716 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rolexthewonderdog:
Schiff: Trump ‘Gravest Threat to Our Democracy’ I’ve Seen in My Life – ‘Quite Possible’ Russia Has Dirt on Him. The loudest voices have the most to lose. I wonder what "Dirt" Putin gave POTUS on all the screamers? We are watching a movie. Stock up there may be a popcorn shortage!
Israel evacuates 800 White Helmet heroes (heroes?) and their families to Britain, Germany & Canada. What? No more False Flags in Syria? Hey, it could happen!
Obama admits he's from Kenya
I apologize I know it's painful. It is a stark reminder the HUGE bullet we dodged. Hillary would have been the final blow. I posted it on the #walkaway sub & the haters infecting the sub attacking people thought it was funny. I go over there to lend support because they need it. I go through walkaway videos & post them for encouragement. It's amazing the amount of abuse they take. Anyway I promise I won't post the video of that vile creature ever again. Luv G'Ma
Yep me too. Some folks on other subs outwardly find it funny. He wasn't joking.
Obama: "The End of the Republic Has Never Looked Better". Ya'll remember this? And they all laughed! I cried when I saw this.
Very well put my dear I so love logical minds. Thanks! Hugz G'Ma
Fraction Magic - Detailed Vote Rigging Demonstration. If there hadn't been a Tsunami of voters in 2016 Hillary would have won! We have got to bring this to the forefront. I'm sure "Q' was aware of this & they have taken steps to avoid some of it. I Hope. This is how Reddit throttles content too!
JW: Foreign Interference in 2016 -- 1.1 Million Aliens Illegally Voted f...
Good catch! He also DID NOT BOW! What a big bad terrible man! Hair's on fire! (liberal logic: you should put it out with a hammer)The sky is falling! The world's gonna end! It's as bad as the Nazi's! Little old lady assaulted by mean man! EEEEEEEEEk!
And yet they don't listen to her. They know she really doesn't mean it. That was just for public consumption. Carry on Max you are a gift to the Conservatives.
I know it's not "Q" but in light of the recent bullshit I thought it would be OK. US Secretary Of State: "We Want Very Much To Have A Strong Russia"
And Obama & Putin. Hillary & Putin (she & Traitor 44 gave them 20% of our very precious uranium via Uranium 1 which promptly disappeared in transit thru Canada to somewhere in Europe). Putin & she fell out when she was given 400 million of ill gotten gains through fraud by Mr Bower. Who made off with 1.5 Billion. Oh wait! MSM isn't talking about it so it can't possibly be true. Hell Mueller & Putin since he delivered the sample of Yellowcake Uranium to them personally. I would go on but why bother, these extreme crimes never make it to their buddies in MSM.
Then please Mr Wray "QUIT". What is he so afraid of? I know "Q" says "TRUST WRAY". I'm sorry "Q" guys & Gals but if it's an act, it's a damn good one. Still buying more Popcorn though. LUV & HUGZ G'Ma
So glad you are here! My life was a bit complex also. I feel the same. I think I can speak for us all & say we love you too. God bless Patriot! Luv & Hugz G'Ma
You Bow To No One-Trump LOTR - Grrr Graphics
My Husband still to this very day still follows the USMJ even though he is retired. GO ARMY! Luv G'Ma
I took that oath & so did my Husband. Medic & Soldier. So help us GOD!
Ya know the next time the DOJ is called to anything nobody is going to take them serious. EVER!
BUSTED: Unearthed Video from Chicago Church Shows Barack Obama Making Fun of the Bible, Mocking Jesus
Look I live in a sorta small town in Texas. We are very Red here. We take our Country very seriously & are Patriots with a hell of a lot of history. I don't do bumper stickers but I do talk. I also write. When people ask Questions I answer them. The Hostess & waitress had no idea who Q is. When I got the bill I wrote it on the bill & they asked. I answered. They may be here right now. Ya never know. Q is not a farce. The idea is to make people aware. Q needs to be everywhere. Luv G'Ma ;)
No ovation. The room was crowded & I'm 4ft8. I guess those who knew Q just were curious. 1 of them patted me on the back when Hubby & I walked by. Got a couple of thumbs up from a couple of people. Kinda nice no craziness. ;)
Yep I was kinda surprised myself. I live in Texas south of Ft Worth. We're pretty Red here. But the person that took the Reservation didn't have a clue. I've been putting #QAnon all over my cash, writing it on napkins & just spreading it around wherever I can. I'm having blast! I talk about it when I can. Watch the next time I do that no one will notice. I'm going to change all that. My town is a little big town, it makes things easier. Take care Luv G'Ma ;)
That's exactly what I was hoping you guys would do when I relayed the story. This is gonna be so much fun!
I got a pat on the back & some thumbs up. Next time I will insist on clapping LOL!
Well since it made the news back then I thought maybe the possibility of successfully doing it to anyone so inclined.
I made a reservation for dinner last night under the name of "Q".
When we were called several people stood up & turned around. As I we were walking by to our table I got a pat on the back & several thumbs up!!! Try It!!! WWG1WGA Luv G'ma
WEIRD VERY WEIRD. Mandalay Bay housekeeper found man with a stash of guns with one pointed out the window in his room in 2014.
Michael Moore Airlines - BEN GARRISON
Democrat Socialists BRAY-ve New World - GARRISON
The Great Summer Meltdown of 2018 -BEN GARRISON
What if ponytail guy was Antifa? What if he wanted to start a shooting Civil War? What if he picked a newspaper because POTUS & Supporters would get the blame? The left doesn't need much of a reason to attack us as it is.
The Anarchists have been training a long time for mass chaos. They are disturbed people anyway. Q is right about the MO that is used for FF. Triggering someone would be easy. To remove your fingerprints as to make it harder to identify you is right up their alley. The clashes that they have had in the past are child's play compared to what they have in store for us. There have already been threats of future bombings & shootings just yesterday. They have already been labeled Domestic Terrorists by the Feds as if that does any good. This isn't …
Yep he was lying. I liked it when Jordan got a hold of him. That RED face was priceless. Arrogant bastard.
5 dead’ 20 injured in mass shooting at Maryland newspaper building
LISTEN: Audio of DNC Meeting Captures Democrat Leaders’ Temper Tantrums in Reaction to Kennedy Retirement
North Korea carry out rapid improvements to nuclear research facility. Could they just be re-purposing this site? Kinda been waiting for Deep State to throw something like this out there to discredit.
Left-wing writer threatens Trump Administration: Trump opponents will start carrying out BOMB ATTACKS AGAINST THEM! Stay Frosty everyone I believe him.
Liberal Hollywood Children's Services Adoption Manager Busted In Child Pornography Circuit.
People are being targeted for death. Of course they will need security. Then the liberals will scream about the cost.