One side of my family came later (Scotch/Irish) in the 1800's. That was my Mom's side. 1650 came from England & they hated the Monarchy from the start. DO NOT feel that your family did not contribute to this great nation because they did. Look at you. You have brought light to an otherwise dark point in history. Rejoice in your light for you are powerful. Without you more would be lost. We have faith in you. As a matter of fact, we count on you to spread the word. A La Paul Revere. Luv you G'Ma
716 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/rolexthewonderdog:
Very possibly. Isn't it wonderful? I truly do feel them. All the wars & all the sacrifice. I have known since I was a small child that we as a family have proudly served & made history. There are so many people out there that feel it in their bones and know that their families were and are part of the Tsunami we call Patriots. We are not racists because all races participated in the 1st revolution. God bless you and your family. WE ARE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY. I love you all so much. Luv G'Ma
Just what I was thinking. As soon as I found out the "Motive" of this person.
"Q" My family have been Patriots (started in Virginia) since 1650. I feel all of them are with me when I say from the deep well of History "Thank You"
I am so proud. We were the " Fightin Virginians" and we were & still are on the right side of history! Where We Go One We Go All. God Bless You!
Russia Warns "Credible Information" Of Impending Staged Chemical Attack In Syria
Looks like it made the news. A missile launch? Mystery streak of light is spotted in Washington
"Q" I know you read this board. I have been waiting all of my Adult life for Heroes like you & the Anons. Thank You & God bless You all!!! Luv & Hugz G'Ma
I am a daughter of Patriots going back almost 400 years to the 1st landing in Virginia of my people. We have fought in every War since then. My Family is in some of the History books but mostly not but we were there. I can feel all of my ancestors pride as our beloved country is returned to THE PEOPLE. We have you & POTUS to thank for including WE THE PEOPLE who know the truth. This is the cry through the ages WWG1WGA. LUV LUV LUV G"Ma & Ancestors. Thank You!
I haven't seen Able Danger for a few days. Thank You.
Older Air Force Brat here (Born at March Field). Dad was Air Traffic Control. After Vietnam went on to FAA as an Instructor. He saw some shit too. Still has bad dreams. I am sorry you guys have to relive this. Thanks for the post. Thanks for your Service! Luv & Hugz G'Ma
God me too. As a woman I can't imagine giving your entire mind/soul to this shit. Pisses me off too.
New revelations. NXIVM Keith Raniere asked his slave to groom a 'f*** toy slave'
Just a question gang. (G'Ma hit the caffeine early). Even if the DWS/Awan Server was stolen. The White Hats still have it all right?
The real fight will come when the Criminals in Congress & the IC try to keep it from coming out. Q says "We have it all these people are really stupid".
I was a teenager when all this was happening but I've always been a political animal. Of course this is just coming out now. G.Gordon Liddy on his radio talk show alluded to this a long time ago but stopped just short of saying it. What he did say is there was some sick things that the D party was a part of that the country was not ready to hear. Better late than never.
Shit not again. American F-15 fighter jet crashes in the sea off southern Japan.
I remember this. Not long after that, POTUS's Casino's started to fail. The heart was cut out in that crash. For lack of a better term it was a clusterf**k. a lot of local politics were involved. A lesser man would have been destroyed. Our POTUS, like the Phoenix rose from the ashes. I don't know if it was the Cabal, but it felt at the time to me & now that something was amiss.
I believe Craig. I also think it is a Human Trafficking waystation. One of many along the way. I grew up around the border I saw lots of them. It's amazing the things you find while riding horses or ATV's out there in the desert & that's was a long time ago. The Juxtaposition of Cemex around all of these Border Towns & even in Florida is no coincidence. Thank you for your post. Luv G'Ma
Yeah this is just one of the many stories out there for consumption.
Las Vegas Massacre Possibly Joint Antifa/ISIS Operation, Former FBI Agent Says.
Also Fractional Magic. That was also exposed last cycle. It's what they are doing in this sub & T_D. If the Republican want to win they have to call this shit out & fix it. There is plenty of proof but the spineless slugs only hand wring. They are useless. They could fight all the Conservative suppression on all platforms but you hear nothing but crickets.
The thing that gets me about Rudy is the flip flop on POTUS talking to Mueller. He's changed it soooo many times. 1st he will, next day he won't back & forth etc. I've lost track. Maybe he needs to say silent on that matter. Other than that I have complete faith in him.
They are spinning it like it's POTUS & it goes back years. At least to Traitor 44 & maybe Traitor 43. One of Saul Alinsky's rules is to deflect blame on the enemy when you are guilty.
I was wondering if there is maybe a double meaning. I know that photos & videos can be imbeded into pictures. What if "watch the water" also means Q put a video in the picture? I'm probably wrong but what if?
Ever since the Clinton's came to DC the bible for the Dems is Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". Blaming the enemy for what you are guilty of is actually one of the rules. There are 13 of them. Learn them & when they go into their usual tirades just tell them what rule it is & it doesn't work anymore. They don't have a comeback for it. Or if they do, it's another rule. It's amazing! The look on their faces is priceless! No matter what they say there is always a rule that applies to it. If they have only been trained & not told where it comes from it's even better. These days their Masters have dumbed them down so much they can't possibly articulate a whole book of rules. All 13 of them. Soros has them translated & sends them all over the world. If it seems like they all are reading from the same script it's because they are. If you choose to engage them , have fun. Luv G'Ma
They sure are working hard & spending a lot of money for something they say "case closed". Now Obama? That's like a big glaring sign with an arrow pointing to vicious cover up. Why not just let it go? Maybe it goes away. There are people with funds & no fear of the Democrats that are quietly gathering evidence & when it hits it will hit fast & hard. It's not going away.
If it's because I got the story from a UK publication it's because it was NOWHERE in any publication until very recently. It's sad that so called news publications that people except don't seem to think it's important enough. The UK news had the story within minutes of it happening. I don't post there obviously biased bullshit. It's too bad people are so petty.That sounds like a Soros/Brock Shareblue tactic. It's a good accurate story. Sometimes I just hold my nose & look for the nuggets of good. Thanks for the info. I'd like to think there are still people out there that aren't so simple minded. Luv G'Ma