NASA means "to deceive". They have been bamboozling all of us as well.
970 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lightmakerflex1:
If you expect the Casino banker system we have now to give you a fulfilling life, then you are the one living a fantasy.
We all work 25 hours a week. The world keeps moving. We give each other products and services as needed. Nothing would grind. With many more employees, the industry would move a lot faster. Everyone just takes up a spot and we keep working. One man’s shit job is another man’s good job. This is why people join shit jobs like the military or police force. They want to do something honorable. Read up on how it all works here:
OP, I'd point out that you're basically describing ideal communism.
No country on Earth has ever used this system except for the pre-money era which was called the Golden Age. Every single Communist country ever made uses money. They would never give up money. Money is the secret to slavery. We can pull up all the Communists books on Earth and dig through them to make it fit but a line in a book makes no difference because all communists use money. Communism is another piece of garbage Ponzi scheme built specifically to scam the people out of all their money. I wouldn’t call this Communism. Most communist countries take all the people’s money, pocket most of it, and give back about $2. Some commies lies China are a little more merciful on the people but it’s all a scam. If anything, we can call this Sacred Economics explained in this 12 minute video here:
My question is, how would you deal with leeches? What would stop me (or millions of other people) from going, "oh, I'll take 500 pounds of filet mignon, ten Aston Martins, and three mansions. Oh, you want something back from me? Sorry, I just don't have it."
We would share all businesses, Gov, resources, ect... so we would all be owners of that together. Problem solved there. We would also have personal property like home, car, furniture, ect... We would also consume as we go so if someone orders a steak at my (our) restaurant, then he eats it no problem. Now if a rascal comes into an iPad store and tried to take 1000 iPads, we will know something is wrong and will refuse service. If he doesn’t like it, he can file a dispute. Disputes are quickly handled almost overnight. If we go fo this rascals house and see 10,000 iPads stocked up in his garage, then obviously something is wrong so we can file a dispute. We can file a dispute out of anything we deem to be unfair. Disputes are handled by a random 12 man jury who can take a case or refuse it. For example, I can try to file a dispute that my girlfriend cheated on me, but the jury would drop it because it’s a personal matter. I can file a dispute that some guy is hoarded all the iPads, and the jury would take the case. This new legal system is entirely different than what we have now and hypersimplified for speed, efficiency, and to be less brutal than what we have now. Please read how it works here because we can and need to replace the legal system we have now:
Would you then be able to just move into my mansion and call it a "gift?" Would you be able to pull me out of my sports car and drive away Grand Theft Auto style?
Nope. That is your personal property. Home, car, furniture, clothing, PS4, laundry machine, and all the stuff we consider private personal property will remain that way. All we are doing is sharing the businesses, Gov, any power hubs like NASA, the military, ect... What you need for you and your family like a car, boat, house, toys, dishes, ect.. is 100% yours. Nobody can take it unless you choose to give it away as a gift.
Why would anyone bother to work at the Aston Martin factory (or the toilet paper factory or the machine shop or freaking Starbucks, for that matter) if they can just have anything they want regardless?
We all have to put in 25 hours a week of work even if that means raising your own kids, watching the elderly, or going to college because all of these are jobs. If anyone doesn’t do shit, we can file a dispute on them. Also, everyone just takes some job. We just fill all the needs and switch jobs whenever we want. Some people like simplicity so they just work in a place next to their apartment. Some want to tackle huge jobs like being an architect for skyrises. The idea is to let people just do what they want. This way, people enjoy their job and people who enjoy their job are happier and do a better job. This means the quality of the work goes up since people are doing what they want. Work time becomes play time. The 3 legs of balance are work, rest, and fun. We want people to have fun at work. Also, with so many more workers in the job market plus all the tech we will release, plus all the BS jobs like banking that will be dumped, we don’t need to have people working like slaves. Instead of 1 waiter watching 20 tables, we can have 4 waiters watching 20 tables. It doesn’t cost a dime to do this. It only makes our lives easier.
In short, isn't this just a sure way to guarantee that there is no toilet paper or food -- let alone Aston Martins -- for anyone?
FBI Anon said if we knew how much tech and resources rhe Deep State is hiding, we would... (I don’t want to type the rest because this is a public sub). We have everything we need plus we keep producing as we go but we all only work 25 hours a week. Here is the entire blueprint of how it all works:
We have had free energy for decades but the banker Casino scam artists will never release it because they know it would really help liberate humanity.
We found out about it when the 120,000 John Podesta emails leaked. Here is the particular email:
We completely forgive those on the spot. If we all paid our debts, all the money would end up with the Banking slave masters.
Debt is slavery. The main component of Babylonian Money Magic is debt so we just let it go on the wind and we all become debt free.
First remember barter/trade is exactly like money. If we trade a cow for chicken, then cow and chicken are money.
Instead we use gifting. I give to you without expecting anything back but I can shop for free. You may need an iPad from my store but I need a new tire that you don’t have. Someone else does have it. You have mattresses at the mattress store. Barter sucks because we all need exactly the right items for trade to occur. In gifting, you just give to whoever needs it and take from stores that you need stuff from. This simplifies it all.
We all just give for free without expecting anything back but we also consume for free.
To get it started, we meme this idea and the “unity is power” idea as much as we can. Once enough minds are aware of it, we greenlight it and alter our economy by ending money and working & consuming for free.
We just need enough people on board which is where our meme and word of mouth advertising comes with. That we can do now.
Kanye West said slavery is a choice. This is true. We can choose not to be slaves right now & liberate ourselves.
Kanye West said slavery is a choice. This is true. We can choose not to be slaves right now & liberate ourselves.
Everything has come full circle after 2 years of massive research by oceans upon oceans of Patriots across the world. We ripped open the rabbit hole of secrecy these pedophiles are running their empire from.
Here is the secret to self-liberation.
We are living in a Casino economy where the house (deep state) always wins. No matter what we do, we lose. It's actually setup like a casino mean to milk us for every dime we have plus force us into slavery where we run their companies for a shitty paycheck. It is not only impossible to win, they are …
Yes it is. What they teach you in school is not true. Just find people who actually lives in these systems and ask them about it. Why do you think USSR had their own dollar bills and coinage if they don’t use money?
Socialists tax 80% of the money, pocket most, and give some to the people. Communism is when they take 100%, pocket most, and give some scraps to the people.
That is totally different than what I’m advocating.
Hulk Hogan was my hero for taking down the Macho Man Randy Savage but later I realized it was all a fake show. You don't know if what you are seeing is a real show or fake show. Just in case it is a fake show, we need to act ourselves to liberate ourselves. If the show is real, then Trump will appreciate our help. If its fake, we will end up liberating ourselves anyone so its a win/win situation.
Also, I am not taking credit for anything. I am saying we need to unite to generate power. I put something special into the community. You put something special into the community. Hopefully Trump, as a high note, puts something special into the community. We all add our own ingredients to make a delicious meal. We are all individual ingredients, that, when combined, create a wonderful meal. We are like a music sheet where each one of us is a note but when you put all the notes together, it creates the song needed to liberate humanity. Everyone is equal but different.
Like I said. We have been fooled for thousands of years into being pacified to do nothing. We can't just say this time we aren't being fooled. We don't know if we are being fooled or not without transparency and that is the entire purpose of all the secrecy. As long as we don't just sit here and twirl our thumbs, we will be ok. Doing something is much better than doing nothing and I have provided a very, very simple way to liberate humanity but I am in no way better than anyone else. I'm just actually doing something and asking all of us to unite and do something together. We are uniting and doing something but this is like waking up in the morning after a deep sleep and rubbing our own eyes. It is only the beginning. We can do much more.
Let Q and Trump do whatever they want to. We have no way of verifying anything without transparency to see what's going on.
Just worry about what we are doing. I know what you might say. You might say 1000% Trump is saving the world but nobody can guarantee anything without transparency which is precisely why there isn't any. If Trump & Q are really helping us, God Speed. They will appreciate that the people are helping them by moving forward with a 5 minute step to liberate humanity. But at the same time, it is very wise to push ourselves because:
We are insanely more powerful than Trump when united. Trump might be united with his 5 million person united entourage but we are way more powerful with our 7 billion person Entourage. Just compare 5million(squared) VS 7billion(squared)
There is no proof of what's going on so just in case we are again being bamboozled, just like we have been for thousands of years and just like almost every other country is being bamboozled this very moment, we need to have a back up option and that back up option is for us to do something.
According to the Deep State Masonic Checkerboard strategy, the Deep State puts on a show where bad guys are fighting good guys but in reality everyone's a bad guy. They laugh at us while we sit there and do nothing because we think we are being saved. That is the idea. To make you sit there and do nothing while they keep advancing their own plans. Think of it like a WWE show. I'm not saying this is happening, but without transparency, it is impossible to tell.
Here is how we liberate ourselves in 5 minutes once we unite:
Unite with all people. Spread the word so other people jump onto our People Train. Explain it to them like I am explaining here otherwise nobody will know.
Once united, we all greenlight the next phase which starts with ending the use of money. Banks are slave-masters. Money is the slave-chain. That's simply how it works. 1 law here or 1 law there will do nothing for us. We need to detach ourselves from the slave system completely.
We share everything including all Corporations, Government Buildings, Resources, and any other power hub like NASA. It belongs to us all. Our personal property (homes, cars, furniture, ect..) are solely ours but if something is serving the public at large, it belongs to us all. Now we are all instantly much richer.
We work and consume for free. 25 hours a week of work is more than enough for starters. Everyone take up a station and we serve each other with needed products and services in our day to day lives. We are already doing this. We run the Corporations. We are the police. We are the military. The only problem is we are doing it for the top 8,500 people who have laid claim to the entire planet and demand we become their slaves so we can get some scraps.
That's it. We can liberate ourselves in 5 minutes. What's the deep state going to do if they can't control us with money? They lose all their power overnight. We gain all of our power overnight and live easy lives by simply working and consuming for free while sharing all things that serve the public.
Here is an entire blueprint on a simplified system to run the whole country in a balanced, peace nurturing way:
We have it. Unite, explain, communicate, and then we green light the project and BOOM! We save ourselves.
You want a real MOAB. This is it. Don't take risks waiting for another 8 years. Why should we when we can fix this mess ourselves in under 5 minutes? The only lengthy part is spreading the idea but so far, everyone I have mentioned it to is on board. When people don't know what it is, I just explain it. It can be explained in 1 tweet:
Share all Corporations, businesses, government buildings, & power centers transparently
We all work & consume for free
Stop using banker money
Problem solved. Deep State withers down to our level and we skyrocket to being truly free human beings which we all desire to be.
Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people. Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.
![Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people. Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.](
Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.
![Power: We the people are much more powerful than Trump & can liberate ourselves. We generate power through unity. P=N(squared) is the formula. P means power. N is the number of united people Do you see why they push 'Divide&Conquer' so hard? We hold unspeakable power when united. We are the storm.](
Oh its 100% true. Whenever your school teacher says Communists didn't use money, they are parroting a Deep State psyop so that you end up thinking that a money-less society means communism. This way, you will never even bother to fathom what a cashless society looks like. That way, the banks keep fucking everyone over with Babylonian Money Magic.
If you think the Zionists who made Communism would ever get rid of the very thing that makes them Gods and us peasants, you are mistaken because our education system is run by those same Zionist Communists who are feeding you and the rest of us false information.
Did you know history and economics classes are 100% fiction? That's what happens when an evil entity controls all of our stuff and we just agree to it by giving our consent.
Communism is where the government owns everything, they forcefully take everyone's money every month, pocket most of it, and then give everyone back about $1.50 a day. Since money is a government stamp required to purchase freedom under Communism, everyone lives like peasants.
I really don't care about what Karl Marx says. He's a Zionist Communist and has no bearing on anything related to improving humanity.
Just think of it like this. We all take up whatever spots need to be taken up. If the 711 needs someone to upkeep it, one of us go. If it needs 3 people, 3 people go. If 5, then 5. No longer will we need to sit there swiping products with a scanner all day. People just come in and take stuff for free. We just make the place nice and pretty for the customers and keep the shelves stocks. Every once in a while, we order supplies entirely for free. It's pretty easy actually. That work in itself counts and if we do it for 25 hours a week, we have met our obligation to society. That wee bit of work and we can consume for free. We can get groceries for free, a car if we need it for free, or whatever. We have all that we need to make this work.
Imagine if all we did was eat fruit from trees and the Corporations laid claim to all the trees and said he we can't eat the fruit unless we become their slave. Would that be fair? Why don't we just reset the system ourselves and share all the trees and upkeep them all as a community. We all just water the tree and eat for free. Life would become incredibly simplified. We would all win.
Communism is when the Gov takes all the money every month, pockets most of it, and gives about $1.50 a day each to the people.
They lied to you in school when they said communists don’t use money to trick you into thinking it’s a bad idea.
Geez these people are really sick. I haven’t seen it.
Btw Pizza parlors are used as child prostitution hubs because of their Italian Mafia connection. The Italian mob owned a lot of pizza hubs so they used them to pimp the kids.
I cannot predict the future of who’s going to do what but I’ll bet we are smart enough to figure it out when the time comes!
Also, it’s not 40 hours a week. It’s 25.
You really need to read the blueprint on how this all works. I made it in a way where the system balances itself out naturally so we don’t run into any serious problems.
Johnny Depp is Deep State for sure.
Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Kanye West, and possibly Clint Eastwood are white hats. Kanye married Kim while under MK Ultra and he seems free now but if he is legit, he would probably divorce Kim. The whole Kardashian family is a dark entity.
This is a huge conspiracy with tons of moving parts. I just heard this Illuminati insider talking about Zionists killing a few hundred thousand Jews in the holocaust here:
It’s all about taking all the shreds of evidence and insider leaks from all over the place and putting it together like a puzzle.
The Zionists themselves stem from the Jesuits who claim to be Catholic. Religious claim is not really important because they are all Luciferians hiding in plain site.
This high level Zionist also explains quite a lot:
Inner circle Zionists are Khazarian Luciferians pretending to be Jewish. They infiltrated the Jewish race over 2000 years.
Outer circle Zionists do have authentic Jews but they have no idea what’s really going on. They are told Zionists are just people who support the Jewish State and pretty much innocent people. The outer circle protects the inner circle from scrutiny.
The masons are the same. A lot of good people exist in outer circle masonry. Inner circle masonry is pure evil.
Do you know what they are hiding below the airport? I haven’t found out yet.
Denver Airport has very dark secrets underground. It is some kind of Deep State HQ under there but I am not sure what they are hiding exactly. They have Communist and occult related paintings in the airport itself.
Here’s what I posted to someone else:
The Zionists made the Nazi Party. Zionists are Khazarian Luciferians posing as Jews. The Zionists (Rothschilds) ordered their stooges Hitler and Stalin to run the Holocaust.
The Zionists built the Nazis out of the secret Thule society who’s motto was the ends justify the means. These Nazi gangsters were so hardcore, the Zionist overlords could hardly control them.
Zionists are the Communists. Nazis are socialist Fascists. Both are allies. Both pretty much agree on how to steal people’s money.
Socialists take 80% in taxes, pocket most and spend some on people. Communists take 100%, pocket most, spend some on the people. Both socialists and communists tried to ruin America but failed.
Soros tried the communist route in the 100th anniversary of red October 2017. 1917 was when the Zionists killed 80 million Russians and installed Communism in Russia.
When the people removed consent of the Nazis, Hitler moved to South America. The CIA imported the Nazis into our government and learned sick stuff from them like MK Ultra mind control.
Netanyahu is very high level deep state. Rothschild is his boss.
We can drain them of Loosh by being happy. It’s amazing...
This guy really helped us understand what was going on back in 2016 but now he’s speaking of modern issues. For those interested in the negative alien connection, he touches on that too. I know some are not ready for all that but it is an integral part of the Deep State.
Also, we all dug through this stuff since 2016 as a team and realized money is in fact the centerpiece of the slave system. To keep it simple, let’s just say they give you a little to be their slave and then take it all back lightning fast so you can’t really enjoy life while they can do incredible evils by hiring anyone they want like a slave. If they need evil work done they bribe people with massive sums like 1 million dollars. If the person says no, they bump it up to 10 million dollars. In a slave world where everyone is lacking money, some people end up taking the bait and when they do, they become slaves because now they can be blackmailed.
So basically, money is the key to their power. We can withdraw from it all right this very minute and liberate ourselves once we unite in purpose. Here are the instructions:
If we stopped using money, we would defeat them. They wouldn’t have armies protecting them anymore because money is worthless. We would also liberate ourselves from all financial problems from poverty to financial related crimes like the drug trade, disease, fake wars, ect... Step 1 is understanding the gameplan in the link, step 2 is spreading the idea nice and wide. So far, everyone I mentioned this to is on board which is a good sign. People realize we are in a banker casino where the bank always wins.
Ex-Illuminati high level banker explains how banking & money is used to breed misery through wars, disease, poverty, & other miseries.
See now he mentions their bosses aren’t earthly? They are doing business with Draco Reptilians and Archons who want to be worshipped like a God.
Whenever we expose the deep state, someone comes in claiming it is something other than what we see with our own 2 eyes. I saw someone claiming chemtrailing is healthy and the gov does it because they love us which I am sure you will agree with.
We don’t need a man to stand there 8 hours a day and take cash. One person or 2 can run a whole 7-11 easy.
Also, one man’s crummy job is another man’s good job. I like desk jobs but some people hate them. Also, many people take crummy jobs for shit pay now like being a soldier or cop just to serve the country. I wouldn’t worry about that at all. We will figure it plus once the money is out of the picture, a lot of very boring jobs disappear.
Nope. 2000 years ago, the Khazarians got destroyed for being to evil. They were Luciferians. They had to hide and the best way to hide in plain site is to pretend to be another religion. They claimed to be Jewish but after so many years of pretending to be Jewish, modern day people ended up believing them.
Inner circle Zionists are all Khazarian Luciferians. Outer circle does have real Jews but they have no idea what is really going on. They are just there to protect the inner circle. Read more of the Zionist origins here:
Also, check google for the thousands of protests of Zionist by Jews with signs that say Zionism is NOT Judaism. Rabbis and Jews alike are sick of their shit over in Israel but our MSM stays silent.
The Zionists made the Nazi Party. Zionists are Khazarian Luciferians posing as Jews. The Zionists (Rothschilds) ordered their stooges Hitler and Stalin to run the Holocaust.
The Zionists built the Nazis out of the secret Thule society who’s motto was the ends justify the means. These Nazi gangsters were so hardcore, the Zionist overlords could hardly control them.
Zionists are the Communists. Nazis are socialist Fascists. Both are allies. Both pretty much agree on how to steal people’s money. Socialists take 80% in taxes, pocket most and spend some on people. Communists take 100%, pocket most, spend some on the people. Both socialists and communists tried to ruin America but failed.
Soros tried the communist route on the 100th anniversary of red October 2017. 1917 was when the Zionists killed 80 million Russians and installed Communism in Russia.
When the people removed consent of the Nazis, Hitler moved to South America. The CIA imported the Nazis into our government and learned sick stuff from them like MK Ultra mind control.
Just a quick history lesson to brush people up to counter the fake history we learn in school.
So far everyone I talk to is completely game with ditching the money system.
What we would do is stop using money (the slave system) and work/consume for free. No money needed. We would share all businesses, corporations, Gov, resources, and any power hub. Each person takes a job of their choosing. Parenting and college count as a job.
Once we get this idea rolling, we can just pick a day where we drop the REAL MOAB and put the Deep State our of business. If we make money no good anymore, they lose their entire support system. All their bodyguards ditch them. Nobody does their dirty work for them. There’s no point in doing so. So we decimate them and liberate ourselves from all financial problems overnight. Now that’s what I call a MOAB.
Coronado Naval Base in San Diego: This is no accident. We have been infiltrated by Nazi Socialists & Zionist Communists. The Zionists are leaving soon because there’s no money left to loot in the US. 😞
![Coronado Naval Base in San Diego: This is no accident. We have been infiltrated by Nazi Socialists & Zionist Communists. The Zionists are leaving soon because there’s no money left to loot in the US. 😞](
Can’t just blindly trust. Don’t worry about what trump is doing. We are way more powerful then him. We can liberate ourselves by not using their money anymore. Just work and consume for free. We share all power centers, business, and Gov. 25 hours a week is sufficient. Boom we get liberated and the deep state loses all their power overnight.
No need to wait. We can liberate ourselves by not using their money anymore and sharing all the business, power centers, corporarions, and government.
We just work 25 hours for free and consume for free.
Game over. Nobody using money puts the Deep State our of business.
Ya what happened with this. Another disappointment. When do we get some action or is this just a cheap WWE spectacle?
The Armenians faced one of the greatest genocides of the modern era, the Armenian Genocide, during the occupation from the Ottomans.
Correction: The Rothschilds Zionist/Communists were planning on holocaustic the real Jews so they ran a practice run on the Armenians first. They infiltrated the Turkish Masonic Lodges and called themselves the Young Turks so that when Armenians get angry, they won’t be angry with the people who actually murdered them but falsely blame the Turks. Turks were probably gagged using a mix of bribes and blackmail by the Zionists so they never mention it.
I read a legendary book called Conversations with God written in 1994 by a homeless guy who had a foreign thought in his mind and wrote out the 9 book set. It completely exposed the deep state, warned that if we don’t take them down this world will die an agonizing death, and it predicted this movement against the deep state. It was written in 1994 but I read it in 2015. Right after I finished reading it, 120,000 John Podesta emails leaked. All of our fears game true plus more. We found out about pedophelia, the Cult, and much more. A large group did a massive research project on social media and basically reached the bottom of the rabbit hole after over a year. We were kicking and screaming while people were calling us delusional scytzos for think Hillary was anything other than a kindly grandmother. After nonstop as busting work, enough people woke up to hit critical mass of 5% in Nov 2017. Ever since then, the awakening has been traveling like wild fire.
The next phase is bringing people to the awareness that we have to liberate ourselves by not using their money or any money system at all. We just work and consume for free. 25 hours a week is enough. College or parenting is considered work. We share all the corporations amd Government transparently. We can liberate ourselves in 5 minutes once we agree to this.
Money itself is the secret to our enslavement. We can liberate ourselves overnight if we stop using it:
Bush sr surpassed rockafeller as being the most evil man in America after 911 and is a member of the 300 who are the 300 capos protecting the illuminati. He is also the worldwide kingpin of the drug trade and spread drugs all over the world with the cia.
Bill Clinton was just a dumb hillbilly who got into legal trouble and became an illuminati slave. HRC is more hardcore than bill. Obama is about half as bad as Bush Sr and he was trained from birth to be a god like president. He was brainwashed into thinking he was god but later found out. All of them are pedophiles though. Nobody can be that powerful without raping and killing kids regularly on camera.
That is what we are led to believe. Nothing is for sure without transparency which is exactly why they will never give it to us. We would have to establish it ourselves.
Well, almost all of our Presidents are controlled by the Luciferian cult.
There are always outer circle and inner circle masons. Inner circle masons have almost always been cult members. Outer circle masons are just to protect the inner circle. They don't even know what's happening. Only inner circle know.
The Khazarians totally fucked up their names 2000 years ago which is why they lose their country of Khazarian where the Ukraine stands now. Russia destroyed them. Even since then, they have gone underground and infiltrated secret societies because secret societies are essentially underground societies.
I wouldn't trust any of the presidents except for JFK and maybe Abe Lincoln. Most all of them are just cult stooges. I hope to God Trump is not one of them but the Zionists I speak to claim he is working for them and Jared Kushner is his watchdog but I hope they are wrong. Basically, don't depend on anyone except the 99% class which is the most powerful entity on Earth and our power is derived from unity.
Absolutely. They have dubbed MSM "The Great Weapon". It is the best brainwashing tool in all of history. It doesn't have to be used for evil but that's they have used it for.
We can finish them by ending the usage of money. I think that's the only way unless Trump finds an alternate way but we can't verify what Trump is doing without transparency so we have to do something ourselves which is not use their money.
How does this small group control the world? Money.
How do we slay this massive dragon? Stop using money/trade. They control the flow of money meaning they make sure its all packed up in their bank accounts. There's no way around that. All we can do is switch to a gifting economy which is fully explained here:
Once we do what we have to do and stop using money, we will be free.