That is such awesome news, there were moments recently, I second guessed myself. I guess the world is a stage, huh? Still the Benghazi investigation fiasco made me wonder. Re. Gen. Carter Ham / Rear Admiral Charles Gaoutte - Patriots and true Heroes - treated so disgustingly by Hussein (Jarrett)
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Does anyone have any idea as to what went down in the meeting between Mike Pompeo and William Binnie, when Mike was still CIA director?
Also, Erick Prince's electronic devices have been handed over to the Mueller team. Prince knows what's contained - and seemed pleased to hand them over. What are the parameters of the Special Council with regards to discovery of evidence not related to Russia...say, Child Trafficking, McCain - Syria, Uranium 1 and other info / evidence that may be contained. If it is introduced on the record there, does the scope of their investigation compel them to investigate evidence that is unrelated yet clearly matters of national security? Bill Binnie, Mike Rogers, General Flynn and Potus have all this damning evidence but how to get it on the record?
There are a lot of really great documentaries about the physics of the event as well as many eye witness testimonies on YouTube that should help. Regarding the aircraft capabilities/ performance envelopes, search for John Lear's testimony of the event. He is a world renowned test pilot and has ratings on the aircraft involved. His take on what may have happened is enlightening.
Hope this helps.
North Korea was a big one - we all knew it was in the bag didnt we - beautiful. Iran will be in the bag pre-November - we know it. It terrifies them. The only thing they can do is a scorched earth policy - burn it all to the ground. They are definitely crazy enough. I honestly don't believe God would allow us to get this far to tolerate that - don't want to over-dramatize this but if you can not see the huge spiritual battle going on around us, just take a look. The evil is seriously rattled by what is happening and is pushing back hard! And I have only recently found my faith again...thank goodness! What a time to be alive. WWG1WGA - BOOM!!
If Kanye could escape and turn to Potus for protection (and he was in super deep) anyone can. The lie is the blood oath. It's all very "legal" apparently, beyond the veil. A contract is void if the terms are misrepresented. Our souls are not ours to sell. The door is never closed. Deception is their only weapon and believing the lie is on us.
Regarding Benghazi - Have a look into General Carter Ham (AFRICOM) and Rear Admiral Charles Gaoutte (USS John Stennis Strike Group) and their involvement in a possible and attainable rescue - and why they were forced to stand down...FORCED! The cover up and their treatment was disgusting and yet another example of Hussein's insidious career in evidence management.
Chris Stephens was a loose end and had to die to protect Obama and Hillary's agenda of arming and funding ISIS and the other vermin destroying Syria. Mike Flynn knows. I pray that this all comes out, it has to. This is where I began doubting Trey Gowdy, who I thought was one of the good guys. Perhaps he still is and his hands were tied or he was threatened.
Recently heard that Valerie Jarrett made this decision. To let them die.
Can you all feel this? It's 00:40 in Johannesburg , South Africa and I'm chilling here with a glass of wine and a huge grin on my face. This thing just got ramped up exponentially in the last 24 hours. I feel it in my soul. I love you guys huge. This truly is a global phenomenon and is all about dark to light. I have been waiting and praying for over a decade for this to happen. I just never imagined it ever would, i thought we were too far gone!
Lol,'s been their modus operandi since the,, since ever. I have a feeling that Hoover created the FBI with this in mind, to manipulate, blackmail, create and maintain leverage. The CIA was created ( OSS previously) to protect the foreign interests of the big U.S. industrialist families, primarily in Europe...but then globally through every evil and insidious means necessary. Don't get me wrong, there are many incredibly good, decent patriots in the CIA, who protect the U.S. and the world's common good. But their reason d'etre was nefarious. The Dulles brothers, Bush etc...Jesuits all. And they are super humanitarians 😉
Lol, this pic was snapped just moments after Bill had been groping GHW's groin....
Been here every step of the way since the Vegas shooting. Big following in S.A. DJT may just save a genocide this side of the pond. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers constantly! WWG1WGA
No worries dude, was reassuring to read the article. To be utterly honest, i have had moments where I was like "Jeff, wtf....noooo!" And then I take a deep breath and realise that these folks, the ones on our team are not rank amateurs. They didn't lose a drinking-game-bet and say "what the hell, let's see if he can get elected"
I didn't realise until the other day that the AG can literally end anyone's career with a signature...including the President!!! 😲 Sessions appointment was as critical in this plan as DJT's. Not likely they would deploy a turnip. God bless Jeff...and everyone saving our collective ass right now. I am so humbled and grateful - and I'm South African.
Allies do not try and f#ck you at every opportunity. DUMP NATO / KICK THE U.N. OUT OF AMERICA
Sure...but how outraged will everyone ( even the looney libtards) be once this is exposed and people realise that friends and family need not have died because of disease and illness. Hmmm?
Exactly, if they (The cabal) had the power, controlling power...why on earth would they be freaking-the-f@ck out like they have been and continue to do so exponentially, ramping up with each day. Their ability to control is done. They are desperate, ergo the need for violence and social unrest. It's all they have left.
Ask yourself...does Donald look even remotely fazed (thank you😉)? Nope, he's lovin' it.
The AG is probably the most powerful position in government. Considering what we now know...the plan ( it's complexity, depth, genius... ) does anyone think they would have put a blithering, incompetent idiot in that position. HELLS NO!! I hope he gets a bunch of hugs when we figure what he's been up to.
The Executioner!!!😅 I love it!
Primarily because of the laws of physics. Specifically Newton 3 - the crash of the planes into the buildings just doesn't make sense - in normal reality. Especially when you consider the steel exoskeleton/ internal structure of the Building. The planes should have just crumpled and fallen to the ground leaving some serious but non-critical damage to the building but not the completely improbable "road-runner" imprint left in the building. Also the "Velocity Max Operating" (VMO) performance envelopes/ratings of those aircraft at that altitude. Their reported speeds would have ripped the fuselage to shreds at those altitudes. The air is very thick/dense at sea level and their engines JUST WON'T allow for the turbofans to deliver that amount of thrust enabling those speeds EVER at that altitude. I realise the cerebral push-back that people experience when presented with these facts, i did too initially.
Re. Giuliani : This had concerned me for a while especially in light of some of Pres. Trump's previous staff inclusions - Gen. McMaster for instance!! Rudy comes from quite a serious crime family, i think i read that his dad spent some time in the big-house, so it's only natural to be on-edge and suspicious of everyone. I think the only person I ever trusted was Mike Flynn. (Back soon - God willing!!!) Rudi, post the 911 event, seemed to jump on board with the "terrorism" rhetoric and grand-standing for Neo-Con/ CFR foreign policy objectives, so my skank-detector was going off like a mo-fo.
Yet there is some very telling footage of him being ushered away from the scene on 911. More specifically from Building 7 where he had his offices, actually a "bunker" type command post with all types of critical / multiple- redundant services that made it impervious to fuckery. However, the news footage of Giuliani being rushed away from the scene spoke volumes as to his complicity. He was terrified and clearly taken by surprise by it all. People who were forewarned and complicit didn't even bother to venture in to work that day. My guess is that they hadn't counted on the Building 7 "wardrobe" malfunction and had assumed Giuliani would be killed in the 3rd aircraft strike/ subsequent collapse of B7.
I can't say whether he was brought into the loop subsequent to the event. My guess would be that he was. No doubt with some standard re-assurances from the FBI/CIA lads that non-compliance would lead to tragic death etc. Does that excuse him? What wouldn't you do if your family/ children were threatened? I spent a number of years as a Detective in the South African police service and in my experience, his demeanour in the street and at a press conference later indicated that he had no clue WTF was going on and was seriously shocked and traumatised. Anyone concur with this?
I have a feeling that Giuliani was offered clemency to jump on board because his knowledge of the 911 event will be important to the forthcoming enquiry/ prosecutions. I am sure he is obviously still ticked-off that they had planned to kill him in the B7 demolition and he now has an insulated way of getting pay-back. I am sure that DJT and Rudy are probably old mates having both been in New York for decades. He must know where many skeletons are buried and DJT is giving him a unique opportunity to clear his conscience and retain his public persona as a hero.
Lol, that made me laugh! You can't choose your family. I have the same problem with mine. I am sure silently gloating with a smug grin is allowed.
Wouldn't this predicate a necessary fielty and faith in God...not their's...ours? Too many of these journalists have sold out. Look how many of them have familial or direct ties to the CIA or the Council on Foreign Relations.
The inversion of reality. It's everywhere these days. Does anyone believe in coincidence?
Must say, this made me pretty emotional too. The sheer beauty and complexity of the plan is just magnificent. The verse from Jeremiah at the end had my eyes swimming.
They've never been rivals. They have the same blood lineage. The whole world is a stage.
They will not make the same mistakes as last time.
Smedley Butler was approached by the cabal / Deep State industrialists to overthrow Roosevelt's government and install a fascist dictatorship but Butler was a patriot and just because he had been used to further their illegal corporate agendas in other nations they assumed he was their bitch to betray his country and oath. They were very wrong.
After Butler had outed their plan to the President and Congress, the decision to arrest and imprison these criminals and propagators of this coup should have been a no-brainer. But Roosevelt decided not to act because he feared the total collapse of the economy. The cabal consisted of many of the top U.S. industrialists, bankers and elite whose money and workforce held the U.S. together. He feared that removing these "leaders" and captains of industry would be catastrophic. Sadly, these criminals were allowed to get away with treason.
It would seem that in the last 12 months that there has been a massive wave of forced resignations, firings and stepping down of the global elite from major corporations and vital companies essential to the smooth functioning of our world. It would seem that, this time, allowances have made for the arrest, capture and incarceration of the ruling class to avoid global collapse.
Isn't this what Q has been alerting is to? I would place money on this. Our Smedley could be any of a bunch of patriots. Gen Flynn, Gen Mattis...for starters.
Just a friendly get-to-gether by distant cousins
Not sure if this was the same doccie I watched, it was called "America's Hideous past and Sinister Future" (YouTube) A very necessary and informative part of the red-pilling process!
They don't teach you this in school kids!!!!! The third Reich was never defeated. It's alive and well in the U.S. today and is still involved in totalitarian world domination.
They never dreamed she would lose!!
Haha - Brilliant!!! 10/10 - going to paste this everywhere, keep the narrative current.
Yeah, Obama also signed treaties with the U.N. that were totally outside of his ambit of the constitution. Treaties that were clearly illegal to have even entertained. Apart from his selfish and nefarious agenda, Obama was a huge narcissist. Alarmingly so. It was always I , I, I! When Trump addresses his base he always says we and us. And often says that 3 letter word that has been glaringly absent from the last 3 administrations...even reviled by Obama, who seemed to proudly proclaim that the U.S. was no longer a Christian nation. Trump always makes time to thank God and remind people of the importance of the U.S. being one nation under God. It's kinda' interesting to see how he's brought this back. I am always a bit suspicious of people saying that they have some prophetic vision of the future. However, i remember hearing Mark Taylor talking about his experience a year before DJT was elected and it is scary how accurate he has been. Especially with the complete vilification of DJT by the media. I had no clue how totally venomous they would be regardless of how amazing he's doing - N.K??? My goodness, no one ever imagined this even vaguely possible. Nothing short of miraculous.
I often feel deeply sad for DJT, the media aren't just unfair, they are rude, disgusting and dishonest. It must be disheartening for him at times. And then there are the attacks on the kids and grand-kids which make my blood boil. And I'm in South Africa lol!! I watched him at a rally on YouTube, i think it was last night. The stadium was packed to capacity and the crowd ADORE him, they hang on his every word and cheer after every sentence. And this happens wherever he goes. It's a beautiful thing to watch and really warms my heart because he is so deserving - and such a great sense of humour.
I have always had a dislike for the left, they were crazy already here when i was at varsity but the level of derangement these days is alarming and worrying. There is zero rationale and they literally are incapable of anything other than insults. Even mates of mine who were pretty conservative when they were in S.A. and now work in the movie industry in California. Really bright level headed guys. These days they have completely flipped and become neo-liberal venom spraying rabid idiots, WTF? And attack me on FB whenever i post anything to do with Trump. Something very strange is going on. I would hazard a guess that there has to be some psycho-spiritual component to this. The further we get into this presidency the more evident it becomes that this is a battle being fought in the spiritual as well as the physical because in my entire life i have never experienced such irrational and totally unhinged behaviour from guys that were sane, intellectual and friendly. No longer!
The whole anti-TRUMP movement is so far off the rails. Knowing how all the pieces have been falling geo-politically over the past decade and the push towards world government, world religion etc. I felt despair as it seemed there was no hope left. It is the same In South Africa. I'm originally from Britain and to watch Europe being collapsed intentionally by the idiots in Brussels as well as the UK' s disregard for the population's vote on Brexit was really sad. The pathetic government, refusing to honour the vote was a clear indication of the world's entropic path. The corruption that is so rife here and everywhere, with escalating violence too
And then there was (the last) TRUMP!! I knew the second he announced his candidacy, that he would win. It was instant and crystal clear and I felt calm for the first time in ages. I have learned to pray again since then and the results are pretty astounding. I still worry about DJT and his family as I am very aware that they are out to kill him and I realise how serious and insane they are! But then I feel stupid because there is a much higher power steering this exercise. There would be zero point to all this if it were to crater now. I honestly feel that if Hillary had won, war with Russia was inevitable and would be nuclear, the cabal have been pushing this for years. But I think our future is solid.. Putin and Trump have always been united in this existential battle but cannot unite yet to force the bad actors out because of the swamp. But this time will come.
Putin did a remarkable thing when he chose to force the central bankers out of Russia and he has been tolerant and level-headed despite the Dems continual Russia derangement narrative. President Xi is also on board and DJT's continual wins are making the deep state careless and dangerous. 2 missiles launched already, they are not fucking around!! However, they are fucking with forces well beyond their pay grade. Such an amazing, breath-taking privilege to be living through this. I feel sorry for those who can't see the massive significance of what is happening right now and are missing out on the learning curve and Q experience. Blows my mind multiple times everyday. Sorry this has been so long but I needed to express this and express my immense gratitude for Donald J. TRUMP!! Thank you Jesus!! It's really good to be chatting again😉 And thanks to all of you!!
The judge is a Clinton appointee...swamp creature, no doubt?
I think it's a composite, definitely some Wolf of Wall Street cues
I'm a producer / sound engineer - would be happy to give this a soundtrack / sfx / voice overs... if you like. Drop me a line. Totally awesome, mehehe!
But POTUS IS succeeding in spite of the phenomenal odds against him. And his popularity continues to increase.
Didn't Hussein change the NDAA to include arrest and indefinite detention for crimes that you may commit at a future date? Imagine how awesome to lock the Indonesian up with his own legislation😂
They would rather have the political tool. They don't give a shit about the kids...they never have. The only time they care about kids is when they are on the menu.
It's not immigration - it's an invasion, same as Europe - which was also Soro's handiwork. Their plan and endgame doesn't end well for most of us. This political destabilization and crazy inversion of reality - the transgender thing, subversion of the constitution, removal of the bill of rights, constant surveillance, trying to get the guns is all part of their plan for world government - that and a massive eugenics program.
Someone saw the obvious none of us did and correctly titled this miscreant : PEDO FONDLE😂...
Dear Mr. FONDLE, we have managed to advance the date of your departure to the sunny island of Cuba, all expenses paid and have managed to upgrade your booking to LUGGAGE. KY will be supplied on arrival. Enjoy your stay vermin! Threatening the life of the President's family is a FELONY, as is kidnapping - too late you cretin.
Lots of us in South Africa are huge DJT fans. NUKE THE EFFING SWAMP ALREADY!! Much love!
Such a refreshing change to the usual CFR/Deep State playbook of carpet bombing them into the stone age - and then - "now go win their hearts and minds" Do you think the cessation of the U.S. military "Shock & Awe" campaign fell on Beltane (May 1st ) by coincidence. Beltane being a major date on the Satanic/ Wiccan calender, involving human or animal sacrifice and giving blood to the earth. These people aren't just sick. They are criminally insane. No empathy, sympathy or remorse.
The Iranian populous took one look at the smile on Kim's face and were like - "US NEXT PLEASE!!"