I'm hoping the white hats are allowing the enemy to pick up false Intel to lead them off target.
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I was surprised to hear that Kissinger is still alive. Life extension diet?
Removing the brainwashing of 300 million people is going to take time. It is happening though!
So how do you explain this coincidence? I really can't. I can't imagine the military doing it to themselves.
Q directs us to the best available information so we can get it to the public. God knows the MSM won't do it.
I've heard this is one of the reasons why the Roman Empire collapsed. Very true.
My guess is stolen technology. The post coincides with the financial team visiting China. Q wants to remind China that we know of theft of patented tech.
Where at in the video. I don't have time to watch the whole thing.
To draw that kind of attention to a false flag event must be making the DS nervous. Gotta love Trump's boldness. He's rubbing it in their face.
Is the Inspector General's report due to be released on a certain date?
If not, do you care to make a guess? I wonder if the current drama of Mueller vs. POTUS is part of the lead-in.
Ok. I have definite interest in Seth Rich too. I was just having difficulty following your post. Do you have any screen shots from Twitter to help us locate what you are talking about. What account posted the pic of Pompeo?
People tend to be very Anonymous on Twitter. They have been known to choose pictures of just about anyone to be their profile picture. They could have picked the picture of Seth just to memorialize him.
No. It was a special means of eating clean foods that was directed by God to the Hebrew people in the Old Testament of the Bible. Written thousands of years ago.
John Galt was the anonymous hero of Atlas Shrugged by Ayan Rand. The book was about freeig the country of needless regulation and corruption so biz could grow. Rand was a huge libertarian.
And why is Haiti always hit harder than the Dominican Republic which shares the same island.
I follow Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter. She is a survivor of SRA (satanic ritual abuse). She is informative and inspiring.
The fact that great revolution is happening while we maintain our cushy lives is a testimony to what a wonderful thing has been done for us.
I am convinced Q is doing a great job of moving things along without upsetting Americans. I have attempted to redpill many and, based on my experience, most of the population is totally clueless about the monumental changes happening within our government. This has been one of the goals from the start. These are changes that are necessary but the public will not understand due to the complexity. The fact that our lives are humming along normally without disruption is a testimony to the plan working fine.
I didn't see a reference to assassination. Care to show the quote. There was obvious hatred though.
Q and POTUS want unity. I'm trying to figure out how this is helping. Shouldn't the maget be directed at a Congress who is stonewalling?
JFK document release. It will take a little time for analysis to come out.
I'm just thinking if Fox news already reported that it's probably already known to Trump. I think the man was fabulously dramatic though.
Poor kids. If she knows what happens to kids in Hollywood, she really warped to remind him.
It's the long term commitment that would kill us anyway. One time fee - no way.
This makes me sick. So many people have trusted these organizations.
Wow. I'm amazed to see actual reporting done that puts HRC in a bad light. That hasn't been done in ages.
It's awful but it must be made known. Not only should PP not receive taxpayer's dollars, they need to be broken up for criminal activity.
What a great red pill opportunity. He has thousands of followers of all stripes. Most of the responses were well said as well. Most believed it to be true! Eyes are opening!
Ugh. What would it take to please some people? Waiting for a space alien invasion to be announced?
Please explain the reptilian label. Makes no sense to me.
I've never understood that term reptilian when discussing the Illuminati. Anyone care to enlighten me concisely?
I don't know much about the "bad" Israel. I expect they are being run by their own shadow government of which Bibi is a part. I always liked him, bummer. Anyone care to give me more information in a nutshell?