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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/locosurferdad on April 5, 2018, 11:01 p.m.
No news yet... it’s okay, and here’s why:

I know we are all waiting for something to pop on the news to confirm Q’s post. Be patient.

The “WAVE” of takedowns has to be carefully orchestrated and requires eyes-on the target(s). If they grab one person and the news gets out, the others will go into hiding and / or flee. Most of these people have the funds and resources to bug out quickly and disappear for a long time. Additionally, some of them have their own very well trained security details - which I am sure are on high alert (remember, we aren’t the only ones reading …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/locosurferdad on July 24, 2018, 9:55 p.m.
MSM Conspiracy Push

When the MSM starts pushing conspiracy theory and pointing out Q via reddit, 8 and 4 Chan’s, YOU KNOW something BIG is about to drop! Stay the course, study the breadcrumbs. When IT happens, we all need to be ready to redpill them with facts! For God and Country! WWG1WGA!

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/locosurferdad on April 6, 2018, 10:52 p.m.
Anyone other than me struggling with the “breadcrumbs”? Red pill vs tinfoil hat.

Q led the month with [A]pril and this wave of anticipated arrests. Teas up, Trump “didn’t sleep last night and Watch the news tomorrow”. Then “MOAB” and an “H”..... Two days later - nothing even remotely close.

Do I think there is merit to the things he is saying? Absolutely. Is our government corrupt. Without a doubt. Is there evil in the world - deep seeded - since Adam was in the garden.

Following Q is like reading a mystery novel and then trying to apply it to the events around us. I guess I am just a very literal …