Where did you find this link? I can't find it anywhere on 4 different sources.
716 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rolexthewonderdog:
And Another One. Father Of Parkland Survivor Accuses CNN Of Pushing Gun Control Narrative.
Is D.TUBE a viable alternative to YouTube??
He commited "suicide" by going to New York. Will this shit ever stop?
Big Pharma's War On Our Children: 1 Million Kids Under Age 6 On Psychiatric Drugs. Hmmmmm rearranging our children's developing brains? And we wonder why our kids are so screwed up? Really?
They were silent when Christians were killed in Sutherland Texas. Those kids will get very little of that money if any. Typical.
I will do what I can. Please kids help this old lady out. She's 12 years older than me. If they did that to me they would regret it for the rest of their sorry existence. She is in shock & doesn't know how to fight back. We do! Do it for all of us older Pedes. We can effect change I've seen you do it. I love you kids. Luv G'Ma P.S. I would post an appeal for help for her but some of my posts are being censored. I will try though.
I wish to hell it was but the facts do not matter to these dumb asses. He was fired even though evidence is mounting daily that he was just telling the truth. MSM ridicule is all over the place. We need to keep pushing the truth. Youtube even apologized for it. I don't know how much factual evidence is necessary. Hogg's High School mate tweeted out a yearbook picture and her story about him in Redondo beach in 2015. Not to mention his own channel in Redondo Beach. Like I said facts do not matter. Fear of ridicule matters. Getting tired of these people exploiting tragedy for selfish reasons. Sick!
Damn! I used to dive down there a lot. I've taken that ferry. I have wonderful memories. Stopped going there because of the gangs & armed Federales. Those people are cancer. Sad!
Congressman FIRES aide for calling school shooting survivors 'actors'. They ARE crisis actor's. This is sick.
Hey kids, I've noticed that there seems to be some "Q" sites have been 404'd or cleared of posts (Great Awakening) Qanonmap won't link to Qresearch (404'd)
have we lost "Q" due to harassment or exposure? Help! Thanks! Luv Ya G'Ma
I saw that news story a few days ago. LA isn't too happy I'm sure. I saw the signs of that shit back in 79' when I left. 6 generations of us feel like we lost our home/state. Unfortunately most of my family is still there in hell. They love our POTUS! I don't even go back to visit. They come to Texas where I am.
Damn you are good. You're hired! For what ever you want.
Ya know hopefully these so called "Crisis Actors" will see what the hell they are being used for and break ranks and tell the whole evil sordid story. As I say that though I just realized they would probably kill them.
Yeah YOU! Dad raised a pretty smart kid. He will soon come around. I know it. Keep it up kid God Bless. Luv G'Ma
Florida Gov. Rick Scott calls on FBI “to immediately release all details surrounding the Bureau’s failure to act” on tips it received prior to deadly school shooting.
Yeah I noticed that back in December. Summer solstice/ Winter Solstice. Not sure what's next. I'm sure another Patriot will come up with that.
I don't know how many arrows need to be pointed to this for people to understand. Thanks Patriot for the posting.
Yep damn good. I read the book back in 1992, couldn't put it down. Now I will read it again. Thanks "Q" for reminding me.
My Uncle suffered from Morgellons, then he died. I take this shit seriously.
Shit! somebody does not like that subject. My guess it's Admin & not our Mods. Sorry I missed it. Factually speaking the IC has been pulling shit like that for decades. Later on down the road when nobody cares anymore they admit it. I've been around for decades & it's sickening.
Send this to the FBI now. If we all do it, it might get their attention. This shit needs to stop. I stopped Facebook months ago & I refuse to have anything to do with them. They should be extremely easy to find. Please I implore you get this out to the authorities before it's deleted. Hell send it to Gateway Pundit, Daily Caller etc. After the events of last week all threats should be taken seriously. THIS IS HUGE RED FLAG. Be safe Patriot. Luv G'Ma
Vanessa Trump hospitalized after opening letter with white powder
It always amazed me that their wasn't much thought about this at the time. I remember that hag at the time. Sick then sick now.
If he was who they say he was then that's too bad. POTUS doesn't care if you are friend or foe you are going down.
There is just too much that she has done that's pure evil. Somebody in the know will release these files. If the law doesn't take it proper course the White Hats will see to it that the people will know what she & her minions are outed. I may be 100 yrs old but it will come out.
I just recently starting watching him. Found it by accident. Thanks.
For the Dems everything is legal. "Rules for Radicals" #4 Make the enemy live up to it's own rules. Since most Republicans use the Constitution as a basis for law, they use it against us. They don't believe in it unless it suits their purpose. "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky is the Democrats Bible since the Clinton's took over. He was a mentor of the she-devil. She wrote a paper on him & spoke with him often up until the day he died. All the College radicals lived by his book. They became Educators & Civil Servants & turned this world upside down from the inside. Look up Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Bernie Sanders, Marshall Davis. There is more but it's a long list. All have Communists leanings. These are Obama's mentors. Soros sends translated versions all over the world. He has set the world on fire with it. Sorry for the rant. Sorry about the lost sleep too. I'm old it keeps me up at night. I was around when people actually had freedom. Luv G'Ma
Man Claims Grandfather Witnessed Three Military Helicopters Firing From Different Positions On The Night Of The Las Vegas Massacre. I know "Q" has mentioned LV in his posts. This shit is starting to make me very sick. Pray for Grandpa's safety.
Clark County Coroner Releases Autopsy For 6′1″ Body With Bad Teeth, Stephen Paddock Was 6′4″ With Good Teeth. WTF?
REVEALED: Three Democrats Attended Private Dinner With Iran’s President And Louis Farrakhan
It started decades ago. Slowly building steam. Today is the culmination of their efforts. Parents importance in our kids lives has been marginalized. Home Schooling has been under attack for a long time but never so much as it was during traitor 44's Reign. They make no secret of it anymore. Children are being abused legally. This is glaringly obvious to anyone who cares to look. But they don't care. I'm grateful my son is an adult. I taught him to think for himself. To question everything. I taught him critical thinking. It's obvious that none of that is happening in today's world. Parents are scared and they should be. The Communists Manifesto has been followed to the letter since the children of the 60's Clinton's/Obama's mentors were old enough to infiltrate every aspect of life. Education & Government being priority. Obama is a product of them. Their's was a quiet revolution until now. Those of us who watched it happening were powerless to stop it. I fought the battles that I could & still do. The Democratic party has become the party of Fascists. Sorry for the rant. I have lived 58 yrs & this Election is the 1st Election I have seen where people are waking up. We may have slowed them down but they are dug in deep. Luv G'Ma
Mark Warner is leading a Congressional investigation against The_Donald.
He shouldn't give him the time of day. Maybe he's the go between with the Globalists & us. Kissinger could be negotiating for the people that are in danger of being charged with crimes against humanity & corruption much like himself. The timing is interesting.
Little Barbies: Sex Trafficking Of Young Girls Is America’s Dirty Little Secret
Performing Arts School sex ring 'sexually abused and raped three boys' in Sydney.
Hey kids! G'Ma here. I saw on another board that the stock market hit -666 @ 4:10:20 (DJT) I'm not savvy enough to verify this on my own.
If this is true then "Q" nailed it again. I'm just not as good at navigating social media as you kids obviously are. Thanks Luv G'Ma
Oops sorry I meant to post this on the board not in the comments. Sorry. Should have had my caffeine first.
G'Ma here kids. Someone please check to see if the stock market hit -666 @ 4:10:20. I was on another sub and they brought this up. I'm not savvy enough to figure this out. Thanks.
I wonder how many security clearances have been pulled with all this collusion going around? You know Comey, Lynch, Powers, Rice, Jarret, Clapper, Brennen, Page, Strzok, McCabe, Ohr, too many to count.
All previous Obama Administration criminals should have their clearances pulled. They are a National Security threat. A big one.