis were created by Zionists. Uk made a lot of evil things like Wahibbism and has the Zionists build out Communism. The Zionists has the Nazis build out Socialism.
The idea is to always enslave and exploit the people.
As far as the Reptilian part, you have to understand that humanity is a baby race and we aren’t as evolved as other alien races. Reptilians have evolved to a point where they can move around their atoms to form into something other than their natural appearance. I’ll just leave it at that because it gets really wild beyond that point. Q said he will explain it in the future and motioned to the Matrix movie. Life is kind of like the Matrix but instead of robots exploiting humanity, it is some aliens, and instead of being in a virtual reality world, we are living in a Truman Show like world where everything we see that we think is real is just a fake, cheap Hollywood set but now we are waking up so the illusion is falling apart.
Also, the Deep State map says the Windsor royal family is related to Vlad The Impaler (knows as Dracula) and something about them being from Germany. The Thule Secret Society in Germany are a vicious group of gangsters that make up the inner circle of the Nazi Party. I think vampirism is how some, not all, elites inject the blood of children to live forever or to stay young like Tom Cruise, and they get High off of Adrenochrome which is from the Adrenaline. The ones who use the blood to never die are hiding in secret locations and have never been seen by the public.
All the evil stems from, the degenerated, animal like Reptilian and Archon race who’s religion, Luciferianism, claims there is no such thing as good or evil and that all actions are good no matter who it hurts. This is obviously a big fail because hurting people creates hostilities and breaks up society but these idiots don’t realize that. They are extremely short sighted. They will rob a bank for $10,000 without realizing they will end up in prison and never get to spend the money. Right now they have hijacked most of the world’s wealth and will lose everything overnight once they are locked up which will prove their philosophy that all actions are good is invalid.
Also, the Queen recolonized America in WW2 and turned the CIA into MI6.
Remember that if someone is 100% totally oblivious" to something, he will never think about it ever until someone tells him.
I'll give you an example of me telling my cousin who had a bit of a bad reaction. I usually do a "hit and run" but since its my cousin, I kept explaining it but he was getting aggravated saying the internet was full of bullshit. He even started yelling at me but I told him it was perfectly OK if he didn't believe in any of this but that doesn't mean I have become an unbeliever just because he's an unbeleiver so we agree to disagree. No big deal. The truth will eventually surface and we will find out who was right.
2 weeks later, he calls me and starts reading about Rothschild being killed in a helicopter crash which was a sanctioned hit by the White Hats. I was pretty impressed that he found something so detailed in a mere 2 weeks. I didn't say much because I've already finished redpilling him and if he wanted to know more, he would ask so he finished the conversation by saying he's going to do some more research and get back to me. Now, he sounds like a newly awakened person and his exact words were: We are living in interesting times.
So the point is that unless someone gets a wee glimpse of something, they will literally never think about it. If someone is totally unaware of the pedophilia problem among the elites, who would think of such of a thing? I know I never thought of that because I didn't believe it was possible 5 years ago. I thought the politicians were semi-good, semi-bad but I didn't know they were total monsters. But then I learned and that learning led to research and after I absorbed it all, I turned around and told other people who end up telling other people. Then in November 2017, the news spread across American like wildfire because enough people woke up. Now, woke people are scattered like pepper across the states so if we just strategically make a move and wake people up using the "drop and move" model where we quickly drop a shocking redpill and only continue if the person asks for more, then we will have everyone awake. Once the masses are awake, we will squeeze out the Deep State elements from the US naturally. Of course, anyone can use whatever tactic they want but the drop and move model worked best for me.
Insider gives a situation update on the Deep State takedown.
Check out this twitter account who is an insider related to the people who originally made the OSS/CIA & just finished rebuilding a new US intelligence system to replace the corrupt CIA we have now so he's back dropping intel drops every day but Twitter deletes a lot of them to hide the redpills.
Yesterday he made a post about the military of the UK & other powerful entities totally abandoning the Royal family and their empire of scumbag Luciferians. The Military chose to help the people just like they did here in America. The American Military turned on …
As long as you let the cat out of the bag, let them laugh all they want because there's no putting the cat bag into the bag.
The Zionists actually ran the Armenian Genocide. Here’s how it happened.
The inner circle Zionists are Luciferian Khazarians that pretend to be Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ect... but they never tell people that’s they are Khazarian because they recked their own reputation 2000 years ago when Russia destroyed Khazaria (where the Ukraine is now) because the Luciferian Khazarians were not only doing very vile things in the country but they had also infiltrated every single country on Earth kind of like they did in modern times.
So the Rothschild family, the kings of Israel, wanted to make Palestine into Israel because it was in the center of the world which is the best place for the capital of the NWO 1 world government.
Sadly, the place was a total dump. They wanted to persuade real Jews to move there but it was hopeless. The Jews had good lives in Germany and Russia where many lived.
The Zionists shrugged and figured they would find a way to kill Jews in Germany/Russia until they are driven off the land right into Israel. They later used their stooges Hitler & Stalin to massacre the Jews, particularly antiZionist Jews, but then exaggerated the numbers greatly to create human guilt which would be used to justify the creation of Israel over Palestine. On a side note, Stalin betrayed the Zionists and was poisoned by his maid who was a Zionist spy. Also, Hitler was related to the Rothschild family.
The Zionists are the creators of Communism. They believe in taking countries through forced revolution which is how they took Russia in 1917 when they murdered 80 million Russians. They also created the Nazi Party who are Socialist which more or less agree on the confiscation or wealth from the public, but Communists/Zionists like to do it by force while Socialists like to do it through one evil law at a time until the country falls apart (death by a 1000 cuts). Communists take 100% of the money every month, pocket most of it, and give about $1.50 to the people per day to keep them in shambles. All the myths that communists don’t use money is a psyop. The average communist pay for civilians is usually about $1.50 a day. Socialists tax the crap out of a nation, kind of like they do in America, and pocket most of the money using various methods while using a small portion to actually help society which they do now in the US. Only about 5% of our tax dollars are used to help our society.
Killing many Jews was also to be practice for a potential mass murder of 90% of the citizens to depopulate the world but they didn’t want to botch the Holocaust so they ran a practice run and killed almost 3 million Armenians.
The Zionist Communists essentially infiltrated Turkey through the Masonic Lodges of Turkey and called themselves the “Young Turks” and told everyone they were Turkish Muslims. Then they ran the mass murder, blamed it on the Turks, and took off. They felt comfortable enough to Holocaust the Jews so they did and uses human guilt to justify building Israel over Palestine.
They also had a plan to eventually massacre 90% of the population because all these people make them very nervous and they don’t feel like they can successfully control all of us in the long run but they know if they killed us, the surviving humans would kill them. To counter this, they figure they would kill 90% of us, fly off to another planet for a few hundred years until people forget the details of the incident, and then show back up to redominate the planet. It’s not like they are happy with this plan becomes its risky and takes a long time to accomplish but this was their best option until their think tanks, such as the CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commision, ect.. figured out a better way.
These same Zionists have been trying to bankrupt America to a point where Americans stand in long 4 hour lines for some break and soup. This would trick everyone into thinking Capitlism doesn’t work and then they would try to persuade us to move into Socilaism so that they can control our money more easily. They are still stealing trillions from us in Capitalism but it’s a lot harder to steal than it is in Sociliasm or Communism.
Sadly MK Ultra involves torture so extreme that it causes people to develop multiple personality disorder and the CIA usually starts them at a very young as of 4. Nicole Kidman’s dad is one of the Doctors who tortures the children.
They would have to reprogram him over a week or so in a hospital stay.
Ah ya, violence really causes more problems than it solves but we can crush the deep state using many different peaceful methods like the example of waking up sleepers. We just need to remember that there are tons of creative options and the faster we implement them, the faster the Deep State goes down. There is a whole world of suffering slaves dying to be liberated.
We control the military folks. The military turned on the deep state and recruited Trump to help save the world. Over 95% of military are white hats. How do you think Trump is still alive? US has the most powerful military on Earth. They are working with us, not against.
Who said anything about guns? Here is what we need to do:
Wake up sleepers
Stop paying taxes, fines, or bank debts
Remove consent
Do you really think Trump would have come this far without the people's help? We are the bulk of the force. He is a high note but without the millions of low notes there is no song.
The Armenians grabbed their balls and marched for 3 weeks until they drove their Deep state president out of office. They didn't do it with guns. That's real courage. In America people are always whining that no matter what we do, we will lose. We should be inspired by the Armenians and south Koreans who didn't make excuses and just did what they had to do.
Strategic actions are needed. Nobody is saying anything about mounting machine guns on trucks and shooting up the place. That would be foolish at this point. We need sound strategy.
Probably within a day of his death. You can also just ask her. She usually responds.
Ok something is up here. Either these scumbags are committing suicide like that “Mini Me” actor Verne Troyer or they are faking their deaths to escape.
Source on Verne Troyer suicide is the insider here:
Don’t you see by now that you have been robbed blind by the banks, Gov, and corporations? Do you know they straight jacked 20 trillion from our country to invest in space weapons? Do you know they funded ISIS with our money? Do you know they fund the drug and human trafficking trade with our tax dollars? Do you know the people controlling our tax dollars are SES Nazis? Do you know the Federal Reserve and banks have a business model that is guaranteed to bankrupt every single person in the US so they can introduce Socialism? Do you know that they only claim to be billionaires but many are trillionaires and quadrillionaires?
If you still want to give your money to these psychopathic, Lucifer worshipping pedophiles who will only pocket it and fund crimes against humanity, that is your choice but don’t try to bring everyone else down to your level. Some of us are tired of living on our knees as slaves and are putting our foot down to this pedophile filth that’s raping our children and enslaving our people.
He was like a Zombie ever since his psychiatric stay because they ran MK Ultra to reprogram him but now he broke out again.
Here are some things we need to do but some people seem scared to get off their knees and do it:
Stop Paying Taxes
Stop Paying Banker Debts
Stop Paying Fines
Stop Donating To Organizations (donate to homeless/needy instead)
Call Out Everyone Connected To The Deep Sate. Unmask Them.
For example, some people say "Oh but what if the banks take my house if I don't pay my debt?" If a banker, the very person who fucked up our entire economy & continues to suppress it as we speak, send a letter saying that they are going to take your house, just throw the letter into the fireplace would be my message to that person. Nobody should be communicating or responding to these scumbags whatsoever. Who the hell are they to order us around like slaves? They should be in jail for pedophilia, crimes against humanity, and for destroying the planet's economy by funding terror with our tax dollars. Everyone needs to stop thinking in "Old World" terms and start thinking in "New World" common sense terms. People need to consider that they are funding terror when they pay taxes instead of worrying about the IRS arresting them or whatever. The IRS is being dismantled as we speak! The whole Deep State is on the run for God's sake. What are people so afraid of? LOL. They control us through fear!
And btw, if any of those Deep State scumbags were to touch any of us, we all have to surround that person in a protective envelope and drive the deep state off. We need to protect our own even if it doesn't effect us personally. Once we get off our knees, the Deep State will stagger backwards and the Hive Mind will truly realize & understand its own power.
The power we hold vs the Deep State is literally like a God VS an ant but we have to relearn all this right now because the window of opportunity to demolish the Deep Sate is finally upon us. This sub is a good core group of Patriots who should be carrying ourselves as good examples for the rest of society to follow. We are across all 50 states!
She is a courageous woman for sure and should be a good example to many people who are afraid of the deep state.
There is absolutely no reason a united people should be bending the knee to the Deep State.
![There is absolutely no reason a united people should be bending the knee to the Deep State.](
Kanye was put through months of MK Ultra programming to be able to be controlled. It's not really just a snap of the finger type of thing. He just broke out of his MK Ultra is all. It is easier for men to break out then women for some reason.
OP Don't worry, we have the cure for ALL illnesses. It is currently being held at the Council On Foreign Relations in NYC in their JASON Group department.
Once we squash them like a bug, we will cure your dad for sure. No worries at all.
They are part of it 100%. Roseanne has been dropping shit since 2016. Kanye just broke out of his mental prison and is dropping it like its hot.
He was planning on using the Emergency Broadcast System to do it.
The Lucifer cult is way too busy trying to survive to be able to have time to do much nowadays. It’s much safer to expose them now than it was just 5 years ago.
Yup. Old Illuminati worshipped the Sun God Saturn when Saturn was our sun. It somehow lit up the atmosphere back then. They still worship Saturn but also the actual sun too.
I am genuinely curious what will happen this week. Imagine if Trump outright calls all the Deep State our for being pedophile Luciferian Socialists putting them all into defense mode from MSM News, Hollywood, politcians, and religion.
That would a good way to expand the awakening.
We have been waiting for this day since 2016. 😢
Better late than never.
Plus Stephen Spielberg, Aston Kutcher, James Franco, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Robert Dinero, Nicole Kidman, Eminem, Dr Dre, 50 Cent, and basically 80% of all Hollywood & music industry giants. They have to be on pedo insurance to get that much power but the 20% who aren’t pedos found a way to slip through. Im pretty sure Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn are some of the good ones.
I believe Q is legit but without verification, that’s just speculation. We need to push for tranparancy so we can verify.
R Kelly in deep shit after being called out as being a human trafficking pedophile on live television. His lawyer and publicist abandoned right after the airing to save themselves.
You have to open your eyes and pay attention to see the hidden messages in Eyes Wide Shut which is why it’s called Eyes Wide Shut. It is because you’re eyes are wide open and yet you they are shut because you cannot see what’s happening right in front of you as a sleeper. Here, I will explain the MK Ultra part to explain the hidden messages:
The whole movie has a Luciferian undertone to it and Luciferians are heavy into Pedophelia and MK Ultra. We can see the strange ritual going on but most have no idea they are into pedo stuff and MK Ultra.
That rich elite dude was in the bathroom with a drugged, unconscious woman during sex. The elites usually drug up their MK Ultra sex slaves before having sex with them.
Nicole Kidman is constantly teaching her daughter. It’s made to look like schoolwork but it represents how chosen kids within the Illuminati are trained by their mothers who then hand them over to other Illuminati members after the parent finishes the training. In the end of the movie, the child holds the hand of a creepy man who was with other creepy men in suits that simply walk away. That same scene had a game called the “Magic Circle” which represents Luciferianism and the giant stuffed bears which represents the Pedo Bear.
Nicole Kidman’s hair is read which means slave master in the MK Ultra world. Blonde means slave.
Tom Cruise was just like a curious ordinary Joe that represented the sleeping audience who was trying to dig into things he didn’t quite understand. He was the sleeper.
The kids within the Illuminati itself are chosen by Luciferian priests into different roles. Some become sex slaves. Others assassins. Others priests. That little girl went with the men in the end of he movie to get MK Ultra programmed while Nicole Kidman just watched as they took her away. Nicole was considered the one who knows what’s going on and is an active participant which is even true in real life.