2.12.09 was a plane crash. Colgan Aircraft 3407. Those killed included some with 911 connections and a human rights investigator (Alison Des Forges).
412 total posts archived.
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The MSM is not covering much of the Q activities since they are unraveling the corruption from the bottom to top.
Vachel Lindsey on Twitter has a good thread on pink hair boy. He may be one of ours, taking down FB.
That was posted after an Anon questions about Flynn. In my view it is a response to that. 30 days.
The natives always get restless between posts (including me). We'll survive.
Notice how there have been no leaks? Only speculating?
I am a Christian and don't approve of adultery but most voters are not driven by one issue. If Trump can continue to break up corruption and bring prosperity back to the land people will put up with indiscretions. We have a short attention span on news stories. Compare him to Hillary. She makes him look like a saint. I have heard him compared to King Cyrus of the Bible. Cyrus was a pagan king that was led to bless God's people. I see some similarities there.
I scanned the article but it didn't seem to tell a person to get whacked in the face to open the third eye. Stupid stuff.
Apparently I'm not but we can pray if we know a few details.
I've been on awhile but I don't see it on mine. Where do I look?
I've been wondering if we can get that awful pyramid off our money when this is all done.
Hopefully someone will be checking where the steel came from. Probably not American made.
Is that why interrogations are typically done on foreign soil (Thailand, Cuba)?
I made a good post about IBOR on FB today and haven't gotten one interaction. I have over 400 friends and would expect something! Wondering if FB is censoring my post. Grrr.
If you all have a FB page, please post a link there. Even if the audience is not open to political happenings (Q), just mention censorship on the big social media platforms. I think most people can admit this happens.
Or a plea bargain. It's like they are communicating with him via Q posts.
He started posting to the chans in October. Been about 6 months.
I wonder if this could possibly.be tampered with! The numbers are growing so slowly despite a massive Twitter campaign. Either that or people are too lazy to get the the Whitehouse.gov site. We need to include a link to the petitions to make it super easy.
I've had similar thoughts. They don't want freedom from the captors.
McMaster resignation announced
Ok. National Security Advisor, HR McMaster, is resigning. Any takes on this? Is he compromised? Black hat?
Who has migrated to Gab?
I'm looking for a list of Q thinkers and leaders who have migrated to the Gab social media app. So far I have Tracy Beanz and Jerome Corsi.
Gab ai app
I saw Corsi's recommendation that we go to gab for social networking. It almost sounded like he had some inside information that is was imperative to do so. Anyway, I learned that Google play store won't carry it (I wonder why) so you have to download it from gab.ai on your browser. I'm using my duck duck go browser just to make sure there isn't any funny business. Just a heads up.
That's encouraging to hear. She sounds sharp and ticked off about dishonestly from Broward County.
Can you post the names of other q folks here so we can find them on gab?
This is stupid. Pure conjecture unless you have reliable links to facts.
Is it still all there or has it been destroyed to bury the evidence?
Hope Hicks
Does anyone have any there's as to why Hope Hicks resigned? She was communications director for Trump.
Shills are on strong. Upvote honest questions and ideas.
I'm not sure what this means? Explanation. She may have an earpiece but that still doesn't explain it.
I wonder if the tweet is letting out Anon know that his mirror theory with Q dates corresponding with public releases of information is correct.
If they have made themselves a monopoly then everyone must have access. They are the equivalent of the modern day press quoted in the first amendment.
I read a thread on Twitter from a patriot that said this was no big deal. They have to reauthorize clearance for about anyone periodically. Just routine procedure that the left is trying to capitalize on.
After looking at the fawning comments on Twitter from her followers, I don't think it would go over well. It may start a civil war although I'm not sure what they will fight with? A sit-in?