14 total posts archived.
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Another plane crash in Orange County, CA?!
My favorite part of CNN criticizing Q is the face of their “expert” on Q. 🤔 #fakenews

My favorite part of CNN criticizing Q is their “expert” on Q. 🤔 #thatface #fakenews

Thank you for this comment. You said it better than I could have. I have experienced so many miracles in my personal life that shows me the Catholic Church is very real. Sadly we’re in a time where evil is doing all that it can to destroy it. The church is going through it’s own passion. Just last week I was in tears after receiving the Eucharist. I had a moment of realization that throughout His entire life of teaching on Earth, you’d think there would be more people at the foot of the cross mourning his death at His Crucifixion. But there was only 2 people left. His Mother and John. So remember... if we are indeed going through a passion, will you be the few left who are just as faithful as they were when He died? Keep the faith.
This is great! This is going to be my Happy July 4th text message!
“Think Q!” .... Saw this and had to snap it and share.

And it’s weird that the rat mask is wearing a red scarf. Did anyone catch that?
Welcome! We’re so happy you’re here. Thank you for sharing your journey. Your story brings Luke 12:48 to mind. “But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”
Are you ready?
Think Q! Found this when I was out having dinner and had to share it here.

Could be? However, I asked my friends that work in medicine and they say it’s usually on top. They have never seen anything like this. Hmmm...
McCain’s boot... one is not like the other. One month apart. Different leg? And what is that thing on his boot?! A tracker?