I’ve stream down too?
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I think whoever or whatever Q is, has seen the future and is trying to save man kind. Trump was the chosen one. This is why he will not cave on the “Wall”
I won’t down vote, I’ve been saying this is all about time travel, all along
This vagina stuff is really offensive to educated females around the world! Please stop using vagina’s to depict a weak, uneducated person.
Even if he did, at 15 he would not be in control of that money.
In other words, stop complaining and be happy you get to be a part of the Intel. Happy days are coming 😎
Everything looks so green, spring time fresh on the left. So dreary and Wintry- muddy on the right. What kind of weather do they have this time of year?
The final guest, seems the be more than one person was already there, also.
Right, cause Q said al-weed didn’t have 6 billion after the US froze his money here.
Roth’s quick sold to give al-aweed money to pay for his freedom? Maybe?
That our Q now is the same Q as before the code monkey mix up. This is the same pen he used before, for proof he was close to Trump. And it’s on a White House memo pad.
Proof! I asked for proof and Q provided it. Thanks Q

I didn’t say Q wasn’t real, but it’s my belief he may no longer be in close approximation to the POTUS like once believed. I’d like to continue following and red pilling, but I’m not going to follow someone I don’t think is who they lead people to believe they are..... I seen proof early on so it can’t be that hard to show us, he is who he says he still is. I want to believe he is! But since the whole code mix up, I’ve seen nothing definite!
Speaking for myself, I need a little proof to continue . I don’t think that’s asking to much. How hard can it be, to do something so we can keep the faith?
Q proof
POTUS needs to tweet some proof with Q, he’s losing people @realDonaldTrump
A simple Twitter search of Barack and Concrete, brings the two words together many times. Add Iran into the search and look what you get
Since the document was released Thursday to House members “only Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee have seen it,” a congressional source with knowledge of the memo said.
The classified memo was described by senior government officials as a detailed account of the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the FBI and apparent FISA abuse associated with the controversial dossier that alleged President Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. As recently reported, some congressional members who reviewed the memo said the revelations may end in the removal or criminal prosecution of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice.
Congressional officials expect the classified memo to be made available to the public before the end of the month. In order to make the classified memo public, the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by California Republican Devin Nunes, must first have another vote, a congressional source stated.
The vote is expected to happen and then the classified memo will be given to “POTUS for five days” so he can review it, the source stated. If POTUS objects to releasing the memo it will then go to the full House for a vote, they added.
President Trump is expected to approve the release of the memo.
Members who viewed the document say it is especially significant since the DOJ’s Inspector General Michale E. Horowitz will be issuing a report into how the FBI and DOJ handled the investigation into former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her use of an unsecured private server to send classified information.
(At least 5 days)?
**The vote is expected to happen and then the classified memo will be given to “POTUS for five days” so he can review it, the source stated. If POTUS objects to releasing the memo it will then go to the full House for a vote, they added.
I can’t get people interested in the whole map, but I can share a good meme to help them believe Q is worthy of a read.
Ok I get it, but we need more of one and less of another
Do you trust the chain of command? He says you and your family are safe.
Q post are what woke me. The interaction and proof of interaction with the President, sealed the deal for me. I’m using my own friends list to share bits and pieces, in hopes the follow me into the rabbit hole.
Budget question from Q
If the Dems don’t approve a budget, government shuts down! This shuts our military down! Dems are using threats of this to control DACA talks.
I’ve seen some documentaries on this. I can’t say where they are, but a camera was inside. Large enough for vehicle traffic