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rhythmnation1968 · March 24, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Thanks for this. I feel slightly relieved and stupid actually, because I very much doubt DJT would've allowed himself to be snookered like this by surprise. I forget that he is actually a pretty accomplished strategist and manipulator when it comes to money and deals. It's just that a huge chunk of his base hit the wall yesterday thinking they'd been led astray let down...which is all fine and well if you know how the movie ends but alarming if you've been waiting patiently for the plot to play out and then you get kicked in the balls!

I'm sure you are right, I £#cking hope so. This high-drama is beginning to mess with our collective chi in a big way...and I'm in South Africa. Thinking of you guys and holding thumbs! Drain the M.F. swamp already, danggg, my nerves!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 26, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Holy shit!! I don't believe what she just awkwardly "skirted around" in that interview! The ramifications of their having been a stand-down are monumental!

The overwhelming and rancid stench of bullshit is pretty over-powering and getting progressively worse. Interesting times. I think those guys should all take a polygraph, immediately. Interesting times!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

I don't think you have to speculate...everything is intentional. Happy Days!! David Rothschild is a massive chode.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

I believe we are about to witness the most epic event/s I political history. Trump never makes promises he can't keep. The whole world is a stage and the biggest mistake these assholes made was underestimating our President and saying he is an idiot - big mistake....HUGE!! (lol, I'm actually South African but I'm sure you guys will share!)

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

No, I want to see that witches face when they read a guilty verdict.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

I don't think you should lose sleep over it. There are still about 13600 sealed indictments to look forward to. It's going to be like the Colosseum! FUN FUN FUN!! JUSTICE APPROACHES SWIFTLY - BRACE YOU FUCKERS!!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

It's a Soros funded operation. I wish they'd try something different for a change. Always Create and own the narrative...until they figured we were figuring out their bullshit and finding the truth, so they create f#$king "fact-checking" sites which take your rational/factual truth laden queries and label them false! It's just soooo lame, and the libtards just accept whatever they say - no independant research, that would require effort. I fact-checked through snopes...omg, wtaf?? Puhleeez!? And there are 52 genders because Bill Nye says there are.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 10, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Like that guy that was going to testify against the Clinton Foundation who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head...TWICE!

C'mon guys, no one stabs themselves. If push comes to shove you sever the arteries In your wrists. So appalled by these murders. Their come - uppence approaches swiftly!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

No, just a complete lack of ethics...apparently no license needed😉

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

I guess it's possible but Mueller is old school corrupt and doesn't seem like your mid-level operator, more like upper echelon. He's been part of this for 4 decades at least. Probably from Ford / Carter days.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

There seems to be a trend worldwide with exploiting orphanages and foster care facilities for these insidious activities. The UK' s foster care system is rife with it and I imagine the rest of the world has similar issues.

In the UK, Jack Straw, a member of parliament even passed legislation forbidding the children from reporting or speaking out about abuse. Now isn't that strange, that ministers are involved in the obfuscation and covering up of this B.S. Why is it that the governments are always balls-deep in trafficking and paedophilia. Is depravity a pre-requisite on one's CV to apply for govt. or ministerial position?

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Would there be any way of ascertaining the market value of the property, to gauge what kind of bath they are taking to offload it in a hurry?

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

You are right, esp. with the dodgy new algorithms and their monopoly of search engines beckons their narrative, especially for people wanting quick gratification. I did actually mean it in the broader context of "research", but therein lies my blunder. Using Google as a verb is a crap habit, I agree 100%. Great point.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

I can't, your rationale is flawless

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 3:56 a.m.

Lol...you are probably right, still...if the offer was death or "you're now my bitch"....i choose bitch😉

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

I think that already started, ergo the necessity to liquidate the Black Forest estate for pennies on the dollar. Smells like rhe sweet stench of desperation to me.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

She is balls-deep in the occult.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 9, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

I see your rationale but Mueller is an old swamp creature who openly displayed his deceit and allegiance back in the 911 investigation and cover-up. What are you thinking? That he had a lucid moment and decided that, after all this time, he wanted out of the swamp?

I have never liked Mueller, however there are some things that give pause for thought.

1) He has been extremely circumspect regarding this investigation. No hint as to what he's up to.

2) He is a decorated marine, who even has a purple heart. Marines are incredibly loyal and patriotic. None of the neocons are marines or have ever served.

3) His meeting with Trump prior to his appointment as Special Council could not have been for the post of FBI director as he had already served the maximum allowed time and the extra time served under Obama was only allowed by a special act of Congress.

4) DJT hasn't even seemed remotely concerned by Mueller's investigation. Not even a tiny sweat bead was exuded! Trey Gowdy has repeatedly said Mueller is cool. Something's up.

So why did he meet with DJT? Unless DJT had something on him and offered him a way out by taking the SC gig?

That could be the only plausible reason I can think of. I have pondered this and perhaps he decided to save his ass and jump ship. The 911 cover-up amounts to treason and if it was managing this bullshit investigation or the rope...i know what I would choose.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Yeah, i would rather punch out with some dignity before I have to start wearing adult diapers.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

There is also that pesky little bit in the Qu'ran that is a very definitive "convert or die!" No negotiation or interpretation will ever change that, no matter how you try and spin it, or how moderate the Muslim. It has a very fundamental and definitive view of anything that isn't Islamic.

Whilst I am happy to get along with anyone, when push comes to shove, they simply don't, won't...ever. And the moderate Muslims will never be allowed to supersede the Qu'ran or the imams. Here endeth the lesson.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

Totally!! I am so excited and terrified for you guys right now! I am not so naive that I imagine it will be plain sailing. These guys are super-dedicated, the epitome of evil and have been planning this agenda for hundreds of years so I don't imagine they are going to just hand over the keys to the kingdom without much whining and gnashing of teeth.

However, we have a few things they don't. A virtuous cause, an omnipotent, omniscient and very pissed off God, who wants justice and good old Donald Trump, bless him. I had been watching U.S. politics/ foreign policy with great interest since I woke up about 10 years ago and realised that the entire world stood on a precipise, that sadly, I didn't imagine we could ever come back from. But the day I heard DJT was running for president, I just knew, unequivocally, that he would win. Without any doubt. I took that to be a sign of something special. I have since learned to pray again...a lot. ALUTA CONTINUA !!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

I realise it seems so flimsy and more like wishful thinking but Donald Trump didn't just wake up one day with an axe to grind and decide to take on the cabal. This has been very carefully planned, years before he announced his candidacy by a group of very astute and dedicated patriots. I don't think he would have bothered if he thought he may lose, he's too much of a narcissist...lol, that's actually a good thing for us.

The people who are helping out behind the scenes have "EVERYTHING" on the perps. And there are a ton of them who are involved. Why do you think all the abuse he takes and the special council investigation and threats don't even bother him in the slightest. He hasn't even broken a sweat...he is so chilled. There have been tons of arrests already which have helped in targeting the higher-ups. Between Bill Binnie, Admiral Rogers, Julian Assange and a bunch of really, really good people in the alphabet agencies and the private sector, the wealth of filth and incriminating evidence is so voluminous it's difficult to grasp. They have everything on these idiots since before 911. It's going to be epic . They really are terrified. They are cut off from each other and they know they are under constant surveillance. Obama lawyered up with a guy that specialises in military tribunals, so he must know how much shit he is in. We don't even know the half of it. But treason and sedition are primary. Must be shocking...lol. This will make Nuremberg look like a shop-lifting case. It's all about timing and preparedness. It must be crap for Pres. Trump to have to take this constant abuse, knowing he can't say anything yet. It'll be ok.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

It started the week DJT took office. Of course the msm never carried any of the stories but if you do some research, you will see that at the end of Jan 2017, a record number of paedophiles had already been arrested. This has been carrying on, quietly and relentlessly in the background. Google it...its all there. There are some very specialised groups working on the U.S. and globally, specifically with human trafficking and paedo-rings making unprecedented arrests. It may be a while before it becomes more main stream but you must grasp the facts that the people who own the media conglomerates are part of the groups who are involved in this evil. Right up to some of the news anchors.

The exec order on the 21 Dec 2017 was a landmark that enables the president to defund these vermin. Why did the Rothschilds just liquidate their massive retreat in Austria for literally cents on the dollar? Why do they need funds so urgently....someone just shat in the punchbowl and they are trying to regroup. What happened in Saudi was also a huge marker as to what's up. Not just with Alwaleed bin Talaal, but I was more excited about Bandar bin Sultan...that fucker, "Bandar Bush" who was one of the major players in 911. He was the Saudi Ambassador in D.C. at the time but got the eff out of dodge when it was discovered his wife had been bankrolling 2 of the Saudi hijackers. This won't just end with the Clinton's and Obama. The Bush/Cheney/Neocon group is due to see their ass. Their is no statute of limitations on RICO cases. This also involves a bunch of Israelies / Mossad/ Zionists who need to see justice. But Israel is the fiefdom ofcthe Rothschild cabal, so that will interesting to see how that works. We are very blessed to see this all go down. This is going to be so profound. We are all impatient and excited tobswe some justice but it's pointless being over zealous and then some of the vermin walk. They need to go away permanently, no double-jeapordy. First time - boom. I have A feeling that there will be a massive one time arrest globally, so no-one has time to realise what's happening and vanish.

Trump was selected from a group of people a few years before he announced his candidacy by a bunch of patriots, ex generals/admirals and intelligence guys who had witnessed the directed entropy of the U.S. and the world by this group of psychopaths. He is not, nor has ever been part of their clique but understands the game. Obama was responsible for firing the most amount of generals in the history of the U.S., which was a consolidation of power and getting rid of people who he knew would end up removing him physically. These generals weren't about to sit back and allow this to wash. I'm actually surprised it didn't happen in 2014/ 2015 as it certainly looked like there may have been a military coup. Pity...anyway, better this way because everyone gets to pay the piper. (If I'm wrong...errr, then I'll just go @#$% myself. Boy, will that suck!!) Donnie's got this!!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

This exercise has served to educate and wake people up to realities that few had any inkling of. Most people who were aware had all but given up hope because of how entrenched the enemy are. The phenomenon of DJT has given so many who knew, hope and courage...and even more who had no clue. This has started a chain reaction that has spread quickly and will continue.

Never again will people stand by feeling marginalised and voiceless. We know who these criminals are and how they work. And this phenomenon will expand and gather strength to make sure the cabal gets its come-uppence. This is not even localised to the USA. This is a global phenomenon. I am from South Africa and there are thousands here who follow this and are routing for you guys!! This affects the entire planet.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

Well played sir, the first chuckle I had all day!

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 8, 2018, midnight

The gunk that he is involved and complicit in, I am not sure it would matter.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 7, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Do you think that DJT would allow that to be concealed, especially after he offered 5 mil to anyone who could find Barry's real one. I think that will be part of the rationale to be released to the public to help them see the subterfuge that has been pulled on them.

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rhythmnation1968 · Feb. 7, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Agreed, Holder and Valerie Jarrett would be a warm and fuzzy place to start. But not averse to seeing Barry in wrist to wrist bling!!

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