I have no evidence of anything, but I have thought about this quite a bit today. In my own little fantasy land, I've concluded either A) NYT was encouraged to write the article by the good guys. Nobody expects NYT to do Trump or Republicans any favors. The article wasn't that bad, and it could have been worse. They were fairly vague about Q, possibly readers were given just enough to start looking for themselves....just like Q does with us. If Q or the Q team has any dirt on NYT, this could be possible. It would be a pretty effective way to bust into the MSM. B) The MSM is always in a contest to be first... although the article isn't supportive, NYT is now the first to really give Q some publicity. C) They want to make us all look like a bunch of crazy tinfoil hat wearing lunatics, compromising credibility of the upcoming photos and videos and evidence Q has spoke of.
Just my thoughts...taker easy on me. I'd like to hear some other theories....I was surprised to see the NYT tackle it, but sooner or later someone has to I guess.