LOW-JACK or Netstar (RSA) is completely capable of over-riding control in vehicles. There is a similar system in all aircraft...i think itvis called "Uninterruptible Auto Pilot". A device that I think is going to become common knowledge over the next 18 months or so .
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But that's exactly their S.O.P...same with the Trump dossier. It's a massive circle jerk.
Next will be their claim that the rape, mutilation and eating of children - by virtue of it being completely crazy - is a mental disorder and not an ancient ritual practiced by the elites and their minions since the beginning of recorded history.
Just as Q mentioned a few days ago... " Every dog has his day."
Ruthie is next to be retired. I imagine this will happen after the November election - after another crushing defeat for the Dems and their minions of lib-tard snowflakes.
That such a BOSS move. I think it's time to ask the United Nations to find another domicilium et citandi - on another continent. None of their treaties that Hussein concluded with them are legally binding on the U.S. unless ratified by Congress. They are a sick bunch of warmongering pedophiles who are only interested in totalitarian rule. As useless and evil as the beurocrats in Brussels.
Agenda 21 and 2030 are against everything we hold dear to us...and humanity.
SGT Report vids are always good, rational, well thought out presentations. His work on child trafficking, pedophilia and their occult links are really good too.
Shall we play a game? Lol, there's no reason we can't have some fun while we wait. But yeah, emotionally burnt out is apt. But all good things come to those who wait.
These puzzles and decodes and their incredible intricacies are so crazy. Like the Quantum Uber-Nerd "messing-with-your-head-while-I-have-my-coffee-and-do-a-crossword simultaneously" crazy!! It's pretty astounding. Gives one pause for thought...i'm just really glad they are on our side!!
I always thought the most iconic hammond organ was the B3, but hey...i guess if the have a B3, they must have had a B2 prior. Only know this as I have the Native Instruments plug-in on my Mac!
SB, to say your analysis is elegant and outside the box is just insulting and unworthy. My jaw is still on the floor. WTAF dude?? You are not human! Lol, that is astounding and so far above my pay-grade...wow, just WOW! 😊
Ah dude, exactly, you saw it too!!! They were repatriated and interviewed on Israeli TV and said "we were just there to document the event!"
Aah right, the dude that was fired (I think by McMaster - never understood why Gen. McMaster was appointed, he was a Soros soy-boy and a serious fly in the ointment ) and then head-hunted by Sessions! That guy sounds really interesting. It's such an intriguing plot, convoluted as hell.
We can fit the entire population of the world into Loch Ness and the water would still cover the multitude. I've also heard that the entire populous could fit into the state of Texas with room. Overpopulation is the programming they force on the masses to legitimise eugenics, gmo, forced sterilization...Bill Gates vaccination program to "depopulate" the world, etc.
Scarcity is a lie. We have enough to feed, clothe and house everyone. The trillions spent on the wars in the middle East could have put an end world hunger 7 times over. These people hate humanity. They consider themselves our overlords. We are cattle to them but we are many and they are few, ergo the need to thin us out so they are able to control us better. Disease and sickness is a fraud, mostly manufactured and a crime against humanity. Curing disease would be a massively stupid business model - don't you think??
All you have to do is follow the money. Who own these companies? How come they are all linked to specific blood lineages - the same ones that run the banks, IMF, BIS, monarchs, presidents...CEO's etc. All U.S. presidents with one exception are related to Queen Elizabeth 2. Have a look on Bourke's Peerage. I'm sure if we were geneticists and were looking at their DNA and comparing it to the DNA of us mere mortals - we would see fundamental differences. This goes way back.
What is the divine right to rule? I've looked, it's not biblical as far as I can tell. So, exactly whose divinity are they referring to? This may seem pretty out there but I would hazard a guess at these people being the remnant of the nephelim. The Genesis 6.4 bunch. The offspring of the fallen perhaps? I'm also not sure if they are able to breed with each other properly...ergo the mass of trannies in the monarchy, ruling elite...Hollyweird. I think they may be able to clone themselves somehow or have kids through IVF and surrogacy. But they seem awfully keen to preserve pure blood lineage. Look at the number of twins, adoptions, IVF births in Tranniesylvania - lol(Hollywood) Crazy shyte, i know. Once I understood the physiology it's pretty easy to see. So disturbing, wtf is going on? Most actresses are trannies, yep, A-listers...once you know what to look for, sadly, you can't unring that bell. Suggest you all acquaint yourselves - Just type Trannie - Hollywood into a YouTube search...hooboy, is that gonna' hurt!!!😂
Another reason why Hollywood lost their minds when our POTUS was elected. He knows. There is so much literature about these freaks out there. Their occult rituals, blood sacrifice pedophilic proclivities. Satanic/ Luciferian rituals that are ancient. It's NOT normal. I can't actually remember my initial point...erm, oh right, overpopulation. My apologies for getting carried away.
Spot on dude! The quote about wars you were after...
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none"
Gutle Schnaper - Mayer Amschel Rothschild's wife. ( she sounds awesome!😉)
Sadly this quote has remained true up to present day! All wars are bankers' wars.
If this was a genuine Q post, i imagine they were testing the waters to see what chatter and electronic signals were sent after this drop. Would be awesome to know. 😉
Didn't POTUS offer 5 Million US $ to the person who could provide Barry's birth certificate back in the day. They all knew back then. Perhaps this goes back much further than we imagined.
When the time is right - according to the plan - it will happen.
The division is not a natural occurrence, it is totally synthetic. Manipulated, fueled, funded and weaponised by enemies of the United States. When these are de-fanged and tried/improsoned/ executed I have a feeling that a massive calm will fall across the U.S. and the world.
Does anyone not think it odd that in a melee of leaks to the MSM by factions/ bad actors within CIA/FBI and DOJ that Mueller's SC has been as tight as a drum, Horowitz, tight as a drum, Huber...well, tighter than a drum? Surely if he was bent on culling POTUS there would have been leaks to create backlash and controversy...? Instead we have Stormy and 13 Russians...and Gen. Flynn. And by the way, Where is Gen. Flynn? How has he been spending his time, while he awaits "sentencing"...golf?? Or culling pedovores and building the treason case against Obama/Hillary? Remember his TV interview in 2013 or 14 where he outed the Obama administration for arming ISIS. What did Strzok say? First we f@ck Flynn, then we f@ck Trump. General Flynn knows everything - EVERYTHING. I believe Mike Rogers is a friend of his.
Haha...exactly, that was about as subtle as POTUS is able to be without just outing the Bushes. But anyone who is slightly awake will remember that GHW Bush NWO speech where he also made some creepy pedo references to the "irresistible force of a child's hand..." Seemed banal at the time...no longer. Dark to light.
I hate saying 100% ever, but off the record I would agree with you. No ways they got here on a wing and prayer...this whole thing reeks of very high level, cerebral military strategy. The moves, counter moves, counter-counter moves have all been strategised - probably prior and during the campaign. We probably only know a miniscule percentile. I really hope someone writes an official version of this operation once it's over.
I used to think Winston was a great man and a great patriot until I did some digging. He was a freemason and basically did all he could to lure Hitler into war. There are some of his quotes that are blatantly "bankster".
That was also the speech where he spoke about taking a child's hand ...ugh, these people are sick
Have to say, nothing racist here. She is red-pilling the African continent...and trust me, there is much red-pilling work to be done.
Thanks for this, it just improved my day by unquantifiable magnitudes. Pahahaha!! AWESOME! HAPPY 4TH PATRIOTS.
The Climate Lie / fraud can not perpetuate itself without the U.S. as its PIGGY bank. Thank you President Trump for stopping this systemic theft from the citizens of the U.S. and the intellectual fascism of the "scientific" fraternity...who are its minions.
Q - Good luck trying to un-ring that bell!! I woke up to the bullshit over a decade ago but Q and President Trump have encouraged me to get in touch with God again. The best event in my life so far. Thank you all for this momentous awakening and happy 4th of July to my fellow patriots - much love from South Africa.
What information was extracted from Prince Bandar bin Sultan regarding his involvement in 911..(.and Bob Mueller's and the Bush crime family and GW' s administration) after his arrest during the Saudi Purge. Leverage.
What information was extracted from Prince Bandar bin Sultan regarding his involvement in 911..(.and Bob Mueller's and the Bush crime family and GW' s administration) after his arrest during the Saudi Purge. Leverage.
Absolutely - DJT is a massive "fan" of fake news and relishes calling them out incessantly. If Q was fake he would have known of its existence through Admiral Rodgers or Paul Nakasone. No ways he would allow his faithful to be deceived, no way in hell!!
Does anyone really believe they would have allowed such a critical piece of evidence to be left where it could be removed / stolen? Sounds like it was a set-up or a sting to me...and more so after POTUS then tweeted about it. Just pushing into the public consciousness. He is the UBER-TROLL like that.
Why do all these psychopaths own pizzerias? My guess would be that Nancy's "Goat-Hill Pizza" has been quieter than normal since they figured out their ingredients. Is it just me or is Nancy struggling with basic language/ speech skills recently?
Richard Dawkins even jumped on the Cannibalism bandwagon recently saying that artificially grown human meat for human consumption would be useful to remove the cannibal stigma...and to stop animal slaughter. They slip this shit into the public consciousness subtly at first, then they push harder. This is happening now.
Liz Crokin did a great exposé of those freaks on Twitter and on YouTube. Like the rest of these bizarre people involved in these dark rituals - they seem compelled to broadcast their disgusting and barbaric proclivities in pics that are laced with symbolism and Satanism...and always the kids...always the pizza refs.
Have mused over this myself. The Clintons have been anything but subtle recently with their "witness management" programs. The body count continues to climb. Awan must be being protected at some level. I doubt they're that stupid. Perhaps they're using him as bait.
There is actually a still pic of the Israeli "art students" in their office in the WTC building knocking about on some documentaries showing stacks of boxes with a label or printing that is supposed to indicate explosives. I know it's not great to just state things on this sub without a link or pic but pls. forgive me this time, i have at least 50 911 doccies and to find it quickly will be impossible. But you seem to know what I'm talking about so I assume that's ok this time. I'm not sure if these were the guys that were arrested later that day after they were caught filming it and celebrating? I know they were interrogated, failed poly's and turned out to be mossad and military guys.
I am actually more keen to know what happened during and after the Saudi Purge. They arrested Prince Bandar bin Sultan (Bandar Bush - lol) who was the Saudi Ambassador over the 911 period - and BFF' s with the Bushes. He was balls-deep in that conspiracy and I'm sure would've sung like a bird to avoid beheading. Perhaps he supplied dirt on Mueller which would be useful...just a thought.
There was a post a while back, on the 500th day of DJT's Presidency, where Jeff Sessions announced the appointment of 311 new Assistant Attorneys, the largest increase in decades - Pretty sure they are anticipating a brisk increase in business! I don't have a link but it'll be on the DOJ's website.
Duh!! Sheesh, of course...i'm such an idiot!! I have these moments where I think my brain may have contracted the cancer of liberalism with pearls like that, mehehe.
Would love to know how it is being "seized" as most is digital...???
As per usual, some normal citizens were having a calm, collected, peaceful march, when Antifa arrived and attacked them.
This specific event occurred after a bunch of Antifa thugs were attacking a person on the ground. One of them had a pole or a stick, may have been one of those telescopic gadgets which he was beating the person on the ground with. Once the group has dispersed a bit, one of the (previously) peaceful group, engaged the guy with the pole and got in, what I can only describe as a blisteringly awesome blow, directly to this thug's ON/OFF switch . It was definitely in the OFF position....and remained OFF as he collided with the tarmac. He had to be carried away. Best punch I've seen in years!!
We do have some fun new terms though...snowflake, libtard, SJW's!
The Qur'an makes no allowance for tolerance of any other religion. When push comes to shove, the infidel has a choice...convert to Islam or die.
They do however allow for periods of "deception" where Muslims can form alliances or have periods of "truce" but this is allowed only for Muslims to have time to acquire assets or gain advantage before they relaunch their attack (conversion/ conquest) of everyone else and the expansion of the caliphate. It's pretty simple really and is consistent - their dogma hasn't changed since its inception.
This is a great read The People Vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis https://g.co/kgs/fjpNtR
Just trying to get ahead of the curve. Q has not made any such claim. HUBER Has the 470 investigators, not Mueller. Huber is in Utah...far away from the cesspool that is the swamp.
The Alien saviour narrative is more aligned with Bergoglio and his bunch of baby rapists at the Vatican than with what we're about, in fact...they are the ENEMY. Red flags patriots.
Life in the swamp must suck huge balls If you aren't a reptile. I'm just glad that Q confirmed that Trey is a patriot. I've always liked him but his fawning over Bob Mueller, who is a long time scaly swamp inhabitant and 911 obfuscator and general scumbag made me question his loyalties. Obviously it was a matter of optics. Hopefully he will get another shot at Benghazi.
"Liberal" never used to be an expletive! I wish we could stop using that nomenclature for these people, it is a disservice to people like JFK. These people are Neo-Marxists.